- [CS:S/CS:GO] SM_Hosties (v2.2.0, 2015-08-15)
- LRs in CSGO Cause Random Server Crashes
- Rebel announcements only posting to console (not chat)
- [Request] Option for Attack Messages to Appear Back in Chat Instead of Console
- Clients Crashing
- CSGO Crashes with Bots
- [Support] CSGO Custom Maps Not Loading
- Enter before opening a new thread!
- [LR] Nade Fight
- [Support] Hosties not loading with SDKHooks
- [Request] German Translation
- [Request] Hosties Menu Admin Flag Override
- [Support] Map Configs and Toggling Hosties
- Gun Planting Prevention
- [skins]sm_skinchooser help.
- [DevHelp] Adding custom LRs auto-start feature to SM_Hosties 2.0.5b
- Try this if your server crashes (Updated to help with CS:S update issue)
- [REQUEST] Old SM_Hosties Versions?
- [Help] Lr Not Working!
- [Mod]Jailbreak Zombies
- CS:GO 2013 January Update Compatibility
- [Support] CSGO Sounds and Colors
- Alltalk?
- [Support]Errors in logs.
- How do i disable FuitNinja LR?
- CSS & CS:GO - Suggestion TAZER
- Server Crashes
- Hosties v2 Causing Server Crash.
- [Help] Communication (deadchat, teamchat etc) help please!
- SoccerLR
- [Help][CSGO] Problems with mp_solid_teammates and mp_friendlyfire
- [Help][SM_Hosties][CS:GO] Problems with mp_solid_teammates and mp_friendlyfire
- How to fix hosties on Steamcmd
- [HELP]Hosties won't load
- ct ban plugin for csgo?
- Skin =D
- Lr
- LR Fruitninja
- Rebel color, does not work?
- Gun Golf Lr!
- SM_Control Need Help.
- Forward OnRebel
- [Help] Dodgeball - Last request - FB problem
- [CSGO] [LR] HP Fights 3.0
- [DevHelp] Custom LR bug
- [help] [csgo] [hosties]
- Server Crash
- [CSS] JailGames (Zombie)
- Cannot start a ba_jail map
- Dead Player talks
- The Error Im Recieving
- !lr crashes the Server (CS:GO)
- Can Anyone Help Me?
- My server crashing with SM_Hosties
- Unable to load plugin.
- pls delete
- !rules wont go away when you press 0
- LastRequest coder needed
- Requires coder.
- Need a plugin Freeday
- 1up
- Crash server with sm_hosties
- !lr crash
- Desperate for help
- Sm_hosties help
- [CSGO] SDK Tools Vs Hosties
- help with plugin ( warning shoots )
- [HELP CS:GO] How to install a mod in CS:GO?
- [BUG] Hosties disturbs SourceBans - Please fix it quickly
- Jailbreak Coder
- any new LRs
- [help]server didn't load sm_hosties[css]
- [Csgo]Can't load plugin SM_Hosties[Help please]
- [CS:GO] Server crash
- [help] CSS Hosties Config
- Complete begginer looking for help
- Server crash on connecting [CS:GO]
- [REQUEST] SM_Hosties version 2.0.4
- [REQUEST] Delete the menu ban in admin panel.
- [LR] Backstabs
- respawn.sp + muteprisoners.sp
- Sounds are not working ?
- [CSGO]i want a CSGO rank plug-in
- [REQUEST]LR Freeday and Warday
- probably been answered before but
- [HELP] Skin Prisioner CSGO
- Hosties3
- [HELP]Zephyrus 's CSGO plugins.
- [REQ] CT Plugin for CS:S Jailbreak
- [REQ|CS:GO] Working Jailbreak Ratio "1:3"
- Looking for a coder
- CS:GO Server crashes
- server crash on CT
- sm_hoties by version Bara
- New Jailbreak DrugShop
- [Csgo] Sm_hosties v2 can't load
- [CSGO]How to make command captain?
