View Full Version : [L4D2] resupply nade launcher/m60 & chainsaw @ ammo dumps

12-25-2011, 03:42
I saw this code

l4d2_guncontrol_allowgrenadereplenish (default 1) - allow Grenade Launcher Resupply at Ammo Dumps
l4d2_guncontrol_allowm60replenish (default 1) - allow M60 Resupply at Ammo Dumps

on guncontrol plugin unfortunately i cant use the plugin cause i already have varying ammo plugin installed so the ammo amount cvars would conflict

Can someone make a plugin todo these mods seperately includeing the chainsaw.

12-25-2011, 18:57
I saw this code

l4d2_guncontrol_allowgrenadereplenish (default 1) - allow Grenade Launcher Resupply at Ammo Dumps
l4d2_guncontrol_allowm60replenish (default 1) - allow M60 Resupply at Ammo Dumps

on guncontrol plugin unfortunately i cant use the plugin cause i already have varying ammo plugin installed so the ammo amount cvars would conflict

Can someone make a plugin todo these mods seperately includeing the chainsaw.

share the source code where you saw the code for the cvars with the conflicting cvars with the varying ammo plugin. I can modify the source code so that the cvars are different.


12-26-2011, 04:17
Gun Control Source

#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.1.3"
#define TEST_DEBUG 0
#define TEST_DEBUG_LOG 1
Datamap m_iAmmo
offset to add - gun(s) - control cvar
+12: M4A1, AK74, Desert Rifle, also SG552 - ammo_assaultrifle_max
+20: both SMGs, also the MP5 - ammo_smg_max
+28: both Pump Shotguns - ammo_shotgun_max
+32: both autoshotguns - ammo_autoshotgun_max
+36: Hunting Rifle - ammo_huntingrifle_max
+40: Military Sniper, AWP, Scout - ammo_sniperrifle_max
+68: Grenade Launcher - ammo_grenadelauncher_max
static const SMG_OFFSET_IAMMO = 20;
static const AUTO_SHOTGUN_OFFSET_IAMMO = 32;
Further info:
On a dropped or carried weapon Prop_Send "m_iClip1" contains the primary ammo amount
On dropped weapons (only!) Prop_Send "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo" contains the reserve ammo amount

weapon_rifle_m60_spawn is the new 'The Passing' gun, ammo is not in m_iAmmo
m60 ammo is stored in gun entity, in m_iClip1
spawn: class "weapon_rifle_m60_spawn"
gun: class "weapon_rifle_m60_spawn"
item_pickup item id: "rifle_m60"
static Handle:AssaultAmmoCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:ShotgunAmmoCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:AutoShotgunAmmoCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:HRAmmoCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:SniperRifleAmmoCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:GrenadeLauncherAmmoCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:M60AmmoCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:GrenadeResupplyCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:M60ResupplyCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:GLtoM60TransformCVAR = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:IncendAmmoMultiplier = INVALID_HANDLE;
static Handle:SplosiveAmmoMultiplier = INVALID_HANDLE;
static bool:buttondelay[MAXPLAYERS+1];
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "L4D2 Gun Control",
author = "AtomicStryker",
description = " Allows Customization of some gun related game mechanics ",
url = "http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1020236"
public OnPluginStart()
// Requires Left 4 Dead 2
decl String:game_name[64];
GetGameFolderName(game_name, sizeof(game_name));
if (!StrEqual(game_name, "left4dead2", false))
SetFailState("Plugin supports Left 4 Dead 2 only.");

CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, " Version of L4D2 Gun Control on this server ", DEFAULT_FLAGS|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD);

AssaultAmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_assaultammo", "360", " How much Ammo for Assault Rifles ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
SMGAmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_smgammo", "650", " How much Ammo for SMG gun types ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
ShotgunAmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_shotgunammo", "56", " How much Ammo for Shotgun and Chrome Shotgun ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
AutoShotgunAmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_autoshotgunammo", "90", " How much Ammo for Autoshottie and SPAS ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
HRAmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_huntingrifleammo", "150", " How much Ammo for the Hunting Rifle ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
SniperRifleAmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_sniperrifleammo", "180", " How much Ammo for the Military Sniper Rifle, AWP, and Scout ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
GrenadeLauncherAmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_grenadelauncherammo", "30", " How much Ammo for the Grenade Launcher ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
M60AmmoCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_m60ammo", "150", " How much Ammo for the M60 ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);

GrenadeResupplyCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_allowgrenadereplenish", "1", " Do you allow Players to resupply the Grenadelauncher off ammospots ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
M60ResupplyCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_allowm60replenish", "1", " Do you allow Players to resupply the M60 off ammospots ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
GLtoM60TransformCVAR = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_turnGLintoM60chance", "2", " Turns GL spawns into M60 spawns. Works as chance setting. 1 is FULL chance, 2 is half chance, 3 one third and so on ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
IncendAmmoMultiplier = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_incendammomulti", "3", " Multiplier for Incendiary Ammo Pickup Amount ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);
SplosiveAmmoMultiplier = CreateConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_explosiveammomulti", "1", " Multiplier for Explosive Ammo Pickup Amount ", DEFAULT_FLAGS);

HookConVarChange(AssaultAmmoCVAR, CVARChanged);
HookConVarChange(SMGAmmoCVAR, CVARChanged);
HookConVarChange(ShotgunAmmoCVAR, CVARChanged);
HookConVarChange(AutoShotgunAmmoCVAR, CVARChanged);
HookConVarChange(HRAmmoCVAR, CVARChanged);
HookConVarChange(SniperRifleAmmoCVAR, CVARChanged);
HookConVarChange(GrenadeLauncherAmmoCVAR, CVARChanged);

HookEvent("upgrade_pack_added", Event_SpecialAmmo);

RegConsoleCmd("give_ammo", Cmd_GiveAmmo, "Gives the Player you look at your current ammo clip");
RegAdminCmd("sm_guncontroldebug", Cmd_ReadGunData, ADMFLAG_ROOT, " Reads your current weapons data ");

HookEvent("item_pickup", Event_Item_Pickup);
HookEvent("round_start", Event_Round_Start);

AutoExecConfig(true, "l4d2_guncontrol");

public OnMapStart()
public CVARChanged(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
SetConVarInt(FindConVar("ammo_assaultrifle_max"), GetConVarInt(AssaultAmmoCVAR));
SetConVarInt(FindConVar("ammo_smg_max"), GetConVarInt(SMGAmmoCVAR));
SetConVarInt(FindConVar("ammo_shotgun_max"), GetConVarInt(ShotgunAmmoCVAR));
SetConVarInt(FindConVar("ammo_autoshotgun_max"), GetConVarInt(AutoShotgunAmmoCVAR));
SetConVarInt(FindConVar("ammo_huntingrifle_max"), GetConVarInt(HRAmmoCVAR));
SetConVarInt(FindConVar("ammo_sniperrifle_max"), GetConVarInt(SniperRifleAmmoCVAR));
SetConVarInt(FindConVar("ammo_grenadelauncher_max"), GetConVarInt(GrenadeLauncherAmmoCVAR));
public Action:Event_Round_Start(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new Handle:UnlockGunsPlugin = FindConVar("l4d2_WeaponUnlock");
if (UnlockGunsPlugin == INVALID_HANDLE) return;
decl String:version[12];
GetConVarString(UnlockGunsPlugin, version, sizeof(version));

new unlockversion = ParseVersionNumber(version);
new neededversion = ParseVersionNumber("0.8.2");
if (unlockversion < neededversion) return;

DebugPrintToAll("Unlock Plugin found, requirements for M60 exchange met, moving on");
CreateTimer(10.0, ReplaceGLWithM60Delayed);
if (!IsModelPrecached("models/w_models/weapons/w_m60.mdl")) PrecacheModel("models/w_models/weapons/w_m60.mdl");
if (!IsModelPrecached("models/v_models/v_m60.mdl")) PrecacheModel("models/v_models/v_m60.mdl");
stock ParseVersionNumber(const String:versionText[])
new String:versionNumbers[4][4];
ExplodeString(versionText, /* split */ ".", versionNumbers, .maxStrings = 4, .maxStringLength = 4);

new version = 0;
new shift = 24;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(versionNumbers); i++)
version = version | (StringToInt(versionNumbers[i]) << shift);

shift -= 8;

return version;
public Action:ReplaceGLWithM60Delayed(Handle:timer)
ReplaceGrenadeLauncherWithM60(GetConVarInt(GL toM60TransformCVAR));
if (chance == 0) return;
new ent = -1;
new prev = 0;
new replacement;
decl Float:origin[3];
decl Float:angles[3];
while ((ent = FindEntityByClassname(ent, "weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn")) != -1)
if (prev)
if (GetRandomInt(1, chance) == 1)
GetEntPropVector(prev, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", origin);
GetEntPropVector(prev, Prop_Send, "m_angRotation", angles);

replacement = CreateEntityByName("weapon_rifle_m60");
DebugPrintToAll("Replacing weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn %i with weapon_rifle_m60 %i", prev, replacement);
if (!IsValidEdict(replacement)) return;

