View Full Version : [ASA]: Advanced SQL Advertisements - UPDATE(19/5/2016)

03-01-2014, 08:36
Advanced SQL Advertisements
I search in forums for something like this but nothing found. So i decided to make one! :P
With this plugin you can add some advertisements(dhud/chat/hud) into SQL and then to show them in-game. It's a simple plugin which will make your life easier for communities. It's a better way not to write the same things in .ini files.

UPDATE 1.2: Now u can handle the Advertisements by servers

Admin Commands:

-asa_add_adv "type: chat/hud/dhud" "message" "servers with commas|all" "red" "green" "blue"
It adds an advertisement in SQL
NOTE1: If the type is chat there is no need to add red, green,blue.
NOTE2: Red, Green, Blue is values 0-255.
NOTE3: You can use colorchat: !g for green color, !t for team color and !n for yellow color.
asa_add_adv "chat" "kappa" ""
asa_add_adv "hud" "kappakeppo" "," "255" "0" "0"
asa_add_adv "dhud" "kappakeppos" "all" "255" "255" "0"

-asa_del_adv "type: chat/hud/dhud" "message" "servers with commas|all"
Deletes the advertisement from SQL with this type & name.
NOTE: Same way to add server with the above

Shows all advertisements in console

Reloads all advertisements

-say /advs
Opens a menu with all advertisements

No CVARS Needed.

Plugin Customization:

#define MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES 20 //Max chat messages in sql
#define MAX_HUD_MESSAGES 20 //Max hud messages in sql
#define MAX_DHUD_MESSAGES 20 //Max dhud messages in sql
#define MAX_SERVERS 20 //Max Servers in sql

#define ADMIN_FLAG ADMIN_BAN //Admin flag for commands

#define USE_PREFIX //define this if u don't want chat prefix

new Host[] = ""
new User[] = ""
new Pass[] = ""
new DB[] = ""

new const Float:MIN_TIME_CHAT = 60.0
new const Float:MAX_TIME_CHAT = 80.0
new const Float:MIN_TIME_HUD = 120.0
new const Float:MAX_TIME_HUD = 160.0

#if defined USE_PREFIX
new const saychatprefix[] = { "!g[!nAdvanced SQL Advs!g]!n" }


1.0 - Release
1.2 - Control Servers' Advertisements, make Advertisements only for some servers


Add VB|Php Script for control advertisements via website(NOT DONE!)
Make the advertisements to be controllable via menu(NOT DONE!)

Just add mysql, compile and add to plugins.ini.
No need any module or something like this.

03-01-2014, 09:33
Good job

03-01-2014, 14:29
You made my life a bit easier actually. I have not tested it yet but if it works as expected, great job.

03-01-2014, 18:41
Thanks a lot guys.

Plugin has beed tested and works Fine!

03-01-2014, 19:25
Nice man!

03-03-2014, 02:22
It's a simple plugin

So what makes it advanced? :D

03-03-2014, 05:11
So what makes it advanced? :D

I think cause u can add chat, hud and dhud advertisements and also you can save them in MySQL DataBase. So this plugin is the best solution for communities with a lot of servers ;)

03-04-2014, 13:04
I thought that I should try to make something like this but I didn't have motivation to study amxx. Great work :)
Maybe you should add option that some advertisement can be disabled for specific ip..?

03-04-2014, 14:56
Yeah, i actually thought about this and i am working on this right now.
Will be updated soon.

The obly thing that i really need some help is on the web part, cause i don't know a lot about html and php.

10-21-2015, 21:08
nice plugin, you can expand this with autoresponder and conditions function ? (like this:https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=27814&highlight=autoresponder)
conditions:map, playersnum, adminflags?

10-22-2015, 06:55
nice plugin, you can expand this with autoresponder and conditions function ? (like this:https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=27814&highlight=autoresponder)
conditions:map, playersnum, adminflags?

i'm gonna do it when i have some free time.

11-26-2015, 10:00
Little more of a way to define what ads go on what servers this will go on all of my servers.

05-19-2016, 07:03
Little more of a way to define what ads go on what servers this will go on all of my servers.

Done my friend!