View Full Version : [L4D(2)]Add an admin into admins list

12-14-2011, 07:52

I was wondering if it was possible to add a guy who is in the server , to add him (his name , his STEAM ID , and the flag) into the admins.cfg .

I know that someone already posted this sort of plugin , but it is adding the guy into "admins_simple" , and that's not what i want.

If someone could create a plugin like this , it would help me alot.

12-14-2011, 08:40
I just tested copy/paste admin form , which is this :

"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM ID HERE"
"flags" FLAG HERE"

But it don't accept more then 1 line .

Here is my modification of the "SM addadmin" plugin. (i added "test" at the end of addadmin , because it is a test.) Check where where i want to add more then 1 line :

#pragma semicolon 1

* SM Addadmin
* by MaTTe (mateo10)

#define VERSION "1.0"

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "SM Addadmin",
author = "MaTTe",
description = "Add an admin during the game with sm_addadmin",
version = VERSION,
url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/"

public OnPluginStart()
CreateConVar("smaddadmintest_version", VERSION, "SM Addadmintest Version", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FC VAR_NOTIFY);

RegAdminCmd("sm_addadmintest", Command_AddAdminTest, ADMFLAG_RCON, "Adds an admin to admins.cfg");

public Action:Command_AddAdminTest(client, args)
if(args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_addadmintest <name or #userid> <Steam ID> <Flags>");
if(args == 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_addadmintest <name or #userid> <Steam ID> <Flags>");
if(args == 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_addadmintest <name or #userid> <Steam ID> <Flags>");
if(args == 3)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The selected player was successfully added to admins list.");

new String:szTarget[64], String:szSteamId[20], String:szFlags[32];
GetCmdArg(1, szTarget, sizeof(szTarget));
GetCmdArg(2, szSteamId, sizeof(szSteamId));
GetCmdArg(3, szFlags, sizeof(szFlags));

new String:szFile[256];
BuildPath(Path_SM, szFile, sizeof(szFile), "configs/admins.cfg");

new Handle:hFile = OpenFile(szFile, "at");

if(args == 3)

WriteFileLine(hFile, "I WANT TO ADD MORE THEN 1 LINE HERE" , szTarget, szSteamId, szFlags);


return Plugin_Handled;

And when i try to compile (with the text that has more then 1 line) , it tell me this :
error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
warning 215: expression has no effect
error 001: expected token ";" , but found "-string-"
warning 215: expression has no effect
error 001:expected token ";" , but found "-string-"
warning 215: expression has no effect
error 001:expected token ";" , but found "-string-"
fatal error 127: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted
5 errors.

So my probleme is : i want to add more then 1 line (2 , 3 etc....) but i can't .

Someone help me ? :3

12-14-2011, 08:50
Actually , i just saw that you can make multiple line with WriteFileLine :oops:.

So now , the probleme is :
-i cannot put "{" or "}"
-it says "undefined symbol auth , indentity and flags"
And since i want to add this into admins.cfg :

"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM ID HERE"
"flags" FLAG HERE"
It dosen't work.

Can someone help me ? :cry:

PS: sorry for double post

12-15-2011, 09:48
Still looking

12-15-2011, 15:18
For this kind of work you should use KeyValues.

Yours sincerely

12-22-2011, 16:10
What exaclty is KeyValues ? :shock: