View Full Version : Infinite money

05-24-2005, 11:08

What does it do ? :
I think the plugin name says enough..It gives your infinite money.

Cmds :
amx_money 1
Turns on the plugin and says "Admin has turned on infinite money"

Thx to :
Dot (me :D )

I didn't make it, i just compiled it to AMXX.

This is my first EVER plugin i made(compiled) so there could me some bugs or faults in it. Although, i tested it and it worked fine for me.

Srry for my bad english.

05-24-2005, 11:17
This= COOL!!!!!! good job!

05-24-2005, 11:21
so it does work, sounds good then

05-24-2005, 12:25
WOW man nice

05-24-2005, 12:32
1) Please post the .sma seperately.
2) Put the original author's name in the thread name.
3) Indent
4) Replace the one here: register_concmd("amxx_money","cmdmoney",1,"1 = on 0 = off") with an admin level constant: Admin Level Constants:

ADMIN_ALL 0 //Everyone
ADMIN_IMMUNITY 1 //Flag "a", immunity
ADMIN_RESERVATION 2 //Flag "b", reservation
ADMIN_KICK 4 //Flag "c", kick
ADMIN_BAN 8 //Flag "d", ban
ADMIN_SLAY 16 //Flag "e", slay
ADMIN_MAP 32 //Flag "f", map change
ADMIN_CVAR 64 //Flag "g", cvar change
ADMIN_CFG 128 //Flag "h", config execution
ADMIN_CHAT 256 //Flag "i", chat
ADMIN_VOTE 512 //Flag "j", vote
ADMIN_PASSWORD 1024 //Flag "k", sv_password
ADMIN_RCON 2048 //Flag "l", rcon access
ADMIN_LEVEL_A 4096 //Flag "m", custom
ADMIN_LEVEL_B 8192 //Flag "n", custom
ADMIN_LEVEL_C 16384 //Flag "o", custom
ADMIN_LEVEL_D 32768 //Flag "p", custom
ADMIN_LEVEL_E 65536 //Flag "q", custom
ADMIN_LEVEL_F 131072 //Flag "r", custom
ADMIN_LEVEL_G 262144 //Flag "s", custom
ADMIN_LEVEL_H 524288 //Flag "t", custom
ADMIN_MENU 1048576 //Flag "u", menus
ADMIN_ADMIN 16777216 //Flag "y", default admin
ADMIN_USER 33554432 //Flag "z", default user

05-24-2005, 12:52
good plugin
i like this :D

05-24-2005, 14:48
1) The .sma is included in the .zip file
2) The author's name is also in the readme + in my startpost.
3) I dunno what indent is(i'm not English, i'm Flamish)
4) ????

05-24-2005, 17:02
1). Thats why he said "SEPERATELY"

2). Read The FORUM RULES

3). When you write a { move right a tab (by pressing the tab key), when you write a } move left a tab. (see end of post).

4). Instead of the first "1" in that line, write ADMIN_KICK or ADMIN_BAN etc. choose the level of admin you want to be able to access this.

This bit of text
........Has Been Correctly
........And is what,
The sma should look like. (without the .............'s)


05-25-2005, 05:23
just use ava's indenter.....!

05-25-2005, 23:05
it doesnt work for Steam Dedicated Server for windows.

05-26-2005, 00:16
coke it does work. I tried ot several times:)

05-26-2005, 05:41
what exactly did you have to do to get it to work?

05-26-2005, 06:17
did you put the .txt file in your data/lang folder?

05-26-2005, 06:50
uhh no, they didnt say to do that. wher is the data/language folder? and why would that change anything?

05-26-2005, 06:57
amxmodx/data/lang :)

05-26-2005, 23:23
it still doesnt work for me...

05-27-2005, 00:31
Post server log?

