View Full Version : TF2_GiveNamedItem failed

06-30-2012, 14:23
Hi all. I have problem with creating a stock weapon, for example: I want to restrict The Beggar's Bazooka on my jm server (cos this is bugged weapon for jump mod, you can fly with it).

So this is my three functions:

g_hWeaponRocketLauncher = CreateStockWeapon("tf_weapon_rocketlauncher", 18);

Handle:CreateStockWeapon(String:classname[], index)
new Handle:hWeapon = TF2Items_CreateItem(OVERRIDE_ALL);

TF2Items_SetClassname(hWeapon, classname);
TF2Items_SetItemIndex(hWeapon, index);
TF2Items_SetFlags(hWeapon, 0);
TF2Items_SetLevel(hWeapon, 0);
TF2Items_SetQuality(hWeapon, 0);
TF2Items_SetNumAttributes(hWeapon, 0);

return hWeapon;

GiveWeaponToClient(client, Handle:hWeapon)
if (hWeapon == INVALID_HANDLE) return -1;
if ((client <= 0) || (client > MaxClients) || !IsClientInGame(client)) return -1;
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client)) return -1;

new iWeapon = TF2Items_GiveNamedItem(client, hWeapon);

EquipPlayerWeapon(client, iWeapon);

return iWeapon;

In console I see: [SM] Native "TF2Items_GiveNamedItem" reported: item is NULL.

So, how I can create simple weapon, default rocketlauncher, minigun or any weapon and after it set it to player? I just want to make simple weapon restrictor for our servers.

07-01-2012, 10:30
use tf2items_manager and clear attributes

"preserve-attributes" "0"

07-01-2012, 13:05
use tf2items_manager and clear attributes

"preserve-attributes" "0"

This doesn't work :(
And with 18 index too...