View Full Version : A little problem. Can you help me?

06-22-2010, 13:43

When the player sais "pack" then a BarTime shows. After it loads the player get 50 HP...

But all this just then the bool:limited is true.

Thats not the problem; it works very fine but the bool ist just for 1 player...

When another player is there just 1 can use the BarTime. You udnerstand.

So i need 32 bools, 1 for every id.

my code:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>

new bartime1;
new bool:limited = true; // <--- HERE <---------------------------------------------------------

public plugin_init()
bartime1 = get_user_msgid("BarTime");
register_event( "HLTV", "roundstart1", "a", "1=0", "2=0" )
register_clcmd("say pack","show_bar1")

public show_bar1(id)

if(limited == true)
set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell,255, 0,0,kRenderNormal,25)
message_begin(MSG_ONE,bartime1, {0,0,0} ,id);
set_task(9.5, "after_bar1", id)
client_print(id, print_chat, "[HP] You already used ur healthpack! Nextround, you can use a new one.")


public roundstart1(id)
limited = true;

public after_bar1(id)

set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell,0,0, 0,kRenderNormal,25)
set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 40)
limited = false;

06-22-2010, 14:03
You dont need to put the bool: tag when creating a boolean variable bcoz it is not considered necessary...:)

06-22-2010, 14:05
yeah, but the problem is, that every id needs an own variable but i dont know how :(

06-22-2010, 14:06

new bool:limited[33]

Then, in after bar 1, when you set it equal to false, do

limited[id] = false

And, in round start, loop through all of the players, and set the bool equal to false for every player. Also, it might be advised to set the bool equal to true if a player joins as well. Like, in the client_putinserver(id), set the bool equal to true just in case.

06-22-2010, 14:27
Thanks i tried, but now it says "you already used" everytime i trz to use, but that cant be i never used it so limited[id] soudth be 1 -.-!


#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>

new bartime1;
new bool:limited[33] = true;

public plugin_init()
bartime1 = get_user_msgid("BarTime");
register_event( "HLTV", "roundstart1", "a", "1=0", "2=0" )
register_clcmd("say pack","show_bar1")

public show_bar1(id)

if(limited[id] == true)
set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell,255, 0,0,kRenderNormal,25)
message_begin(MSG_ONE,bartime1, {0,0,0} ,id);
set_task(9.5, "after_bar1", id)
client_print(id, print_chat, "[HP] You already used ur healthpack! Nextround, you can use a new one.")


public roundstart1(id)

new players[32], pnum, tempid;
get_players(players, pnum);

for( new i; i<pnum; i++ )
tempid = players[i];
limited[tempid] = true;

public after_bar1(id)

set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell,0,0, 0,kRenderNormal,25)
set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 40)
limited[id] = false;

06-22-2010, 14:42
If I remember correctly, doing:

new bool:limited[33] = true;

doesn't actually do anything, because all you are doing is setting limited[33] = true, not the rest of them.

06-22-2010, 14:46
i tryd it without this true but dont works too

06-22-2010, 15:34
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>

new bartime1;
new bool:limited[33];

public plugin_init()
bartime1 = get_user_msgid("BarTime");
register_logevent( "roundstart1", 2, "1=Round_Start")
register_clcmd("say pack","show_bar1")
public show_bar1(id)

if(limited[id] == true)
set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell,255, 0,0,kRenderNormal,25)
message_begin(MSG_ONE,bartime1, {0,0,0} ,id);
set_task(9.5, "after_bar1", id)
client_print(id, print_chat, "[HP] You already used ur healthpack! Nextround, you can use a new one.")
public roundstart1(id)

new players[32], pnum, tempid;
get_players(players, pnum);
for( new i; i<pnum; i++ )
tempid = players[i];
limited[tempid] = true;
public after_bar1(id)
set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell,0,0, 0,kRenderNormal,25)
set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 40)
limited[id] = false;

Try that. I don't know why the event wasn't working, but I switched it for the logevent Round Start. See if that works.

06-23-2010, 05:15
ye, it was the event... but i changed it to

RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "FwdHamSpawn_Post", 1);

thats even bether cause the player gets an healthpack when he spawns :D

thank you much for ur time
