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  1. Test
  2. Graves
  3. Change Score
  4. Invisibility Wars
  5. Generic AFK Kicker
  6. Maps.ini Generator
  7. MOTD mangement
  8. MySQL DBase Editing, Noclip/Godmode
  9. AMX Map Handler
  10. Join/Leave Annoucments v. 1.2
  11. No More Rcon
  12. Remote Cvar v0.1
  13. Metamap v0.2
  14. Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne (AND traditional War3)
  15. CS Sprite fix
  16. Random FX
  17. amx_exec
  18. TimeleftII
  19. Daylight Changer
  20. Insane Pistol Arena X V0.5 [updated]
  21. Intellectual Property *UPDATED*
  22. Player FootStep Noises
  23. Auto Death Match (GeekGod)
  24. Natural Selection Commands
  25. Admin Slay 2X (F117bomb)
  26. Admin aimmenu
  27. Admin Gag
  28. Find Players on GameTiger
  29. PS Rank PsychoStats v2.0.1+ (In-Game Stats)
  30. AMX Fireworks
  31. Sniper Realism (SuicideDog) updated 1.2
  32. CovertOps (Krypt-Keep3r) [updated]
  33. Objectives converter v0.6 (WON only)
  34. amx_rocket (by f117bomb)
  35. Admin All in One Commands [Last Update 2005/03/26]
  36. DeadChat with Admin PA system NEW 2.1
  37. Recharge Boxes (GeekGod)
  38. Blind Fury
  39. BATGIRL's Automatic Crazy Votes 2.3x (Ludwig)
  40. Force Quit HL
  41. Ludwigs EJL Nukem
  42. Ludwigs Sound Download Management
  43. Ludwig Van's Map Specific Cvars Lock and Plugin Pausing
  44. Deagles' Map Management 2.10i
  45. Execute Client Commands (exec_client)
  46. Final Fantasy X MOD 0.7 (UPDATED!)
  47. Advanced HP & AP *Updated* v0.2
  48. AMX Spank2 (Denkkar Seffyd) (Updated 03/13/2006)
  49. (ImJust2Nasty) Admin Alltalk With Sounds
  50. StatsX 0.9.8b (CS 1.6)
  51. (SniperBeamer) Admin Illama 1.4 With Sounds
  52. Admin blanks
  53. Idiot 1.0 (IJs) [UPDATED]
  54. Ludwigs EJL Roll The Dice
  55. TFC Team/Class Changer
  56. No See Var
  57. Admin Slots f117bomb Style
  58. Dod Afk Kicker (Fractal)
  59. NoChat
  60. Admin Forcefire
  61. Transistor Radio
  62. NVG Mode 0.4
  63. Admin Flash
  64. Fake Death Messages V1.0.1
  65. Admin Ammo
  66. Grenades Are Heavy
  67. Sunglasses v1.0 (Anti-Flashbang Shades)
  68. Fake C4
  69. Buyknife V 1.0
  70. Admin NoBuy
  71. Admin Poison
  72. Just Another Cd Meditator
  73. Stealth Shoes V2.0
  74. Nightvision (Lazy)
  75. Admin Llamacage
  76. Bugblatter Monster (SniperBeamer)
  77. Extendable superhero mod ({Hoj}Batman)
  78. Eject Commander
  79. Comm Ban (mahnsawce)
  80. Armory Heal (mahnsawce)
  81. Onos Blocker (mahnsawce)
  82. Random Teams (mahnsawce)
  83. Sniper control v1.2
  84. Grenade Control ( by me and Ryan )
  85. Fix broken steam messages v1.2
  86. Change Hostage HP
  87. Stop Killing The %&¤#ing Hostages
  88. Restart Game 3 times and Go v0.5 (benzon)
  89. Screenshake 1.0 (ThantiK)
  90. Ludwigs EJL Jedi Theme Punishments [UPDATED]
  91. Team Objectives - Slay Losers (OLO)
  92. Admin FF (updated) Version 1.2
  93. Start Weapon
  94. Marine vs Marine & Alien vs Alien Glow effects
  95. Messagemode menu *UPDATED*
  96. Take13 Killcam v0.1a
  97. miscstats_fancy_bt
  98. EJL timebombs port (aka Kamikaze)
  99. Bladez Only by vote (BIGGZ)
  100. High Ping Kicker by OLO (0.16.2)
  101. Block welder on MvM maps
  102. TravellMeter (v1.5.1b)
  103. Reset Control
  104. HLRally unstuck
  105. Anti-zoom
  106. Day light
  107. Custom Horns
  108. dod_teams - by tla-nick (updated April 21st)
  109. Bunny Hop Enabler (remove the slow down after jumping in CS)
  110. Task Scheduler - by JustinHoMi
  111. Skunkage
  112. In-game Admin Login
  113. HLRally ingame Stats
  114. Clan_Tag_Protection
  115. Admin glow
  116. Restart Round (f117bomb)
  117. admin alltalk plugin (Ludwig van)
  118. sniper/Camper Disarmament(Mike Cao, NitrX)
  119. Simple Swear Filter
  120. MessageMode
  121. Awp Health Punish
  122. Server Password
  123. EJ's, Jack9 Server Chime v1.9 (Time Display/Speech)
  124. Admininfo (v1.2.1)
  125. Spectator-menu fix
  126. Web
  127. Point Script
  128. JailBreak ( SpaceDude )
  129. Awp Map Control For AMX X
  130. PLAY THE PIANO ( Luwig Van )
  131. turtle_shield ( SuicideDog )
  132. Battle Mages Version 1.0.1
  133. TS Slow_Menu
  134. Spymenu (v1.5.8b)
  135. War Weapon Tracers
  136. HLRally Bot control
  137. Spawn Protection
  138. awp2scout 0.2 ([-3LH-]Geezus)
  139. no_reconnect (syzo)
  140. ESF Attack Giver
  141. Hook Grab Deluxe
  142. Grentrail
  143. Last Man
  144. Laser Guns v2.7.6 ( Ludwig van )
  145. Enhanced Map Searching v1.6 ( Ludwig van )
  146. TimerProjector (ST4life)
  147. Ludwig van's Hurryup
  148. Ultimate Gore v1.6 *UPDATED 7/5/08* - Supports: CS/CZ/DoD/TFC/TS/ESF/SC/valve
  149. Hudmessage placer
  150. Server preformance monitor
  151. Superkeeper
  152. lmModule 1.1 BETA (a location reporter/marker plugin.)
