View Full Version : Suppress visible chat triggers?

Dr. McKay
01-15-2012, 17:21
I need a way to suppress the visible chat triggers (such as !rtd). I know a slash can be used instead, but I need a way to suppress the visible trigger also for specific commands.

I tried hooking say and returning Plugin_Handled, but that prevents the command from being used.

Can someone help me out please?

01-15-2012, 17:56
#include <sourcemod>

public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_test", Command_Test);
AddCommandListener(Listener, "say");

public Action:Command_Test(client, args)
if(client > 0 && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
PrintToChat(client, "It works!");


public Action:Listener(client, const String:command[], argc)
return Plugin_Handled;

return Plugin_Continue;
}Works for me.
Here (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=1631379&postcount=7) is another example.

Yours sincerely

Dr. McKay
01-15-2012, 21:33
#include <sourcemod>

public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_test", Command_Test);
AddCommandListener(Listener, "say");

public Action:Command_Test(client, args)
if(client > 0 && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
PrintToChat(client, "It works!");


public Action:Listener(client, const String:command[], argc)
return Plugin_Handled;

return Plugin_Continue;
}Works for me.
Here (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=1631379&postcount=7) is another example.

Yours sincerely

Yes, but is there a way to suppress only certain chat triggers? Like !command1 doesn't show up in chat but !command2 does?

01-15-2012, 22:10
The below code should go in the listener.
decl String:command[32];
GetCmdArg(0, command, sizeof(command));Cmd argument 0 is the name of the command. Then simply compare to what you want to block
if(IsChatTrigger() && StrEqual(command, "commandtoblock"))
return Plugin_Handled;

But you would also have to make sure that the player didn't put in the "sm_" prefix in the trigger.

01-16-2012, 01:41
Here's an untested example if you wanna hardcode it.
You can also do it per cvar & ExplodeString, or KV or something you like.

#include <sourcemod>

new String:MyCommands[][] = {"!command1", "!command2"}
new MComSize = sizeof(MyCommands);

public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_test", Command_Test);
AddCommandListener(Listener, "say");

public Action:Command_Test(client, args)
if(client > 0 && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
PrintToChat(client, "It works!");

public Action:Listener(client, const String:command[], argc)
new String:Arg0[128];
GetCmdArg(0, Arg0, sizeof(Arg0));

for(new i; i < MComSize; i++)
if(StrEqual(Arg0, MyCommands[i], false))
return Plugin_Handled;

return Plugin_Continue;
Yours sincerely

01-16-2012, 02:44
One thing with your snippet Impact, command triggers are case sensitive, you have to use case sensitive checking when you compare the strings.