View Full Version : [CS:GO] Tracking only actions

02-01-2013, 10:56
Hello. I have a little problem with my HlStatsX:CE.
They only "see" actions, so points are given only for HeadShots, T/CT win game,... and they don't give any points for normal kill. :(
I have no idea why it is, because I am using HlStastX:CE for CSS server (everything work good here) but for CSGO not (same instalation, same server configuration).
Thank you for any ideas, where can be this problem.

EDIT: I found some file called as HLXCE-1.6.19-CSGO-HOTFIX.zip (https://bitbucket.org/psychonic/hlstatsxce/downloads/HLXCE-1.6.19-CSGO-HOTFIX.zip) - Is it fix for my problem?