TeleportEntity(replacement, origin, angles, NULL_VECTOR);
SetEntProp(replacement, Prop_Data, "m_iClip1", GetConVarInt(M60AmmoCVAR), 1);
DebugPrintToAll("Teleported weapon_rifle_m60 %i into position, removing weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn now", replacement);

if (IsValidEdict(prev)) RemoveEdict(prev);
prev = ent;
if (prev)
if (GetRandomInt(1, chance) == 1)
GetEntPropVector(prev, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", origin);
GetEntPropVector(prev, Prop_Send, "m_angRotation", angles);

replacement = CreateEntityByName("weapon_rifle_m60");
DebugPrintToAll("Replacing weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn %i with weapon_rifle_m60 %i", prev, replacement);
if (!IsValidEdict(replacement)) return;

TeleportEntity(replacement, origin, angles, NULL_VECTOR);
SetEntProp(replacement, Prop_Data, "m_iClip1", GetConVarInt(M60AmmoCVAR), 1);
DebugPrintToAll("Teleported weapon_rifle_m60 %i into position, removing weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn now", replacement);

if (IsValidEdict(prev)) RemoveEdict(prev);
public Action:Event_Item_Pickup(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (!client || !IsClientInGame(client)) return;

decl String:itemname[128];
GetEventString(event, "item", itemname, sizeof(itemname));
//PrintToChat(client, "You picked up: %s", itemname);
if (!StrEqual(itemname, "rifle_m60", false)) return;

new targetgun = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0);
if (!IsValidEdict(targetgun)) return;
SetEntProp(targetgun, Prop_Data, "m_iClip1", GetConVarInt(M60AmmoCVAR), 1);
public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon)
if (buttons & IN_USE && !buttondelay[client])
CreateTimer(2.0, ResetDelay, client); //add a button delay to prevent multiple firings

new gun = GetClientAimTarget(client, false); //get the entity player is looking at
if (gun < 32) return Plugin_Continue; //below 32 is a player or null, invalid
if (!IsValidEdict(gun)) return Plugin_Continue; //lets check for validity anyhow

decl String:ent_name[64];
GetEdictClassname(gun, ent_name, sizeof(ent_name)); //get the entities name

new oldgun = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0); //get the players primary weapon
if (!IsValidEdict(oldgun)) return Plugin_Continue; //check for validity

decl String:currentgunname[64];
GetEdictClassname(oldgun, currentgunname, sizeof(currentgunname)); //get the primary weapon name

// later added grenade launcher remunition code, where "gun" actually is an ammopile.
if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_ammo_spawn", false) && StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_grenade_launcher", false) && GetConVarBool(GrenadeResupplyCVAR))
new iAmmoOffset = FindDataMapOffs(client, "m_iAmmo");
SetEntData(client, iAmmoOffset + GRENADE_LAUNCHER_OFFSET_IAMMO, GetConVarInt(GrenadeLauncherAmmoCVAR));
PrintHintText(client, "You remunitioned your Grenade Launcher!");

// later added m60 remunition code, where "gun" actually is an ammopile.
if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_ammo_spawn", false) && StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_rifle_m60", false) && GetConVarBool(M60ResupplyCVAR))
SetEntProp(oldgun, Prop_Data, "m_iClip1", GetConVarInt(M60AmmoCVAR), 1);
PrintHintText(client, "You remunitioned your M60!");

if (!StrEqual(ent_name, currentgunname)) return Plugin_Continue; //if entity and primary weapon dont have the same name theyre incompatible

new iAmmoOffset = FindDataMapOffs(client, "m_iAmmo"); //get the iAmmo Offset
decl offsettoadd, maxammo;

