- TF2Items - Items with custom attributes.
- Congrats!
- Weapon ideas
- So how do tf2items work?
- Setup admin flags?
- Get item slot for item in TF2Items_OnGiveNamedItem?
- General help and how to add effects?
- TF2Items FAQ
- Menu for TF2 Items
- TF2 Zombie
- Get attributes of items as they're given
- Allow us to override existing attributes while using the PRESERVE_ATTRIBUTES flag
- Config
- Can setting attributes too high cause client crashes?
- Reports TF2Items is broken after today's (10/05/2012) update.
- Item Attribute List wiki page
- On respawn, TF2Items_OnGiveNamedItem fired for one of three tf_wearables
- On give disguise items
- TF2 items help?
- Can I make custom item set?
- What is offset = 462 ?
- Changing a weapon with TF2 items.
- We need new tf2items gamedata
- Preserving Attributes?
- [Solved] I Can't Disable Alt-Fire on the Sandvich and the Steak
- TF2_GiveNamedItem failed
- [Script]Tf2 Items rewarding system
- [Solved] [TF2] Setting General Properties and Checking Weapon On-Hit
- New version of OnGiveNamedItem with item properties in it?
- [Solved] Having a Problem With ItemAttributes not Working
- Modified plugin to define config file?
- Useful Attribute List
- Items are invisible to other players
- Can't Seem to Give the Short Circuit the Onhit AddAmmo Effect?
- Setting attributes to be server-wide
- Strange items acting strange
- reload config file ?
- How Do Change Hat Color?
- attribute #289
- Please teach me
- Unusual Hat Effects Menu
- [Solved] SteamId neccesary for every player?
- Syncing the Item Settings via MySQL?
- Hats bug
- need new gamedata after MvM update
- [Solved] Crash If Touched the MVM Upgrade Station?
- Server Crashes
- TF2Items not working
- TF2Items Attributes
- Version of SM compatible with TF2items?
- bi-directional teleport attribute
- Inverted Percentage
- Uber on Custom made Medigun?
- different weapon configs?
- tf2 items not working after last update
- Random error that I can't figure out.
- TF2Items not setting attributes correctly
- Can't get it to work
- Add support for GetLoadoutSlot
- [Solved] "keep-defaults" options for TF2items Custom weapons
- TF2Items Error
- ...
- Having some issues with changing a weapon
- Hat effects
- class hopping glitch
- unusual -TF2Items problem
- Config File Questions
- Uber Rocket launcher. help
- Can't get TF2items_manager to work
- TF2Items - database
- New stable version of TF2Items?
- Help With TF2 Items
- admin-flags question
- Can You Assign Weapons Attributes from the Mann Vs. Machine Upgrade Station?
- problem with items.weapons
- [Help] Default items
- Question about config
- Not working?
- TF2items i think i coded wrong
- Quick Question
- Add attribute problem
- Latest TF2 Beta crashes with bots
- New gamadata.txt offset soon?
- Attrib. 448 & 450
- [Read Me] TF2Items 1.5.3 Released.
- TF2Items_OnGiveNamedItem() assistance, please.
- Change Item Type/Change Item Properties
- Player Attribute Editing?
- Reducing deployed stickies does not work for variants
- Stock Weapons
- Few questions
- Linux x64 server unable to load tf2items
- Particle Effects on Weapons
- Toggle your attributes
- No Paint
- Rocket Minigun
- Team/Class Designation
- Sniper scope movement speed
- Tf2 items
- ID for unusual particles [Updated 11/07/2014]
- please update tf2items,server always crash on this.
- [Help]Server Crashes When I Join
- Item Classname Attributes
- Patched?
- please help flare gun can jump high.
- EOF Keyvalue errors! Oh no!
- Short Circuit
- weapon attributes only for certain flag
- Forced Pyrovision
- How do I exclude SPY class?
- Is possible to change visuals and sounds?
- Robot Attributes or give attribute by name
- Projectiles Attribute
- [TF2] Add weapon attributes (TF2Items)
- Particles not working anymore.
- Problems with Effect/Color Attribute
- [Help]How do i qualities classification?
- disable for some maps (crashes server)
- Prefixes on modified items
- [Question] Pyro "push" attribute modification
- [Help]i just wanna give player a new taunt action items,plz help!!!
- Please Help me T_T
- Disable tf2items.weapons.txt
- Modding the Buff Banner/ Conch VS The Battalion's Backup?
- One tf2items.weapons.txt for multi TF2 servers
- [Help] Halloween Speel ?
- Question about Mediguns and ubers
- OnGiveNamedItem handles
- How add atributes to all who join?
