View Full Version : Server Password

04-26-2004, 10:56
This Plugin active / inactive a password on your server when they are or not an admin on your server.
but if they r no player, the password is remove too.
Activepass = 1 - 0
PassValue = "YourPassword"

09-23-2006, 02:48
you can allways write "sv_password (your password)" in new game server and in dedicated = rcon sv_password (your password)"

06-21-2007, 02:14
this is useful.. when you have DS on other PC (for example in home), and u r playing in internet-caffe, and suddenly disconnected, and can't reconnect or something... but i like plugin "executes commands when admin leave" -- it can also set gravity etc.. but not working for me (error while compiling)