View Full Version : Dota 2 Dedicated Servers

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03-08-2014, 14:44
It is now possible to run dedicated servers for Dota 2 on all platforms: Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.


To get started, download Dota 2 using the Steam client or SteamCMD (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD) with appid 570. For SteamCMD, you will have to login to an existing Steam account since it is not available when logging in anonymously.

For Mac OS X, follow the Linux instructions for SteamCMD usage. The Mac OS X build of SteamCMD can be downloaded here (http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steamcmd_osx.tar.gz).

Next, download the appropriate attachment below for the OS on which you wish to run a server. Extract the files into your Dota 2 install directory. Note that this will overwrite the dedicated.so or dedicated.dylib file on Linux or OS X.

By default, the install directory will be one of the following:

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta
Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta
Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta

For Linux, if you don't have the Steam client installed, you will also need to download the Steam runtime (http://media.steampowered.com/client/runtime/steam-runtime-release_latest.tar.xz) and extract it into your home directory.

For both Linux and Mac OS X, if you don't have the Steam client installed, you will need to still obtain the steamclient binaries from a Steam client install for your OS and copy them to the bin directory of your Dota 2 install. This includes crashhandler, steamclient, libsteam, libtier0_s, and libvstdlib_s. On Linux, these files have a .so extension and can be found in ~/.steam/bin32. On OS X, they have a .dylib extension and can be found in /Applications/Steam.app/Contents/MacOS/osx32. From /Applications/Steam.app/Contents/MacOS, you will also need to copy the Frameworks directory to your server's install directory (NOT bin).

Before you run the server, it is highly recommended that you also install the latest snapshot (http://www.metamodsource.net/snapshots) of Metamod:Source and the Dota 2 Fixups (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=209965) plugin in order to fix a number of issues. Note that you must edit the gameinfo.txt file in the "dota" subdirectory in order to install Metamod:Source. For more details on this install method, see the documentation here (https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Installing_Metamod:Source#GameInfo). (If you chose to use a Steam client install from which you also play the game, you will need to remove the gameinfo edit before launching the Dota client.)

Running the Server

After installing the necessary files, running the server is easy if you've ever run Source servers before. Open a terminal program (or the command prompt on Windows) and navigate to the directory containing your Dota 2 installation. Then run the following command depending on which OS you are using:

Windows: srcds.exe -console -game dota +map dota
Linux: ~/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -game dota +map dota
Mac OS X: ./srcds_run -game dota +map dota

Additional command line options, such as -port <port number> and -ip <ip address>, may also be added as needed.

If on Linux and using the copy of steam-runtime shipped with the Steam client, its default path is ~/.steam/bin32/steam-runtime.

Special thanks to psychonic (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=37514) for testing this on Linux and for creating the Dota 2 Fixups plugin!

03-10-2014, 03:48
what I need to edit in gameinfo.txt ?
when I start the server it shuts down
srcds.exe -console -game dota +map dota +ip x.x.x.x -port xxxxx

game "DOTA 2"
gamelogo 1
type multiplayer_only
nomodels 1
nohimodel 1
nocrosshair 0
GameData "dota.fgd"
SupportsDX8 0

SteamAppId 816 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor, etc.

// The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
// 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>\bin
// 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
// For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it.
// 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
// 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

// Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
// |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
// We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
// people can mount stuff in c:\mymod, and the main game resources are in
// someplace like c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\<username>\half-life 2.
Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game platform

03-10-2014, 10:14
what I need to edit in gameinfo.txt ?

The SearchPaths sections should look like this after you add the GameBin line documented here, https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Installing_Metamod:Source#GameInfo

GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin
Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game platform

03-10-2014, 19:31
Alright!!! So there's a lot of confusion on here and elsewhere on how to run a Dota 2 server of your own, here's a complete(hopefully) rundown:

What you need:
steamcmd (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Downloading_SteamCMD)
The latest Metamod:Source 1.11 Snapshot (http://sourcemm.net/snapshots).
The latest download of d2fixups. (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=209965)

You'll use steamcmd to install and maintain your Dota installation. Follow these instructions (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Running_SteamCMD) using Dota's appid of 570. So, when you see commands like:
app_update 740 validateKnow that the Dota equivalent is:
app_update 570 validateI'll refer to the root of your steamcmd install as "dotaserver"

You'll need a compatible srcds executable for your platform. Get it from DS's original post in this thread above. Extract it into "/dotaserver/", putting the core files (e.g. srcds_linux, srcds.exe) alongside your Dota exectuable.

Open up your steamcmd install to the (dotaserver/dota) directory.
Metamod:Source goes inside your addons folder. If you look inside of the .rar, you'll see an "addons" folder. This means that it's meant to be merged with your existing addons folder, so drop it inside of dotaserver/dota directly.
d2fixups is the same way. After extracting MM:S, extract d2fixups just like that.

To get Metamod:Source to load, you need to edit gameinfo.txt in (dotaserver/dota) as per the instruction in this article under "GameInfo (https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Installing_Metamod:Source#Gameinfo)".

Launching srcds
You'll need to run the program with certain parameters. DS's original post brushes over the specifics of executing SRCDS on your platform.

-game dota -consoleSub-Mandatory:
-port <port> -ip <computersLANIP> Helpful:
+map <mapname> -maxplayers 10 +developer <0/1/2>

Network and General Configuration in Windows
In Windows, I like creating a shortcut and editing its "target". This involves creating a shortcut to srcds.exe, opening Right click-> Properties, and adding your parameters after the final quotation mark in the Target: field. You'll need these, for sure:
-console -game dota +map dota -maxplayers 10 -port <yourchosenport> -ip <computersLANIP>
So, my Target: field looks something like this:
"C:\dotaserver\srcds.exe" -console -game dota -port 3003 -ip -maxplayers 10

For -ip, input your computer's LAN address. Windows users can find out how here:

Pick any available port for -port. Keep in mind that in addition to any typical networking considerations (firewalls, etc.), if you want to make your server joinable over the network, you need to forward your chosen port. Find your router on this list (http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm)., and pick a guide for any game. Then, just apply the instructions given, but for whatever port you've chosen.

Connecting and Playing
To connect clients must enter

connect ip:port

into their Dota console, example:


When greeted with a darkened overview of the map, you need only to join a team.

jointeam good

jointeam bad

To skip the Waiting For Players stage, set the following cvar:

dota_wait_for_players_to_load 1

where the integer is the number of players to wait for before entering Pick.

03-14-2014, 03:18
Thanks a lot for this. It's really cool :up:
Actually, I have some problems running the server.
After installing and configuring the server according above instructions, I run it.
But it writes:
********************************************* ***
* Unable to load Steam support library. *
* This server will operate in LAN mode only. *
********************************************* ***

How to fix this???

How to use Sourcemod (http://www.sourcemod.net/snapshots.php) for this server?

03-14-2014, 08:34
Thanks a lot for this. It's really cool :up:
Actually, I have some problems running the server.
After installing and configuring the server according above instructions, I run it.
But it writes:
********************************************* ***
* Unable to load Steam support library. *
* This server will operate in LAN mode only. *
********************************************* ***

How to fix this???
Oops! There is an extra step required if you do not have the Steam client installed. I've updated the first post with it.

For both Mac and Linux, if you don't have the Steam client installed, you will need to still obtain the steamclient binaries from a Steam client install for your OS and copy them to bin directory of your Dota 2 install. This includes steamclient, libsteam, libtier0_s, and libvstdlib_s. On Mac, they have a .dylib extension and can be found in /Applications/Steam.app/Contents/MacOS/osx32. On Linux, they have a .so extension and can be found in ~/.steam/bin32.

How to use Sourcemod (http://www.sourcemod.net/snapshots.php) for this server?
Same as on Windows - just grab a Linux snapshot from the download page instead of a Windows snapshot.

03-14-2014, 09:37
For both Mac and Linux, if you don't have the Steam client installed, you will need to still obtain the steamclient binaries from a Steam client install for your OS and copy them to bin directory of your Dota 2 install. This includes steamclient, libsteam, libtier0_s, and libvstdlib_s. On Mac, they have a .dylib extension and can be found in /Applications/Steam.app/Contents/MacOS/osx32. On Linux, they have a .so extension and can be found in ~/.steam/bin32.
This helped. Solved the issue. Thanks a lot.

Same as on Windows - just grab a Linux snapshot from the download page instead of a Windows snapshot.
For Sourcemod: it isn't loaded.
the result of "meta list" is
Listing 2 plugins:
[01] <ERROR>
[02] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.0) by Nicholas Hastings

03-14-2014, 09:39
For Sourcemod: it isn't loaded.
the result of "meta list" is
Listing 2 plugins:
[01] <ERROR>
[02] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.0) by Nicholas Hastings
What prints if you type this in console:
meta load addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm

03-14-2014, 09:57
What prints if you type this in console:
meta load addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm

Failed to load plugin addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm (/home/user/dota2/dota/addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm_i486.so: undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE).

SM_version: 1.6.0-hg4283

03-14-2014, 10:28
What prints if you type this in console:
meta load addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm

The same error message for SM version 1.6.0-hg4284

03-14-2014, 13:07
Failed to load plugin addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm (/home/user/dota2/dota/addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm_i486.so: undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE).

SM_version: 1.6.0-hg4283
DS will have to fix this properly when he has time available.

In the meantime, try replacing your srcds_linux with this one, <removed link since first post has now been updated with new bins>

03-14-2014, 13:18
I have a error :

user:~$ ~/steam-runtime/run.sh /home/user/OGP_User_Files/Dota2/./srcds_run -game dota +map dota
/bin/bash: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /home/user/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5)

I have Debian Wheezy and packet is not a stable. In stable is libc6 2.13.

03-14-2014, 13:21
I have a error :

user:~$ ~/steam-runtime/run.sh /home/user/OGP_User_Files/Dota2/./srcds_run -game dota +map dota
/bin/bash: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /home/user/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5)
I have Debian Wheezy and packet is not a stable. In stable is libc6 2.13.
The Dota 2 binaries require a newer GLIBC version than Debian 7 ships. CentOS has the same issue. (Although it does run on the latest Ubuntu LTS, 12.04).

A workaround is to copy the libc.so.6 (and libm.so.6) from a newer distribution into your Dota 2 directory (next to srcds_linux).

03-14-2014, 16:21
I've updated the first post with a new srcds binary for Linux.

It should fix the undefined symbol error mentioned earlier. It should also fix another symbol error that occurs when attempting to load the clientprefs extension for SourceMod.

03-15-2014, 02:42
The first post has been updated once again with a new dedicated binary for Linux and Mac OS X. This fixes an issue where VScript files couldn't be run and some custom game modes wouldn't work as a result.

03-15-2014, 10:29
Everything works fine.

Thank you guys. :up:

03-18-2014, 09:17
Server runs fine. But when me and my friend play on it, it crashes after a short time when game is in progress.
It writes the following on server console:
/home/user/dota2/srcds_run: line 356: 2870 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD

warning: exec file is newer than core file.

warning: Error reading shared library list entry at 0xfc938b00

warning: Error reading shared library list entry at 0xc3c95b58
warning: Error reading shared library list entry at 0xfc938b00
warning: Error reading shared library list entry at 0xc3c95b58
debug.cmds:5: Error in sourced command file:
No function contains program counter for selected frame.
Post about crashes or other issues at forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=158240

*******: Server restart in 10 seconds

The url is for Mac OS X Dedicated Servers, I'm running on Linux.

sm version: SourceMod Version Information:
SourceMod Version: 1.6.0-dev+4284
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.2, jit-x86 (build 1.6.0-dev+4284)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 6
Compiled on: Mar 6 2014 19:41:31
Build ID: 4284:ffbdeec249d9
meta version:Metamod:Source version 1.11.0-dev
Build ID: 907:5e7cfd30f942-dev
Loaded As: GameDLL (gameinfo.txt)
Compiled on: Mar 10 2014
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5
meta list:Listing 3 plugins:
[01] SourceMod (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
[02] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.0) by Nicholas Hastings
[03] SDK Tools (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
sm plugins list:[SM] Listing 17 plugins:
01 "Admin Help" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Player Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Basic Chat" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Basic Comm Control" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
05 "Basic Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
06 "Admin File Reader" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Fun Votes" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "Anti-Flood" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Fun Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Sound Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Admin Menu" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
14 Disabled: "Nextmap" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "Basic Votes" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
16 "Reserved Slots" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
17 "Client Preferences" (1.6.0-dev+4284) by AlliedModders LLC
sm exts list:[SM] Displaying 7 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.6.0-dev+4284): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.6.0-dev+4284): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] SDK Tools (1.6.0-dev+4284): Source SDK Tools
[04] BinTools (1.6.0-dev+4284): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] Top Menus (1.6.0-dev+4284): Creates sorted nested menus
[06] Client Preferences (1.6.0-dev+4284): Saves client preference settings
[07] SQLite (1.6.0-dev+4284): SQLite Driver

I've opened a new thread about it. But when I saw the url for posting crashes I thought that it is mostly related to this topic.

03-26-2014, 10:45
Good, i can play dota 2 Lan in offline mode. but, how to fill the empty slot with bots?

I usually use "dota_start_ai_game 1"

then, this message appear

Can't change replicated ConVar dota_start_ai_game from console of client, only server operator can change its value

how to fill the empty slot with bots?

04-02-2014, 05:17
i use mac os. whenever i try to launch srcds_run on termainal using the command " .../srcds_run -game dota +map dota " an error message follows stating
"ERROR: Invalid game type 'dota' sepecified.
Wed Apr 2 14:46:43 IST 2014: Server Failed"

04-04-2014, 23:57
Good, i can play dota 2 Lan in offline mode. but, how to fill the empty slot with bots?

I usually use "dota_start_ai_game 1"

then, this message appear

Can't change replicated ConVar dota_start_ai_game from console of client, only server operator can change its value

how to fill the empty slot with bots?


This message

Can't change replicated ConVar dota_start_ai_game from console of client, only server operator can change its value

means you need to input commands in your server window, not your Dota 2 game client

04-06-2014, 15:00
Aside from our crashes due to cosmetics on Linux, I'm having another issue now... The server seems to shutdown whenever someone disconnects, for example, if I fail to connect (like I don't have the map or something), the server instantly closes. Same thing if someone disconnects halfway through.

I'm running metamod and sourcemod, as well as d2fixups. I'm not sure what would cause this. The server log just says someone disconnected, and then immediately ends.

04-06-2014, 15:01
Aside from our crashes due to cosmetics on Linux, I'm having another issue now... The server seems to shutdown whenever someone disconnects, for example, if I fail to connect (like I don't have the map or something), the server instantly closes. Same thing if someone disconnects halfway through.

I'm running metamod and sourcemod, as well as d2fixups. I'm not sure what would cause this. The server log just says someone disconnected, and then immediately ends.
That's a known issue with SourceMod on Dota right now (as of a few Dota updates ago), at least on Windows servers.

04-06-2014, 15:18
That's a known issue with SourceMod on Dota right now (as of a few Dota updates ago), at least on Windows servers.

Psy this is also Quantum on Steam, glad to see you're still looking at this thread.

I'm having trouble connecting to the server on three windows servers right now, I'm not quite sure why as if I launch the Alien Swarm style setup on the server it works fine, but using the same port in this version I can't connect. This is strange as I can connect to it on my local server.

The setups are exactly the same on every server as I have an exe setting everything up. Any ideas why I wouldn't be able to connect?

Also, does RCON use TCP or UDP in this? Which is better? Do I need the rcon handshake?

04-06-2014, 17:09
That's a known issue with SourceMod on Dota right now (as of a few Dota updates ago), at least on Windows servers.
This should now be fixed in SM 1.6.0-hg4312 and later snapshots.

