- Test
- Graves
- Change Score
- Invisibility Wars
- Generic AFK Kicker
- Maps.ini Generator
- MOTD mangement
- MySQL DBase Editing, Noclip/Godmode
- AMX Map Handler
- Join/Leave Annoucments v. 1.2
- No More Rcon
- Remote Cvar v0.1
- Metamap v0.2
- Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne (AND traditional War3)
- CS Sprite fix
- Random FX
- amx_exec
- TimeleftII
- Daylight Changer
- Insane Pistol Arena X V0.5 [updated]
- Intellectual Property *UPDATED*
- Player FootStep Noises
- Auto Death Match (GeekGod)
- Natural Selection Commands
- Admin Slay 2X (F117bomb)
- Admin aimmenu
- Admin Gag
- Find Players on GameTiger
- PS Rank PsychoStats v2.0.1+ (In-Game Stats)
- AMX Fireworks
- Sniper Realism (SuicideDog) updated 1.2
- CovertOps (Krypt-Keep3r) [updated]
- Objectives converter v0.6 (WON only)
- amx_rocket (by f117bomb)
- Admin All in One Commands [Last Update 2005/03/26]
- DeadChat with Admin PA system NEW 2.1
- Recharge Boxes (GeekGod)
- Blind Fury
- BATGIRL's Automatic Crazy Votes 2.3x (Ludwig)
- Force Quit HL
- Ludwigs EJL Nukem
- Ludwigs Sound Download Management
- Ludwig Van's Map Specific Cvars Lock and Plugin Pausing
- Deagles' Map Management 2.10i
- Execute Client Commands (exec_client)
- Final Fantasy X MOD 0.7 (UPDATED!)
- Advanced HP & AP *Updated* v0.2
- AMX Spank2 (Denkkar Seffyd) (Updated 03/13/2006)
- (ImJust2Nasty) Admin Alltalk With Sounds
- StatsX 0.9.8b (CS 1.6)
- (SniperBeamer) Admin Illama 1.4 With Sounds
- Admin blanks
- Idiot 1.0 (IJs) [UPDATED]
- Ludwigs EJL Roll The Dice
- TFC Team/Class Changer
- No See Var
- Admin Slots f117bomb Style
- Dod Afk Kicker (Fractal)
- NoChat
- Admin Forcefire
- Transistor Radio
- NVG Mode 0.4
- Admin Flash
- Fake Death Messages V1.0.1
- Admin Ammo
- Grenades Are Heavy
- Sunglasses v1.0 (Anti-Flashbang Shades)
- Fake C4
- Buyknife V 1.0
- Admin NoBuy
- Admin Poison
- Just Another Cd Meditator
- Stealth Shoes V2.0
- Nightvision (Lazy)
- Admin Llamacage
- Bugblatter Monster (SniperBeamer)
- Extendable superhero mod ({Hoj}Batman)
- Eject Commander
- Comm Ban (mahnsawce)
- Armory Heal (mahnsawce)
- Onos Blocker (mahnsawce)
- Random Teams (mahnsawce)
- Sniper control v1.2
- Grenade Control ( by me and Ryan )
- Fix broken steam messages v1.2
- Change Hostage HP
- Stop Killing The %&¤#ing Hostages
- Restart Game 3 times and Go v0.5 (benzon)
- Screenshake 1.0 (ThantiK)
- Ludwigs EJL Jedi Theme Punishments [UPDATED]
- Team Objectives - Slay Losers (OLO)
- Admin FF (updated) Version 1.2
- Start Weapon
- Marine vs Marine & Alien vs Alien Glow effects
- Messagemode menu *UPDATED*
- Take13 Killcam v0.1a
- miscstats_fancy_bt
- EJL timebombs port (aka Kamikaze)
- Bladez Only by vote (BIGGZ)
- High Ping Kicker by OLO (0.16.2)
- Block welder on MvM maps
- TravellMeter (v1.5.1b)
- Reset Control
- HLRally unstuck
- Anti-zoom
- Day light
- Custom Horns
- dod_teams - by tla-nick (updated April 21st)
- Bunny Hop Enabler (remove the slow down after jumping in CS)
- Task Scheduler - by JustinHoMi
- Skunkage
- In-game Admin Login
- HLRally ingame Stats
- Clan_Tag_Protection
- Admin glow
- Restart Round (f117bomb)
- admin alltalk plugin (Ludwig van)
- sniper/Camper Disarmament(Mike Cao, NitrX)
- Simple Swear Filter
- MessageMode
- Awp Health Punish
- Server Password
- EJ's, Jack9 Server Chime v1.9 (Time Display/Speech)
- Admininfo (v1.2.1)
- Spectator-menu fix
- Web
- Point Script
- JailBreak ( SpaceDude )
- Awp Map Control For AMX X
- PLAY THE PIANO ( Luwig Van )
- turtle_shield ( SuicideDog )
- Battle Mages Version 1.0.1
- TS Slow_Menu
- Spymenu (v1.5.8b)
- War Weapon Tracers
- HLRally Bot control
- Spawn Protection
- awp2scout 0.2 ([-3LH-]Geezus)
- no_reconnect (syzo)
- ESF Attack Giver
- Hook Grab Deluxe
- Grentrail
- Last Man
- Laser Guns v2.7.6 ( Ludwig van )
- Enhanced Map Searching v1.6 ( Ludwig van )
- TimerProjector (ST4life)
- Ludwig van's Hurryup
- Ultimate Gore v1.6 *UPDATED 7/5/08* - Supports: CS/CZ/DoD/TFC/TS/ESF/SC/valve
- Hudmessage placer
- Server preformance monitor
- Superkeeper
- lmModule 1.1 BETA (a location reporter/marker plugin.)
