View Full Version : High Ping Kicker 1.2.2 Original by DyNaStY

10-10-2005, 19:04
Hi I changed some parts in the Version 1.2.0, since I changed 2 big things, 1.2.2 is the correct version imho.

High Ping Kicker kicks Highpinger, you can predefine Max. Ping as in HPK 1.2.0.


- Since not everyone sees the console after getting "disconnected", I changed the echo "you have highping"; disconnect; to a "kick #uid you have highping".

- Since not everyone is running an english server, I rewrote the messages to be multilingual.


I the precompiled amxx got 90ms as highping (got good servers ;)).

as usual put the txt file in the data/lang/ directory.
put the sma in scripting/
put the amxx in plugins/

10-11-2005, 17:10
the prob with this is that sometimes one person will come on and then lag the whole server

wouldnt everyone get kicked then because it raises everyones ping?

Janet Jackson
10-11-2005, 21:53
If one person is able to make the whole server lag, you should consider upgrading either your server or your connection. The only thing somebody with a high ping affects on on our server is the mood of the other players, since they lag and warp through the map and are hard to hit.

10-20-2005, 06:06
this is the sh*ttest hpk plugin, it bans them if they go over... just kick them not ban!!!!

10-20-2005, 09:39
Numbers, you might want to qualify your statement a bit. While it's true that this plugin DOES ban a player, it does so for only 1 minute.

I believe that fact makes your comment pointless.

10-20-2005, 11:46
PING_KICK_PLAYER_MSG=[HPK] Sorry, je ping is te hoog.
PING_KICK_PUBLIC_MSG=[HPK] %s ping was te hoog, Ik heb hem gekicked
PING_IMMUNITY_MSG=[HPK] Ping checking ge-deactiveerd door admin immuniteit
PING_ANNOUNCE_MSG=[HPK] Spelers met een ping hoger dan %dms worden gekicked!

Janet Jackson
10-20-2005, 20:05
I took the liberty to, in my opinion, improve it a little...[nl]
PING_KICK_PLAYER_MSG=[HPK] Sorry, je ping is te hoog.
PING_KICK_PUBLIC_MSG=[HPK] %s ping was te hoog, ik heb hem/haar gekickt
PING_IMMUNITY_MSG=[HPK] Controle op ping inactief wegens immuniteit
PING_ANNOUNCE_MSG=[HPK] Spelers met een ping hoger dan %dms worden gekickt!

10-26-2005, 06:27
Lo, thnx for the NL :)

Numbers: the 1minute ban is to prevent the typical "retry;say "WTF WHO FUCKING KICKED ME!!!!111111111"


10-26-2005, 15:18
GOod job, I like the ban dor 1 min. I had OLO's hpk, but im going to try this

12-13-2005, 16:46
Plugin is unorigal moved to: Unapproved/Old Plugins