05-27-2005, 00:53
Please fix the points I presented or this will be trashed.

bobo shooter
05-27-2005, 08:13
I've enconuter this when enable this plugins

Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
Admin Base 1.01 AMXX Dev Team admin.amxx running
Admin Commands 1.01 AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx running
Admin Help 1.01 AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amxx running
Slots Reservation 1.01 AMXX Dev Team adminslots.amxx running
Menus Front-End 1.01 AMXX Dev Team menufront.amxx running
Commands Menu 1.01 AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amxx running
Players Menu 1.01 AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amxx running
Teleport Menu 1.01 AMXX Dev Team telemenu.amxx running
Maps Menu 1.01 AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
Admin Chat 1.01 AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amxx running
Anti Flood 1.01 AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
Scrolling Message 1.01 AMXX Dev Team scrollmsg.amxx running
Info. Messages 1.01 AMXX Dev Team imessage.amxx running
Admin Votes 1.01 AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amxx running
NextMap 1.01 AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amxx running
Nextmap Chooser 1.01 AMXX Dev Team mapchooser.amxx running
TimeLeft 1.01 AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amxx running
Pause Plugins 1.01 AMXX Dev Team pausecfg.amxx running
Stats Configurati 1.01 AMXX Dev Team statscfg.amxx running
Restrict Weapons 1.01 AMXX Dev Team restmenu.amxx running
All-in-One Comman 1.6 AMX(x) Community admin_allinone. running
High Ping Kicker 1.2.0 DynAstY hpk.amxx running
AFK Kicker 1.0b Cheesy Peteza afkkicker.amxx stopped
Console Protectio 1.0 Genesis devcon_protect. running
unknown unknown unknown SwatandRobbers. stopped
Swat Vs Robbers 0.1 Front Line SwatVsRobbers.a running
Infinite Money 1.0 Zaltoa infinitemoney.a running
27 plugin, 25 running

L 05/27/2005 - 19:08:34: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (native) (plugin "infinitemoney.amxx") - debug not enabled.
L 05/27/2005 - 19:08:34: [CSTRIKE] Player out of range (0)
L 05/27/2005 - 19:08:34: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add " debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes

05-27-2005, 11:46
lol, thats exactly what i got bobo shooter.

05-27-2005, 14:41
just use ava's indenter.....!

were to download(i'm noob, i know)

Bringer of Lucid
10-10-2005, 23:13
Upon compilation:

Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.60-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2005 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

/home/users/amxmodx/tmp3/phpeQ4UwM.sma(33) : error 017: undefined symbol "set_user_money"
/home/users/amxmodx/tmp3/phpeQ4UwM.sma(46) : error 017: undefined symbol "set_user_money"

2 Errors.
Could not locate output file /home/groups/amxmodx/public_html/websc3/phpeQ4UwM.amx (compile failed).

10-10-2005, 23:24

12-14-2005, 17:16
My previous points. Old. Moved to Unapproved/Old Plugins forum.

09-13-2009, 23:45
thank you very much,i was searching for this long time ago fanilly i got it :) thanks again.

09-14-2009, 01:39

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>

new infmoney = 1

public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Infinite Money", "1.0", "Zaltoa")
register_event("Money", "money", "b")
register_concmd("amxx_money", "cmdmoney", ADMIN_CFG, "1 = on 0 = off")

public cmdmoney(id, level, cid)
if( !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2) )

new arg[2]

set_hudmessage(255, 000, 128, -1.0, 0.25, 0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1)
if( arg[0] == '1' )
infmoney = 1
new players[32], inum
get_players(players, inum, "ah")
for(new i; i<inum; i++)
cs_set_user_money(players[i], 16000, 1)
show_hudmessage(0,"Admin has turned on infinite money")
else if (arg[0] == '0')
infmoney = 0
show_hudmessage(0,"Admin has turned off infinite money")

public money(id)
cs_set_user_money(id, 16000, 1)

09-21-2009, 13:10
ConnorMcLeod (http://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=18946) I compile with error:

Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.76-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team
Error: Undefined symbol "inum" on line 44
Warning: Expression has no effect on line 44
Error: Expected token: ";", but found ")" on line 44
Error: Invalid expression, assumed zero on line 44
Error: Too many error messages on one line on line 44
Compilation aborted.
4 Errors.
Could not locate output file C:\Program Files\AMX Mod X\amxxstudio\Untitled.amx (compile failed).

09-21-2009, 14:13
Fixed again...

09-22-2009, 13:58
Thank ConnorMcLeod (http://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=18946)!