if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_rifle", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_rifle_ak47", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_rifle_desert", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_rifle_sg552", false))
{ //case: Assault rifles
offsettoadd = ASSAULT_RIFLE_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(AssaultAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_smg", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_smg_silenced", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_smg_mp5", false))
{ //case: SMGS
offsettoadd = SMG_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(SMGAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_pumpshotgun", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_shotgun_chrome", false))
{ //case: Pump Shotguns
offsettoadd = PUMPSHOTGUN_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(ShotgunAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_autoshotgun", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_shotgun_spas", false))
{ //case: Auto Shotguns
offsettoadd = AUTO_SHOTGUN_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(AutoShotgunAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_hunting_rifle", false))
{ //case: Hunting Rifle
offsettoadd = HUNTING_RIFLE_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(HRAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_sniper_military", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_sniper_awp", false) || StrEqual(ent_name, "weapon_sniper_scout", false))
{ //case: Military Sniper Rifle or CSS Snipers
offsettoadd = MILITARY_SNIPER_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(SniperRifleAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
{ //case: no gun this plugin recognizes
return Plugin_Continue;

new currentammo = GetEntData(client, (iAmmoOffset + offsettoadd)); //get current ammo

if (currentammo >= maxammo) return Plugin_Continue; //if youre full, do nothing

new foundgunammo = GetEntProp(gun, Prop_Send, "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo", 4); //get the lying around guns contained ammo
if (!foundgunammo) //if its zero
PrintHintText(client, "That gun is empty"); //the gun is empty, bug out
return Plugin_Continue;

if ((currentammo + foundgunammo) <= maxammo) //if contained ammo is less than youd need to be full
SetEntData(client, (iAmmoOffset + offsettoadd), (currentammo + foundgunammo), 4, true); //add bullets to your supply
SetEntProp(gun, Prop_Send, "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo",0 ,4); //empty the gun
PrintHintText(client, "You scavenged %i bullets off that gun", foundgunammo); //imform the client
else //if contained ammo exceeds your needs
new neededammo = (maxammo - currentammo); //find out how much exactly you need
SetEntData(client, (iAmmoOffset + offsettoadd), maxammo, 4, true); //fill you up
SetEntProp(gun, Prop_Send, "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo",(foundgunammo - neededammo) ,4); //take needed ammo from gun
PrintHintText(client, "You scavenged %i bullets off that gun", neededammo); //inform the client

return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:ResetDelay(Handle:timer, any:client)
buttondelay[client] = false;
public Action:Cmd_GiveAmmo(client, args)
if (!client) client=1;
new target = GetClientAimTarget(client, true); //get the player our client is looking at
if (!target || !IsClientInGame(target)) return Plugin_Handled; //invalid

new targetgun = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(target, 0); //get the players primary weapon
if (!IsValidEdict(targetgun)) return Plugin_Handled; //check for validity

decl String:targetgunname[64];
GetEdictClassname(targetgun, targetgunname, sizeof(targetgunname));

new oldgun = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0); //get the players primary weapon
if (!IsValidEdict(oldgun)) return Plugin_Handled; //check for validity

decl String:currentgunname[64];
GetEdictClassname(oldgun, currentgunname, sizeof(currentgunname)); //get the primary weapon name

if (!StrEqual(targetgunname, currentgunname))
PrintToChat(client, "\x01You can only give \x04%N\x01 ammo if you got \x04the same weapon", target);
return Plugin_Handled; //if targets and your weapon dont have the same name theyre incompatible

if (GetEntProp(oldgun, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", 1)<2)
PrintToChat(client, "\x01You can only give \x04%N\x01 ammo if you got \x04a clip with bullets in your gun", target);
return Plugin_Handled;

new iAmmoOffset = FindDataMapOffs(target, "m_iAmmo"); //get the iAmmo Offset
decl offsettoadd, maxammo;

if (StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_rifle", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_rifle_ak47", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_rifle_desert", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_rifle_sg552", false))
{ //case: Assault rifles
offsettoadd = ASSAULT_RIFLE_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(AssaultAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_smg", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_smg_silenced", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_smg_mp5", false))
{ //case: SMGS
offsettoadd = SMG_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(SMGAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_pumpshotgun", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_shotgun_chrome", false))
{ //case: Pump Shotguns
offsettoadd = PUMPSHOTGUN_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(ShotgunAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_autoshotgun", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_shotgun_spas", false))
{ //case: Auto Shotguns
offsettoadd = AUTO_SHOTGUN_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(AutoShotgunAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_hunting_rifle", false))
{ //case: Hunting Rifle
offsettoadd = HUNTING_RIFLE_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(HRAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
else if (StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_sniper_military", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_sniper_awp", false) || StrEqual(currentgunname, "weapon_sniper_scout", false))
{ //case: Military Sniper Rifle or CSS Snipers
offsettoadd = MILITARY_SNIPER_OFFSET_IAMMO; //gun type specific offset
maxammo = GetConVarInt(SniperRifleAmmoCVAR); //get max ammo as set
{ //case: no gun this plugin recognizes
PrintToChat(client, "Error: WTF what gun is that");
return Plugin_Handled;