04-13-2014, 05:21
So, I followed these guides:
http://www.reddit.com/r/Dota2Modding/comments/1ueg70/custom_gamemodes_how_to_play_frota_host_your_ own/[2]
But whatever I do, I can't get it to work. I run srcds.exe via the command line and the shortcut but each way it just closes after few seconds.
Here's how my folders look:
http://imgur.com/a/MgOyl#0 [4]
Any idea what could be going wrong?
Here's some log file i dug up:
---- Host_NewGame ----
material "nodraw" not found.
Missing map material: nodraw
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
Host_NewGame on map riverofsouls
ConVarRef r_flashoverbudget doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Error, bad server command snd_reload_caches
Executing dedicated server config file
Set Gravity 800.0 (0.250 tolerance)
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_custom.txt [66 total, 7 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl1.mdl!
error.mdl : material "models/error/new light1" not found.
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl2.mdl!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_lamp"!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_destroy_lvl3"!
Can't find soundscape: radiant_center
Dynamic prop prop_dynamic_clientside: no sequence named:Secretshop_radiant_idle
Invalid file size for motd.txt
Invalid file size for host.txt
Created class baseline: 27 classes, 18030 bytes.
CGameEventManager:: unknown type 'uint32' for key 'accountID' [player_info_updated].
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Error, bad server command snd_reload_caches
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1454 sounds

04-13-2014, 09:15
So, I followed these guides:
http://www.reddit.com/r/Dota2Modding/comments/1ueg70/custom_gamemodes_how_to_play_frota_host_your_ own/[2]
But whatever I do, I can't get it to work. I run srcds.exe via the command line and the shortcut but each way it just closes after few seconds.
Here's how my folders look:
http://imgur.com/a/MgOyl#0 [4]
Any idea what could be going wrong?
Here's some log file i dug up:
---- Host_NewGame ----
material "nodraw" not found.
Missing map material: nodraw
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
Host_NewGame on map riverofsouls
ConVarRef r_flashoverbudget doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Error, bad server command snd_reload_caches
Executing dedicated server config file
Set Gravity 800.0 (0.250 tolerance)
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_custom.txt [66 total, 7 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl1.mdl!
error.mdl : material "models/error/new light1" not found.
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl2.mdl!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_lamp"!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_destroy_lvl3"!
Can't find soundscape: radiant_center
Dynamic prop prop_dynamic_clientside: no sequence named:Secretshop_radiant_idle
Invalid file size for motd.txt
Invalid file size for host.txt
Created class baseline: 27 classes, 18030 bytes.
CGameEventManager:: unknown type 'uint32' for key 'accountID' [player_info_updated].
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Error, bad server command snd_reload_caches
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1454 sounds
It looks like D2Fixups isn't loaded, possibly from MM:S not being loaded or installed.

04-13-2014, 10:05
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to setup an offline dota 2 server for a lan party (completly without internet), metamod and the d2fixups are installed, but if i'm trying to host a new game over typing 'map dota' the server kills itself without giving an error or something else. Any ideas about what I can do?

#Console initialized.
#Adding VPK file: D:\servers\d2server\dota\sound_vo_english
#Adding VPK file: D:\servers\d2server\dota\pak01
#Adding VPK file: D:\servers\d2server\platform\pak01
#Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library server.dll#Game.dll loaded for "Dota 2"
[D2Fixups] Warning: Failed to setup Test Clint shutdown patch.
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camer_listening_offset"

meta version
Metamod:Source version 1.10.1-dev
Build ID: 863:40f95b364a37-dev
Loaded As: GameDLL (gameinfo.txt)
Compiled on: Aug 25 2013
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5

meta list
Listing 1 plugin:
[01] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.1) by Nicholas Hastings

04-22-2014, 10:32
Server runs fine. But when me and my friend play on it, it crashes after a short time when game is in progress.

Is there any news about this issue?

04-22-2014, 11:05
Is there any news about this issue?
There is an issue with Linux servers causing it to crash in some bone/animation logic. It is difficult to debug and not the fault of any plugins.

04-22-2014, 15:04
What are the possible causes of this message? The server shuts itself down afterwards.

********************************************* ***
* Unable to load Steam support library. *
* This server will operate in LAN mode only. *
********************************************* ***

I am running on Windows and MM:S and D2Fixups are loading properly.

04-22-2014, 18:38
What are the possible causes of this message? The server shuts itself down afterwards.

********************************************* ***
* Unable to load Steam support library. *
* This server will operate in LAN mode only. *
********************************************* ***I am running on Windows and MM:S and D2Fixups are loading properly.
That can happen if you have the Steam client installed on the server and it is out of date (whether it is running or not).

04-22-2014, 18:50
That can happen if you have the Steam client installed on the server and it is out of date (whether it is running or not).

Hmm, I tried updating the server files using app_update 570 validate in SteamCMD. I don't know if that is what I'm supposed to do but it made no difference.

04-22-2014, 18:51
Hmm, I tried updating the server files using app_update 570 validate in SteamCMD. I don't know if that is what I'm supposed to do but it made no difference.
Not the game server, but the Steam client.

04-22-2014, 19:00
Not the game server, but the Steam client.

Yes, I'm sure that my Steam client is up to date. Are there any other possible reasons?

04-29-2014, 03:49
Tryed these instructions. Server seems run fine, but i can't connect. Whats wrong with him?
Ubuntu 14.04

root@udota:/ext/games/dota2# ./run.sh ./srcds_run -debug -game dota +map dota

************** WARNING ***************
Running the dedicated server as root
is highly discouraged. It is generally
unnecessary to use root privileges to
execute the dedicated server.

The server will continue to launch in 10 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 9 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 8 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 7 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 6 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 5 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 4 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 3 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 2 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 1 seconds\rAuto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using breakpad minidump system
Using breakpad crash handler
Adding VPK file: /ext/games/dota2/dota/pak01
Adding VPK file: /ext/games/dota2/platform/pak01
Did not detect any valid joysticks.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartScript and Test_StartScript because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_RandomChance and Test_RandomChance because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopForNumSeconds and Test_LoopForNumSeconds because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_Loop and Test_Loop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopCount and Test_LoopCount because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartLoop and Test_StartLoop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_flags and log_flags because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_color and log_color because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_verbosity and log_verbosity because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_level and log_level because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_dumpchannels and log_dumpchannels because one or more is a ConCommand.

Console initialized.
Adding VPK file: /ext/games/dota2/dota/sound_vo_english
Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library serverGame.dll loaded for "Dota 2"
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
---- Host_NewGame ----
Host_NewGame on map dota
Executing dedicated server config file
Failed to load addons\\scripts\maps\.txt!
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 570
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Server is hibernating
S3: Client connected with invalid ticket: UserID: 2
Could not establish connection to Steam servers.
S3: Client connected with invalid ticket: UserID: 2
S3: Client connected with invalid ticket: UserID: 2
S3: Client connected with invalid ticket: UserID: 2
S3: Client connected with invalid ticket: UserID: 2

And client with revemu

] connect
NotifyClientSignon: 1
Connecting to public( ...
35.389: Sending UDP connect to public IP

Disconnect: STEAM validation rejected

NotifyClientSignon: 0

04-29-2014, 09:07
Get rid of the revemu no-steam garbage and it will work.

04-29-2014, 13:00
Hello there, let me introduce myself quickly. I'm a french dota 2 player and I'm having a LAN-party soon with some friends.
Of course, your tutorial to run a DotA 2 dedicated server is the best thing I've ever crossed on the Internet for a while, because I really want to play this game offline with no internet connection !
So, having some troubles I've just registered to this forum. First of all, a big thank you for your work !

So here's my trouble : I have installed the server following the guide step by step, and since i work in ITs I have no real problem to understand what I'm doing.

When I launch the server, it seems to be stable, but when I use the command "map dota", there are some error messages :


I don't know what the path \\scripts\maps\.txt refers to. And why can't i exec server.cfg ?

Thank you for your further help.

04-29-2014, 13:04
Hello there, let me introduce myself quickly. I'm a french dota 2 player and I'm having a LAN-party soon with some friends.
Of course, your tutorial to run a DotA 2 dedicated server is the best thing I've ever crossed on the Internet for a while, because I really want to play this game offline with no internet connection !
So, having some troubles I've just registered to this forum. First of all, a big thank you for your work !

So here's my trouble : I have installed the server following the guide step by step, and since i work in ITs I have no real problem to understand what I'm doing.

When I launch the server, it seems to be stable, but when I use the command "map dota", there are some error messages :


I don't know what the path \\scripts\maps\.txt refers to. And why can't i exec server.cfg ?

Thank you for your further help.
If you want it to strictly be a lan server, you will need to add +sv_lan 1 to the launch options.

You can ignore the "\\scripts\maps\.txt" message, and not being able to exec server.cfg is normal if you don't have one (which is fine).

04-29-2014, 13:37
Hello Psychonic, thank you for answering so fast ! Unfortunately, your tip doesn't seem to fix my problem.

Here are some detailed screenshots of my procedure to run it :


04-29-2014, 15:10
Hello Psychonic, thank you for answering so fast ! Unfortunately, your tip doesn't seem to fix my problem.

Here are some detailed screenshots of my procedure to run it :

If you are trying to connect to it from the same computer running the server, you need to change your game's clientport by adding +clientport <port> to your game launch options in Steam. Set it to something unused, and not 27005 (the default).

04-30-2014, 02:42
Hello Psychonic,

It worked ! I can't tell you how much happy I am. I'm really thanking you.

Another question : DotA 2 has been updated this day (6.81 patch)
Will the dedicated server stop working with the new game client ? And if I don't update my game, will it still work ? Same questions with updated server and client ?

04-30-2014, 07:51
Another question : DotA 2 has been updated this day (6.81 patch)
Will the dedicated server stop working with the new game client ? And if I don't update my game, will it still work ? Same questions with updated server and client ?
All of this varies per update. I haven't checked this one yet. The dedicated server binary itself will likely never stop working, but the supporting D2Fixups plugin can after updates.

04-30-2014, 13:26
Well I have just tried and it seems to work fine. I'm really enjoying your support !

Last question : is there a way to play the game without full slots ?

I mean by that that we will play some dota 2 games with 7-8 people sometimes, and we would like to do games like 4vs3 without bots. My issue is that if dont fill empty slots with the "dota_bot_populate" command, the game won't start properly. Any command to use ? I'm not familiar with the source commands

05-01-2014, 11:13
Hello psychonic, I have been using d2fixup and srcds to play dota2 with my friends since last year. It's all thank to you guys. Please keep up the good work.
Recently, after 6.81 update, something broke. Here's the screenshot of my server.

Server is running fine but we are not able to connect to it now. It was working fine just before the update.

Do you have any idea what could have caused this?

05-01-2014, 11:16
Hello psychonic, I have been using d2fixup and srcds to play dota2 with my friends since last year. It's all thank to you guys. Please keep up the good work.
Recently, after 6.81 update, something broke. Here's the screenshot of my server.

Server is running fine but we are not able to connect to it now. It was working fine just before the update.

Do you have any idea what could have caused this?
Make sure that you specify a port when connecting. The client no longer defaults to connecting to port 27015. It instead now assumes invalid port 0 if none is specified.

05-01-2014, 11:35
Make sure that you specify a port when connecting. The client no longer defaults to connecting to port 27015. It instead now assumes invalid port 0 if none is specified.

Thanks psychonic, It helped.

05-02-2014, 01:08
@punitx, did you managed to connect to the server? Please share it ;>

05-02-2014, 17:55
@punitx, did you managed to connect to the server? Please share it ;>

I believe you have to connect with connect

05-03-2014, 05:59
i see. thanks for the code

05-03-2014, 10:08
Hi guys,

I've spent several hours on this issue but couldn't solve it. Server seems running but I can't connect remotely. I appreciate any help.

I run the server with the following command

~/.steam/bin32/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -console -game dota -maxplayers 10 -port 27021 -condebug -dev +exec frota.cfg +map riverofsouls.bsp


Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using breakpad minidump system
Using breakpad crash handler
Adding VPK file: /mnt/extra/dotaserver/dota/pak01
Adding VPK file: /mnt/extra/dotaserver/platform/pak01
Did not detect any valid joysticks.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartScript and Test_StartScript because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_RandomChance and Test_RandomChance because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopForNumSeconds and Test_LoopForNumSeconds because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_Loop and Test_Loop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopCount and Test_LoopCount because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartLoop and Test_StartLoop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_flags and log_flags because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_color and log_color because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_verbosity and log_verbosity because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_level and log_level because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_dumpchannels and log_dumpchannels because one or more is a ConCommand.

Console initialized.
Adding VPK file: /mnt/extra/dotaserver/dota/sound_vo_english
Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library serverGame.dll loaded for "Dota 2"
ConVarRef dota_tutorial_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Seeded random number generator @ 1076606169 ( 2.683 )
Unable to load #included script scripts/talker/response_rules_techies.txt
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1314 sounds
---- Host_NewGame ----
ConVarRef dota_local_custom_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
material "nodraw" not found.
Missing map material: nodraw
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
Host_NewGame on map riverofsouls
ConVarRef r_flashoverbudget doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Executing dedicated server config file
Set Gravity 800.0 (0.250 tolerance)

Loading Frota modules...
Loaded Frota modules successfully!

S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
dota_base_game_mode executing script: scripts/vscripts/addon_game_mode.lua
Hello Frota!

Starting to load Frota gamemode...
Precaching stuff...
Done precaching!
Done loading Frota gamemode!

Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl1.mdl!
error.mdl : material "models/error/new light1" not found.
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl2.mdl!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_lamp"!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_destroy_lvl3"!
Can't find soundscape: radiant_center
Dynamic prop prop_dynamic_clientside: no sequence named:Secretshop_radiant_idle
Invalid file size for motd.txt
Invalid file size for host.txt
Created class baseline: 27 classes, 20219 bytes.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 570
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
CAsyncWavDataCache: 0 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of capacity
Trying cache : '/mnt/extra/dotaserver/dota/sound/sound.cache'
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Server is hibernating
FCVAR_CHEAT cvars reverted to defaults.
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:1:1407698947:4283] (90090389300037635).
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
Notifying GC we don't need a session.
meta list
Listing 1 plugin:
[01] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.0) by Nicholas Hastings

On the client side:

] connect
NotifyClientSignon: 1
Connecting to
4544.206: Sending connect to
4550.212: Sending connect to
4556.262: Sending connect to
4562.280: Sending connect to
4568.331: Sending connect to
4574.374: Sending connect to

I've opened all ports just to be sure and there is no firewall.


05-03-2014, 11:58
Hi @slayeroflight, I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone, I have the exact same problem on my linux server, I can't connect.

I have listed all opened port on my server and it seems that the game does not open the port at all.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help solve this issue.

05-04-2014, 12:35
Hi Guys,
my server crash after about 1 minute when a player connect and i get this on console:
what can i do ?
sry for bad english

05-04-2014, 14:04

What is the output when you write "meta list" to the console?

05-04-2014, 16:35

What is the output when you write "meta list" to the console?
problem solved after update source mod to sourcemod-1.6.0-hg4312
thanks for replay

05-05-2014, 22:19
hi guys! I have a problem! I can not connect to the server ((
http://s61.radikal.ru/i171/1405/7b/90ffad22dbcb.png (http://www.radikal.ru)
game console:
] connect
NotifyClientSignon: 1
Connecting to
718.618: Sending connect to
724.620: Sending connect to
730.629: Sending connect to
736.643: Sending connect to
742.653: Sending connect to

05-05-2014, 22:51
You need to specify a port. Port 0 is not valid. (default server port is 27015)

05-05-2014, 23:05
You need to specify a port. Port 0 is not valid. (default server port is 27015)

I've tried. does not help

05-06-2014, 08:17
Ok, so I've got my server up and running with Frota + D2Fixups 2.0.1 + Metamod:Source 1.11.0

but... on connection I get this:

m_mapGameModeDetails contains 0 items
Current item schema is up-to-date with version 5BE8E11A.
S_StartSound: Failed to load sound 'ui\notification_alert.wav', file probably missing from disk/repository
] connect
NotifyClientSignon: 1
Connecting to
12.638: Sending connect to
NotifyClientSignon: 2
Connected to

Dota 2
Map: riverofsouls
Players: 1 (0 bots) / 10 humans
Build: 922
Server Number: 1

Server didn't specify a gamedir, assuming no change
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/addon_english.txt".
CAsyncWavDataCache: 1 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of capacity

Host_Error: CMapLoadHelper::Init, unable to open maps/riverofsouls.bsp

NotifyClientSignon: 0
Unloading custom UI:
CAsyncWavDataCache: 1 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of capacity

I'm yet to be able to work out what's missing here - my server has, via my autoexec.cfg file, the map running already and I'm able to run the "fake" command to fill the server with clients to test it, and no issues there either

I believe it's something to do with the server not telling the client that it's running an addon rather than a standard map, so the map is located in a different folder, any ideas?

