View Full Version : teamplay_round_win event problem

12-28-2011, 18:34
I started making a plugin that does something when a round ends but it didn't work, so I wrote a plugin to test the event :

* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */

#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "New Plugin",
author = "Unknown",
description = "<- Description ->",
version = "1.0",
url = "<- URL ->"

public OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("teamplay_round_win", Event_RoundWin, EventHookMode_Post);
public Action:Event_RoundWin(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
for(new i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
new Team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
if(GetClientTeam(i) == Team)
PrintToChat(i, "You won");
PrintToChat(i, "You lost");

of course nothing happened, can anyone help me with that?

12-28-2011, 18:38
your loop should be:

for(new i=1; i <= MaxClients; i++)

Client 0 is console... true players start at 1 and end at MaxClients... and use MaxClients (http://docs.sourcemod.net/api/index.php?fastload=show&id=397&) in stead of MAXPLAYERS

Also, you should only print that message to people who are on a valid team that can win or lose

12-28-2011, 18:53
Thanks for the corrections but are you sure that it's going to work?

12-28-2011, 19:02
You also need to properly comment out the first line or just remove it...

the following code compiles - I'm pretty sure it will print those two messages (albeit the losing message to spectators as well):

/* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */

#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "New Plugin",
author = "Unknown",
description = "<- Description ->",
version = "1.0",
url = "<- URL ->"

public OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("teamplay_round_win", Event_RoundWin);
public Event_RoundWin(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
new Team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
if(GetClientTeam(i) == Team)
PrintToChat(i, "You won");
PrintToChat(i, "You lost");

I changed it to not be Event mode post... therefore, removed the Action: from the call

12-28-2011, 21:07
You also need to properly comment out the first line or just remove it...

the following code compiles - I'm pretty sure it will print those two messages (albeit the losing message to spectators as well):

/* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */

#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "New Plugin",
author = "Unknown",
description = "<- Description ->",
version = "1.0",
url = "<- URL ->"

public OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("teamplay_round_win", Event_RoundWin);
public Event_RoundWin(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
new Team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
if(GetClientTeam(i) == Team)
PrintToChat(i, "You won");
PrintToChat(i, "You lost");

I changed it to not be Event mode post... therefore, removed the Action: from the call

You need to check that i (the client) is in game. Or else GetClientTeam will error :P

12-28-2011, 21:58
You need to check that i (the client) is in game. Or else GetClientTeam will error :P

That's right... due to the loop, it will loop through all client indexes... ensuring that the client is in game is a must :)

12-29-2011, 06:10
What is the difference between MaxClients and MAXPLAYERS?

12-29-2011, 07:24
What is the difference between MaxClients and MAXPLAYERS?

MaxClients is a dynamic value that gives the maximum amount of players for the server.

MAXPLAYERS is a hard coded value of the maximum amount of players Sourcemod supports(currently 65)

12-29-2011, 14:54
If I will change it from MAXPLAYERS to MaxClients, will it have any effect on the plugin?

01-01-2012, 11:48
If I will change it from MAXPLAYERS to MaxClients, will it have any effect on the plugin?
If you have a 24 slots server. there is no need to loop through all 65 possible clients. So, that is the effect on the plugin, makes it more optimized.
Also, remember to use IsClientInGame to check if the client is connected and in game otherwise the GetClientTeam will fail.