new currentammo = GetEntData(target, (iAmmoOffset + offsettoadd)); //get targets current ammo

if (currentammo >= maxammo) //if hes full, do nothing
PrintToChat(client, "\x01That guy \x04has full\x01 ammo");
return Plugin_Handled;

new donateammo = GetEntProp(oldgun, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", 1)-1; //you give your current gun clip minus the bullet thats in the barrel

if ((currentammo + donateammo) <= maxammo) //if clips ammo is less than hed need to be full
SetEntData(target, (iAmmoOffset + offsettoadd), (currentammo + donateammo), 4, true); //add bullets to his supply
SetEntProp(oldgun, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1",1 ,1); //empty your gun
PrintToChat(client, "\x01You gave your clip of \x04%i bullets\x01 to \x04%N\x01", donateammo, target);
else //if given ammo exceeds his needs
new neededammo = (maxammo - currentammo); //find out how much exactly he needs
SetEntData(target, (iAmmoOffset + offsettoadd), maxammo, 4, true); //fill him up
SetEntProp(oldgun, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1",(donateammo - neededammo) ,1); //take needed ammo from your clip
PrintToChat(client, "\x01You gave \x04%i bullets\x01 off your clip to \x04%N\x01", neededammo, target);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Event_SpecialAmmo(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));

new upgradeid = GetEventInt(event, "upgradeid");
decl String:class[256];
GetEdictClassname(upgradeid, class, sizeof(class));
//PrintToChatAll("Upgrade caught, entity = %i, entclass: %s", upgradeid, class);

if (StrEqual(class, "upgrade_laser_sight"))

new ammo = GetSpecialAmmoInPlayerGun(client);
new newammo;

if (StrEqual(class, "upgrade_ammo_incendiary"))
newammo = ammo * GetConVarInt(IncendAmmoMultiplier);
else if (StrEqual(class, "upgrade_ammo_explosive"))
newammo = ammo * GetConVarInt(SplosiveAmmoMultiplier);

if (newammo > 1)
SetSpecialAmmoInPlayerGun(client, newammo);
else return;
PrintToChat(client, "\x01You receive \x04%i clips\x01 of Special Ammo!", newammo/ammo);
stock GetSpecialAmmoInPlayerGun(client) //returns the amount of special rounds in your gun
if (!client) client = 1;
new gunent = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0);
if (IsValidEdict(gunent))
return GetEntProp(gunent, Prop_Send, "m_nUpgradedPrimaryAmmoLoaded", 1);
else return 0;
stock SetSpecialAmmoInPlayerGun(client, amount)
if (!client) client = 1;
new gunent = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0);
if (IsValidEdict(gunent))
SetEntProp(gunent, Prop_Send, "m_nUpgradedPrimaryAmmoLoaded", amount, 1);
public Action:Cmd_ReadGunData(client, args)
if (!client || !IsClientInGame(client))
ReplyToCommand(client, "Can only use this command ingame");
return Plugin_Handled;

new targetgun = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0); //get the players primary weapon
if (!IsValidEdict(targetgun)) return Plugin_Handled; //check for validity

decl String:name[256];
GetEdictClassname(targetgun, name, sizeof(name));
PrintToChat(client, "Gun Class: %s", name);

new iAmmoOffset = FindDataMapOffs(client, "m_iAmmo"); //get the iAmmo Offset
PrintToChat(client, "m_iAmmo Offset: %i", iAmmoOffset);

for (new offset = 0; offset <= 128 ; offset += 4)
PrintToChat(client, "Offset %i Value: %i", offset, GetEntData(client, (iAmmoOffset + offset)));

