View Full Version : [L4D] Public servers ... Aren't realy public

09-10-2009, 20:29
Hi there ,

So my problem is that my publics servers ( forked and runnin sourcemod ) , aren't realy public :P

I mean nobody join it from a lobby :cry: I don't know why ,

I have also noticed that there is a problem while joining them from a full loby ( 8 ppl ) the console says : "Server error - failed to handle reservation request."


hostname "Olymod #1-2-3-4-5-6"
sv_password ""
sv_lan 0
rcon_password "R0R03D" // fake password :P
sv_rcon_maxfailures 2
// Durée du banissement en minutes
sv_rcon_banpenalty 1
sv_cheats 0
sv_consistency 1
decalfrequency 1
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1
net_maxfilesize 60
sv_maxrate 0
sv_minrate 15000
sv_minupdaterate 30
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_mincmdrate 30
sv_maxcmdrate 66
log on
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_logfile 1
sv_log_onefile 0
sv_logsdir "logs"
sv_region 3
sv_pausable 0
sv_pure 1
sv_pure_kick_clients 1
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 1
//Associe une communauté Steam à un serveur (permet de faire apparaitre la liste des serveurs)
//l'id xxxx est affiché sur la page d'admin de votre communauté team
sv_steamgroup "1003089"
mp_gamemode versus
motd_enabled 1
sv_alltalk 0
exec olymod.cfg

09-15-2009, 16:07
afaik you still need teh following in there:

//Fix to get your server onto the master lists
setmaster add
setmaster add


sv_gametypes "coop,versus,survival" as a maximum. I see you want VS only.

09-15-2009, 17:34
Thx I'll try it , but I don't understand

sv_gametypes "coop,versus,survival"
This cvar wont allow survival and coop on my only versus server???

09-15-2009, 17:50
When you said

So my problem is that my publics servers ( forked and runnin sourcemod ) , aren't realy public :P

I read that as you want the matchmaking system to use your server. This means it is truly public. It gets used by people using Steam/Valve to find your server...presuming it fits what they have entered. In this case, it seems you want to run only a VS game. Is that right?

You have set mp_gamemode VS.

Assuming you only want the server to be VS since your problem description really lacks what you're after, then I think you need sv_gametypes "versus" (this is a guess on my part)

Course, you haven't said what DID work on our server either......before you posting this.