View Full Version : SourceBans / SourceBans++

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  1. [Release] Legacy SourceBans 1.4.11 (Updated 2014/02/17)
  2. SourceBans not working with CSGO
  3. Sourcebans: can not ban player within admin_menu?
  4. Sourcebans Host White/Blacklist
  5. SourceBans Donations
  6. SourceBans Forum move
  7. Some Suggestions
  8. Bans do not show in banlist
  9. SourceBans L4D2 problem
  10. Theme SourceBans
  11. Admin rights system, set permissions per admin per server
  12. You Do Not Have Access To This Command
  13. Failed to retrieve group overrides from the database
  14. changes to cs:go steamID-universe - v1.4.10
  15. Sourcebans Query Protocol?
  16. Connecting sm_voteban to Sourcebans
  17. Immunity for ban/kicking
  18. Username/Password retrieval (Forgotten password)
  19. Server Groups
  20. SB 1.4.10 error - AJAX
  21. Restricting Admins to non permanent bans
  22. When will SB 2.0 be released ?
  23. Banning in Game....player not kicked.
  24. Unable to Install SourceBans
  25. linked steam accounts between hackers
  26. Message banned people - reasons
  27. Import bans sql from server to web panel sourcebans
  28. sm_addban - change rcon flag
  29. Trouble with Protests
  30. Problem whit Latest Players Blocked update.
  31. error
  32. In-Game Report Command
  33. Sourcebans over sourcemod
  34. Sourcebans & gmod13
  35. http 500 error
  36. Is there possible?
  37. CS:S ban option gone?
  38. Sourcebans getting banned
  39. Banning users question
  40. Sourceban dafuq
  41. upgrade from 1.4.9 to 1.4.10 got me this
  42. Sourcebans Doesn't Add My Server!
  43. permanent ban help
  44. Warning With Unban
  45. Sourcebans do not accept settings in the databases.cfg
  46. Blocked Users not Showing
  47. Option to make ban comments visible to visitors
  48. Webserver IP changed, SBans stopped working
  49. Banned from wrong server
  50. Source Bans and Garry's Mod 13
  51. 1.4.10 update error
  52. Current DB incorrectly listed as current
  53. Having a problem with some Unicode charactors.
  54. How does sourcebans stores admin's info?
  55. Bans not showing on sourceban page
  56. Error Connecting
  57. Databases.cfg not updating?
  58. Bans Specific to a server group
  59. Adding more tabs
  60. Logo Link?
  61. Invalid Header / XML Reponse
  62. names banned and the ban reasons are not shown in Cyrillic
  63. Dont work
  64. Webpage not working
  65. Help to get sourcebans working
  66. "The xajax Javascript file could not be included" Error Message
  67. Problems with overwriting admin.cfg
  68. Sourcebans without dedicated IP
  69. [TF2] F2P hackers back with new Steam ID
  70. Suggestion for Advanced Search
  71. Querying Server Data...
  72. Ajax Error of some sort
  73. Change ""You have been banned by this server, check {1} for more info""
  74. GMod 13 Compatibility?
  75. SourceBans Logo PSD
  76. Can't reach to www.domain/sourcebans/install
  77. Help please!
  78. Help me !
  79. sb_settings ?
