View Full Version : CS:GO gameme recompiled after Protobuf update

01-24-2013, 04:54
Hello fellas it was little frustrating last evenig, some plugins stoped to function
i want to help for thoose who have no compiling skills, here is original gameme plugin recompiled to work after protobuf update.
visit us on www.gobusters.de

all is tested and working just update over the original plugin package
no source changes done. Compiled to work with new sourcemod.

01-24-2013, 09:00
mal so ganz ehrlich bist du irgendwie dumm?
Jeder weiß das einfach recompilen nicht hilft.
Dazu kommt dass du den Sourcecode dazu tun musst!
Und hör auf den link von deiner Gammel Community zu posten !