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  1. Zombie Plague Mod 5.0
  2. People Slow down
  3. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
  4. Sub-Plugins Index (02/2009)
  5. [Suggestion / Subplugin Request] [Sub-plugin Request]Antidote bomb - Extra item
  6. [ZP] Class : Super Jumper Zombie || Updated v1.2.4 [18/07/2009]
  7. ZP zombie sounds
  8. [ZP] Class : Pain Shock Free Zombie || Updated v1.2.3 [26/12/2009]
  9. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Item : Invisible || Updated v1.4.3 [26/12/2009]
  10. [ZP] Extra Item : zSpawn || Updated v1.4.1 [26/12/2009]
  11. [Sub-plugin Request] Sentry Gun - Extra item
  12. [REQ] Human Extra Item: Flamethrower.
  13. [Subplugin Submission] ZP: Regeneration
  14. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Last Man Ammo Packs Bet || Updated v0.2
  15. Request for admin command
  16. [ZP plugin request]Fade to black
  17. ZP 4.1 Released and Other News
  18. [REQUEST] Extra Item For Zombies : HeadCrab
  19. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Item : 3rd Person View || Updated v1.2.9 [26/12/2009]
  20. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Item: Sand Bags BETA!
  21. Congrats...[L8 AS USUAL]
  22. Models Que se cargan en menos de 1 minuto
  23. [Request] Addon: Broken/destroy-able Flare Gren
  24. [Request] Addon: Sleep to restore health (human only)
  25. [Call for Plugins] Zombie Plague LNJ
  26. [ZP] Extra Item : Flamethrower || Updated v0.8.6 [26/12/2009]
  27. Complete All I need Models
  28. [HELP] About Zombie Plague
  29. merge test
  30. Having a problem
  31. [REQ] Extra-Item Knife Damage
  32. [REQ]Extra item:choose round
  33. [QUESTION] About Zombie classes and extra items
  34. [REQ] Extra Item: Barnacle Trap (zombies only)
  35. MeRcyLeZZ pls help :)
  36. [ZP] Extra Item : Parachute || Updated v0.3 [27/02/2009]
  37. [HELP] How I off The Mod ?
  38. How can i put models on my server?
  39. [suggestion]For nemesis
  40. Server doesn't start...
  41. (Help)when zombie die no see anything !!
  42. [Help]KnockBack, PainShockFree,etc
  43. [ZP] Class : Healing Zombie || Updated v1.0.6 [26/12/2009]
  44. People who join late respawn
  45. (Help)MerCylezz or anyone can help come in see what problem i get!
  46. [Help]Can't add new plugins, Can't change sounds
  47. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Class : Thermal Zombie
  48. [Subplugin Submission] ZP: Anti Block (fixed AGAIN)
  49. [Subplugin Submission] ZP Bank
  50. Problem
  51. [REQ] ZP Class - Can run across the wall.
  52. [REQ]Antidote Bomb
  53. [REQ]Half infected Class
  54. [problem]
  55. ZP : Corpse
  56. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Item : Medkit
  57. More than 15 credits????
  58. Can you make a zombie calss that...
  59. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Class : Noclip Zombie || Updated v1.2.8 [26/06/2009]
  60. Question
  61. [REQ] Zombies can see humans on radar.
  62. [REQ] Full time duck zombie
  63. Only can add 20 kinds of zombie....
  64. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Gas Nade (update 10.05.2009)
  65. [ZP] Class : Ghost Zombie || Updated v1.3.1 [25/02/2009]
  66. Can you make a zombie calss that......
  67. Can you make a extra item that..
  68. Can you make a zombie calss that...........
  69. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] : Dodge for human
  70. New modes for Zombie plague
  71. [ZP] Class : Leap Zombie || Updated v1.4.2 [26/12/2009]
  72. Question| infection
  73. Plz Help me :(
  74. [ZP] Extra Item : Speed Boost || Updated v1.2 [28/06/2009]
  75. Objects
  76. Problem| Hud Stats
  77. [Request ZP class]Barnicle zombie
  78. [ZP] Extra Item : Leap || Updated v1.5.8 [26/12/2009]
  79. Problems with ZP_Deathmatch
  80. [ZP] Extra Item : Candle Bomb
  81. Plugins Zm - decopressed error?
  82. [ZP] Extra Server Addon : Buy Message || Updated v1.0.4 [22/06/2009]
  83. REQ:smoke fog!!
  84. REQ:Can someone teach me how to include biohazard Fog!
  85. [REQ]Damaje affected on zombies
  86. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Item : Sentry Guns || Updated v0.1.2a
  87. Fatal Error
  88. [Req] Buy Items (Zombie) Headcrabs
  89. [REQ] Extra Item: Snark Bomb
  90. [REQ] Extra Item: Sniper Antidote Rifle
  91. [REQ] Extra Item: Rocket Launcher (Bazooka)
  92. Que pongo Aqui (sv_downloadurl)
  93. Need Fast Dll please
  94. Need Help
  95. What zombie madness do?
  96. How can i create new modes for zombie plague?
  97. Request+Rest was solved!
  98. Help needed
  99. [REQ] Inteligent zombie
  100. [REQ]Humans trap
  101. [REQ] Ultra-infection
  102. [REQ] Incubation mode
  103. [plugin]Fear meter
  104. error while compiling....
  105. also get this error...
  106. normal zombie hands
  107. [Suggestion / Subplugin Request] [REQ] Garg in a zombie plague (sub-round).
  108. [REQ] random_corpse
  109. Please trash this...
  110. ¿Zombie Plague 6.02b?