05-06-2014, 08:24
Ok, so I've got my server up and running with Frota + D2Fixups 2.0.1 + Metamod:Source 1.11.0

but... on connection I get this:

I'm yet to be able to work out what's missing here - my server has, via my autoexec.cfg file, the map running already and I'm able to run the "fake" command to fill the server with clients to test it, and no issues there either

any ideas?

You need to issue the command "update_addon_paths" on the client before connect.

05-06-2014, 08:30
You sir - are a legend.

05-06-2014, 13:15
guys)) must be installed map)))

05-06-2014, 13:16
but ((I immediately get the closing game client

05-06-2014, 13:40
@Regnet12 (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=248951), from what I can see from your screenshot, the server didn't host anything, try to type : "map dota"

05-06-2014, 22:06
guys now climbs error ( console server: Client "UserName" connected (IP).
"UserName<4><STEAM_ID><>" STEAM USERID validated
Sending full update to Client UserName (UserName can't find frame from tick -1)
STEAMAUTH: Client UserName received failure code 6
Requesting account 80467908 resources without rank.
CGCJobRequestBatchPlayerResourcesResponse: Received 1 account resources. or Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'
Unable to load activity weights file! 'scripts/activity_modifier_weights.txt'

05-07-2014, 01:32
Has anybody had any luck with Frota working with 6.81?

SRCDS works fine but myself and other cannot connect.

NotifyClientSignon: 2
Connected to xx.xx.xx.xx:27015

Dota 2
Map: riverofsouls
Players: 1 (0 bots) / 10 humans
Build: 922
Server Number: 1

Host_Error: CMapLoadHelper::Init, unable to open maps/riverofsouls.bsp

NotifyClientSignon: 0In server logs

Server is hibernating
FCVAR_CHEAT cvars reverted to defaults.
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:2331253xxxxx2:42914] (900xxxx023773.
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
Received server welcome from GC.
GC Connection established for server version 0
Server waking up from hibernation
Client "sage" connected (xx.xx.xx.xx:59185).
ConVarRef fow_client_viz_flags doesn't point to an existing ConVar
"sage<2><STEAM_xxxxxxx><>" STEAM USERID validated
Failed to cleanup player #2
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_STRATEGY_TIME'
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PRE_GAME'
m_flPreGameStartTime set to 181.11
m_flStateTransitionTime set to 271.11
GoodGuys = 0 Disconnected = 0
BadGuys = 0 Disconnected = 0
Players are all disconnected, looking for their fort...
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_POST_GAME'
CDOTAUserMsg_PlayerMMR check: lobbyType=-1, GameEndReason=2
CDOTAGCServerSystem::MatchSignOut gathering sign out stats. Duration in minutes = 6.000202
-- IsMassDisconnectHappening -- 0 players currently disconnected.
Mass disconect not detected
Match signout: duration = 360 (360.012115) good guys win = 0
Match start date: Wed May 07 15:07:15 2014
Num players on teams: Good: 0 Bad: 0
KILLEATER: Signing out with 0 adjustments
KILLEATER: Message has 0 player blocks
Not submitting stats. Both teams must have human players.
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_DISCONNECT'
Terminating after game.
Steamworks Stats: CDOTASteamWorksGameStatsServer Ending CLIENT session id: 101744346429
Steamworks Stats: CDOTASteamWorksGameStatsServer Ending SERVER session id: 101744346429
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1314 sounds

05-07-2014, 01:59
bamman (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=248995), as I already said to metaphase (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=248973), type "update_addon_paths" before connect on the client.

05-08-2014, 02:33
There is an issue with Linux servers causing it to crash in some bone/animation logic. It is difficult to debug and not the fault of any plugins.

Are you working on this issue? Will it be fixed?

05-08-2014, 08:15
Are you working on this issue? Will it be fixed?
No, I am not actively working on it. It seems to happen at random and appears to related to bone/animation code, rather than having anything to do with the custom srcds or plugins.

05-11-2014, 15:59
Hello, I had a problem. Run the server, I go to the server and the server crashes. Please tell me what to do! Windows 7 and windows xp.

05-16-2014, 09:06
On Linux server runs successful but the port is always 0.
Run command:/home/user/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -console -game dota +map dota +ip xxx.xx.xx.xx +port 27031 +maxplayers 10 +exec server.cfg

status:hostname: Dota 2
version : 40/40 943 secure
steamid : [A:1:857650183:4312] (90090513304040455)
udp/ip : xxx.xx.xxx.xx:0 os(Linux) type(dedicated)
players : 0 humans, 0 bots (10 max) (hibernating)
edicts : 524 used of 2048 max
gamestate: DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT Times: Transition=0.00 Current=1.00
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state rate adr

sm version: SourceMod Version Information:
SourceMod Version: 1.6.0-dev+4369
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.2, jit-x86 (build 1.6.0-dev+4369)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 6
Compiled on: May 11 2014 14:55:30
Build ID: 4369:04d788390c7c

meta version:Metamod:Source version 1.11.0-dev
Build ID: 912:3b34ec2a8800-dev
Loaded As: GameDLL (gameinfo.txt)
Compiled on: May 11 2014
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5

meta list:Listing 3 plugins:
[01] SourceMod (1.6.0-dev+4369) by AlliedModders LLC
[02] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.0) by Nicholas Hastings
[03] SDK Tools (1.6.0-dev+4369) by AlliedModders LLC

There is no the lineGC Connection established for server version 0 Ends withServer is hibernating
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:1:857650183:4312] (90090513304040455).
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.

I downloaded the last Dota 2 Fixups but the version is again 2.0.0

05-16-2014, 09:20
On Linux server runs successful but the port is always 0.
Run command:/home/user/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -console -game dota +map dota +ip xxx.xx.xx.xx +port 27031 +maxplayers 10 +exec server.cfg
As in all other Source games it's, -ip, -port, and -maxplayers as they are first-class command-line params. The + is for executing concommand or setting convars on start.

There is confusion sometimes as I think HL1 used + for all, and there are compatibility shims in the engine that cause + to still work for some of them in some engine variants.

05-16-2014, 09:45
As in all other Source games it's, -ip, -port, and -maxplayers as they are first-class command-line params. The + is for executing concommand or setting convars on start.

There is confusion sometimes as I think HL1 used + for all, and there are compatibility shims in the engine that cause + to still work for some of them in some engine variants.

The same issue for -ip, -port, -maxplayers.

before, it works fine with/home/user/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -console -game dota +map dota +ip xxx.xx.xx.xx -port 27031
+maxplayers 10 +exec server.cfg
The issue comes after Dota2 last updates.

I'm sure for ip and maxplayers should be +ip and +maxplayers

05-16-2014, 09:51
The same issue for -ip, -port, -maxplayers.

before, it works fine with/home/user/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -console -game dota +map dota +ip xxx.xx.xx.xx -port 27031
+maxplayers 10 +exec server.cfgThe issue comes after Dota2 last updates.

I'm sure for ip and maxplayers should be +ip and +maxplayers
As I said, the + still works with them on some games due to compatibility shims in place. - also works.

It sounds like the port binding is only an issue on linux. I can't reproduce it on my Windows test server.

05-16-2014, 10:20
It sounds like the port binding is only an issue on linux. I can't reproduce it on my Windows test server.

Yes, you're right, the problem is only on Linux.

05-23-2014, 15:26
I can run and my server but Frota doesn't work properly, there is no voting screen so everything is just random. I'm using Metamod:Source veresion 1.10.1-hg891 because version I can't get any version 1.11.0 to work. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

05-24-2014, 04:57
Hi first of all I just want to say thanks for the great work you guys put in , but i have a question , is there a way to make your items work with the server ?

like I got a courier that I bought but can't use it with the server or is it just me with that problem :(

El Diablo War3Evo
05-24-2014, 17:07
steam@atlanta4:~/dota2$ ./startDota.sh
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using breakpad minidump system
Using breakpad crash handler
Adding VPK file: /home/steam/dota2/dota/pak01
Adding VPK file: /home/steam/dota2/platform/pak01
Did not detect any valid joysticks.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartScript and Test_StartScript because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_RandomChance and Test_RandomChance because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopForNumSeconds and Test_LoopForNumSeconds because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_Loop and Test_Loop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopCount and Test_LoopCount because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartLoop and Test_StartLoop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_flags and log_flags because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_color and log_color because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_verbosity and log_verbosity because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_level and log_level because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_dumpchannels and log_dumpchannels because one or more is a ConCommand.

Console initialized.
Adding VPK file: /home/steam/dota2/dota/sound_vo_english
Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library serverGame.dll loaded for "Dota 2"
ConVarRef dota_tutorial_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Seeded random number generator @ 1078504486 ( 3.136 )
Unable to load #included script scripts/talker/response_rules_techies.txt
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1261 sounds
---- Host_NewGame ----
Host_NewGame on map dota
Executing dedicated server config file
Set Gravity 800.0 (0.250 tolerance)
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
Invalid file size for motd.txt
Invalid file size for host.txt
Created class baseline: 36 classes, 22887 bytes.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
/home/steam/dota2/srcds_run: line 356: 11006 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the /home/steam/dota2/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Sat May 24 18:28:50 EDT 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
Sat May 24 18:28:54 EDT 2014: Server Quit

I can upload a copy of the "core" if needed.

I'm not sure what is wrong, as this is as far as I can get.

Running Debian Wheezy 7.5

My start command:

/home/steam/steam-runtime/run.sh /home/steam/dota2/srcds_run -console -game dota +map dota -maxplayers 10 -ip -port 27015 +exec server.cfg

I have both libc.so.6 and libm.so.6 with latest version next to srcds_linux and srcds_run

hostname "War3Evo Dota Test Server"
sv_lan "0"
sv_consistency 1
sv_region 0
sv_alltalk 1
sv_tags "W3E,Fun,Dota"

I have the latest d2fixups and metamod and sourcemod snapshots

I read this article so many times and reading it in bits and pieces... and rereading it.

** This fixed the above issue **

I copied this whole directory /home/username/.steam/steam/steam-lib/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ to the dota2 install directory.

The directory has these files and is located /home/steam/dota2 (not /home/steam/dota2/dota)

570_install.vdf libBrokenLocale-2.15.so libm.so.6 libnss_nisplus-2.15.so libthread_db.so.1
79fdc20c8431715cb7ddfa58ac5d2f171680a9bd libBrokenLocale.so.1 libnsl-2.15.so libnss_nisplus.so.2 libutil-2.15.so
bin libc-2.15.so libnsl.so.1 libnss_nis.so.2 libutil.so.1
core libcidn-2.15.so libnss_compat-2.15.so libpcprofile.so orangebox
dota libcidn.so.1 libnss_compat.so.2 libpthread-2.15.so platform
dota_linux libcrypt-2.15.so libnss_dns-2.15.so libpthread.so.0 screenStartDota.sh
dota.sh libcrypt.so.1 libnss_dns.so.2 libresolv-2.15.so srcds_linux
EmptySteamDepot libc.so.6 libnss_files-2.15.so libresolv.so.2 srcds_run
ld-2.15.so libdl-2.15.so libnss_files.so.2 librt-2.15.so startDota.sh
ld-linux.so.2 libdl.so.2 libnss_hesiod-2.15.so librt.so.1 steam_appid.txt
libanl-2.15.so libm-2.15.so libnss_hesiod.so.2 libSegFault.so thirdpartylegalnotices.txt
libanl.so.1 libmemusage.so libnss_nis-2.15.so libthread_db-1.0.so
** Now im having different problems..

type meta list or sm in console and get command unknown..

So, now I search and try and figure out why..

I'm going to try different versions of meta mod, as version mmsource-1.11.0-hg917-linux doesn't even seem to load.

** Current bugs **

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0_client)
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 570
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/home/steam/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(570)/version(0)
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/home/steam/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Could not find steamerrorreporter binary. Any minidumps will be uploaded in-processServer is hibernating
FCVAR_CHEAT cvars reverted to defaults.
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0_client)
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:1:2417595395:4333] (90090605058298883).
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
meta list
Unknown command "meta"
Unknown command "meta"
meta version
Unknown command "meta"
^^ Thought I had metamod installed, after relooking at my TF2 server's installed found I was missing pieces of the software. Since I uploaded the dota2 fixes, I must have saw I had a metamod directory and "assumed" i installed it.. LOL.

Just recently added /home/steam/.steam/sdk32 to our server from my client home directory from /home/username/.steam/sdk32/ seems to fix bug error "dlopen failed trying to load: /home/steam/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so"


I guess I had to modifiy the gameinfo.txt in the /home/steam/dota2/dota directory where I found a copy that existed already there.

game "DOTA 2"
gamelogo 1
type multiplayer_only
nomodels 1
nohimodel 1
nocrosshair 0
GameData "dota.fgd"
SupportsDX8 0

SteamAppId 816 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor, etc.

// The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
// 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>\bin
// 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
// For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it.
// 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
// 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

// Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
// |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
// We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
// people can mount stuff in c:\mymod, and the main game resources are in
// someplace like c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\<username>\half-life 2.
GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin
Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game platform
Current Problems:

Dota 2 is running, and can't seem to get any connections from client.

Debian Linux Wheezy 7.5 64 bit.

I spent the last 5 hours working on this..

All I can figure out that is..

Dota 2 does not setup a listen port for 27015 on the server... Period! It does however setup 1 random higher than 40000+ UDP port, and a static 26901 UDP port. It does not ever setup a 27015 listen port for the server in either sv_lan mode 0 or 1.

I've tried to tunnel both tcp and udp to the server via SSH and connecting my client thru that method, and I've tried to connect to the public ip address. I have tried to use IPTABLES to do something like this:


-A FORWARD -d -i venet0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 27015 -j ACCEPT
-A PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 27015 -j DNAT --to-destination

And that doesn't work either...

So.. there is nothing that I know of right now that would make Dota 2 or force it to open a port up for linux.



using +ip instead of -ip changes what ip addess Dota 2 binds to for the two ports it binds to... still can't seem to get it to serve on 27015

im not sure if its suppose to be like this.. but in console the clientport is -1, and seems to be unable to change during start up. You can change in console..

"clientport" = "-1" ( def. "27005" )

Been playing with some console commands:

Net status for host
- Config: Multiplayer, listen, 0 connections
- Ports: 0 client 65535, 1 server 0, 2 hltv 0, 3 total.

Requesting GC status...
Server failed to get reply from the GC
^^ after reading dota2fixups.. its actually not suppose to be successful.

cvarlist - for list of all cvars

I guess the only way to fix this would be in trying to figure out in the source code what would force a linux server to bind the client udp port (ie. force listening) even if its not changeable by the enduser. (27015 recommended)

Please do let me know if someone figures it out.


05-26-2014, 10:45
Hi guys, I've been trying to create a server to run Dota 2 on, as per the steps listed in posts 1 and 3. But when I launch my server it crashes as soon as it reaches the last line in this picture. I would really like to get this working - thanks for any help.


05-27-2014, 16:18
Hi guys, I've been trying to create a server to run Dota 2 on, as per the steps listed in posts 1 and 3. But when I launch my server it crashes as soon as it reaches the last line in this picture. I would really like to get this working - thanks for any help.


Paste your commandline, Run with +meta list -condebug and paste the log in dota/console.log

05-30-2014, 08:59
@El Diablo:

Is this the reason why my dota cannot connect to localhost? I'm using Lubuntu latest version

El Diablo War3Evo
05-30-2014, 20:07
@El Diablo:

Is this the reason why my dota cannot connect to localhost? I'm using Lubuntu latest version

I've heard the windows server works fine.

Linux servers will not work because Dota 2 server will not bind the login port. I've check netstat multiple times and tried multiple ways. I'm just all out of ideas.

