View Full Version : [FF2] Custom Sounds won't work

09-30-2012, 18:23
I made a custom hale, but i can not seem to get the custom sounds to work. Please help?

Here's the code:

// for "class" key
//1 Scout
//2 Sniper
//3 Soldier
//4 DemoMan
//5 Medic
//6 Heavy
//7 Pyro
//8 Spy
//9 Engineer

//Required keys
"name" "Test Boss!!!! SLENDER" //Displayed name of a boss
"class" "8" //9 is engineer.
"model" "models\player\spy.mdl" //Model of this boss
"ragedist" "600.0" //Default distance for rage abilities

"description_en" "Testing Sound Files and rage." //Description of this Boss
"description_ru" "???????????? ???????? ?????? ? ?????? " //The same description, but in other languages. (en - English, ru - Russian...)

//Optional keys (with default values)
"health_formula" "((760+1)*1)^1.09" //Formula of Max (Start) Health of boss. Be careful when you use "lives" over 1!
"lives" "2" //Boss will be "respawned" (actually, he doesn't die) until he has lives. Max HPs is a SUMMARY of _ALL_ lives.
"maxspeed" "320" //Max Speed of Boss. Can not be over 400
"sound_block_vo" "0" //"1" blocks lines of a parent character (Engineer's lines for Vagineer, for example)
"companion" "" //_Name_ of a companion's boss. Also he can has his companion, then there will be THREE bosses.
"ragedamage" "1300" //Boss must get this amout of damage to fill his ragemeter
"blocked" "0" //This boss can not be randomly called. Use it for Nth boss, like Seeldier for Seeman.

"weapon1" //Plz try to put MAIN weapon as 1st
"name" "tf_weapon_knife" //Classname of boss' weapon
"index" "727" //Index of boss' weapon. You can take both in "team fortress 2 content.gcf\tf\scripts\items\items_game.txt"
//Weapon with index<=30 is VISIBLE. Over 30 is not.
"attributes" "" //Additional attributes of boss' melee weapon like "attribute1 ; value1 ; attribute2 ; value2" . For example, "40 ; 1" is hidden "no crit" attribute.
//Optional keys too
"name" "tf_weapon_pda_spy"
"index" "27"
//You can put more weapons (but for different slots)

"ability1" //You may use 16 abilities
//See ff2_1st_set_abilities.txt and default_abilities.txt to get more info about abilities.
"name" "rage_uber"
//"arg0" "0" //default value //Ability slot
"arg1" "10.0"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "charge_weightdown"
"arg0" "3"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "charge_teleport"
"arg0" "1"
"arg1" "4"
"arg2" "20"
"arg3" "ghost_appearation"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "rage_stun"
"arg1" "7.0"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "rage_preventtaunt"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "rage_stunsg"
"arg1" "8.0"
"plugin_name" "default_abilities"
"name" "charge_salmon"
"arg0" "1" // Ability Slot. Do not change!
"arg1" "1" // (No. of Seconds to Charge to 100%)
"arg2" "15" // (No. of Seconds of Charge Cooldown)
"arg3" "1" // Sound (0 = No sound when hale summon. 1 = Play sound when hale summon.)
"arg4" "7" // (No. of max players to be summoned per Charge.)
"arg5" "6.0" // Duration (No. of Seconds of Uber Protection for players that were just summoned.)
"plugin_name" "ff2_otokiru"

//Optional keys three
//All sound_* keys precaching treir lines.
"sound_begin" //"Let's get dangerous!" Line in mini-setup.
"1" "slender_sound\slender_intro.wav"
"2" "slender_sound\slender.mp3"
//You can put more, unlimited
"sound_kspree" //When boss does 3 kills ten seconds flat.
"1" "saxton_hale\lolwut_4.wav"
"2" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_1.wav"
"3" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_2.wav"
"4" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_3.wav"
"5" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_4.wav"
"6" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_5.wav"
"7" "saxton_hale\lolwut_3.wav"
"sound_win" //When boss wins
"1" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_5.wav"
"sound_death" //When boss dies
"1" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_fail_2.wav"
"2" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_fail_1.wav"
"sound_hit" //When boss kill someone
"1" "saxton_hale\lolwut_5.wav"
"sound_ability" //When boss uses ability
"1" "saxton_hale\lolwut_2.wav" //This is number of line
"slot1" "1" //This is number of ability slot for this line (for example, 0 is rage and it's defalut value)
"2" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_rage_1.wav"
"3" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_rage_2.wav"
"4" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_jump_1.wav"
"slot4" "1"
"5" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_jump_2.wav"
"slot5" "1"
"catch_phrase" //All default character's (like Engineer for Vagineer) lines replaced with THIS line. Set "sound_block_vo" to "0" if you need it
"1" "vo/engineer_jeers02.wav"
"sound_bgm" //Background Music
"path1" "slender_sound/slender.mp3" //path to 1st track
"time1" "131" //length of 1st track
"sound_precache" //Just precaching sounds
"1" "saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_jump_42.wav"

