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  1. [TF2] Haunted Pumpkin Bombs (2017-12-05)
  2. [CS:GO] Anti Team Flash (redux)
  3. [CS:GO] Warmup Pauser
  4. [ANY]Timespent on server[v1.0]
  5. [TF2]No Rocket Jump Damage
  6. [CS:GO] Noblock for players and nades.
  7. [Any] Admin Call (Voice call in-game)
  8. [CS:GO] Thirdperson and mirror view
  9. [CS:GO] Speaker Icon (talk icon like in CS:S)
  10. [CS:GO] ZR Grenade Effects
  11. [CS:GO] Special Jailbreak (like cs 1.6 style) with days, shop and different branches
  12. [TF2] Strange Train and Sawblades
  13. [CS:GO] Poke players
  14. Shotgun AltFire Lag-Compensation Fix
  15. [HL2DM] Hurt sounds
  16. [HL2DM/ANY?] point_viewcontrol fix
  17. [HL2DM] Color chat text
  18. [HL2DM] Alpha props
  19. [HL2DM/ANY?] Fast spawn
  20. [HL2DM] Spawn effect
  21. [HL2DM] Faster chargers
  22. [HL2DM Coop] Manhack fix
  23. [HL2DM] Airboat spawner
  24. [ANY] Button Watcher (see who pressed a button)
  25. [ANY|ZR] Dynamic Transparencies for proximity (with zombiereloaded support)
  26. [ANY] Rock the Vote Pausing/Resuming
  27. [CS:GO] Free For All day!
  28. [ZR] HealthBars (show zombie health remaining)
  29. [HL2DM] Cleaner chat (Game spam blocker)
  30. All players every round get decoy!
  31. [CS:GO] Knockback fix
  32. [ANY] Suicide Bomb
  33. [TF2] Map downloader
  34. [ANY] The Void v0.4 (08/07/16)
  35. [Dystopia/ANY] Callvote Admin Immunity Enforcement (1-21-2016, v3.0)
  36. [Dystopia/ANY] fslay Command (1-20-2016, v4.0)
  37. [Dystopia/ANY] MOTD For Dystopia (1-20-2016, v5.0)
  38. [TF2] Map Voting Tweaks (2015-11-24)
  39. [DoD:S] game_player_equip entity fix (0.1.1)
  40. [ANY]BSD Fortune port for Sourcemod[v0.1]
  41. [Any]Link Manager
  42. [CS:GO] Hats (with editor menu and 3rd person)
  43. [CS:GO] Change Team Name
  44. [L4D2] Back First Map When Campaign Fails
  45. [CS:S?/CS:GO] Noknife / !disarm
  46. [CS:GO] Simple CSGO AttackFinder
  47. [ANY] Round Exec plugin
  48. [ZR] Commander for zombie escape (Alpha version still under construction)
  49. Shield [CSS/ANY?]
  50. [CSS] Vip Manager_Arm57
  51. [HL2DM] Customguns
  52. [L4D2] Survivor Bot Controller v1.5
  53. [CS:GO/ZP] Jetpack
  54. [CS:GO/ZP] Lasermines v1.5.1
  55. [CS:GO] C4 Plant Time
  56. [TF2] Rollermine spawner
  57. [CS:GO] Damage Mod
  58. [CS:GO] Bomb beacon
  59. [L4D2]Flashbang Boomer
  60. Revolver Control
  61. [CS:GO] Restricted Commands
  62. [ANY] GhostNote - Music for Games
  63. [CS:GO] Addons Competitive
  64. [CS:GO] MapChooser/Nominate with CustomVoteName
  65. [CS:GO] Vip Features
  66. [CS:GO] Revolver Round
  67. [Multi-1v1] Headshot only rounds
  68. [Multi-1v1] Only HeadShot option
  69. [CS:GO] Hunger Games Alliances
  70. [CS:GO/ANY] Auto Respawn with spawnkill support and more (Updated 13.01.2021 [D.M.Y])
  71. Kevlar buy
  72. [CS:GO ZR] Chicken Last Human
  73. [CS:GO] Missing ViewModel Fix v1.1 [2017-02-02]
  74. [DoD:S] Anti-Grenade Quick Switch Exploit
  75. [ANY] Console Chat Manager (multilanguage/colors console chat support)
  76. Hosties CT-Guns
  77. [ANY] Store by Zephyrus [1.1 - 03.01.2016]
  78. [CS:GO] JailBreak - Be quiet, please!
  79. [ANY] Steambot - Talk with me!
  80. [CSS]Antihostagekill
  81. [TF2] Neutral Team Mode (v1.1.1)
  82. [ANY] Teleportation Exploit workaround
  83. [CS:GO] Carry C4
  84. [CS:GO] MOTD Disable
  85. [L4D2] Unlimit Reload
  86. [CSS/CS:GO] Timer (supported!)
