View Full Version : SQL Help

10-05-2014, 16:43
I'm trying to figure out how to use SQL.
I built this code to try understand the basics:
#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "New Plugin",
author = "Gior",
description = "<- Description ->",
version = "1.0",
url = "<- URL ->"


public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_sqlmsg", SQLMessage)
RegConsoleCmd("sm_getsqlmsg", GetSQLMessage)


new String:Error[255]
new Handle:kv
kv = CreateKeyValues("")
KvSetString(kv, "driver", "sqlite")
KvSetString(kv, "database", "sql_test")

DB = SQL_ConnectCustom(kv, Error, sizeof(Error), true)

SetFailState("The Error: %s", Error)

SQL_Query(DB, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sql_test (steamid TEXT, msg TEXT)")

public Action:SQLMessage(id, args)
if(args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(id, "Usage: sm_sqlmsg <msg>")
return Plugin_Handled

new String:msg[200];
new String:ArgPart[200]
new numArgs = GetCmdArgs()

for (new arg = 1; arg <= numArgs; arg++)
GetCmdArg(arg, ArgPart, sizeof(ArgPart));
Format(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s %s", msg, ArgPart);

new String:steamid[32]
new String:buffer[300]

GetClientAuthString(id, steamid, 32)

Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "SELECT msg FROM sql_test WHERE steamid = '%s'", steamid)

new Handle:QueryH = SQL_Query(DB, buffer)

new iRowCount = SQL_GetRowCount(QueryH)

if(iRowCount > 0)
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "INSERT INTO sql_test VALUES ('%s', '%s')", steamid, msg )
SQL_Query(DB, buffer)
PrintToChat(id, "Message: %s", msg)
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "UPDATE sql_test VALUES ('%s', '%s')", steamid, msg )
SQL_Query(DB, buffer)
PrintToChat(id, "Message: %s", msg)

return Plugin_Handled

public Action:GetSQLMessage(id, args)
new String:query[200]
new String:steamid[32]
new String:msg[100]

GetClientAuthString(id, steamid, sizeof(steamid), true)

Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT msg FROM sql_test WHERE steamid = '%s'", steamid)

new Handle:QueryH = SQL_Query(DB, query)

SQL_FetchString(QueryH, 0, msg, sizeof(msg))
PrintToChat(id, "Your Message is: %s", msg)
new String:Error[250]
SQL_GetError(QueryH, Error, sizeof(Error))
PrintToChat(id, "SQL Error: %s", Error)

return Plugin_Handled

When I use the command "sm_sqlmsg" for the first time (since the SQL file was created), The message is saved, But when I am trying to change the message, It stays the same.
Can someone help me fix the problem?

Thanks in Advance. :)

10-05-2014, 18:00
I believe you need a where clause to find the old message.
EX(for mysql, should work for sql lite): Say you have a message "HI!" in already, but you want it as "Hello!", you do this: UPDATE <Table name here> SET `<column name here>` = '<new value here>' WHERE `<same column name here>` = '<old value here>';
So for my example, it'll be: UPDATE sql_test SET `msg` = 'Hello!' WHERE `msg` = 'HI!';

10-05-2014, 19:18
Your main problem is in here:

if(iRowCount > 0)

Basically, what you're saying in here is "if iRowCount is greater than 0", then insert new record. If it's not - update.

You want to make it other way-round.

And your second mistake is on your update query. Replace it with this:
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "UPDATE sql_test SET msg = '%s' WHERE steamid = '%s'", msg, steamid);

10-06-2014, 07:07
I believe you need a where clause to find the old message.
EX(for mysql, should work for sql lite): Say you have a message "HI!" in already, but you want it as "Hello!", you do this: UPDATE <Table name here> SET `<column name here>` = '<new value here>' WHERE `<same column name here>` = '<old value here>';
So for my example, it'll be: UPDATE sql_test SET `msg` = 'Hello!' WHERE `msg` = 'HI!';

Your main problem is in here:

if(iRowCount > 0)

Basically, what you're saying in here is "if iRowCount is greater than 0", then insert new record. If it's not - update.

You want to make it other way-round.

And your second mistake is on your update query. Replace it with this:
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "UPDATE sql_test SET msg = '%s' WHERE steamid = '%s'", msg, steamid);

Thank You, It Works! :)