View Full Version : Can Anyone Help Me?

11-28-2013, 13:44
I Have Since Yesterday a Counter-Strike Source Server.
I Have SM_Hosties Installed.
And If i Run The Server The Server Is Crashing.
When I Removed The Hooks Its Not Crashing.
Any Help?

11-28-2013, 15:40
Dude, This Is AMX MOD X Section ....
Go Here (https://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=130) :O

11-28-2013, 15:54
Dude, This Is AMX MOD X Section

Dude, This Is Off-Topic Section

EDIT: Moved to the correct location, not the one provided by al3amri

02-15-2014, 14:41
Try this (if ur on windows)

download above 4 files ,unzip them on one place
goto cfg/sourcemod/sm_hosties2.cfg
edit that file in text editor
find these lines
// Counter-Terrorist overlay texture file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win.vtf"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_ct "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win.vtf"

// Counter-Terrorist overlay material file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win.vmt"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_ct_vmt "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win.vmt"

// Terrorist overlay texture file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win.vtf"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_t "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win.vtf"

// Terrorist overlay material file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win.vmt"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_t_vmt "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win.vmt"

and make them like this
// Counter-Terrorist overlay texture file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win.vtf"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_ct ""

// Counter-Terrorist overlay material file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win.vmt"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_ct_vmt ""

// Terrorist overlay texture file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win.vtf"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_t ""

// Terrorist overlay material file
// -
// Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win.vmt"
sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_t_vmt ""

edit your server.cfg as per your liking
edit your gamemode_casual (depending upon which gametype u have) as per ur liking

add me on steam if u need anyhelp
steam username : t1rath