It is strange though... Dota 2 server does create 2 ports, but they are the least important ports and will not help you connect :(


06-02-2014, 18:43
@El Diablo:

Is this the reason why my dota cannot connect to localhost? I'm using Lubuntu latest version

change clientport on your server

06-02-2014, 22:54
I confirm the linux server not being able to bind to the correct port on Debian 8 32bit

06-03-2014, 21:21
I apologize for not getting to this sooner. The first post has been updated with fixed versions for Linux and OS X. The server should now correctly bind to ports.

El Diablo War3Evo
06-04-2014, 02:15
I apologize for not getting to this sooner. The first post has been updated with fixed versions for Linux and OS X. The server should now correctly bind to ports. OMG, really? This would be so AWESOME! I can't wait to get home to try it out!

06-04-2014, 02:33
OMG, really? This would be so AWESOME! I can't wait to get home to try it out!

I notice some sarcasm. Be grateful for this though.

06-04-2014, 02:43
I apologize for not getting to this sooner. The first post has been updated with fixed versions for Linux and OS X. The server should now correctly bind to ports.

I've tried. The port is bound properly.
Thanks for fix DS (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=7).

El Diablo War3Evo
06-04-2014, 03:36
I notice some sarcasm. Be grateful for this though.

If that appears to be sarcasm it is not. That is what I thought and said out loud.. I just couldn't believe it is getting a update so soon! I'm highly happy.

On a side note, game starts, but before the game starts it crashes. So, now to research why the unknown crash.. it "times out" or something?

Get this, if you didn't know it... you have to have players type in console "jointeam good" or "jointeam bad" .. without quotes.. Then you have to type "dota_bot_populate" without quotes in the server console to get the game started it seems.....

Although, right now, we in game, and just before we can kill any creeps it crashes ... not sure what.. the server doesn't crash, but everyone gets disconnected for some reason?? or crashes clients?

06-04-2014, 04:09
If that appears to be sarcasm it is not. That is what I thought and said out loud.. I just couldn't believe it is getting a update so soon! I'm highly happy.
Good, clear, I wrote my thoughts too. That's why I have written "I notice".

On a side note, game starts, but before the game starts it crashes. So, now to research why the unknown crash.. it "times out" or something?
Although, right now, we in game, and just before we can kill any creeps it crashes ... not sure what.. the server doesn't crash, but everyone gets disconnected for some reason?? or crashes clients?
Take a look here 1, 2 and here 3

Get this, if you didn't know it... you have to have players type in console "jointeam good" or "jointeam bad" .. without quotes.. Then you have to type "dota_bot_populate" without quotes in the server console to get the game started it seems.....
For joining to the game, I have created a plug-in which automatically assigns players to teams.

06-04-2014, 13:06
For Sourcemod: it isn't loaded.
the result of "meta list" is
Listing 2 plugins:
[01] <ERROR>
[02] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.0) by Nicholas Hastings

I've got the same error on both Windows 8 and Linux (Debian 8, glibc 2.18 ), both 32 bit.

meta load addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm
Failed to load plugin addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm (Failed to get API).for Metamod 1.10.1-dev, Sourcemod 1.5.3.

I googled and found people with the same problem in the past, but non of their solutions seemed to help. Most of them had downloaded Meta/Sourcemod for the wrong operating system.

edit: I apologize, just realized I should have downloaded Sourcemod from the 1.6 snapshots. I had downloaded 1.5.3 Release which was giving the problem. The last snapshot seems sto be working.

El Diablo War3Evo
06-04-2014, 17:42
I've got the same error on both Windows 8 and Linux (Debian 8, glibc 2.18 ), both 32 bit.

meta load addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm
Failed to load plugin addons/sourcemod/bin/sourcemod_mm (Failed to get API).for Metamod 1.10.1-dev, Sourcemod 1.5.3.

I googled and found people with the same problem in the past, but non of their solutions seemed to help. Most of them had downloaded Meta/Sourcemod for the wrong operating system.

edit: I apologize, just realized I should have downloaded Sourcemod from the 1.6 snapshots. I had downloaded 1.5.3 Release which was giving the problem. The last snapshot seems sto be working.

You probably need to find and edit gameinfo.txt

Where? /home/steam/dota2/dota

Here is my example:

game "DOTA 2"
gamelogo 1
type multiplayer_only
nomodels 1
nohimodel 1
nocrosshair 0
GameData "dota.fgd"
SupportsDX8 0

SteamAppId 816 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor, etc.

// The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
// 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>\bin
// 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
// For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it.
// 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
// 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

// Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
// |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
// We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
// people can mount stuff in c:\mymod, and the main game resources are in
// someplace like c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\<username>\half-life 2.
GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin
Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game platform

Download the latest copy:

Windows Linux Mac OS X
1.11.0-git935.zip (http://www.metamodsource.net/mmsdrop/1.11/mmsource-1.11.0-git935-windows.zip) 1.11.0-git935.tar.gz (http://www.metamodsource.net/mmsdrop/1.11/mmsource-1.11.0-git935-linux.tar.gz) 1.11.0-git935.zip (http://www.metamodsource.net/mmsdrop/1.11/mmsource-1.11.0-git935-mac.zip)

from the development snapshots at


06-06-2014, 21:19
How to make the delay spectators?

06-07-2014, 05:55
How to make the delay spectators?

Write tv_delay 60 in server.cfg
It will set delay to 60 sec.

06-07-2014, 11:20
How do I start up an addon like Wraith Night or Frota? The thing always spew up this:

S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Failed to execute script: scripts/vscripts/nian.lua:465: attempt to index global 'EntityFramework' (a nil value)
Failed to execute script: scripts/vscripts/nian.lua:465: attempt to index global 'EntityFramework' (a nil value)
Failed to execute script: scripts/vscripts/nian.lua:465: attempt to index global 'EntityFramework' (a nil value)

Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
./srcds_run: line 356: 7505 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
debug.cmds:5: Error in sourced command file:
No function contains program counter for selected frame.
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635
Sab Jun 7 22:15:50 WIB 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
response: CrashID=bp-8c8faab2-d7ce-43ca-a13c-cf5812140607



dota_local_addon_enable 1
dota_local_addon_game frostivus
dota_local_addon_map frostivus
dota_force_gamemode 15

06-09-2014, 08:08
How do I start up an addon like Wraith Night or Frota? The thing always spew up this:

S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Failed to execute script: scripts/vscripts/nian.lua:465: attempt to index global 'EntityFramework' (a nil value)
Failed to execute script: scripts/vscripts/nian.lua:465: attempt to index global 'EntityFramework' (a nil value)
Failed to execute script: scripts/vscripts/nian.lua:465: attempt to index global 'EntityFramework' (a nil value)

Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
./srcds_run: line 356: 7505 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
debug.cmds:5: Error in sourced command file:
No function contains program counter for selected frame.
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635
Sab Jun 7 22:15:50 WIB 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
response: CrashID=bp-8c8faab2-d7ce-43ca-a13c-cf5812140607



dota_local_addon_enable 1
dota_local_addon_game frostivus
dota_local_addon_map frostivus
dota_force_gamemode 15

The version of Wraith Night shipped in December is not compatible with latest VScript version


06-09-2014, 08:46
Write tv_delay 60 in server.cfg
It will set delay to 60 sec.

Does not work.

06-09-2014, 09:21
Does not work.

Have you added +exec server.cfg at the end of your run command?

06-09-2014, 09:55
How do you start a server with addons? Is my way to load the addons correct?

When a player leaves the game, their slot isn't removed, and hence, someone else can't connect and take their place, this is caused by the limit of 5 players per team, someone solve this :P

Player slot being removed has a hacky fix via Sourcemod, I can also hackily set > 5 people on a team via SMJS / Sourcemod

Is it true? We can play more than 5 people in one team?

06-10-2014, 02:28
How do you start a server with addons? Is my way to load the addons correct?

Is it true? We can play more than 5 people in one team?

As I know it's not possible. I know that for Dota 2 (fixups) the max value for maxplayers is 10 (5 per team).

06-10-2014, 04:07
In Linux you have a file steamclitnt.so ?

06-10-2014, 07:47
I know that for Dota 2 (fixups) the max value for maxplayers is 10 (5 per team).
That was true about four months ago. Since then, the maximum limit on that convar was raised to the server's max of 32. However, you can still only have a maximum of 5 players on each radiant and dire. Other slots are just for spectators/broadcasters.

06-10-2014, 07:59
That was true about four months ago. Since then, the maximum limit on that convar was raised to the server's max of 32. However, you can still only have a maximum of 5 players on each radiant and dire. Other slots are just for spectators/broadcasters.

Good note )

06-10-2014, 08:01
In Linux you have a file steamclitnt.so ?

It should be in main /bin folder.

06-11-2014, 04:40
Have you added +exec server.cfg at the end of your run command?


06-11-2014, 04:59
How to make the delay spectators?

Do you mean delay for players connected as spectator (like by command "
jointeam spec") or players connected to Source TV?

Because tv_delay is for Source TV clients.

06-11-2014, 11:35
I'm totally new to the world of srcds, and I was wondering: is there a way to connect using rcon to srcds for dota? I tried using pysrcds to the linux version, but my connection is rejected. I had not the chance to try with srcds.exe yet today.

06-11-2014, 12:02
I'm totally new to the world of srcds, and I was wondering: is there a way to connect using rcon to srcds for dota? I tried using pysrcds to the linux version, but my connection is rejected. I had not the chance to try with srcds.exe yet today.
Make sure that you specify the IP address on the command line (with -ip) rather than letting it default to all interfaces. Without it specified, the rcon socket will not bind.

06-11-2014, 12:09

I'm also totally new here and I've got a problem with my server. When i connect to the server I always get a auto disconnect after 5 secs ;(

serverlog: http://imgur.com/dHrORic
clientconsole: http://i.imgur.com/YEZjZte.jpg

Can someone help me?

06-11-2014, 12:20
Make sure that you specify the IP address on the command line (with -ip) rather than letting it default to all interfaces. Without it specified, the rcon socket will not bind.

I specify my internal ip, as in -ip, and I try to connect from inside my Local network.
I do not specify the port, but asap i'll try to do that as well

Calling srcds with -ip localip -port 27015, and with -ip -port 27015 (in both cases trying to connect from the same machine, hence the try), holds no result. The connection is rejected. I can see from Wireshark the package going to port tcp 27015, so something is coming out of Python for sure.
I tried both without password and with password, setting it on srcds using rcon_password pass

06-11-2014, 21:02
Do you mean delay for players connected as spectator (like by command "
jointeam spec") or players connected to Source TV?

Because tv_delay is for Source TV clients.

It's true! I want to make a delay or cancel the command jointeam spec and make came on SourceTV

06-12-2014, 02:28
It's true! I want to make a delay or cancel the command jointeam spec and make came on SourceTV

To prevent players from using command "jointeam", you need Sourcemod plug-in with following: public OnPluginStart()
AddCommandListener(ComCallback, "jointeam");

public Action:ComCallback(client, const String:command[], argc)
return Plugin_Handled;

For SourceTV take a look at SourceTV for Dota 2 (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=233463)

06-12-2014, 03:52
To prevent players from using command "jointeam", you need Sourcemod plug-in with following: public OnPluginStart()
AddCommandListener(ComCallback, "jointeam");

public Action:CommandCallback(client, const String:command[], argc)
return Plugin_Handled;

For SourceTV take a look at SourceTV for Dota 2 (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=233463)

Ie write AddCommandListener (ComCallback, "jointeam spec"); ?

Skype is? throw in PM :)

06-12-2014, 04:28
To prevent players from using command "jointeam", you need Sourcemod plug-in with following: public OnPluginStart()
AddCommandListener(ComCallback, "jointeam");

public Action:CommandCallback(client, const String:command[], argc)
return Plugin_Handled;

For SourceTV take a look at SourceTV for Dota 2 (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=233463)
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/text3NDjJV.sp(4) : error 017: undefined symbol "ComCallback"

06-12-2014, 04:36
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/text3NDjJV.sp(4) : error 017: undefined symbol "ComCallback"

Sorry, my previous post has been changed )

06-14-2014, 08:22
I am under windows, with metamod working I have an "exit"
the debug log is :

[D2Fixups] Warning: Failed to setup Test Client shutdown patch.
Unable to load #included script scripts/talker/response_rules_techies.txt
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1267 sounds

in fact if I not put any map it doesn't crash => loading a map make the server stopping ;)

any ideas please ?

06-14-2014, 09:42
How do I start a server with a gamemode addon? What addon that works with the current server build?

06-14-2014, 09:44
How do I start a server with a gamemode addon? What addon that works with the current server build?

is your server working without ?
if yes, put it in the addons folder your preferd addons for dota2

06-15-2014, 10:17
Hi! Can I start server that will wait for list of the players specified by STEAMID?
For example:
STEAM_0:1:1234567 - good
STEAM_0:1:1234568 - good
STEAM_0:1:1234569 - bad
STEAM_0:1:1234570 - bad

Or I have to write some sourcemod plugin myself?

06-15-2014, 15:27
My server crashes when i join and i get this message:

Engine Error:
Failed to execute script: ...2
beta\dota\scripts\vscripts\addon_init.lua:18: attempt to index
upvalue 'mt'(a nil value)


function Dynamic_Wrap( mt, name )
if Convars:GetFloat( 'developer' ) == 1 then
local function w(...) return mt[name](...) end
return w
return mt[name]

The third line is the 18. line

06-16-2014, 14:48
Hi! Can I start server that will wait for list of the players specified by STEAMID?
For example:
STEAM_0:1:1234567 - good
STEAM_0:1:1234568 - good
STEAM_0:1:1234569 - bad
STEAM_0:1:1234570 - bad

Or I have to write some sourcemod plugin myself?
That functionality would normally be provided by matchmaking lobbies which are not available with unofficial servers. You would have to create a plugin to replicate that functionality. (It is possible.)

06-16-2014, 17:47
That functionality would normally be provided by matchmaking lobbies which are not available with unofficial servers. You would have to create a plugin to replicate that functionality. (It is possible.)

Thank you. I'm done with this.

Also to run server with steam on Linux I forced to copy libraries to dota folder or create links. Is it ok?
I did something like this:


ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/crashhandler.so $DOTA_HOME/bin/crashhandler.so
ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/libsteam.so $DOTA_HOME/bin/libsteam.so
ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/libtier0_s.so $DOTA_HOME/bin/libtier0_s.so
ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/libvstdlib_s.so $DOTA_HOME/bin/libvstdlib_s.so
ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/steamclient.so $DOTA_HOME/bin/steamclient.so
ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/steamcmd $DOTA_HOME/bin/steamcmd
ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/steamconsole.so $DOTA_HOME/bin/steamconsole.so
ln -s $STEAM_CMD/linux32/steamerrorreporter $DOTA_HOME/bin/steamerrorreporter

06-19-2014, 10:28
Does nobody know a resolution for my problem? :(

06-21-2014, 16:18
Does nobody know a resolution for my problem? :(

Something wrong with some installed addon (Frota?).

06-21-2014, 18:05
Does nobody know a resolution for my problem? :(

what's in your addons folder

06-22-2014, 05:56
what's in your addons folder

Ehm, the d2moddin folder and the Frota folder.

EDIT: I have removed the d2moddin folder. It didn't help :(

06-22-2014, 09:12
So I've managed to launch the dedicated server on Linux (Debian 7) following the instructions in the OP - However, once I join a team, I'm unable to select any units without box-dragging, and can't seem to control the hero.

I also get this odd segfault, seemingly randomly. Any ideas?