  87. [TF2] Stickybomb and Pipe Indicator v1.2
  88. [CS:GO/CSS] [NubTuber] No more camping while crouched [2016]
  89. Save scores (fixed version)
  90. last man bets game clor setting
  91. [CS:GO ZR] slowdown when burning
  92. [TF2] Weapon Zone Restriction
  93. [ANY] Surf bug fix
  94. [CS:GO] Basebuilder v2.2.9
  95. [ANY] Server-Sys
  96. [CS:GO] Players models from flags
  97. [ANY] Jump Type Menu (easy hop or long jump)
  98. [TF2] Racing + Mario Kart Mods
  99. [ANY] Chat Welcome Message (with Warmode / alternative message)
  100. [ANY|ZR] Player colors with clientprefs and zombiereloaded support
  101. [L4D2]Hell_Witch_Crys[1.2]
  102. [CS:GO] PropHunt (v1.0.5.1, 04/02/16)
  103. [ANY?] Localization Server (2016-09-20)
  104. [CS:GO/ZR] SZSpawn (v2.3.0, 19\01\2016)
  105. [Dystopia/ANY] Separate Team and Global Voice Chat (2-17-2016, v1.0.0r3)
  106. [Dystopia/ANY] Yet Another IP Address Logging Plugin (1-21-2016 v1.2)
  107. [Dystopia/ANY] Chat Triggers for callvote Commands (1-21-2016, v3.0)
  108. [CS:GO] Unlimited Reserve Ammo
  109. Bots by command
  110. [CS:GO] ESK0's JailBreak Warden
  111. [ANY] Client Command Logging [Updated 29-Jan-2021]
  112. [L4D2]RandomWitch/LMC_RandomWitch +12 Models(Updated 01/03/2017)
  113. [ANY] Unloader
  114. [CS:GO] Server Info
  115. [CS:GO] Steam group money reward
  116. [ANY] ASteambot - Execute
  117. [CS:GO] Models in map 1.2
  118. [TF2] Roll The Dice Revamped (RTD) (v2.5.4, 2 Mar 2024)
  119. [CS:Go] LastCt for JailBreak Server
  120. CSGO.Exchange Inventory Viewer
  121. [NMRiH] Safe Zone Health 1.0.2 [2016/03/21]
  122. Silent Disconnect
  123. Looking for a specific plugin
  124. [CS:GO] Reset Knife
  125. [ANY] Chat Responder [UPDATED 2/27/16]
  126. [CS:GO / ?] SetMoney
  127. [ANY] Source Fuck (A brainfuck VM)
  128. [ANY] Command Locale
  129. [CS:GO] game_player_equip temp fix (mg, dr, ttt, hg map fixer)
  130. [CS:GO] Healthshot and Tagrenade (testing new csgo items)
  131. [CS:GO] Simple GOTV record on ban (v2.1)(19/02/16)
  132. Knife Arena [CS-S/CS-GO]
  133. [TF2] Spectator List (v0.1, 2016-02-23)
  134. [CS:GO] Advanced Tactical Grenades
  135. Zombie reloaded physics objects
  136. [INS] Drop Weapon
  137. [INS] AimName
  138. [L4D2]RandomTank
  139. [ANY?] MoTD music plugin
  140. [TF2] Australium-izer (REMOVED)
  141. [CSGO/?] Simple Deathmatch One Weapon (Like "Only Awp")
  142. [TF2] Voice Commands Pitch (v1.1.1)
  143. [CS:GO] Molotov rain
  144. [CS:GO] CowFilter
  145. [TF2] GTA Wasted effect
  146. [TF2] Black hole rockets [1.2] [1/31/2017]
  147. [HL2:DM] Flare - Building Plugin
  148. [Any] Idle Random Map
  149. [CS:GO] DDR - Dance Dance Revolution
  150. [ANY] Colored Flashbang effect
  151. [CS:S/CS:GO] awp_lego_2b tower blocker
  152. [ANY] sm_curse v2.0.2 (2019-08-19)
  153. [ANY] Get Cmds
  154. [ANY] Commands list
  155. [TF2] Admin Stealth REDUX [UPDATED]
  156. [TF2] Flare Jump Pyro 13/10/2017
  157. [ANY|ZR] Console chat countdown detector (usefull for Zombie Escape maps)
  158. [L4D(2)] Survivor Identity Fix for 5+ Survivors
  159. applying for knife skin
  160. [CS:GO] Aimware Anti-Crash
  161. [CSGO] ESL Plugin with .cfgs
  162. [ANY] Advert in low ammo
  163. [CSGO] Simple Match Plugin (v1.7, 29-June-2016)
  164. HL2DM hands animation fix
  165. [CS:GO] Easter egg day
  166. [TF2] Glowing MvM money
  167. [ANY|ZR] Buy weapons by commands (!he, !smoke, etc) used in zombie servers
  168. [L4D] Third Person [Update 23. 07. 2017]
  169. [INS] Supply Point Manager
  170. [L4D2] Fast melee fix
  171. [TF2] Achievement Mod
  172. [ANY] Voice changer!