//Optional keys again, for downloadlist
"mod_download" //Downloads: ".mdl", ".dx80.vtx", ".dx90.vtx", ".sw.vtx", ".vvd"
"1" "models\player\saxton_hale\vagineer_v134"
"mat_download" //Downloads: ".vtf", ".vmt"
"1" "materials\freak_fortress_2\ninjaspy\spy_black"
"download" //Downloads these files
"1" "sound\slender_sound\slender_intro.wav"
"2" "sound\slender_sound\slender.mp3"
"3" "sound\saxton_hale\lolwut_4.wav"
"4" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_1.w av"
"5" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_2.w av"
"6" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_3.w av"
"7" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_4.w av"
"8" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_5.w av"
"9" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_taunt_5.w av"
"10" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_fail_1.wa v"
"11" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_fail_2.wa v"
"12" "sound\saxton_hale\lolwut_2.wav"
"13" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_rage_1.wa v"
"14" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_rage_2.wa v"
"15" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_jump_1.wa v"
"16" "sound\saxton_hale\vagineer_responce_jump_2.wa v"
"17" "sound\saxton_hale\lolwut_5.wav"
"18" "sound\saxton_hale\lolwut_0.wav"
"19" "sound\saxton_hale\lolwut_1.wav"

09-30-2012, 18:55
If you have a fast download, did you remember to put the sound files on the fast download server?

09-30-2012, 18:56
Clients who join can download, but no sound will play. I set the path right because i copied and pasted, and nothing happens :c

09-30-2012, 18:59
How do i know if i have fast download? And i don't think i do

If you did, you'd have something like this in server.cfg:
sv_downloadurl http://www.example.com/myfiles

09-30-2012, 19:00
I do not have fast download

09-30-2012, 22:56
I still do not know why :c

10-01-2012, 20:41
And they can download from it

10-01-2012, 20:54
well first of all remove the sound files you have now then rejoin the server and double check to see if they all did download in teh sound folder again start there once.

10-01-2012, 21:09
It does make me re download them again, and all the other sounds work, except for my custom hales. :c

10-01-2012, 22:29
well i know some sounds wont work if they are the wrong bit rate it has happen to me but zip everything up and i can take a look at it once for you.

10-01-2012, 22:32
Thank you, i will post a link to the files

10-01-2012, 22:33

10-02-2012, 09:01
no reason why those 2 sound files would not work

"1" "freak_fortress_2\slender\slender.mp3"
"path1" "freak_fortress_2\slender\slender.mp3"
"time1" "180"
"1" "freak_fortress_2\slender\slender.mp3"
"1" "sound\freak_fortress_2\slender\slender_intro. mp3"
"2" "sound\freak_fortress_2\slender\slender.mp3"

10-02-2012, 10:49
I changed the bitrate from 176kbps to 320kpbs. Hopefully that fixes it.

10-02-2012, 11:23
I changed the bitrate from 176kbps to 320kpbs. Hopefully that fixes it.
That explains why your MP3s aren't working. As I recall, Source only supports 128khz mp3s. Any higher will throw errors in the console about unsupported bitrates.

10-02-2012, 15:05
Really? What about wavs? or it is the same?

10-02-2012, 16:05
Really? What about wavs? or it is the same?
Wavs can be 8-bit or 16-bit, 11kHz; 22kHz; or 44kHz. 48kHz won't play back and that includes some of the tournament announcer sounds Valve includes with TF2.

I may be wrong about the mp3 bitrates, so you may want to check that... it's the kHz I was thinking of earlier that we know don't work.

10-02-2012, 17:33
Where would i find that information?