PrintToChat(client, "m_iClip1 Value in gun: %i", GetEntProp(targetgun, Prop_Data, "m_iClip1", 1));
PrintToChat(client, "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo Value in gun: %i", GetEntProp(targetgun, Prop_Data, "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo", 4));
return Plugin_Handled;
stock DebugPrintToAll(const String:format[], any:...)
decl String:buffer[256];

VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);

PrintToChatAll("[GUNCONTROL] %s", buffer);
PrintToConsole(0, "[GUNCONTROL] %s", buffer);

LogMessage("%s", buffer);
//suppress "format" never used warning

Varying Ammo Reserves source

_____________________________________________ ___________
Varying Gun Ammunition for Left 4 Dead 2
Version 1.1.0
This plugin randomly changes the amount of bullets that are in guns that you pick up. This will not change anything involving
the guns that players are holding, unless they pick up a new gun the ammo they currently have will remain the same.
_____________________________________________ ___________
Version 1.0.0 - First release
Version 1.1.0 - Fixed Shotgun Variation
Version 1.2.0 - CVARs description added
Version 1.4.0 - Added game check
Version 1.5.0 - Added support for Gun Control plugin
Version 1.5.1 - Added total Gun Control support
Version 1.5.2 - Added pistol support
Version 1.5.3 - Removed pistol support and timer cvar
_____________________________________________ ___________
Planned Future Updates:
//Doing initial Plugin "Stuff"
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.5.3"
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "[L4D2] Varying Gun Ammunition",
author = "modified by TimeShift",
description = "Periodically changes the amount of ammo contained in picked up guns",
url = ""
//Cvar Handles
new String:M60
new Handle:smgammo
new Handle:shotgunammo
new Handle:rifleammo
new Handle:huntingrifleammo
new Handle:autoshotammo
new Handle:glammo
new Handle:sniperammo
new Handle:gcm60
new Handle:gcsmg
new Handle:gcshotgun
new Handle:gcautoshotgun
new Handle:gcsniper
new Handle:gchuntingrifle
new Handle:gcgl
new Handle:gcassault
// added for constistency with above, theres simpler ways to do this
new Handle:smgammo_min
new Handle:pumpshotammo_min
new Handle:autoshotammo_min
new Handle:m16ammo_min
new Handle:huntingrifleammo_min
new Handle:glammo_min
new Handle:sniperammo_min
new Handle:m60ammo_min
new Handle:m60ammo_max
new Handle:smgammo_max
new Handle:pumpshotammo_max
new Handle:autoshotammo_max
new Handle:m16ammo_max
new Handle:huntingrifleammo_max
new Handle:glammo_max
new Handle:sniperammo_max

//Create the timer that decides how often to change the gun cvars, edit the number to change the interval, it is 90 at the moment
public OnPluginStart()
// Requires Left 4 Dead 2
decl String:game_name[64]
GetGameFolderName(game_name, sizeof(game_name))
if (!StrEqual(game_name, "left4dead2", false))
SetFailState("Plugin supports Left 4 Dead 2 only.")
// Hook item pickup event to variate M60 ammo
HookEvent("item_pickup", Event_Item_Pickup)
// Create version cvar (so sexy)
// Find ammo cvars and create timer
huntingrifleammo = FindConVar("ammo_huntingrifle_max")
rifleammo = FindConVar("ammo_assaultrifle_max")
autoshotammo = FindConVar("ammo_autoshotgun_max")
shotgunammo = FindConVar("ammo_shotgun_max")
smgammo = FindConVar("ammo_smg_max")
glammo = FindConVar("ammo_grenadelauncher_max")
sniperammo = FindConVar("ammo_sniperrifle_max")
gcm60 = FindConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_m60ammo")
gcgl = FindConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_grenadelauncherammo")
gchuntingrifle = FindConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_huntingrifleammo")
gcautoshotgun = FindConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_autoshotgunammo")
gcshotgun = FindConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_shotgunammo")
gcsniper = FindConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_sniperrifleammo")
gcassault = FindConVar("l4d2_guncontrol_assaultammo")