  153. Throwing Knives v1.0.2 ( -]ToC[-Bludy )
  154. FlameThrower v5.3.5 ( Ludwig van )
  155. Connect Sound (v1.2.3)
  156. realism (for CS)
  157. Instamoney (DarkShadowST)
  158. WWW Reg
  159. KeeperMngr
  160. Drop all weapons when you die
  161. Hostage Pushing
  162. Run Planting
  163. Clan Sort
  164. HSC: Hostage Scenario Changer
  165. CZ Bot control
  166. Daylight Changer (Downtown1)
  167. HTML Command List Generator v0.3 ( Ludwig van )
  168. Ptahhotep's Team Balancer 1.7b8 with Admin Immunity
  169. Y.A.S.C. - Yet Another Sniper Control
  170. Lastround
  171. Last man bets
  172. Time announcer
  173. Multiple + color scroll messages
  174. amx_xweapons ( Kubo )(works for cs)
  175. Admin Login now with Admin Logout
  176. Easier to see adminchat plugin
  177. mortar kill announce (SidLuke)
  178. Death-info beams III
  179. hldsdl_map_vote (0LO)
  180. Nextmap Chooser+ (remembers maps now)
  181. tracer_fire (jon)
  182. Glow Menu ~ Client Activated Glow Plugin
  183. NinjaRope v1.1.1 (SpaceDude and EJL)
  184. Admin Heal and Shield ( F117Bomb )
  185. Luds Weapon Restrictions (Ludwig Van)
  186. Streak
  187. Ditka's Nade Controller (for fy_ maps)
  188. Natural Selection Nextmap Replacement
  189. Knifes Only(Zaltoa)
  190. tk_glow
  191. Aim Practice (aka. Headshot only) Update
  192. PTB 1.7b8 German Version
  193. Paused Chat - Adds ability to chat while server is paused.
  194. bullet_damage(f117bomb)
  195. amx_respawn(f117bomb)
  196. Weapon Money Reward(Similar)
  197. FragCounter(Scarzzurs)
  198. Concussion blocker
  199. DoD-Mapsmenu (Revised for descriptions)by Ammx Team
  200. List all maps installed on server v0.16
  201. advanced_tracers plugin by Ivan and OLO
  202. Sikkepitjes bot menu - simple CZ bot management menu
  203. Bad Clan Cleaner
  204. amx_lights
  205. amx_checkpoint_beta(DarkShadowST)
  206. AFK Bomb
  207. Admin Max speed(f117bomb)
  208. Rebooter
  209. Custom Votes v0.3
  210. Hook Grab v1.3.1 ( SpaceDude and EJL )
  211. Fireworks++ 3.0
  212. Day Night - Now with changing sky
  213. Blind port (T(+)rget)
  214. [AIOS] All.In.One.Slap/Slay
  215. KZ Multiplugin
  216. Headshot DeluXe
  217. AMXX Spawnangle Bug Fixer (jghg)
  218. Timer v16 - includes: Timer, Day/Night, Weather
  219. Ludwig van Console Plugin
  220. Player HP check
  221. Show teammate name
  222. Responsibilities that come with porting plugins
  223. Hostile Intent Ammo check
  224. Plugin: Bullettime(Scarzzurs)
  225. Bullseye
  226. CVAR Commands Pack
  227. The One v1.2 w/vampire addon
  228. Clan Manager - A clan management plugin
  229. Customizable HUD Messages
  230. Third-Person View
  231. Adminbot-MXX (Clan War Plugin) - By Syam
  232. Donate Res (v1.3.4)
  233. Missiles Launcher v3.8.4 ( Ludwig van )
  234. Suicide*Bomber
  235. Hoe Slap 3.0
  236. Unstable~Gravity
  237. Loadingsong (play a song during the connection to server)
  238. Invincible CC for Combat
  239. fullupdate Blocker (fixes an expliot)
  240. Repay (SentryIII)
  241. HolySlap By BarMan
  242. Dump Ent Info
  243. Buy$Message
  244. Weapon Cloak (mmx)
  245. Sprites Show (KRoT@L)
  246. FlashnKnivez(Zaltoa)
  247. Fragle (Frag Stealing)
  248. CD Punisher
  249. Toggle Immunity (UPDATED: 07/1/06)
  250. Readyroom Blocker