/home/ian/dota2/srcds_run: line 356: 3714 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
BFD: Warning: /home/ian/dota2/core is truncated: expected core file size >= 336617472, found: 2138112.
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77be928
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77be924
debug.cmds:1: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xffd33e90
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635
Sat Jun 21 18:01:31 EDT 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
Using breakpad minidump system
Using breakpad crash handler

06-22-2014, 10:27
Hello there! I have some proplems. Dota crushing then I trying to connect to the server. I using Frota gamemode and I run server with these parameters:

srcds.exe -console -game dota +maxplayers 10 +hostport 27015 -condebug -dev +exec autoexec +map riverofsouls.bsp
autoexec.cfg looks like this:

dota_local_addon_enable 1;dota_local_addon_game Frota;dota_local_addon_map Frota;dota_force_gamemode 15;update_addon_paths;
Server log looks like this:

ConVarRef dota_tutorial_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Seeded random number generator @ 1049203811 ( 0.269 )
[D2Fixups] Warning: Failed to setup Test Client shutdown patch.
Unable to load #included script scripts/talker/response_rules_techies.txt
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isallytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
(token -1) : Discarded rule because of invalid criterion isenemytechies
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1268 sounds
---- Host_NewGame ----
ConVarRef dota_local_custom_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
material "nodraw" not found.
Missing map material: nodraw
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/riverofsouls.bsp'
Host_NewGame on map riverofsouls
ConVarRef r_flashoverbudget doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Executing dedicated server config file
Set Gravity 800.0 (0.250 tolerance)
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'

Loading Frota modules...
Loaded Frota modules successfully!

dota_base_game_mode executing script: scripts/vscripts/addon_game_mode.lua
Frota is starting to init...

Starting to load Frota gamemode...
Precaching stuff...
Model heroes/tiny_03/tiny_03.mdl over budget: 5084 tris, 4 batches
Model heroes/tiny_04/tiny_04.mdl over budget: 5452 tris, 4 batches
Done precaching!
Done loading Frota gamemode!

Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl1.mdl!
error.mdl : material "models/error/new light1" not found.
Failed to load models/props_structures/tower_bad3_dest_lvl2.mdl!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_lamp"!
Server: Missing precache for particle system "tower_bad3_destroy_lvl3"!
Can't find soundscape: radiant_center
Dynamic prop prop_dynamic_clientside: no sequence named:Secretshop_radiant_idle
Invalid file size for motd.txt
Invalid file size for host.txt
Created class baseline: 27 classes, 20263 bytes.
CAsyncWavDataCache: 0 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of capacity
Trying cache : 'c:\dota 2 server\dota 2 beta\dota\sound\sound.cache'
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Server is hibernating
FCVAR_CHEAT cvars reverted to defaults.
exec: couldn't exec d
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:1:3991708681:4406] (90090920165024777).
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
Current item schema is up-to-date with version 3EE931A6.
Received server welcome from GC.
GC Connection established for server version 0
Server waking up from hibernation
Client "[A] is the best team" connected (
ConVarRef fow_client_viz_flags doesn't point to an existing ConVar
exec: couldn't exec d
"[A] is the best team<2><STEAM_1:1:31821248><>" STEAM USERID validated
Sending full update to Client [A] is the best team ([A] is the best team can't find frame from tick -1)
STEAMAUTH: Client [A] is the best team received failure code 6
Failed to cleanup player #2
Dropped [A] is the best team from server(10): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_STEAM_AUTHCANCELLED
Requesting account 63642497 resources without rank.
CGCJobRequestBatchPlayerResourcesResponse: Received 1 account resources.

06-23-2014, 10:50
I have problem on Server Linux

~/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -game dota +map dota -lan 0 -port 27015 -ip +dota_force_gamemode "5"
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using breakpad minidump system
Using breakpad crash handler
Adding VPK file: /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/dota/dota/pak01
Adding VPK file: /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/dota/platform/pak01
Did not detect any valid joysticks.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartScript and Test_StartScript because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_RandomChance and Test_RandomChance because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopForNumSeconds and Test_LoopForNumSeconds because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_Loop and Test_Loop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopCount and Test_LoopCount because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartLoop and Test_StartLoop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_flags and log_flags because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_color and log_color because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_verbosity and log_verbosity because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_level and log_level because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_dumpchannels and log_dumpchannels because one or more is a ConCommand.

Console initialized.
Adding VPK file: /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/dota/dota/sound_vo_english
Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library serverGame.dll loaded for "Dota 2"
L 06/23/2014 - 18:46:27: Failed lookup of gEntList directly - Reverting to lookup via LevelShutdown
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
---- Host_NewGame ----
ConVarRef dota_local_custom_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Unknown command "plugin_load"
Host_NewGame on map dota
L 06/23/2014 - 18:46:29: -------- Mapchange to dota --------
L 06/23/2014 - 18:46:29: Error log file session closed.
Executing dedicated server config file
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 570
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Server logging enabled.
Unknown command "sm_flood_time"
Unknown command "sm_reserve_type"
Unknown command "sm_reserved_slots"
Unknown command "sm_hide_slots"
Unknown command "sm_chat_mode"
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:1:2924486664:4410] (90090936277671944).
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
Current item schema is up-to-date with version 3EE931A6.
GC Connection established for server version 0

Problem --> S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION'
Before i am connect ((


hostname "My name"
rcon_password "123456"
sv_lan 1
sv_hibernate_when_empty 0
dota_force_gamemode 11
dota_wait_for_players_to_load 1
dota_wait_for_players_to_load_count 10
dota_wait_for_players_to_load_timeout 260
log on
sv_rcon_log "1"
sv_logsdir "logs"
sv_log_onefile 0
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 0
sv_logfile 1
sv_logflush 0
sv_logsdir "logs"
sv_cheats 0

06-23-2014, 10:52
Problem --> S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION'
Before i am connect ((

Remove sv_hibernate_when_empty 0.

By default, the server hibernates until the first person connects, at which point it transitions to DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS.

By disabling hibernation, you are skipping that.

06-23-2014, 11:00
Remove sv_hibernate_when_empty 0.

By default, the server hibernates until the first person connects, at which point it transitions to DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS.

By disabling hibernation, you are skipping that.

Than first user connected, will be -> DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION
how to make it work
dota_wait_for_players_to_load_count 10
dota_wait_for_players_to_load_timeout 260

06-23-2014, 11:01
On windows Server working

06-23-2014, 11:03
Server waking up from hibernation
Client "ZMag" connected (


06-23-2014, 11:16
I needed extract vpk files on linux server?

06-26-2014, 04:48
Help my hero isn't showing up at all


abaddon@abaddon-K45VM:~/dota 2 beta$ ./srcds_run -game dota -exec autoexec.cfg +map reflex.bsp -debug
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using breakpad minidump system
Using breakpad crash handler
Adding VPK file: /home/abaddon/dota 2 beta/dota/pak01
Adding VPK file: /home/abaddon/dota 2 beta/platform/pak01
Did not detect any valid joysticks.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartScript and Test_StartScript because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_RandomChance and Test_RandomChance because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopForNumSeconds and Test_LoopForNumSeconds because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_Loop and Test_Loop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopCount and Test_LoopCount because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartLoop and Test_StartLoop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_flags and log_flags because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_color and log_color because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_verbosity and log_verbosity because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_level and log_level because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_dumpchannels and log_dumpchannels because one or more is a ConCommand.

Console initialized.
Adding VPK file: /home/abaddon/dota 2 beta/dota/sound_vo_english
Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library serverGame.dll loaded for "Dota 2"
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
---- Host_NewGame ----
ConVarRef dota_local_custom_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/reflex.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/reflex.bsp'
TraceRayVerticalGroundHeight() disabled for 'maps/reflex.bsp'
Host_NewGame on map reflex
ConVarRef r_flashoverbudget doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Executing dedicated server config file
SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_custom.txt [45 total, 1 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
[[REFLEX]] start
[[REFLEX]] test
[REFLEX] reflex.lua
[REFLEX] creating reflex game mode
dota_base_game_mode executing script: scripts/vscripts/addon_game_mode.lua
[REFLEX] Starting to load Reflex gamemode...
[REFLEX] Rules set
[REFLEX] entity_killed event set
[REFLEX] reflex_wat set
[REFLEX] reflex_set_ability set
[REFLEX] values set
[REFLEX] Precaching stuff...
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
[REFLEX] Done precaching!
[REFLEX] Done loading Reflex gamemode!

Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$rimlightcolor" in "$rimlightcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$rimlightcolor" in "$rimlightcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULAR_BLOOM_COLOR" in "$SPECULAR_BLOOM_COLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULAR_BLOOM_COLOR" in "$SPECULAR_BLOOM_COLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$rimlightcolor" in "$rimlightcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$rimlightcolor" in "$rimlightcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$specularcolor" in "$specularcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$rimlightcolor" in "$rimlightcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$rimlightcolor" in "$rimlightcolor"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 570
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
CAsyncWavDataCache: 0 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0,00 % of capacity
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Server is hibernating
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:1:2642105350:4418] (90090970355028998).
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
GC Connection established for server version 0
Server waking up from hibernation
Client "Abaddon" connected (
[REFLEX] AutoAssignPlayer
[REFLEX] Capturing game mode...
[REFLEX] Beginning Think
[REFLEX] getting index
[REFLEX] team sizes 0 -- 0
[REFLEX] setting to good guys
PR:SetFullyJoinedServer 0:[U:1:99205063] true
PR:SetLeaverStatus 0:[U:1:99205063] DOTA_LEAVER_NONE
[REFLEX] playerID: 0
[REFLEX] SteamID: 99205063
Requesting account 99205063 resources without rank.
CGCJobRequestBatchPlayerResourcesResponse: Received 1 account resources.
PR:SetTextChatBanned 0:[U:1:99205063] false
PR:SetVoiceChatBanned 0:[U:1:99205063] false
PR:SetLowPriority 0:[U:1:99205063] false
PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:99205063] true
PR:SetSelectedHero 0:[U:1:99205063] npc_dota_hero_sven(18)
PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:99205063] false
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Missing ability: sven_storm_bolt
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: sven_storm_bolt
Missing ability: sven_warcry
Missing ability: sven_storm_bolt
Missing ability: sven_gods_strength
Missing ability: sven_storm_bolt
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: sven_warcry
Missing ability: sven_gods_strength
Missing ability: sven_warcry
Missing ability: sven_warcry
Missing ability: sven_great_cleave
Missing ability: sven_great_cleave
Missing ability: sven_gods_strength
Missing ability: sven_great_cleave
Missing ability: sven_great_cleave
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Missing ability: attribute_bonus
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$SPECULARCOLOR" in "$SPECULARCOLOR"
Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR" in "$RIMLIGHTCOLOR"
PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:99205063] false
PR:SetSelectedHero 0:[U:1:99205063] npc_dota_hero_sven(18)
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_STRATEGY_TIME'
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_sven: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PRE_GAME'
m_flPreGameStartTime set to 17,40
m_flStateTransitionTime set to 107,40
[REFLEX] InitializeRound called
Console: Round 1 starts in 60 seconds!
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_sven: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
[REFLEX] in pregame
[REFLEX] got assigned hero
[REFLEX] setting hero assignment
[REFLEX] playerID: 0
[REFLEX] setting stuff for player0
[REFLEX] Initializing player 0
[REFLEX] NextXP: 100
[REFLEX] XP Boost 100
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_sven: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_sven: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
Packed store /home/abaddon/dota 2 beta/dota/sound_vo_english with refcount > 0.
Kam Jun 26 10:31:33 WIB 2014: Server Quit

abaddon@abaddon-K45VM:~/dota 2 beta$
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_sven: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping. -> This is probably the cause, I'm using reflex addon, frota also creates the same condition



dota_local_addon_enable 1;dota_local_addon_game Reflex;dota_local_addon_map Reflex;dota_force_gamemode 15;update_addon_paths;It also happen to all pick:


Same error

07-03-2014, 16:16
Hello guys,

I've followed instructions in the first post, with some differences. I'll try to explain, what I did:

Steamcmd: logged in with steam username
Downloaded app_id 570
Copied 4 needed files to game/bin dir

Run: srcds_run has something wrong, I tried to find bugs in run file. First was Illegal instruction on line 356, 3170, something wrong with $HL_CMD.

After I copied runtimes to run ./run.sh ./srcds_run <params>, it returned with same line, but 3287 Illegal instruction.

Sadly, thats all I've encountered so far.
I understand that Dota 2 Dedicated Linux could be still in beta stage, but does anybody have any ideas what to do?
Or is the linux version in worse state than others?

Since I wasn't able to run it, metamod Dota fix wasn't functional. I presume metamod runs only when server fully loads before map load.

Server: Debian Wheezy i386

07-04-2014, 09:02
What's the output of 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'?

07-04-2014, 10:35
What's the output of 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'?

I'm copying & pasting standard ouptut, its pure x86 machine.

processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 2
model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz
stepping : 9
microcode : 0x17
cpu MHz : 2660.048
cache size : 512 KB
fdiv_bug : no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug : no
coma_bug : no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe up pebs bts cid xtpr
bogomips : 5320.09
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 128
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 32 bits virtual
I don't think cpu will have any impact of this (If I understand Your request was for me), I think its more software problem.

I've continued in my research myself to make sure I didn't made any mistakes before such as running it without steam runtime.

I've made a virtualized linux machine (Lubuntu Trusty) in windows to get necesary files listed in first post and also to get native steam-runtime from Linux Steam client as well.

I was forced to use only steamcmd.sh method to get DOTA files (interesting, there is "pure" linux dedicated server with ID 247060 and another with ID 580, both aren't public to download, even with normal account).

In short, I got Dota files via steamcmd, all was O.K. Then I copied files (steamclient.so and so on) to dota 2 beta/bin and made a test run WITHOUT metamod dota fix. Later on, I've applied steam runtime, firstly downloaded from first post and then copied the rest from native client and ran it with run.sh supplied in steam-runtime.

I ran srcds_run with -debug option, so I'm posting its content, maybe it will help.
Standard output after running:

Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
/home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/srcds_run: řádek 356: 2573 Illegal instruction (SIGILL) (core dumped [obraz paměti uložen]) $HL_CMD

warning: Could not load shared library symbols for linux-gate.so.1.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
debug.cmds:5: Error in sourced command file:
No function contains program counter for selected frame.
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635
Pá čec 4 16:32:17 CEST 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
^CPá čec 4 16:32:20 CEST 2014: Server Quit

And debug.log:

CRASH: Pá čec 4 16:22:06 CEST 2014
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -game dota +map dota -debug
[New LWP 3145]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./srcds_linux -game dota +map dota -debug'.
Program terminated with signal 4, Illegal instruction.
#0 0xb738e9d2 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#0 0xb738e9d2 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#1 0xb738eed3 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#2 0xb7390b7b in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#3 0xb77648ae in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#4 0xb77649a4 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#5 0xb7768a02 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#6 0xb7764756 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#7 0xb77681e4 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#8 0xb7703cbc in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
#9 0xb7764756 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#10 0xb770437c in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
#11 0xb7703d71 in dlopen () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
#12 0x080487b3 in main ()
No symbol table info available.
eax 0xf7a0b5ed -140462611
ecx 0x10c6 4294
edx 0x10c6 4294
ebx 0x53b69869 1404475497
esp 0xbff2e730 0xbff2e730
ebp 0xbff2e7a8 0xbff2e7a8
esi 0x0 0
edi 0x0 0
eip 0xb738e9d2 0xb738e9d2
eflags 0x10203 [ CF IF RF ]
cs 0x73 115
ss 0x7b 123
ds 0x7b 123
es 0x7b 123
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x33 51
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
No linux-gate.so.1
0xb770c600 0xb773a105 Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libm.so.6
0xb7703ad0 0xb770496c Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
0xb7663d00 0xb76d2208 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
0xb7606870 0xb7612ea7 Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
0xb746e420 0xb759cd1e Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
0xb7756860 0xb776e19c Yes (*) /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xb7439f50 0xb7450cf8 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
0xb73ed300 0xb741a7bc Yes (*) bin/dedicated_srv.so
0xb73926ec 0xb73a7788 Yes (*) /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
0xb727b570 0xb729988c Yes (*) /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libvstdlib.so
0xb7249fb0 0xb724bc28 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libuuid.so.1
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
End of Source crash report

Just a note, "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1" is symlinked to /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/libthread_db.so.1. I'm really curious why it needs this specific library under specific folder, AFAIK after Ubuntu 11.10 (why is this related?) has some changes and some things were changed. This looks like dedicated server has hardcoded path to already-present file, which is not a problem, but unnecessary complication.

07-04-2014, 10:40
Sorry for double-post, but I was not able to change some lines. "řádek" = Line, just a small translation to understand what I wrote.

Again, sorry for double post, but when I hit Edit, it shows me just blank edit field.