// min ammo (created own convar to avoid conflicts)
huntingrifleammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_huntingrifleammo_min", "90", "Min Hunting Rifle ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
m16ammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_rifleammo_min", "180", "Min Rifles ammo variation (M16, Ak-47, Desert and SG552)", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
pumpshotammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_shotgunammo_min", "32", "Min Shotguns ammo variation (Pump and Chrome)", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
autoshotammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_autoshotammo_min", "30", "Min AutoShotgun ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
smgammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_smgammo_min", "300", "Min SMGs ammo variation (Silenced, MP5 and Normal SMG)", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
sniperammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_sniperammo_min", "70", "Min Snipers ammo variation (AWP, Scout, Military)", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
glammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_glammo_min", "15", "Min Grenade Launcher ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
m60ammo_min = CreateConVar("l4d_m60ammo_min", "50", "Min M60 ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
// max ammo (created own convar to avoid conflicts)
huntingrifleammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_huntingrifleammo_max", "150", "Max Hunting Rifle ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
pumpshotammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_shotgunammo_max", "56", "Max Shotgun ammo variation (Pump and Chrome)", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
m16ammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_rifleammo_max", "360", "Max Rifles ammo variation (M16, Ak-47, Desert and SG552 [CSS])", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
autoshotammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_autoshotammo_max", "90", "Max AutoShotgun ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
smgammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_smgammo_max", "650", "Max SMGs ammo variation (Silenced, MP5 and Normal SMG)", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
sniperammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_sniperammo_max", "180", "Max Snipers ammo variation (AWP, Scout, Military)", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
glammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_glammo_max", "30", "Max Grenade Launcher ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
m60ammo_max = CreateConVar("l4d_m60ammo_max", "150", "Max M60 ammo variation", FCVAR_NOTIFY)
CreateTimer(60.0, GunTimer, _, TIMER_REPEAT)
AutoExecConfig(true, "l4d2_varyingammo", "sourcemod")

//Now to actually get the random number in between the 2 minimum and maximum values, every time the timer reaches it's interval
public Action:GunTimer(Handle:timer)
static NumPrinted = 0
if (NumPrinted++ <= 2)
M60 = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(m60ammo_min), GetConVarInt(m60ammo_max))
new PumpShotgun = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(pumpshotammo_min), GetConVarInt(pumpshotammo_max))
new M16 = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(m16ammo_min), GetConVarInt(m16ammo_max))
new Smg = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(smgammo_min), GetConVarInt(smgammo_max))
new Huntingrifle = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(huntingrifleammo_mi n), GetConVarInt(huntingrifleammo_max))
new SniperRifle = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(sniperammo_min), GetConVarInt(sniperammo_max))
new GrenadeLauncher = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(glammo_min), GetConVarInt(glammo_max))
new AutoShot = GetRandomInt(GetConVarInt(autoshotammo_min), GetConVarInt(autoshotammo_max))

//Now to set the ammo cvars to the new randomized values, which was just done above
SetConVarInt(shotgunammo, PumpShotgun)
SetConVarInt(rifleammo, M16)
SetConVarInt(huntingrifleammo, Huntingrifle)
SetConVarInt(smgammo, Smg)
SetConVarInt(sniperammo, SniperRifle)
SetConVarInt(glammo, GrenadeLauncher)
SetConVarInt(autoshotammo, AutoShot)
if (gcgl != INVALID_HANDLE)
SetConVarInt(gcgl, GrenadeLauncher)
SetConVarInt(gcassault, M16)
SetConVarInt(gcautoshotgun, AutoShot)
SetConVarInt(gchuntingrifle, Huntingrifle)
SetConVarInt(gcshotgun, PumpShotgun)
SetConVarInt(gcsmg, Smg)
SetConVarInt(gcsniper, SniperRifle)
SetConVarInt(gcm60, M60)
NumPrinted = 0
return Plugin_Continue
public Action:Event_Item_Pickup(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"))
if (!client || !IsClientInGame(client)) return

decl String:itemname[128]
GetEventString(event, "item", itemname, sizeof(itemname))
//PrintToChat(client, "You picked up: %s", itemname)
if (!StrEqual(itemname, "rifle_m60", false)) return

new targetgun = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0)
if (!IsValidEdict(targetgun)) return
SetEntProp(targetgun, Prop_Data, "m_iClip1", M60, 1)

PS I also like these two
l4d2_guncontrol_incendammomulti (default 3) - how many clips of incendiary ammo you get off an ammopack
l4d2_guncontrol_explosiveammomulti (default 1) - how many clips of explosive ammo you get off an ammopack

12-26-2011, 09:34
Will go over it tonight and get back to you asap!