View Full Version : Hero: V for Vendetta

03-12-2014, 16:47
V for Vendetta

Get's the usual; HP, AP and speed. Also gets evasion based on cvar along with new model for knife and player.


//V for Vendetta
vendetta_level 0 //Level for this hero
vendetta_health 700 //Health vendetta gives
vendetta_armor 4500 //Armor vendetta gives
vendetta_speed 1350 //Speed vendetta gives
vendetta_evasionchance 38 //percentage of chance vendetta have to evade a shot

Requested by martop5hng (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=247053) here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236654

This was a request which I normally do not do anymore. The hero is quite poorly coded as it is using inefficient functions but I am very rusty and don't have to time to look everything up.
Throwing knife has not been added. I need to look at how G-Dog did it in his Squall Hero since I have never done that before. Time is short for now so just posting this without, might update later.

Update history:
1.0 Initial release

03-15-2014, 07:29
Jelle you're the best !