07-06-2014, 03:55
okay, so, i've installed everything fine, the server works for others to join, however, i have 1 problem -- i can't connect myself. it doesn't give me an error, it just fails to connect as if i wasn't hosting. i'm using the default port, and my friend was able to connect

things i've tried:

changing the "clientport" in the launch options of both the server and my game client to something that isn't in use already or the default (3001, which i forwarded), i even did it through console before trying to connect again
connecting with the normal 27015 port with my normal ip and localhost, and vice versa
specifying the ip, port, and clientport in the launch of my server

i might've forgotten some stuff i might've tried, but this really has me stumped. i've done everything normally and everything seems to go fine, i can even message my friend through the server cmd, but i can't connect no matter what i try, and hosting a listen server while specifying ip, port and clientport doesn't seem to work.

07-11-2014, 16:50
Server waking up from hibernation
Client "ZMag" connected (


The same for me on linux after some game updates.

After starting the server console commands not working.

For example:
~/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run +dota_wait_for_players_to_load_timeout 230 -game dota -port 27015 +ip +map dota

But after start:
"dota_wait_for_players_to_load_timeout" = "120"

meta list
Listing 3 plugins:
[01] SourceMod (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
[02] Dota 2 Fixups (2.0.0) by Nicholas Hastings
[03] SDK Tools (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC

sm plugins list
[SM] Listing 17 plugins:
01 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Basic Chat" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Admin File Reader" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
04 Disabled: "Nextmap" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
05 "Admin Help" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
06 "Player Commands" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Fun Votes" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Reserved Slots" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "Basic Commands" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Basic Votes" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Basic Comm Control" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Admin Menu" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "Sound Commands" (1.7.0-dev+4650) by AlliedModders LLC

What's going on with server?

07-11-2014, 16:56
And debug.log:

CRASH: Pá čec 4 16:22:06 CEST 2014
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -game dota +map dota -debug
[New LWP 3145]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./srcds_linux -game dota +map dota -debug'.
Program terminated with signal 4, Illegal instruction.
#0 0xb738e9d2 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#0 0xb738e9d2 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#1 0xb738eed3 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#2 0xb7390b7b in ?? () from /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
#3 0xb77648ae in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#4 0xb77649a4 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#5 0xb7768a02 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#6 0xb7764756 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#7 0xb77681e4 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#8 0xb7703cbc in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
#9 0xb7764756 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#10 0xb770437c in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
#11 0xb7703d71 in dlopen () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
#12 0x080487b3 in main ()
No symbol table info available.
eax 0xf7a0b5ed -140462611
ecx 0x10c6 4294
edx 0x10c6 4294
ebx 0x53b69869 1404475497
esp 0xbff2e730 0xbff2e730
ebp 0xbff2e7a8 0xbff2e7a8
esi 0x0 0
edi 0x0 0
eip 0xb738e9d2 0xb738e9d2
eflags 0x10203 [ CF IF RF ]
cs 0x73 115
ss 0x7b 123
ds 0x7b 123
es 0x7b 123
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x33 51
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
No linux-gate.so.1
0xb770c600 0xb773a105 Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libm.so.6
0xb7703ad0 0xb770496c Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
0xb7663d00 0xb76d2208 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
0xb7606870 0xb7612ea7 Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
0xb746e420 0xb759cd1e Yes (*) /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
0xb7756860 0xb776e19c Yes (*) /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xb7439f50 0xb7450cf8 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
0xb73ed300 0xb741a7bc Yes (*) bin/dedicated_srv.so
0xb73926ec 0xb73a7788 Yes (*) /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libtier0.so
0xb727b570 0xb729988c Yes (*) /home/srcds/Steam/steamapps/common/dota_2_beta/bin/libvstdlib.so
0xb7249fb0 0xb724bc28 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libuuid.so.1
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
End of Source crash report

Try to use newer ubuntu. I got some problems with old versions too. On ubuntu 14.04 all work out of the box.

07-12-2014, 06:06
What's going on with server?

Server successfully started but ignore some commands.
Server resets dota_force_gamemode to default value. Very strange behavior.
Console initialized.
Adding VPK file: /home/steam/dota2/dota/sound_vo_english
Could not get IReplayDirector interface from library serverGame.dll loaded for "Dota 2"
L 07/12/2014 - 05:56:34: Failed lookup of gEntList directly - Reverting to lookup via LevelShutdown
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
---- Host_NewGame ----
ConVarRef dota_local_custom_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Unknown command "plugin_load"
Host_NewGame on map dota
L 07/12/2014 - 05:56:37: -------- Mapchange to dota --------
L 07/12/2014 - 05:56:37: Error log file session closed.
L 07/12/2014 - 05:56:37: [SDKTOOLS] Sigscan for FireOutput failed - Disabling detour to prevent crashes
Executing dedicated server config file
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_01.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/antler_trap_02.mdl over budget: 8640 tris, 1 batches
Model props_gameplay/pig_sfm_low.mdl over budget: 5911 tris, 1 batches
Model creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.mdl over budget: 4132 tris, 2 batches
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 570
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
[SM] Changed cvar "dota_force_gamemode" to "11".
L 07/12/2014 - 05:56:39: [basecommands.smx] "Console<0><Console><Console>" changed cvar (cvar "dota_force_gamemode") (value "11")
Server is hibernating
Connection to Steam servers successful, Game Server SteamID [A:1:3678341126:4463] (90091164664793094).
CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
Current item schema is up-to-date with version 3D6536DA.
GC Connection established for server version 0

"dota_force_gamemode" = "1" game replicated - Force the game mode to a specific one. AP = 1, CM = 2, RD = 3, SD = 4. INTRO = 6

07-15-2014, 02:44
Try to use newer ubuntu. I got some problems with old versions too. On ubuntu 14.04 all work out of the box.

Tried, still the same errors as in my earlier post.

If I understand correctly, out-of-the-box is without srcds_run and srcds_linux? Dota.sh still has errors.

07-15-2014, 06:23
Tried, still the same errors as in my earlier post.

If I understand correctly, out-of-the-box is without srcds_run and srcds_linux? Dota.sh still has errors.
It won't work without the files from the first post, and you should be using the srcds_run script (or srcds_linux directly with the properly library path set). dota.sh launches the client.

07-16-2014, 00:54
Dear developers. Today i found some bug, about that how to drop server. When game are starting, one Player become spectator, waiting for 2 second of start game, and exit from server. Then server dropped. Please fix that problem, because some players are crash server many time of day...

07-16-2014, 08:37
Dear developers. Today i found some bug, about that how to drop server. When game are starting, one Player become spectator, waiting for 2 second of start game, and exit from server. Then server dropped. Please fix that problem, because some players are crash server many time of day...
It is a bit difficult to understand what you mean, but if it's the following, then is intended behavior.

1) start server.
2) player joins.
3) server wakes up from hibernation.
4) player joins team (even spectator), which adds them to match roster.
5) player leaves before waiting for players time has ended.
6) server exits.

If any of the players in the match roster have not connected when time is up, the server will exit. That is how Valve's Dota 2 servers work as well.

07-17-2014, 07:24
It won't work without the files from the first post, and you should be using the srcds_run script (or srcds_linux directly with the properly library path set). dota.sh launches the client.

Thanks for clarifying this.
I've completely reinstalled server and did full post-installation fix ups, but despite it, srcds_run script gives line 356: 26784 Illegal instruction.

I've ran it again with -debug switch to generate a debug log with errors.
Honestly IDK what happened with it but I think the script looks bad IMHO.

I'm posting whole debug log, if it helps. Honestly, I'm starting to have doubts about whole Dota server installation.
I've completely upgraded server to Ubuntu 14.04, because I've heard that old distros (such as Debian Wheezy) had problems with that.
CRASH: Thu Jul 17 13:16:37 CEST 2014
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -debug -game dota +map dota
[New LWP 1113]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./srcds_linux -debug -game dota +map dota'.
Program terminated with signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
#0 0xb73d79d2 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Dota2/bin/libtier0.so
#0 0xb73d79d2 in ?? () from /home/srcds/Dota2/bin/libtier0.so
#1 0xb73d7ed3 in GetCPUInformation () from /home/srcds/Dota2/bin/libtier0.so
#2 0xb73d9b7b in ?? () from /home/srcds/Dota2/bin/libtier0.so
#3 0xb77b2d77 in call_init (l=<optimized out>, argc=argc@entry=6, argv=argv@entry=0xbfe76284, env=env@entry=0xbfe762a0) at dl-init.c:78
#4 0xb77b2e64 in call_init (env=0xbfe762a0, argv=0xbfe76284, argc=6, l=<optimized out>) at dl-init.c:36
#5 _dl_init (main_map=main_map@entry=0x9f29090, argc=6, argv=0xbfe76284, env=0xbfe762a0) at dl-init.c:126
#6 0xb77b6e8e in dl_open_worker (a=0xbfe73fec) at dl-open.c:577
#7 0xb77b2c26 in _dl_catch_error (objname=objname@entry=0xbfe73fe4, errstring=errstring@entry=0xbfe73fe8, mallocedp=mallocedp@entry=0xbfe73fe3, operate=operate@entry=0xb77b6b90 <dl_open_worker>, args=args@entry=0xbfe73fec) at dl-error.c:187
#8 0xb77b6684 in _dl_open (file=0x8048b68 "bin/dedicated.so", mode=-2147483646, caller_dlopen=0x804880c <main+220>, nsid=<optimized out>, argc=6, argv=0xbfe76284, env=0xbfe762a0) at dl-open.c:661
#9 0xb7750cbc in dlopen_doit (a=0xbfe741a0) at dlopen.c:66
#10 0xb77b2c26 in _dl_catch_error (objname=0x9f29014, errstring=0x9f29018, mallocedp=0x9f29010, operate=0xb7750c30 <dlopen_doit>, args=0xbfe741a0) at dl-error.c:187
#11 0xb775137c in _dlerror_run (operate=operate@entry=0xb7750c30 <dlopen_doit>, args=args@entry=0xbfe741a0) at dlerror.c:163
#12 0xb7750d71 in __dlopen (file=0x8048b68 "bin/dedicated.so", mode=2) at dlopen.c:87
#13 0x0804880c in main ()
No symbol table info available.
eax 0xf7a0b5ed -140462611
ecx 0x10c6 4294
edx 0x10c6 4294
ebx 0x53c7af88 1405595528
esp 0xbfe73af0 0xbfe73af0
ebp 0xbfe73b68 0xbfe73b68
esi 0x0 0
edi 0x0 0
eip 0xb73d79d2 0xb73d79d2
eflags 0x10203 [ CF IF RF ]
cs 0x73 115
ss 0x7b 123
ds 0x7b 123
es 0x7b 123
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x33 51
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0xb7759600 0xb778770b Yes /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libm.so.6
0xb7750ad0 0xb775196c Yes /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2
0xb76b0d00 0xb771f208 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
0xb7653840 0xb7660417 Yes /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
0xb74b7420 0xb75e968e Yes /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
0xb77a4860 0xb77bc7ac Yes /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xb7482f50 0xb7499cf8 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
0xb7436300 0xb74637bc Yes (*) bin/dedicated.so
0xb73d0700 0xb73ec790 Yes (*) /home/srcds/Dota2/bin/libtier0.so
0xb72a6660 0xb72dc4e0 Yes (*) /home/srcds/Dota2/bin/libvstdlib.so
0xb7292fb0 0xb7294c28 Yes (*) /home/srcds/steam-runtime/i386/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libuuid.so.1
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
End of Source crash report

07-18-2014, 17:13
how to reduce the slot in the Source TV dota 2. Constantly 32::

07-20-2014, 07:18
Server successfully started but ignore some commands.
Server resets dota_force_gamemode to default value. Very strange behavior.

Guys, any ideas about this?

07-21-2014, 12:36
Guys, any ideas about this?

You are running that command too late, +dota_force_gamemode 11 in cmdline

The server resets mostly any dota_ cvar when waking up from hibernation but that's not your problem

07-23-2014, 21:58
Hi there, I've been hosting some games in the last few month through the internet, and noticed that my users ping to the server has been increasing.
Yesterday I've been looking into this, and noticed that if I host a match on another computer on my own lan, I will get a ping ~70ms (as reported by ping, hence more or less the worst case reported by net_graph), which I found to be quite high given that the real ping from that lan computer is 1/2 ms.

Any clues why this could be? It would be interesting to hear what are your ping values when hosting a game on your lan

07-23-2014, 23:43
Guys, any ideas about this?

Last updates solve this problem (1011 - 1015). At least i get current game mode, when i typing dota_force_gamemode (linux debian 7.5).

By the way, i install gdb for debugging srcds_run script errors.

PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
./srcds_run: line 356: 8039 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
BFD: Warning: /home/maxpain177/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/core is truncated: expected core file size >= 404094976, found: 2146304.
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77fd91c
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77fd918
Python Exception <class 'gdb.MemoryError'> Cannot access memory at address 0xffc87a60:
debug.cmds:1: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xffc87a60
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635
Thu Jul 24 07:39:01 MSK 2014: Server Quit

maxpain177@dota:~/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta$ Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
response: CrashID=bp-7c3a6566-d526-4b27-b7ed-8cae42140723

07-24-2014, 04:26
i dont play dota so idk anything about it but ive been wondering what can you do with dedicated servers, can you put mods on it or change the game in any major way like css/csgo

07-25-2014, 12:53
Guys, any ideas about this?

on linux it works fine, but windows...

i solved this problem!!!

srcds.exe +sv_hibernate_when_empty 0 -game dota ...etc

07-26-2014, 00:39
My server seems to crash whenever I boot it up, It said cannot execute server.cfg so I made a server .cfg file and that message went away but it still seems to crash. I'm not really sure what the issue is and I've tried everything, it doesn't seem to want to work. If anyone could give me a hand with why it's crashing I'd greatly appreciate it.:3

07-26-2014, 00:48
My server seems to crash whenever I boot it up, It said cannot execute server.cfg so I made a server .cfg file and that message went away but it still seems to crash. I'm not really sure what the issue is and I've tried everything, it doesn't seem to want to work. If anyone could give me a hand with why it's crashing I'd greatly appreciate it.:3


07-26-2014, 10:35
on linux it works fine, but windows...

i solved this problem!!!

srcds.exe +sv_hibernate_when_empty 0 -game dota ...etc

I really wonder, under which Linux You've made it operational.. Could You please tell me distro You're using?

07-26-2014, 11:13
Why so low FPS? In older versions this problem was not! SM and MM latest versions. Sorry for bad english

07-26-2014, 11:35
Why so low FPS? In older versions this problem was not! SM and MM latest versions. Sorry for bad english
Dota 2 has always run at 30 tick. It has nothing to do with MM:S nor SM, and any higher fps on the server is a waste.

07-26-2014, 13:48
Dota 2 has always run at 30 tick. It has nothing to do with MM:S nor SM, and any higher fps on the server is a waste.
Thank you very much for your reply. But there is another problem. When connecting i to the my server on the LAN ping can be 40-50ms, what could be the reason? Sorry for bad english

07-26-2014, 14:25
windows 7, I can run the server fine if I exclude the +map dota command, but when I try to it runs a few things and then crashes, even with the +sv_hibernate_when_empty 0 command on.

07-27-2014, 13:03
I really wonder, under which Linux You've made it operational.. Could You please tell me distro You're using?

its works on debian 7.5 (but server sometimes shuting down) and windows

07-27-2014, 13:04
Why so low FPS? In older versions this problem was not! SM and MM latest versions. Sorry for bad english

srcds.exe -game dota -tickarate 128

07-27-2014, 13:04
Thank you very much for your reply. But there is another problem. When connecting i to the my server on the LAN ping can be 40-50ms, what could be the reason? Sorry for bad english

-tickrate 128

and on client cl_updaterate 100, cl_cmdrate 100

07-27-2014, 20:09
i dont play dota so idk anything about it but ive been wondering what can you do with dedicated servers, can you put mods on it or change the game in any major way like css/csgo

you sure can!!

07-27-2014, 23:53
-tickrate 128

and on client cl_updaterate 100, cl_cmdrate 100
Thank you!

07-28-2014, 06:42
-tickrate 128

and on client cl_updaterate 100, cl_cmdrate 100
You cannot (and should not) change the tickrate in Dota 2. Additionally, unless in an FPS game, changing the default cmdrate is not going to help anything and just be a waste of bandwidth (unless your APM is >1800).