- Throwing Knives v1.0.2 ( -]ToC[-Bludy )
- FlameThrower v5.3.5 ( Ludwig van )
- Connect Sound (v1.2.3)
- realism (for CS)
- Instamoney (DarkShadowST)
- WWW Reg
- KeeperMngr
- Drop all weapons when you die
- Hostage Pushing
- Run Planting
- Clan Sort
- HSC: Hostage Scenario Changer
- CZ Bot control
- Daylight Changer (Downtown1)
- HTML Command List Generator v0.3 ( Ludwig van )
- Ptahhotep's Team Balancer 1.7b8 with Admin Immunity
- Y.A.S.C. - Yet Another Sniper Control
- Lastround
- Last man bets
- Time announcer
- Multiple + color scroll messages
- amx_xweapons ( Kubo )(works for cs)
- Admin Login now with Admin Logout
- Easier to see adminchat plugin
- mortar kill announce (SidLuke)
- Death-info beams III
- hldsdl_map_vote (0LO)
- Nextmap Chooser+ (remembers maps now)
- tracer_fire (jon)
- Glow Menu ~ Client Activated Glow Plugin
- NinjaRope v1.1.1 (SpaceDude and EJL)
- Admin Heal and Shield ( F117Bomb )
- Luds Weapon Restrictions (Ludwig Van)
- Streak
- Ditka's Nade Controller (for fy_ maps)
- Natural Selection Nextmap Replacement
- Knifes Only(Zaltoa)
- tk_glow
- Aim Practice (aka. Headshot only) Update
- PTB 1.7b8 German Version
- Paused Chat - Adds ability to chat while server is paused.
- bullet_damage(f117bomb)
- amx_respawn(f117bomb)
- Weapon Money Reward(Similar)
- FragCounter(Scarzzurs)
- Concussion blocker
- DoD-Mapsmenu (Revised for descriptions)by Ammx Team
- List all maps installed on server v0.16
- advanced_tracers plugin by Ivan and OLO
- Sikkepitjes bot menu - simple CZ bot management menu
- Bad Clan Cleaner
- amx_lights
- amx_checkpoint_beta(DarkShadowST)
- AFK Bomb
- Admin Max speed(f117bomb)
- Rebooter
- Custom Votes v0.3
- Hook Grab v1.3.1 ( SpaceDude and EJL )
- Fireworks++ 3.0
- Day Night - Now with changing sky
- Blind port (T(+)rget)
- [AIOS] All.In.One.Slap/Slay
- KZ Multiplugin
- Headshot DeluXe
- AMXX Spawnangle Bug Fixer (jghg)
- Timer v16 - includes: Timer, Day/Night, Weather
- Ludwig van Console Plugin
- Player HP check
- Show teammate name
- Responsibilities that come with porting plugins
- Hostile Intent Ammo check
- Plugin: Bullettime(Scarzzurs)
- Bullseye
- CVAR Commands Pack
- The One v1.2 w/vampire addon
- Clan Manager - A clan management plugin
- Customizable HUD Messages
- Third-Person View
- Adminbot-MXX (Clan War Plugin) - By Syam
- Donate Res (v1.3.4)
- Missiles Launcher v3.8.4 ( Ludwig van )
- Suicide*Bomber
- Hoe Slap 3.0
- Unstable~Gravity
- Loadingsong (play a song during the connection to server)
- Invincible CC for Combat
- fullupdate Blocker (fixes an expliot)
- Repay (SentryIII)
- HolySlap By BarMan
- Dump Ent Info
- Buy$Message
- Weapon Cloak (mmx)
- Sprites Show (KRoT@L)
- FlashnKnivez(Zaltoa)
- Fragle (Frag Stealing)
- CD Punisher
- Toggle Immunity (UPDATED: 07/1/06)
- Readyroom Blocker