View Full Version : Model config problem in beta 2 snapshot

11-22-2009, 19:32
after installing your latest b2 i try to set some models for my classes and i get and error exp. . zr.sm] [player classes] [config validation] warning model name/path setting at index 6, disabled class models/xxx/xxx/xxx.mdl/default.mdl error flag 128
-------------///-----------warning model name/path setting at index 7, disabled class models/xxx/xxx/xxx.mdl/vipmodel.mdl error flag 128

i don't understand why it autoads after my xxx.mdl file the /default.mdl and /vipmodel.mdl cause i didn't had this problem in other b2 snapshots

11-23-2009, 03:06
Note that beta 2 snapshots are unsupported and we might do changes that break compatibility. This time the model list format was changed.

See Model Configuration (3.5) (http://helgeby.no-ip.org/zrdev/zr_manual.htm#3.5). This should be enough info to fix it.