07-28-2014, 12:05
You cannot (and should not) change the tickrate in Dota 2. Additionally, unless in an FPS game, changing the default cmdrate is not going to help anything and just be a waste of bandwidth (unless your APM is >1800).
But why such a large ping in the game? And can it be reduced??? Thanks in advance

08-01-2014, 14:31
version 1015

08-07-2014, 21:07
Thanks to DS: this is how you run a Source2 Dota server

dota.exe -console -dedicated +map dota

Will run a usable Dedicated Server with an attached VConsole2.

RAM usage is about 120MB higher than srcds + Source1 dota at start.

08-10-2014, 09:08
I've started a server (based on ubuntu 14.04(server)) with command "~/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -game dota +map dota". After the start timer(10sec.), "srcds" write me a message, like: I can't find the game "dota" - invalid game. What can i do?

09-01-2014, 05:17
Hi. On Windows, after last update, 1050 version, Dota 2 dedicated servers closing immediately after start.

[D2Fixups] Warning: Failed to setup Test Client shutdown patch.
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Unknown command "mat_grain_enable"
Unknown command "dota_camera_listening_offset"
---- Host_NewGame ----
ConVarRef dota_local_custom_game doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Unknown command "plugin_load"
Host_NewGame on map dota
L 09/01/2014 - 12:12:22: -------- Mapchange to dota --------
Executing dedicated server config file
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'

I use last versions of SM and MM:S

Edit: works with old version of MM:S and SM.
Problem is with "mmsource-1.11.0-git943-windows" and "sourcemod-1.7.0-git4812-windows"

How to fix it???

09-01-2014, 07:57
Hi. On Windows, after last update, 1050 version, Dota 2 dedicated servers closing immediately after start.

I use last versions of SM and MM:S

Edit: works with old version of MM:S and SM.
Problem is with "mmsource-1.11.0-git943-windows" and "sourcemod-1.7.0-git4812-windows"

How to fix it???
The SM dev branch is no longer required for Dota 2. There is a known issue in the dev branch right now that will cause crashes on all games. It will be fixed in the near future. Until then, either use that older version or switch to the stable branch.

09-01-2014, 08:23
The SM dev branch is no longer required for Dota 2. There is a known issue in the dev branch right now that will cause crashes on all games. It will be fixed in the near future. Until then, either use that older version or switch to the stable branch.

OK. Clear.
Thanks a lot )

09-17-2014, 00:27
Hey guys, I have been following this thread and the others quite a bit.

I run or have been running LAN events here in Darwin with limited internet access. Basically 10 people in a online dota game will lag our connection out. We usually have 40 - 50 players on at once. What I am looking at doign is having a loby system / server system whereby we record the games / have source TV setup for spectators / projectors.

Anyone know of or have setup for either a Web Lobby system or application for Dota 2 source server? Basically I want as little issues as possible or to use the ingame lobby system with a dedicated server that hosts it - so everyone gets the same experience (as we have had some lobby hosts crash in Captains mode selection).

And in local lobys - the only way currently to spectate a game is to set the projector up on a Captain / Coach slot - the broardcast channels dont work in the local loby system.

Any ideas?

09-26-2014, 01:33
After update 1076 server crashing.

09-26-2014, 11:17
After update 1076 server crashing.

A similar problem, someone was able to start the server after the upgrade?

09-26-2014, 11:39
Did everything according to the instructions but the server is started with an error
Operating system CentOS Linux 7.0.1406
~/steam-runtime/run.sh ./srcds_run -console -game dota +map dota +ip +port 27024 +exec server.cfg

************** WARNING ***************
Running the dedicated server as root
is highly discouraged. It is generally
unnecessary to use root privileges to
execute the dedicated server.

The server will continue to launch in 10 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 9 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 8 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 7 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 6 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 5 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 4 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 3 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 2 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 1 seconds\rAuto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
/home/srv110/srcds_run: line 356: 19025 (core dumped) $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the /home/srv110/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem

What could be the problem?

09-26-2014, 13:22
A similar problem, someone was able to start the server after the upgrade?
it's works. i just reuploaded original dota 2 files.

09-26-2014, 13:39
The updated server still launches fine for me with MM:S, some custom MM:S plugins, as well as SourceMod on Windows.

09-26-2014, 23:12
The updated server still launches fine for me with MM:S, some custom MM:S plugins, as well as SourceMod on Windows.

Is there a way to run a server on linux without errors?

09-28-2014, 05:43
Now in new updated dota 2 v1091 ,server works fine but in server heroes have 0 mana cost for their spells. i want heroes should spend their allotted mana to cast their spells. Please help me.

10-08-2014, 10:19
Please Anything about the cosmetics on the dota 2 dedicated server??

Right now the cosmetics are displaying only for who host the server on his computer.

10-09-2014, 12:27
Please Anything about the cosmetics on the dota 2 dedicated server??

Right now the cosmetics are displaying only for who host the server on his computer.

If you are using the Steam client, the cosmetics will be displayed. The server must be connected to the Internet.

10-10-2014, 19:32
Can anyone help me, how to enable auto-attack in dedicated server in recent updated dota 2 v1105?

10-10-2014, 20:52
Can anyone help me, how to enable auto-attack in dedicated server in recent updated dota 2 v1105?

Topic has already been created - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=248338&highlight=dota. But so far there is no solution =(

10-16-2014, 14:00
I'm looking for a way to restart automatically after games to finish the game without being present

10-16-2014, 14:49
Disconnect: This server is using an older protocol than your client.

?? anyone have an idea? that what happen when I try to connect.
Server console is up with metamod, dota 2 fix and sourcemod installed and working.

10-16-2014, 15:04
That is that the server and the client does not have the same compilation, find Dota 2 Server 1105\dota\steam.ini


10-16-2014, 16:44
does that file auto update or I have to update it manually every time?

mine show


but it say my server is up to date when I update it?


I tried to change it manually and it just disconnect me but console say that I disconnect manually:


10-18-2014, 04:52
hi. im new at this and currently trying to create my own server launcher, but the server always crash after launching. This is what i got before it close/crash.
https://forums.alliedmods.net/ IAAADlXhI/AAAgAElEQVR4nO2dd1gUV/fHJ+8v7U17U2yho6KmaYwxlkSNvcQWuyjYsNDsxAIKKAr YkWIDe0UUe0VdFAUbFqzYO1gQewP298fGzbIz986d2dll 2Hw/z3nyDHfvnPM9Z3bny7JgON+Rsy0fnXuO2rTjUFhEvFkjY UNK556j3h7vMzq2pBK6wiK5BAiE1YSFX8WGNxbV3k+gxJ JK5o4OFY1ti1d7Nu8U0s07pJt3lzrNXjx7tnpmrLIRt3S rYETPS9i4VbNlxz6uyF6f2w+a/0obe7zhsSWV0BUW+e0SgSjWYeFXseHNRLX3EyixpBJ5fp 8QGadszF+2TTBiYtds2pq8dUcK5ztqjuWjc6/RFviOb83GlM69RpOOLamErrBILgECYTVh4Vex4c1EtfcT KLGkEha/374kwat5p5DuPiHdff5+fx8Zq2yQ3t/HxK55+/6e+UXlM3KWz8hZXn5RA4bN7D90hsegqb19J/XyDnX3DNGF2l6f1ur3fdquaVB9WGBgYGBgYL169fQH9er V4ziO4zj9Soj3HWebWkV+O7ZQjJztPSJG9428z8hZHoOm uPUf5+4Z4tZ/fL/B0wYMm+kxaKpuw6DRRamz35BpwwMiWrTtUXQaZvuMiOo7 cGLHbt6/1Wv8ZxcfS1bv2CugTlO3b6s1tq3ws22Fn7+t1rhOU7eOv QJMyWn6q1hrwKH08+w3FqXuJ4GRcyn/lXE/YVcSFBQUFBQ0L3ZRcHDwvNiF+v8GBweHTl2g3zYjZs30j 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 gUBYf8DvEQgEAoGw/oDfIxAIBAJh/QG/RyAQCATC+sN7RMzdu3dfvHgBv0cgEAgEwmrDe0TM/fv3X758Cb9HIBAIBMJqw3tETG5u7uvXr+H3CAQCgUBYbX iPiHn27NmbN2847xExCAQCgUAgrDVevXqVn5/PXb12+9KVmxcv36DEuGkLDWP7vuOGUWVK9vnzlwxjR1La jqS0bDPg7u5e9y3u7u769ays1Z42NrZvaTTpUFbWoUmNb GxtbW0aeXo2ajTpUFZ2dnbWak/dBhtPT0+bRpMOZWVlrdYdvE1iePx3Qs/VwtsM99i8fTQ7O3u1p42tra2N52pScgAAACSSk5PP8khN Tb1w4UJcXBz9RGDI3r17U1JSUlNTDx06lJ6ezt29/yj7Xi57hM9alZJ+0TCeP39++/Zdw9ifemp/6qnnZuDq1astW7Zs0KBBy5Ytr169ao4SAAAAipAjR47c4 JGRkZGVlbV8+XKpJ/7LuXXr1u3bt7OysrKzs7mHj54/fPQ8J/cZY0yZu+bgyWuGkZeXd+/eQ8M4ePjcwcPn8szDuXPnWrdufe6cufIDAAAoQo4fP57F 4+zZsw8ePIiPj5d64r8Zwx9+3L17l8t9/EJSTJ239vCpG4ZRUFDw4MEjwzh8NPPw0cwCAAAAQCInT5 68y+P8+fMPHz5cvXq11BOBjnv37nGPnryUFNNiE4+cvmk YWq02J+exYRxJv3Ak/YIWAAAAkEhGRsY9HpmZmbm5uQkJCVJPBHr+H557DWfiVc YLAAAAAElFTkSuQmCChttp://i.imgur.com/4w8fg2W.png

this is the command i insert to the server. (Im using vb.net for creating the launcher)
/min -game dota -window -console -insecure +hostname asist +dota_wait_for_players_to_load 1 +dota_wait_for_players_to_load_count 10 +dota_wait_for_players_to_load_timeout 100 +dota_force_gamemode 1 +dota_bot_match_difficulty 1 +dota_start_ai_game 1 +sv_cheats 1 +sv_lan 1 +ip localhost +sv_allchat 1 +dota_fill_empty_slots_with_bots 1 +tv_enable 1 +map dota +exec server.cfg

10-27-2014, 07:21
Hi all,
I have a dota2 bug, in this case only occurs towards Host. I can host the server but the main problem is whenever I pick any hero that I wanted to play, Im unable to use it as it is Frozen and unable to control it as well. This is before I put dota_bot_populate. After I insert bot, it generate 5 extra hero and I got a random bot hero. So, there is 6 hero loaded in radiant and 1 is frozen and unplayable(hero that I pick).

Please help me resolve this problem, thank you.


10-27-2014, 07:41
Hi all,
I have a dota2 bug, in this case only occurs towards Host. I can host the server but the main problem is whenever I pick any hero that I wanted to play, Im unable to use it as it is Frozen and unable to control it as well. This is before I put dota_bot_populate. After I insert bot, it generate 5 extra hero and I got a random bot hero. So, there is 6 hero loaded in radiant and 1 is frozen and unplayable(hero that I pick).

Please help me resolve this problem, thank you.

Please, delete one of your duplicated post.

11-05-2014, 08:23
I've done everything, but the server was not going to bind any valid port. It's 0 as usual.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and NO1 can't connect to my dedicated server ( no port specified ).

I need any help, please!

11-05-2014, 08:57
I've done everything, but the server was not going to bind any valid port. It's 0 as usual.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and NO1 can't connect to my dedicated server ( no port specified ).

I need any help, please!
Try replacing your bin/dedicated.so with this attached version, and let me know if it works. If so, I will update the Linux and Mac dedicated binaries in the first post.

11-05-2014, 09:28
Try replacing your bin/dedicated.so with this attached version, and let me know if it works. If so, I will update the Linux and Mac dedicated binaries in the first post.

Current item schema is up-to-date with version 053EE4D8.
GC Connection established for server version 1137
hostname: Dota 2
version : 41/41 1137 secure
steamid : [A:1:1177650:4810] (90094672522117320)
udp/ip : os(Linux) type(dedicated)
players : 0 humans, 0 bots (10 max) (hibernating)
edicts : 636 used of 2048 max
gamestate: DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT Times: Transition=0.00 Current=1.00
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state rate adr

Yeah, it works! I'm going to test connection to my VPS in some time.

11-05-2014, 09:37
I have a problem to lunch my server.
I install Dota server on my win 2008 server exactly the same as guide(first post)
when i launch my server i receive this error:

Error reading application id. Please either write it to steam_appid.txt or use the launcher!
there is a steam_appid.txt file next to srcds but i still get this error.

can you help with it?:cry:

11-06-2014, 02:30
It works, it works, WOOOOOOOOOOOORKS ahahah!! ( oh baby it's triple )

If your server crashes try to update it.

11-06-2014, 06:43
I have a problem to lunch my server.
I install Dota server on my win 2008 server exactly the same as guide(first post)
when i launch my server i receive this error:

Error reading application id. Please either write it to steam_appid.txt or use the launcher!
there is a steam_appid.txt file next to srcds but i still get this error.

can you help with it?:cry:

Should i buy dedicated server game from somewhere first? i didn't see any link to buy dota 2 dedicated server

11-12-2014, 04:49
Should i buy dedicated server game from somewhere first? i didn't see any link to buy dota 2 dedicated server

Follow the instructions at the top of the topic and it will be ok. Dota dedicated server is free.

11-14-2014, 00:52
Hi guys, need you all to help me solve this problem can?

I ald try with solution above.... ald doesn't serve me right...... anyone can help me?

11-14-2014, 01:11
Hi guys, need you all to help me solve this problem can?

I ald try with solution above.... ald doesn't serve me right...... anyone can help me?

In which OS are you running a server?

11-14-2014, 01:31
In which OS are you running a server?

Are you kidding?
It's Windows!

wmk92, you should try to update your server and replace metamod with the latest snapshot.

11-14-2014, 02:10
Are you kidding?
It's Windows!

wmk92, you should try to update your server and replace metamod with the latest snapshot.

Then, try to update the server and check all file existence listed in the first post.

11-14-2014, 03:05
How can I change the limit of edicts?
Server ( Linux ) crashes with this output :
Total edicts: 2049
ED_Alloc: no free edicts
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']

11-14-2014, 03:20
Are you kidding?
It's Windows!

wmk92, you should try to update your server and replace metamod with the latest snapshot.

I ald try it.... still cannot solve it...... do you nid any information regarding to this to solve it?

11-15-2014, 20:03
I got my server running with MMS and d2fixups, but how do I fill it with bots? Also, is it possible to get battle points from the dedicated server?

11-21-2014, 05:02
I got my server running with MMS and d2fixups, but how do I fill it with bots? Also, is it possible to get battle points from the dedicated server?

Type in console : dota_bot_populate.
No, you can't use ds as usual valve server ( no rating/drops/points )

11-21-2014, 08:59
after the last server update rcon does not work anymore (not listening to the port at all)

Am I alone in this?

11-22-2014, 06:44

After last Dota 2 update I'm not able to get server IP in my plugin.
Before I took it by reading "hostip" convar, but now it doesn't work.
Fix please somehow.

11-22-2014, 11:05

After last Dota 2 update I'm not able to get server IP in my plugin.
Before I took it by reading "hostip" convar, but now it doesn't work.
Fix please somehow.
You can read the value of the -ip parameter on the command line. (CommandLine()->ParmValue() in an MM:S plugin or SM extension, or GetCommandLineParam in SM 1.7-dev or later).

11-22-2014, 11:19
Dear psychonic, please help! :)

I tried to use linux version of srcds dota server with your dedicated.so on dedicated server (debian 7, libgc v.2.15, metamod and sourcemod -last snapshots, and d2fixups 2.0.0) and i get errors when two players connect to server:

Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
/home/maxpain/srcds/builds/dota/srcds_run: line 356: 8457 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the /home/maxpain/srcds/builds/dota/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Sat Nov 22 18:22:05 MSK 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds

11-24-2014, 03:26
You can read the value of the -ip parameter on the command line. (CommandLine()->ParmValue() in an MM:S plugin or SM extension, or GetCommandLineParam in SM 1.7-dev or later).