  111. Zombie Map Pack 1.3 (98 Maps)
  112. Error Mods!!!
  113. zspawn
  114. zspawn for zombie plague
  115. help needed
  116. Problem with Zombie Plague
  117. cvars
  118. [Help] Plugins
  119. [REQ] Climb Zombie Bug Clean
  120. Zombie Mutilation Mod 1.0d (In honor of MeRcyLeZz) RELEASED !!! ADDED EXTRA ITEMS
  121. [Req] Awp
  122. [Help] Zombie model change
  123. Requests
  124. HELP
  125. [REQ] Extra Item: Invisibility
  126. Reliable Channel Overflowed
  127. [QUESTION] About aura of light around humans in ZP
  128. [Req] Modification Of Plague And Survivor Round and Others
  129. Help!
  130. Extra Items in ZP 4.1
  131. Question:Flag a zombie for admin?
  132. [ZP] Angel Zombie
  133. Fast Download Link for Zombie Plague
  134. [REQ]Plugins ZP
  135. Little bug with ambient sound
  136. [Suggestion / Subplugin Request] [REQ] Buy Nemesis
  137. Some questions about multi jump & parachute
  138. [Help] Can't add plugins
  139. How to climb the wall?
  140. Block mod in zombie plague
  141. How to edit ammo pack's cost
  142. How do i change my admin model?
  143. Fatal Error
  144. change the speed and hp of the zombie
  145. Host_Error: UserMsg: Not Present on Client 147
  146. Please request command zombie plague
  147. Request Zombie Plague Nemesis Vs Survivor
  149. Nemesis health
  150. [ZP] Climbing Zombie
  151. Survey: How often your zombie server crashes?
  152. Find players team in zombie mod?
  153. Problem
  154. ZP Class Zombie only to admins
  155. [ZP]SOLVED Ammo Pack Presents for Christmas
  156. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Server Addon : Presents
  157. [ZP] unlimited bullet
  158. Free ZP Support...
  159. [Question]
  160. Make hands shorter
  161. money doesnt show
  162. [Question on Zombie Plague 4.1]
  163. Anyone Has A Damage Plugin?
  164. How can i add more admin ?
  165. How To Add Ranking System to Zombie Plague??
  166. [ZP] Rank
  167. [REQ:Item] Exploding Bullets
  168. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extension: Ammo Packs Bank
  169. Help needed
  170. http://zombieplague.com/net/org - zombie plague fan site [forums are now up]
  171. unrelated threads about zombie plague...
  172. Bank Ammo HELP!..
  173. How can i change the system in the rank of zombie plague 4.1?
  174. Rank system for zombie plague - READ
  175. a Blue/Red Flash light?
  176. [Help] Ammo Bank?
  177. Remove new grenade from zombie plague
  178. Remove new grenade from zombie plague
  179. Need help ZP4.1
  180. [ZP] Extra Item : Dual Mp5 || Updated v0.7.2
  181. Bank ammo help >.<
  182. [ZP] fast downloads link
  183. How do you change the Ammo packs per kill?
  184. [ZP] bank BUG
  185. [ZP] Collection of models
  187. How many of you guys own a community w/ a zombie plague server?
  188. Help .. how do i turn the mod off?!
  189. Problem
  190. [ZP]Req Gun Silencer
  191. [REQ]Lv up ! ! !
  192. [HELP!]Admin Menu (hard):S
  193. Server crashed
  194. How do i add in extra zombie classes:?:
  195. [REQ] Cool Model Nemesis
  196. [REQ] Extra Item: FakeDeath [HUMANS]
  197. Make the server say something each x seconds
  198. [REQ]Anti zombie infection bomb
  199. [HELP]How to change custom items in ZP?
  201. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Bank - with Autosave : Update Again - v1.0
  202. See this thething please
  203. [REQ] Infection Bomb Restricter
  204. 87687687687686876
  205. [ZP] Limiting buying items
  206. A Bug . CT Zombie!? =[
  207. [Req] How to make a zombie?
  208. [REQ] give packs to @all
  209. [REQ]IceThrower
  210. [REQ] God Zombie
  211. [REQ]Extra Class
  212. Delete this.
  213. 876867867867867867
  214. 2x mid air jump for nemesis - bug
  215. [REQ]Extra item Super m4
  216. [REQ]Biohazard health system
  217. [ZP] Swarm Round Respawning
  218. [REQ]
  219. Removed auto shotty from buy menu
  220. [Help] How can I make The other mode like Leser trip on Grenades?
  221. [Ask] Disable Spectator
  222. one background ambience sound for all mods
  223. Nemesis Bug
  224. Bank bug
  225. zp bank bug
  226. [ZP] Extra Item : Superweapon M4 + M203
  227. [SUG] Extra Item: Portal
  228. Help me:Find model
  229. Duoble jump
  230. [REQ]Low Gravity Time
  231. [ZP] Item extra (not compile T_T)
  232. [REQ]Anti Longjump
  233. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Item ( Buy 1000HP ) Updated
  234. [ZP] Extra Item : Decrease Gravity || Updated v1.1.1 [26/12/2009]
  235. ¿like putting green glow class zombie?
  236. [ZP] Item Extra : Super Player
  237. [ZP] Extra: Gravity At Start v1.7
  238. [REQ]
  239. [REQ]Before round starts, from the bottom for 10 seconds
  240. [Plugin] Show mode in hostname
  241. [Question] Lighting
  242. [HELP] How to fix "run time error"?
  243. One Question
  244. [ZP] Addons v1.0
  245. Tutorials for changing small/med things behind scene UPDATED 18/01
  246. [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Extra Item : Tryder v2.2
  247. [Proyecto] Addons Zombie Plague
  248. [REQ] human classes
  249. [Question] Aura
  250. [HELP] How to add "Shield" for zombie?