View Full Version : SM_Hosties

  1. [CS:S/CS:GO] SM_Hosties (v2.2.0, 2015-08-15)
  2. LRs in CSGO Cause Random Server Crashes
  3. Rebel announcements only posting to console (not chat)
  4. [Request] Option for Attack Messages to Appear Back in Chat Instead of Console
  5. Clients Crashing
  6. CSGO Crashes with Bots
  7. [Support] CSGO Custom Maps Not Loading
  8. Enter before opening a new thread!
  9. [LR] Nade Fight
  10. [Support] Hosties not loading with SDKHooks
  11. [Request] German Translation
  12. [Request] Hosties Menu Admin Flag Override
  13. [Support] Map Configs and Toggling Hosties
  14. Gun Planting Prevention
  15. [skins]sm_skinchooser help.
  16. [DevHelp] Adding custom LRs auto-start feature to SM_Hosties 2.0.5b
  17. Try this if your server crashes (Updated to help with CS:S update issue)
  18. [REQUEST] Old SM_Hosties Versions?
  19. [Help] Lr Not Working!
  20. [Mod]Jailbreak Zombies
  21. CS:GO 2013 January Update Compatibility
  22. [Support] CSGO Sounds and Colors
  23. Alltalk?
  24. [Support]Errors in logs.
  25. How do i disable FuitNinja LR?
  26. CSS & CS:GO - Suggestion TAZER
  27. Server Crashes
  28. Hosties v2 Causing Server Crash.
  29. [Help] Communication (deadchat, teamchat etc) help please!
  30. SoccerLR
  31. [Help][CSGO] Problems with mp_solid_teammates and mp_friendlyfire
  32. [Help][SM_Hosties][CS:GO] Problems with mp_solid_teammates and mp_friendlyfire
  33. How to fix hosties on Steamcmd
  34. [HELP]Hosties won't load
  35. ct ban plugin for csgo?
  36. Skin =D
  37. Lr
  38. LR Fruitninja
  39. Rebel color, does not work?
  40. Gun Golf Lr!
  41. SM_Control Need Help.
  42. Forward OnRebel
  43. [Help] Dodgeball - Last request - FB problem
  45. [CSGO] [LR] HP Fights 3.0
  46. [DevHelp] Custom LR bug
  47. [help] [csgo] [hosties]
  48. Server Crash
  49. [CSS] JailGames (Zombie)
  50. Cannot start a ba_jail map
  51. Dead Player talks
  52. The Error Im Recieving
  53. !lr crashes the Server (CS:GO)
  54. Can Anyone Help Me?
  55. My server crashing with SM_Hosties
  56. Unable to load plugin.
  57. pls delete
  58. !rules wont go away when you press 0
  59. LastRequest coder needed
  60. Requires coder.
  61. Need a plugin Freeday
  62. 1up
  63. Crash server with sm_hosties
  64. !lr crash
  65. Desperate for help
  66. Sm_hosties help
  67. [CSGO] SDK Tools Vs Hosties
  68. help with plugin ( warning shoots )
  69. [HELP CS:GO] How to install a mod in CS:GO?
  70. [BUG] Hosties disturbs SourceBans - Please fix it quickly
  71. Jailbreak Coder
  72. any new LRs
  73. [help]server didn't load sm_hosties[css]
  74. [Csgo]Can't load plugin SM_Hosties[Help please]
  75. [CS:GO] Server crash
  76. [help] CSS Hosties Config
  77. Complete begginer looking for help
  78. Server crash on connecting [CS:GO]
  79. [REQUEST] SM_Hosties version 2.0.4
  80. [REQUEST] Delete the menu ban in admin panel.
  81. [LR] Backstabs
  82. respawn.sp + muteprisoners.sp
  83. Sounds are not working ?
  84. [CSGO]i want a CSGO rank plug-in
  85. [REQUEST]LR Freeday and Warday
  86. probably been answered before but
  87. [HELP] Skin Prisioner CSGO
  88. Hosties3
  89. [HELP]Zephyrus 's CSGO plugins.
  90. [REQ] CT Plugin for CS:S Jailbreak
  91. [REQ|CS:GO] Working Jailbreak Ratio "1:3"
  92. Looking for a coder
  93. CS:GO Server crashes
  94. server crash on CT
  95. sm_hoties by version Bara
  96. New Jailbreak DrugShop
  97. [Csgo] Sm_hosties v2 can't load
  98. [CSGO]How to make command captain?
  99. Cs:Go server help
  100. Help for skins [CS:GO]
  101. Shot4shot bug after update
  102. [CS:GO] Jailbreak Crash
  103. [CS:GO] Jailbreak Full Mod
  104. Broken after latest CS:GO update
  105. [REQ]Looking for Private Coder
  106. Mute prisoners permanently
  107. Sound not working
  108. Please help me :(
  110. [REQUEST] Working Jailbreak Balance
  111. [REQ] Drugshop
  112. Advanced sm_hosties v2 setup (Plugins, Skins)
  113. (Any Crashes) Hosties
  114. CRASHING - Line 258, hosties/muteprisoners.sp::MutePrisoners_RoundEnd()
  115. [CSGO] How can I mute T
  116. Buying 70 person JB server need admin
  117. [REQ] Chat prefix for T and CT
  118. [REQ][CSGO] !cmenu plugin
  119. R8 Revolver
  120. BUG on SHOT4SHOT
  121. CS:GO Jailbreak server crashes since new revolver
  122. SBBanPlayer missing / changed ?
  123. Allow first player to select the Terrorist team
  124. Bug
  125. [CS:GO] SM Hosties Cheating on LR
  126. Compiling SM Hosties
  127. [REQUEST] Jailbreak Balance for cs:go
  128. [Bug] !rules with website
  129. S4S Won't work.
  130. Mute wont work
  131. 2.2.1 configuration error
  132. crash the server
  133. Random Crash
  134. Error logs
  135. Jailbreak Team Balance
  136. Cant compile newest hosties
  137. Compile
  138. Custom Plugin
  139. Hosties still strips guns
  140. Bugs On Sm Hosties
  141. Hosties Voice issue
  142. Problem sm_hosties
  143. Shot4Shot and RPS issues
  144. CockFights don't work
  145. Shot 4 Shot and LR Noscope issue.
  146. Mute T on Round Start
  147. Beta Branch
  148. New forwards: OnFreeKill & OnFreeAttack & OnRebelStateChange
  149. [LR] Rock paper scissors error
  150. New cvar suggestion: Disable "LR: Rebel" After played any of LR's
  151. [CSGO]sm_hosties issue (NoScope)
  152. Most player Rebelled
  153. Last version compiled
  154. LR for 2 players
  155. problem lr sm_hosties
  156. Suspected crash; sm_hosties
  157. ball of jb_lego_jail and more maps
  158. [request] Shot 4 shot
  159. cant compile lastest sp file
  160. Hosties 2.3.0
  161. CS:GO Beacon problem
  162. start weapon of Ts
  163. BackStabs custom lr
  164. Dead players not muted (CSS)
  165. SM_Hosties bug/error
  166. Freeattack message doesn't work and GT acts strange (CS:S)
  167. M_Hosties (v2.2.0) Crash server
  168. Jailbreak - Hosties [HELP for made this mode]
  169. Sm hosties noscope and dodgeball bug
  170. Team problem
  171. Taser causing server crash
  172. Bugs with Sm_hosties
  173. Shot4Shot not working
  174. TF2: Disable spy cloaking??
  175. [Help] Some LR's in my CS:GO Server Malfunction
  176. sm_hosties shot4shot
  177. Shot4Shot bug in last version
  178. Issue with API. (Creating custom LR)
  179. Help with slay cheaters
  180. team restirct bug
  181. Help | error in sm_hosties and anticamp
  182. Server crash when LR
  183. Sm hosties
  184. Shot 4 Shot not working
  185. Error on LR
  186. sm_hosties.sp can't compile
  187. Dead talk off?
  188. SM_Hosties
  189. Vmt files ?
  190. Slay cheater always?!
  191. My Last request does not work probably!!
  192. Bug on "Shot4Shot" and "Mag4Mag"
  193. Is this the only plugin I need for CSS jailbreak?
  194. problem with lagg if someone in lr die
  195. [MOD] SM_Hosties fixed version
  196. Change Warden to Simon
  197. SM_Hosties v2 | Problem
  198. Admins muted when they die
  199. Which version of hosties to use?
  200. Remove/disable noblock
  201. how do i change the language???
  202. Cannot compile sm-hosties 2.3
  203. [REQ]sm_hosties LR - FreeDay
  204. Error Logs spamming this message
  205. Error sm_hosties plugin
  206. i need SM_hosties help please
  207. Sourcemod Compiling Stuff error
  208. [CS:S/CS:GO] Hosties+ (v5.1.0, 2023-08-07)