View Full Version : Jump boost / LongJump zombie class

02-27-2010, 07:31
I set "zr_jumboost_bhop_protect" "0", but zombies for example with "jump_distance" "2.5" jump long, but they like glue to the ground and can't repeat a jump fast again..

I want that LongJump zombie could jump fast and long distance and repeat several times this like in video:
(this video shows LongJump zombie in ZR 2.5V jumping with mousewheel).

any ideas how to do that for one zombie class ? I see only to settings in playerclasses.txt jump_height and jump_distance...

02-27-2010, 08:30
Increase jump height a little bit too. 1.3 or higher should do it.

06-15-2010, 09:46
don't want to create new topic. But I want to ask, how "zr_jumpboost_bhop_protect 1" works ? Kick or just stop bhopers ?

How to check if it works ? And if it works for zombies ?
How to understand this setting zr_jumpboost_bhop_max "300" ?
If I set it to 30 for example ?

06-15-2010, 10:16
The cvar zr_jumpboost_bhop_protect has a bad name. It doesn't actually prevent bunny hopping, but it's a speed limit for jump boosts.

It simply doesn't give any jump boost if the player have a higher speed than zr_jumpboost_bhop_max.

To prevent real bunny hopping you need a speed limit on the players' actual speed.

06-15-2010, 10:22
Roger that