- Ongivenameditem preserve attributes with exceptions?
- Custom item values revert on map change
- Multiply weapons properties
- Admin Weapons!!!
- TF2Items not working on SteamPipe?
- creating items to multiple SteamID's
- Please help with the tf2items
- MvM Upgrade Attribute Numbers
- What happened to the TF2I snapshot repo?
- GetNumAttributes
- TF2items not working?
- Limetech tf2items snapshots mirror down?
- TF2Items Documentation
- Plugin_Changed not working for me
- [TF2] Converting Phlog to Basic Flamethrower
- Numbers of the particles
- Nerfing shorstop - pls help?
- Shooting rockets?
- Confused
- "unknown entity type tf_weapon_shotgun!"
- Mantreads damage buff and another question
- Halloween Spells
- Getting my plugin to respect tf2items.weapons.txt
- [TF2] How do the Halloween Spells work
- TF2Items_SetClassname defaulting ?
- [Solved] Item tint color values?
- KeyValues Error
- tf_wearable crash and oddities
- Add TF2Items_EquipPlayerWearable
- Database support
- Spectral Spectrum?
- Some attributes aren't working
- tf2items not working after today's update
- Escape Plan Fix
- is Attribute broken?
- My Server is crashing!
- Mediguns works wrong
- Golden wrench for admins
- Problem with "crit does no dmg" attribute
- tf2items.ext.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- Error in coding?
- Can't equip items
- Question before installing
- TF2Items or TF2Attributes
- Memory Leak
- Question about Tf2items
- Firing speed/reload speed attribute values not what they set to.
- How to make all weapons gold?
- Attributes working for everyone else except me
- [HELP] With the function TF2Items_SetAttribute
- Why Saxxy weapon not work for me? :(
- [HELP] Any other way ?
- [HELP] Modify attributes via command ?
- Kunai max overheal?
- [Help]Nocrit attribute on all non melee weapons
- weapon stats
- TF2Items_OnGiveNamedItem and OVERRIDE_CLASSNAME/OVERRIDE_ALL doesn't work
- Ability to choose items to be buffed or otherwise
- General TF2items question
- tf2items not working after today's update
- Preserve attribute in different format
- I made a list of all the tf2 weapon stats "reversed". Can someone make this happen?
- TF2 Items: Randomization Question/Request
- Support string attributes
- TF2ItemsInfo
- [Solved] MVM Update breaks tf2items (Two City update)
- Killstreak weapons
- Certain weapons are not affected by attributes at all
- Attribute for medic shield from mvm
- [FIXED] Use TF2Items_SetAttribute
- Attribute #2024
- Does anyone know hot to make all weapon stats x10?
- MVM Black Box Soldier weapon replica - Looking for attribute
- [HELP] Create a new weapon ?
- FYI: Switching item definition indexes sometimes causes animation bugs
- Map specific weapon configs
- [TF2] Problem using TF2Items to give a player a spellbook
- Killstreaker plugin request
- Adding a charge meter?
- Invalid TF2ItemType handle
- Blocking a wearable
- Change item name, and change attribute though code?
- Attribute 2027
- Is there any up to date tutorial on how to install?
- [Solved] [Answered]Would this make everyone's weapon quality Valve?
- [Solved] Derpy code
- [Solved] Shared weapons not working with tf2items
- Block hats/misc items from being modified
- Weapon blocking/replacing
- Server crashing since a few days
- [Read Me] New TF2 Quickplay Rules
- Applying a skin
- Failed to find?
- Modifying Engineer's Buildings
- Attribute 2027
- [Solved] Stripping attributes off of weapons?
- Apply sandman like abilities to other bats?
- No #base or #include in config files?
- Precache sounds when: OverrideSoundFootsteps is used.
- More optimized way for tf2items_manager plugin to modify weapons.
- Errors in error logs
- Spellbook?
- How to make mediguns give kritz and mega heal?
- Making Australium and Killstreak weapons
- [Solved] How do I set more than one attribute at a time?
- trying to give back equalizer old option
- how checking hat slot ?
- Projectile Override 13 (Righteous Bison)
- How can I change item_class?
- OnGiveNamedItem: Blocking Action Slot items doesn't work
- Weapons list not working
- Handle 100f0d5f is invalid
- Invalid Weapon Index
- tf2items.ext.2.ep2v.so: Access is denied (TCAdmin)
- Problems setting the weapons of a player.
- Weapons' item definition indexes stay the same.
- TF2items snapshot
- how do i get attribute value?
- invalid "58"self dmg push force increased!?