- Cs:Go server help
- Help for skins [CS:GO]
- Shot4shot bug after update
- [CS:GO] Jailbreak Crash
- [CS:GO] Jailbreak Full Mod
- Broken after latest CS:GO update
- [REQ]Looking for Private Coder
- Mute prisoners permanently
- Sound not working
- Please help me :(
- [REQUEST] Working Jailbreak Balance
- [REQ] Drugshop
- Advanced sm_hosties v2 setup (Plugins, Skins)
- (Any Crashes) Hosties
- CRASHING - Line 258, hosties/muteprisoners.sp::MutePrisoners_RoundEnd()
- [CSGO] How can I mute T
- Buying 70 person JB server need admin
- [REQ] Chat prefix for T and CT
- [REQ][CSGO] !cmenu plugin
- R8 Revolver
- CS:GO Jailbreak server crashes since new revolver
- SBBanPlayer missing / changed ?
- Allow first player to select the Terrorist team
- Bug
- [CS:GO] SM Hosties Cheating on LR
- Compiling SM Hosties
- [REQUEST] Jailbreak Balance for cs:go
- [Bug] !rules with website
- S4S Won't work.
- Mute wont work
- 2.2.1 configuration error
- crash the server
- Random Crash
- Error logs
- Jailbreak Team Balance
- Cant compile newest hosties
- Compile
- Custom Plugin
- Hosties still strips guns
- Bugs On Sm Hosties
- Hosties Voice issue
- Problem sm_hosties
- Shot4Shot and RPS issues
- CockFights don't work
- Shot 4 Shot and LR Noscope issue.
- Mute T on Round Start
- Beta Branch
- New forwards: OnFreeKill & OnFreeAttack & OnRebelStateChange
- [LR] Rock paper scissors error
- New cvar suggestion: Disable "LR: Rebel" After played any of LR's
- [CSGO]sm_hosties issue (NoScope)
- Most player Rebelled
- Last version compiled
- LR for 2 players
- problem lr sm_hosties
- Suspected crash; sm_hosties
- ball of jb_lego_jail and more maps
- [request] Shot 4 shot
- cant compile lastest sp file
- Hosties 2.3.0
- CS:GO Beacon problem
- start weapon of Ts
- BackStabs custom lr
- Dead players not muted (CSS)
- SM_Hosties bug/error
- Freeattack message doesn't work and GT acts strange (CS:S)
- M_Hosties (v2.2.0) Crash server
- Jailbreak - Hosties [HELP for made this mode]
- Sm hosties noscope and dodgeball bug
- Team problem
- Taser causing server crash
- Bugs with Sm_hosties
- Shot4Shot not working
- TF2: Disable spy cloaking??
- [Help] Some LR's in my CS:GO Server Malfunction
- sm_hosties shot4shot
- Shot4Shot bug in last version
- Issue with API. (Creating custom LR)
- Help with slay cheaters
- team restirct bug
- Help | error in sm_hosties and anticamp
- Server crash when LR
- Sm hosties
- Shot 4 Shot not working
- Error on LR
- sm_hosties.sp can't compile
- Dead talk off?
- SM_Hosties
- Vmt files ?
- Slay cheater always?!
- My Last request does not work probably!!
- Bug on "Shot4Shot" and "Mag4Mag"
- Is this the only plugin I need for CSS jailbreak?
- problem with lagg if someone in lr die
- [MOD] SM_Hosties fixed version
- Change Warden to Simon
- SM_Hosties v2 | Problem
- Admins muted when they die
- Which version of hosties to use?
- Remove/disable noblock
- how do i change the language???
- Cannot compile sm-hosties 2.3
- [REQ]sm_hosties LR - FreeDay
- Error Logs spamming this message
- Error sm_hosties plugin
- i need SM_hosties help please
- Sourcemod Compiling Stuff error
- [CS:S/CS:GO] Hosties+ (v5.1.0, 2023-08-07)