View Full Version : SMAC: Command changelevel violation

07-16-2011, 20:53
Is this some kind of new hack?

Why would they be permabanned for trying to change the level?

They didnt change the map but I have 2 bans for this in my logs and was wondering if this is a new hack I wasnt aware of or just some kind of bug with SMAC and I should unban them.

07-16-2011, 21:10
It is not a new hack but a old one, It was a way for clients to force a level changed and it would crash the server. Tho i thought this could only happen with a old version of EStools

07-17-2011, 05:51
Like Mavrick said, they tried an old exploit on your servers (very desperate exploit since you probably aren't using Eventscripts :P)

Personally I wouldn't unban people that tried to exploit your server even if they failed big times.

07-21-2011, 20:41
Agreed, the player was attempting to exploit your server.
I would keep this kind of player banned off my servers.

07-22-2011, 01:11
I would kill their pets.

07-23-2011, 11:10
Ok, thank you all for the help!

I will leave them banned. :)