  80. Remove expired bans
  81. [REQ HELP]Rcon Ajax Error
  82. Admin flag changes are not working.
  83. Fixed translations
  84. Sourcebans for CSP
  85. Error Log with PHP 5.4
  86. database error
  87. Banning from console "player no longer on server"
  88. Issue with Unbanning
  89. Unbanning Banned Players
  90. Issuse with the override part of SourceBans
  91. Sourcebans install getting spam.
  92. Group ban error
  93. Register Globals
  94. Sourcebans cannot see server online.
  95. [Request]demo icon
  96. Add Bans Via PHP
  97. Sourcebans Not adding admins correctly.
  98. Every in-game ban is by CONSOLE
  99. [sourcebans.smx] Database failure
  100. Sourcebans/admin-flatfile.smx help
  101. Strange Bug/Issue
  102. I Can't Ban
  103. Lateload
  104. Any idea how to show full list of latest players blocked
  105. Is here way to add admin for limited time
  106. How to use Sourcebans
  107. Is SourceBan Web Abandoned?
  108. Customization - Tabs
  109. SourceBans not Adding admins or bans to game server
  110. Sourcebans extraflags in sb_admins table
  111. Bans won't appear on Banlist (Web)
  112. SourceBans, I really appreciate help.
  113. I have a Strange problem with SourceBans
  114. Gmod?
  115. Error: the server returned the following HTTP status: 500
  116. Adminplugin?
  117. Table 'sourcebans.sb_overrides' doesn't exist?
  118. SourceBans problem
  119. Sourcebans, TF2 MultiAccount Hackers.
  120. SourceBans webban problem
  121. [-] Error connecting #111: Connection refused
  122. admins_simple.ini
  123. Tentative possible de hack (URL Key mismatch)
  124. Ban section disapear from admin menu
  125. Cant connect to sql server
  126. Bans Don't Show Up On The Site
  127. Flags of the Countries - GeoIP
  128. Sourceban
  129. Having trouble with sourcemod setup
  130. Issues with SourceBans (Database?)
  131. Sourcebans error
  132. Resolved: SQL Injection in latest version 1.4.10!
  133. Error while updating SB
  134. Admin Abuse Mystery: How Do They Have Admin?
  135. Allow for duplicate Steam IDs
  136. SourceBans bug.
  137. SourceBans 1.5.0 BETA game plugin
  138. Refuse to work properly Critical BUG
  139. Small bug with web front
  140. [Connection Error] Server Connection
  141. UTF8 Problem with serverside bans.
  142. Problems ... Protocol issues
  143. Steamrep icon on ban list
  144. SourceBans sql error since today
  145. Sync or Fetch other steambans list? how !
  146. Feature request to sourcebans 1.5
  147. Sourcebans error
  148. MySQL Connection Problems (mysql.sock) missing
  149. ServersList not showing current players
  150. Need Sbans help
  151. Need help with Sourcebans error
  152. Sourcebans ban problem
  153. Sourcebans not connecting to database
  154. country flag not showing up
  155. Permissions error for Sourcebans
  156. Error retrieving latest release sourceban
  157. Public Admin List?
  158. Please help:
  159. Update to Version 1.4.10
  160. new feature: ban type
  161. Sourceban no admin ingame
  162. Problems with the Web_Module
  163. Error, cant access database!
  164. Error Importing bans
  165. Can't assign groups to server (doesnt show up)
  166. [RESOLVED] This player has not been verified.
  167. Native SSBanPlayer 1.4.10
  168. Unable to add server
  169. Cyrillic symbols in players' names and ban reasons
  170. [CSS]Sourcebans Error
  171. How to allow server admins to register their own SB account?
  172. SQL Problem
  173. Problem with MySQL connection
  174. Setup all Admins on a new server
  175. [Bug Report] Wrong server showing up
  176. "You don't have access to that command."
  177. SQL Error
  178. mysql problem
  179. Sourcebans without Website
  180. remove and delete all bans by a single admin
  181. Help with sourcebans please!
  182. SB translate Webpanel
  183. SourceBans v 7
  184. [Feature Request] SMTP Support
  185. Error messages
  186. Teamkilling in CSGO
  187. Need some help | Error connecting? [solved]
  188. Sourceban Errors
  189. how is this happening
  190. [Feature Request] Show how many bans a player have
  191. show up ban info on console
  192. Sourcebans - SM Admins
  193. Free website with sourcebans support=
  194. Sourcebans doesn't ban from Website.
  195. I lost my pass to SourceBans
  196. Failure to connect to database
  197. [Bug Report] i get an error while all works good
  198. Question for SourceBans hosting
  199. Sourcemod
  200. Sourcebans Error log
  201. My SourceBans not found on Google
  202. Issues with Admins through SourceBans
  203. [Bug Report] Inform me about his error please !
  204. Ban per Server
  205. [Bug Report] Sourcemod not reading admins.cfg
  206. IPB Forum SourceBans Player Panel App [IPB-Marketplace]
  207. Sourcebans
  208. Sourcebans admins.cfg
  209. Sourcebans Turkish language file
  210. Comment icon not showing up
  211. Free SourceBans hosting
  212. [RESOLVED]Where can I find this? Comm list?
  213. [Bug Report] Database Issues
  214. Import sourcebans
  215. Can't load admins
  216. [Feature Request] Export/Import Features
  217. Empty admins.cfg
  218. CSS Update - Sourcebans Not Communicating
  219. Ban only work if in web
  220. Hostname limitation character
  221. Sourcebans cant connect to server
  222. Sourcebans custom-script wonīt load
  223. [Bug Report] I got error 1.4.9 -> 1.4.10
  224. Mysql/driver errors
  225. [SteamPipe] Sourcebans
  226. Question regarding plugin behavior when blocking banned player connects.
  227. (SteamPipe) SB admin.cfg not downloading
  228. SB dosnīt send Emailīs
  229. Error
  230. Huge Sourcebans Glitch - console bans people that have quotes in their name!
  231. Sourcebans Not Adding Admins
  232. removed access
  233. can admins be exported ?
  234. Sourcebans install issue.
  235. Error by loging in
  236. [Bug Report] error on installation
  237. It's possible blocked one command for only one Admin?
  238. Sourcebans not enforcing IP bans?
  239. SourceBans download site seems to be down
  240. [Bug Report] Error Connecting to server
  241. Admins don't work on the gameserver
  242. servercrash after admin joins
  243. Dashboard Problem
  244. help config sourcebans
  245. [Feature Request] Admin call SB module
  246. Sourcebans suddenly Showing 403 Error
  247. [solved]Issue with uploading demos
  248. 2 Game Servers on 1 Windows Machine, Error Connecting
  249. [Bug Report] Failed to insert the IP ban into the database
  250. Submit and Protest