View Full Version : check if user has any menu opened

10-14-2013, 17:59
it seems that i need your help again.
i have recently found a stock that allows me to show a hud message via menu.

but there is a problem:
if the user already has opened another menu( like radio for example ) when my 'hud menu' is displayed,
it will dissapear.

how can i check if a user has any other menu opened so i can skip that player ?

here is the code:

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include < amxmodx >

#pragma semicolon 1

new const
PLUGIN_NAME[ ] = "New Plugin",
PLUGIN_VERSION[ ] = "1.0";

new const MESSAGES[ 11 ][ ] =
"\rFun Jump-ul\d este interzis! ( \y CT\d )",
"\rWait-ul\d,\r Camp-ul\d sunt intezise! ( \y CT\d )",
"\rRun-ul\d,\r Hide-ul\d,\r Airflash-ul\d sunt interzise! ( \y T\d )",
"\rBlock-ul\d,\r Team Block-ul\d sunt interzise!",
"\rUnderstab-ul\d, \rUnder Block-ul\d este interzis!",
"\rBoost-ul \deste interzis!",
"\rRetry-ul \deste interzis!",
"\dFara scripturi sau cvar-uri\r ilegale\d!",
"\dFara wait-uri sau hack-uri de orice forma!",
"\rFara injuraturi si limbaj vulgar!",
"\rRespectati\d adminii si jucatorii serverului!"

public plugin_init( )

register_plugin( PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, "" );

set_task( 10.0, "task_DisplayMessage", 1337, _, _, "b", 0 );
// Add your code here...

public task_DisplayMessage( )
static iPlayers[ 32 ];
static iPlayersNum;

get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ch" );
if( !iPlayersNum )

static id, i;
for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
id = iPlayers[ i ];
CreateMenuHud( id, MESSAGES[ random( 11 ) ], 5 );



CreateMenuHud( id, szMsg[ ], iTime = 5)
static bool:bRegistered;

if( !bRegistered )
register_menucmd( register_menuid( "MenuHud" ), (1<<9), "MenuHud" );
bRegistered = true;

new szMessage[ 512 ], iLen;
static const NEWLINE[ ] = "^n ";
static const NEWLINES[ ] = "^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n^n";

iLen += formatex( szMessage[ iLen ], sizeof( szMessage ) - iLen -1, "%s%s",NEWLINES, NEWLINE );
iLen += formatex( szMessage[ iLen ], sizeof( szMessage ) - iLen -1, "%s", szMsg );

replace_all( szMessage, sizeof( szMessage ) -1, "\n", NEWLINE );

show_menu( id, (1<<9), szMessage, iTime, "MenuHud" );

// Just to let menu show
public MenuHud( id, key )

ok so it happened that i found out about:
* Returns information about a menu (if any) the client is currently viewing.
* If newmenu is valid, then the menu will refer to the menuid associated with
* the title. If newmenu is not valid, and the menu is valid, then the player
* is viewing a menu displayed with show_menu().
* Both may be invalid if the player is not viewing a menu.
* @param id Client index.
* @param menu Variable to store old menu id. If none, then <1 will be
* stored.
* @param newmenu Variable to store new menu id. If none, then -1 will be
* stored.
* @param menupage Variable to store current page of the new menu, if any.
* @return 1 if the player is viewing a menu, 0 otherwise.
* @error Invalid client.
native player_menu_info(id, &menu, &newmenu, &menupage=0);but i don't understand how to use it.

can you help me ?
thanks in advance!

10-14-2013, 18:58
Try to search a bit. Posted yesterday:
Using this native :
* Returns information about a menu (if any) the client is currently viewing.
* If newmenu is valid, then the menu will refer to the menuid associated with
* the title. If newmenu is not valid, and the menu is valid, then the player
* is viewing a menu displayed with show_menu().
* Both may be invalid if the player is not viewing a menu.
* @param id Client index.
* @param menu Variable to store old menu id. If none, then <1 will be
* stored.
* @param newmenu Variable to store new menu id. If none, then -1 will be
* stored.
* @param menupage Variable to store current page of the new menu, if any.
* @return 1 if the player is viewing a menu, 0 otherwise.
* @error Invalid client.
native player_menu_info(id, &menu, &newmenu, &menupage=0);

new oldMenuId, newMenuId;
player_menu_info(id, oldMenuId, newMenuId)
if( newMenuId > -1 && newMenuId == YOUR_MENU )

Although of course you would need to make a few small edits to suite your needs.

10-15-2013, 02:53
Compare oldMenu variable to value returned by register_menuid.
So, better to send register_menuid in plugin_init.

10-15-2013, 13:55
i searched.. but i think i have not entered the right keyword..
although, thanks for your help .