Thanks for response Psy.
Isn't it possible from SM plugin? If not, will be it fixed?

11-24-2014, 06:40
You can read the value of the -ip parameter on the command line. (CommandLine()->ParmValue() in an MM:S plugin or SM extension, or GetCommandLineParam in SM 1.7-dev or later).

Thanks for response Psy.
Isn't it possible from SM plugin? If not, will be it fixed?
As I said, GetCommandLineParam("-ip", buffer, size) should work in SM. If the hostip convar was removed, or is no longer used, there is nothing more for SM to do with it.

11-24-2014, 10:14
As I said, GetCommandLineParam("-ip", buffer, size) should work in SM. If the hostip convar was removed, or is no longer used, there is nothing more for SM to do with it.

OK. Got. Thanks :)

11-25-2014, 12:27
Is there a way to start the server without errors on linux?

11-25-2014, 22:04
Both the Linux and Mac packages on the first post have now been updated with the new dedicated.so/dylib that fixes the port binding issue. (The Linux binary is the same one that I posted a couple of pages back).

11-27-2014, 09:22
After last Dota 2 update I'm not able to get server IP in my plugin.
Before I took it by reading "hostip" convar, but now it doesn't work.
Fix please somehow.
You can read the value of the -ip parameter on the command line. (CommandLine()->ParmValue() in an MM:S plugin or SM extension, or GetCommandLineParam in SM 1.7-dev or later).
I now believe that your issue reading the convar is caused by engine networking now initializing later than previously. It now initializes after ServerActivate/OnMapStart (in the same function that calls those). If you use SM's RequestFrame native in OnMapStart, you can get a callback exactly 1 frame later, still close to start but after networking has initialized and when hostip/hostport are populated.

11-28-2014, 09:47
I now believe that your issue reading the convar is caused by engine networking now initializing later than previously. It now initializes after ServerActivate/OnMapStart (in the same function that calls those). If you use SM's RequestFrame native in OnMapStart, you can get a callback exactly 1 frame later, still close to start but after networking has initialized and when hostip/hostport are populated.

Clear. I'll try that.

For the "hostport" cvar it works correctly. I'm able to read it in "OnPluginStart" method.

11-28-2014, 10:35
On ubuntu 14.10 server works perfectly, but on debian 7.7 (with same glibc 2.19) it crashes.

PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
/home/maxpain/dota/srcds_run: line 356: 9809 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
BFD: Warning: /home/maxpain/dota/core is truncated: expected core file size >= 408358912, found: 2150400.
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77e691c
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77e6918
Python Exception <class 'gdb.MemoryError'> Cannot access memory at address 0xffea7f30:
debug.cmds:1: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xffea7f30
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635
Fri Nov 28 18:33:52 MSK 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds

11-28-2014, 13:44
Please help me i just tried your server thingy but i cannot get it to work. i have done all the steps but i cannot host a server localy.

The last console messages are opening port e.g. 27007 then the close message then it cmd window closes.


12-01-2014, 10:08

my problem with the server is, that it crashes when i'm just few minutes in the game.
I get a lot of "Error in .VMT file" erros and DataTable warning because of "Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat".
In srcds_run line 356, I get an 13392 memory access error and it says that my dota 2 beta/core i truncated because it didnt find the correct file size.

Thank you for your help

12-01-2014, 12:44
Hello everyone ,

First at all , thanks for your help , I lost my older user... but this is another issue xD

I try to follow the instructions , but when I'm deploying de server i have the next error :

Mon Dec 1 16:33:30 UTC 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
Failed to open bin/dedicated_srv.so (libuuid.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
cat: hlds.6352.pid: No such file or directory
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635

Could you help me ?

Many thanks,

Shooting King
12-08-2014, 13:27
Thankyou, DS and psychonic.

Can I ignore these errors ?

WARNING: unable to link Test_StartScript and Test_StartScript because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_RandomChance and Test_RandomChance because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopForNumSeconds and Test_LoopForNumSeconds because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_Loop and Test_Loop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_LoopCount and Test_LoopCount because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link Test_StartLoop and Test_StartLoop because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_flags and log_flags because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_color and log_color because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_verbosity and log_verbosity because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_level and log_level because one or more is a ConCommand.
WARNING: unable to link log_dumpchannels and log_dumpchannels because one or more is a ConCommand.

12-08-2014, 14:15
Can I ignore these errors ?

Shooting King
12-08-2014, 14:24
Thanks for the quick reply and GJ :)

12-10-2014, 13:02
Hello everyone ,

I'm trying to run this server on Ubuntu , following the instructions , but i couldn't deploy this server , anybody has an idea ?

Many thanks

Hello everyone ,

First at all , thanks for your help , I lost my older user... but this is another issue xD

I try to follow the instructions , but when I'm deploying de server i have the next error :

Mon Dec 1 16:33:30 UTC 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds
Failed to open bin/dedicated_srv.so (libuuid.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
cat: hlds.6352.pid: No such file or directory
Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635

Could you help me ?

Many thanks,

Shooting King
12-14-2014, 09:08
How did you set-up the server exactly ?

12-15-2014, 06:29
I require assistance!

My server crashes on EXIT, i have no idea what caused it.
Am I the only who got this strange error??

Server (ubuntu ) includes latest Metamod + Sourcemod, and plugin for auto-join players, nothing more.

CDOTAGCServerSystem - adding listener
VAC secure mode is activated.
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0)
Received server welcome from GC.
GC Connection established for server version 1176
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0)
echo 2
CSoundEmitterSystem: Registered 1139 sounds
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0)
Closed server(27015)
Packed store /home/steam/dota/sound_vo_english with refcount > 0.
/home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_ubuntu12_linux/build/src/tier0/threadtools.cpp (3628) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'CFileWriterThread'
Assert( Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'CFileWriterThread' ):/home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_ubuntu12_linux/build/src/tier0/threadtools.cpp:3628

Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0)
crash_20141215141422_11.dmp[28357]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
crash_20141215141422_11.dmp[28357]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no
crash_20141215141422_11.dmp[28357]: error: libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
crash_20141215141422_11.dmp[28357]: file ''/tmp/dumps/crash_20141215141422_11.dmp'', upload no: ''libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory''
^CMon Dec 15 14:14:37 MSK 2014: Server Quit

12-15-2014, 09:06

i followed the instructions from the beginning but just few minutes in the game, the server crashes.
I use it on Ubuntu Server 14.04

Can someone help me?


Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/srcds_run: Zeile 356: 18539 Memory Access Error (Speicherabzug geschrieben) $HL_CMD
BFD: Warning: /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/core is truncated: expected core file size >= 409817088, found: 2048000.
Cannot access memory at address 0xb77cb928
Cannot access memory at address 0xb77cb924
Python Exception <class 'gdb.MemoryError'> Cannot access memory at address 0xbfc5c650:
debug.cmds:1: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xbfc5c650
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_hero_luna: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_flPlaybackRate', clamping.
DataTable warning: npc_dota_creep_lane: Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat 'm_Post about crashes or other issues at https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=236635
Mo 15. Dez 15:01:04 CET 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds

my problem with the server is, that it crashes when i'm just few minutes in the game.
I get a lot of "Error in .VMT file" erros and DataTable warning because of "Out-of-range value (inf) in SendPropFloat".
In srcds_run line 356, I get an 13392 memory access error and it says that my dota 2 beta/core i truncated because it didnt find the correct file size.

Thank you for your help

12-16-2014, 15:29
How did you set-up the server exactly ?

First at all, thanks, I start following the instructions written in this thread , I install on Ubuntu TLS 14 , 64 bits, with the libreries required in theory to cover the 32bits library , later I installed :

The latest Metamod:Source 1.11 Snapshot.
The latest download of d2fixups.

After some errors , I try to install the runtinme of the client and after install some libraries or dependencies that the system was requiring , i didn't anything more special , Do you suggest any better S.O. to manage that ? or you know if try it with 64 bits are not a god idea ? I read a lot trying to solvent but... i couldn't find the right solution , but I read here how everybody can set up the server...

I mean .. I follow this instructions :

Alright!!! So there's a lot of confusion on here and elsewhere on how to run a Dota 2 server of your own, here's a complete(hopefully) rundown:

What you need:
steamcmd (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Downloading_SteamCMD)
The latest Metamod:Source 1.11 Snapshot (http://sourcemm.net/snapshots).
The latest download of d2fixups. (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=209965)

You'll use steamcmd to install and maintain your Dota installation. Follow these instructions (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Running_SteamCMD) using Dota's appid of 570. So, when you see commands like:
app_update 740 validateKnow that the Dota equivalent is:
app_update 570 validateI'll refer to the root of your steamcmd install as "dotaserver"

You'll need a compatible srcds executable for your platform. Get it from DS's original post in this thread above. Extract it into "/dotaserver/", putting the core files (e.g. srcds_linux, srcds.exe) alongside your Dota exectuable.

Open up your steamcmd install to the (dotaserver/dota) directory.
Metamod:Source goes inside your addons folder. If you look inside of the .rar, you'll see an "addons" folder. This means that it's meant to be merged with your existing addons folder, so drop it inside of dotaserver/dota directly.
d2fixups is the same way. After extracting MM:S, extract d2fixups just like that.

To get Metamod:Source to load, you need to edit gameinfo.txt in (dotaserver/dota) as per the instruction in this article under "GameInfo (https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Installing_Metamod:Source#Gameinfo)".

Launching srcds
You'll need to run the program with certain parameters. DS's original post brushes over the specifics of executing SRCDS on your platform.

-game dota -consoleSub-Mandatory:
-port <port> -ip <computersLANIP> Helpful:
+map <mapname> -maxplayers 10 +developer <0/1/2>

Network and General Configuration in Windows
In Windows, I like creating a shortcut and editing its "target". This involves creating a shortcut to srcds.exe, opening Right click-> Properties, and adding your parameters after the final quotation mark in the Target: field. You'll need these, for sure:
-console -game dota +map dota -maxplayers 10 -port <yourchosenport> -ip <computersLANIP>
So, my Target: field looks something like this:
"C:\dotaserver\srcds.exe" -console -game dota -port 3003 -ip -maxplayers 10

For -ip, input your computer's LAN address. Windows users can find out how here:

Pick any available port for -port. Keep in mind that in addition to any typical networking considerations (firewalls, etc.), if you want to make your server joinable over the network, you need to forward your chosen port. Find your router on this list (http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm)., and pick a guide for any game. Then, just apply the instructions given, but for whatever port you've chosen.

Naturally, you need to check for updates on all of the software involved (MM:S and d2fixups) after each patch. Periods of nonfunction are inevitable with an oft-updated game like Dota 2: best you can do is be careful to ensure that MM:S and d2fixups support the latest game version before updating your server's files.

Connecting and Playing
To connect clients must enter

connect ip:port

into their Dota console, example:


When greeted with a darkened overview of the map, you need only to join a team.

jointeam good

jointeam bad

To skip the Waiting For Players stage, set the following cvar:

dota_wait_for_players_to_load 1

where the integer is the number of players to wait for before entering Pick.

I recommend both players and developers check out Dota Script Tools (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=240908)

What do you think is a good way to test it if i have all installed or how can i give you better info ?

Many thanks ,

12-17-2014, 22:11
Hi, after today's update someone could start a server? Loading reaches Opened server (27025) and the server shuts down

The server up on the old d2fixups, but there is a bug [D2Fixups] Failed to update waiting for players count.

12-18-2014, 00:53
Hi, after today's update someone could start a server? Loading reaches Opened server (27025) and the server shuts down

The server up on the old d2fixups, but there is a bug [D2Fixups] Failed to update waiting for players count.
Having the same problem. Server crashes after the update.

12-19-2014, 06:09

12-19-2014, 06:40
Grab the latest D2Fixups.

12-20-2014, 12:21
hi, i want to run dedicated server in mac osx , after running server everythings seems to be correct, but when i'm going to connect server , in client side appears following error :

Disconnect: The server was unable to locate the game session.

could anyone tell me how to fix that damn error ?!?

12-22-2014, 03:16
hi, i want to run dedicated server in mac osx , after running server everythings seems to be correct, but when i'm going to connect server , in client side appears following error :

could anyone tell me how to fix that damn error ?!?

Install D2FixUps

12-22-2014, 03:21
Help me please, I can't find what is going so wrong!
Here's 70% chance that server will be crashed!

Some logs :

S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_STRATEGY_TIME'
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PRE_GAME'
m_flPreGameStartTime set to 73.40
m_flStateTransitionTime set to 163.40
Attempted to create unknown entity type !
PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:***] npc_dota_hero_slark(93)
PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:***] true
PR:SetSelectedHero 0:[U:1:***] npc_dota_hero_slark(93)
PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:***] false
PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:***] false
PR:SetSeleInstalling breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(srcds_linux)/version(1.0)
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (in-process) [proxy '']
success = yes
response: CrashID=bp-051517c4-570f-4516-9c31-ce38c2141222
/home/steam/dota2_v1/srcds_run: line 356: 3873 Segmentation error (core dumped) $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the /home/steam/dota2_v1/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Mon Dec 22 11:10:49 MSK 2014: Server restart in 10 seconds Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 580
Using breakpad crash handler

And it happens CONSTANTLY! Only 1-2 updates was not crashing.

I'm using ubuntu 14, server updated, all snapshots are loaded ( metamod, sourcemod ).

12-22-2014, 12:38
Install D2FixUps

I've already installed D2FixUps and still have problem, any other idea?

12-23-2014, 01:18
I've already installed D2FixUps and still have problem, any other idea?

1) Update server.
2) Install the latest snapshots of metamod and sourcemod.
3) Check D2FixUps ( it was updated on days! ).

12-29-2014, 11:48
Hi as I can keep all records and execute commands from clients, I have security problems, someone is using some command to close the game


sv_rcon_log "1"
sv_logsdir "logs"
sv_log_onefile 0 //Log server information to only one file
sv_logbans 1 //Log server information in the log file
sv_logecho 0
sv_logfile 1
sv_logflush 0
sv_logsdir "logs"
but this does not save me all the console log that is what I need to know the command you are using to close the server remote

01-11-2015, 12:35
how to play capitan mode instead of all pick ?

01-12-2015, 04:23
how to play capitan mode instead of all pick ?
dota_force_gamemode 2

01-12-2015, 08:56
dota_force_gamemode 2

im using dota in mac os,where and how should i use this code ?

01-15-2015, 14:28
We have some problems with this error in our server:


There are some LAGS(HANG, BRAKING) in a game, when this error appears in a console.

What is the problem?

01-22-2015, 14:26
Can somebody give me some help with my dedicated server?
It runs latest metamod and d2fixups,but when I give "map" command,it closes without an error on "Opened server(27025) (threaded)"...
I don't know what to do,cause I have not found any info on such a silent crash...

01-23-2015, 15:01
Dear psychonic, please HELP!
I use latest SRCDS dota build + latest d2fixups + latest sm&mm on Linux Debian 7.7 (I tried Ubuntu 14.04 - some problems)
And server sometimes crashes with this error.

PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy '']
./srcds_run: line 337: 23330 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Fri Jan 23 22:55:49 MSK 2015: Server restart in 10 seconds

02-12-2015, 17:50
Hello there, just a fast question: i can't add "+map dota" command to launch command line, or the server will crash when startup, but if i don't add it this server can't join by anyone.

02-16-2015, 03:15
Hello there, just a fast question: i can't add "+map dota" command to launch command line, or the server will crash when startup, but if i don't add it this server can't join by anyone.

I am having this EXACT issue right now.

Windows 2008 Server.

I wish Dota 2 output some sort of log. The console window closes so fast I can't read what errors there may be :(

Has anyone got a solution...?


02-16-2015, 04:18
I was able to get a log output...
Log shows this:
********************************************* ***
* Unable to load Steam support library. *
* This server will operate in LAN mode only. *
********************************************* ***
This is a Windows server, so Steam is installed!

Any ideas how to fix?
