View Full Version : [Issue] [Webpanel]

04-16-2013, 12:40
Also the index.php file seems to be corrupt, i can load test.php which just contains "test" and that loads fine, but index.php gives me therror, down because of maintanence or not installed correctly. (chrome error)

As my post says, I can reach the IPHERE/store-webpanel-master/test.php but not IPHERE/store-webpanel-master/index.php wihich is the webpanel index

Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving http:/ip/webpanel/. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Please help :fox:

04-16-2013, 12:57
Download the CI Framework (http://ellislab.com/codeigniter), upload it to your webspace and tell me if you have got the same error

04-16-2013, 13:25
Didn't work, and I seem to be able to load php files, but not index.php's...

04-16-2013, 13:32
Please attach the codeigniter logs (if there are any).
They should be in application/logs.

04-16-2013, 13:52
There's only index.html which I don't have access to apparently, well, the www folder doesn't allow me to "Read and write" it just says ---, when I try to hcange it it will just go back to ---, I'm a bit wtf'd right now

04-16-2013, 13:54
It should be enough if the permission is set for the webpanel folder

04-16-2013, 14:07
Same thing happens on that folder

04-16-2013, 14:37
Looks like you have got it solved. What was the problem ?

04-16-2013, 15:38
I haven't got it solved? I'm not sure what your source is but there's no improvement, I can't give myself permissions to the www folder, or anyhting inside of that.

04-16-2013, 15:46
just take a look at this link ( and you see its working.
Now you just need to follow the store webpanel setup guide and it works

04-16-2013, 15:54
How did you get that?
Are you a wizard? Seriously, what did you do? I seriously just returned to my desk and see this, magically, what... this is extremely weird, anyway, could you please link me the webpanel set up guide, since the original thread has a 404 link

04-16-2013, 15:57
I did nothing, just checked if it is working already.
Here is (http://confluence.sourcedonates.com/display/STWPAN/Installing+the+Store+Webpanel) the link to the setup guide
Can you please tell me where you have exactly found the 404 link (cause they should all be fixed; at least in the main post)

04-17-2013, 06:36
I don't have permissions to the "upload folder" it's not writeable, and I can't set the permissions, is there a way to do it in terminal? Since I can't change it in properties, thanks

04-17-2013, 17:56
I don't have permissions to the "upload folder" it's not writeable [...]

This should not be a problem unless you have errors with the json import system

04-18-2013, 09:15
The problem IS the json import system, I get the error" The upload destination folder does not appear to be writeable" when I try to import a json file

04-18-2013, 15:00
if you are running a linux os try the following commands (you have do adapt it)

chown -R [web-user] [path-to-webpanel]
chmod -R u=rw [path-tp-webpanel]

04-19-2013, 11:07
Thanks for making that public! It's spammed with shit now...

04-19-2013, 13:51
Thanks for making that public! It's spammed with shit now...

I think you have misunderstood something !
You thread has been public since you have created it, so its completely your own fault if you dont setup a .htaccess or the internal auth system at the WebPanel.

And its not like you havnt been warned, here is a quote for you from the main post of the WebPanel thread.

If you have problems with setting up your webpanel, just create a issue in the Support-Project (http://jira.sourcedonates.com/browse/SUP) on Jira. The main advantage of Jira is, that it allows you to post sensitive information (like your webpanel link) and restrict the access to it (so only specific usergroups can access it; for example the developers or the project-lead)

The U.S. government has a acronym for this kind of problem: POBCAK (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._government_and_military_acronyms #P)
There is even a YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID50IK7U9RA) about a similar problem (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=8LNt-EmXAYQ&NR=1)