  173. [TF2] Set Client Attribute
  174. Map Election v0.6 (Updated May 11, 2016)
  175. [ANY] Configuration votes
  176. [TF2] Kill Player
  177. [CS:S/CS:GO] Simple Team Restriction v1.4
  178. [ANY|ZR] Glow buttons (thought for zombie escape maps)
  179. [ANY] Warnings (v1.0, 08/04/16) [Dead]
  180. [L4D2] Model Based Vocalizations
  181. [L4D & L4D2] Survivor Bot Select
  182. [L4D / L4D2] Lockdown System | 1.7 [Final] : Jan. 30, 2019 |
  183. [L4D/L4D2] Carryable Props Remover
  184. [L4D2] Fake L4D1 Survivors
  185. [CS:GO] Flashbang Colors
  186. [L4D2] IMPROVED Charger Jump
  187. [L4D/L4D2] Brutal Hunter Pounce - Rewritten
  188. [StrikerMod][dHooks] Disable Explosion Ringing (HL2DM)
  189. [ANY] Simple AFK kicker (1.0 ~ 10/April/2016)
  190. [L4D/L4D2] Force Mission Changer + Voting System (Rewritten)
  191. [L4D / L4D2] Anti-Rush System (Reloaded) | 1.82 [Final] : Jan. 30, 2019 |
  192. [TF2] G-Fortress - 1.0.4a - 2016/4/24
  193. [TF2] Disable halloween soul
  194. [L4D2] Realistic Gameplay
  195. [CS:GO]Force Team Join (Player(CT)/BOT(T))
  196. [CSGO] Dead Body Search - Make interactive dead bodys (Take Clothes, Weapons, etc..)!
  197. [Any] Super Spray Handler (V1.2.3, 5/10/16)
  198. [ANY] Steambot - Announcements & Events
  199. [CS:GO] Weapon Attachment API
  200. [ANY?] WA Laser Tag (unfinished)
  201. [CS:GO] WA Simple Weapon Lasers
  202. [L4D/L4D2] HP Rewards
  203. [TF2] MidAir Mod (Quake midair mod Emulation)
  204. [L4D/L4D2] Self-Help (Reloaded) | 0.3 : October 11, 2019 |
  205. [ANY] Player Reputations v1.0.4
  206. [L4D/L4D2] No Rushing
  207. [L4D] Tank Spawn [Update 13. 08. 2017]
  208. [L4D/2] Upgrades Health and Armor [Update 28. 07. 2017]
  209. [ANY] Steam Group Credits v1.3 (Zephyrus Store)
  210. [L4D] Difficulty Regulator
  211. [L4D] Attacking ghost [Update 11.04.2018]
  212. Laserbeam
  213. [L4D/L4D2]Enhanced Throwables (1.3 - 21/7/2018)
  214. [L4D2] Lost Finale Fix
  215. [CS:GO/ZP] Addon: Escape Map Support ver 1.1
  216. [CS:GO/ZP] ExtraItem: Infinity Ammo
  217. [ANY] GameMe Connect Message
  218. [L4D2] The Sacrifice Dramatic Finale
  219. [TF2] Huntsman Hell 2 (v1.0.3, 5/10/16)
  220. Become a MeeM
  221. Bhop for minigames/bhop server
  222. [CS:GO] Deathrun Freerun
  223. [TF2] Respawn System API!
  224. [ZR] MotherZombies Teleport
  225. [NMRiH] Cyclop's beam (2016/05/03)
  226. [TF2] Mega Market Gardens
  227. SM Parachute Fixed
  228. [TF2] Health Kits/Ammo Packs Model Lock!
  229. [CURE] Death Notifications
  230. [CURE] Infinity
  231. [CURE] Vampirism 1.1.0 [2016/10/02]
  232. [L4D2] 0HP Bug Fix
  233. [TF2] Unusual Arrows (1.1.0, 5/12/16)
  234. [NMRIH] mute ambiance music
  235. [TF2] Random Round Modifiers [v.1.0] [5/22/2016]
  236. [TF2] Merasmus Stun Enabler!
  237. [ANY] AbNeR Name log
  238. SM Prefix change
  239. [NMRIH] Empty map rotator
  240. [CSS] Minimum Cash
  241. [ANY?] No Blood
  242. [CS:S/CS:GO] Bleeding
  243. [L4D/L4D2]SimpleCommonModifier
  244. [ANY] CheckValve Chat Relay (Mobile Chat Viewer) [5/26/16, v1.0.8]
  245. [ANY] RCON IP Whitelist
  246. [L4D/L4D2] Modified Infected Damage
  247. [ANY] Server Chat Relay REDUX v0.8 (Updated 05/23/2016)
  248. [ANY] Teleport stuck fix
  249. [CSS] Westwood (rm) Door Remover
  250. [L4D/L4D2]TankDamageModifier (1.3.2 - 07/02/2018 )