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  1. [L4D2] Use defib animation when respawn
  2. [Solved] count mobs l4d
  3. Reload plugin
  4. http request to URL from server
  5. change color ban message
  6. MYSQL - How To Select a row and print it out
  7. trusted menu - colors.inc issue
  8. Problem - Current result set has no fetched rows / plugin.sp::T_LoadData
  9. A reliable get steam id
  10. Is there a plugin like this one?
  11. [Solved] SetNative Vector
  12. [Solved] minigun/tank [L4D]
  13. CSGO Killstreak Plugin
  14. [L4D2] detecting when a player uses a throwable
  15. grey out menu entries
  16. SM:RPG compile problem
  17. [CSGO] Running out of ammo does not trigger reload event
  18. is it possible to clone methodmaps?
  19. [Solved] [CSGO] Possible to get the Weapon Name from Weapon ID? (Not Classname!)
  20. Call an Action function from another function
  21. vip riko get time with natives
  22. CSGO get the winning team on the Match end with all players in the team
  23. [Solved] [CSGO] Sank Sounds Plugin
  24. Help identifying this plugin
  25. [Solved] CS:GO - Get opponent team score
  26. [CSS] Simple vote
  27. Set user FLAG ROOT
  28. [HELP] Help fixing this decompiled plugin
  29. SPedit
  30. Create player array with specefic number (g_iPlayerNumber) and get the lowest two
  31. [Solved] [L4D2] cs_ragdoll usage?
  32. help with arrays (some examples..)
  33. [Help] Compile.
  34. [CS:S] Is it possible to make a player speed save and load?
  35. shop fork modules
  36. [TF2] Custom time using TF2s hud
  37. [Cs:Go] Problems with invisibility
  38. [L4D2] Retrieving the name/id of the campaign
  39. no need for this
  40. Cant compile SP
  41. [Solved] [CSGO] Can (Team-)Scores be modified clientside / faked to clients?
  42. gotv auto recorder
  43. [Solved] [CS:GO] Attack and armor victim
  44. can;t insert in mysql
  45. [CSGO] Prevent invisiblity of attached model when client RENDER_NONE
  46. [Not Solved] The help of professional programmers is required.
  47. [Solved] Updating to latest sourcemod completely screwed up compiling my .sp
  48. [Solved] Help with SDKHook_OnTakeDamage
  49. Hook OnTakeDamage, but in other ways..?
  50. how to set a specific admin previlege to use a ConVar
  51. Entity mover help
  52. [Solved] .
  53. [help]
  54. get data from other function.
  55. How can I pre detonate my pipe?
  56. create natives problem dont unterstand
  57. Animation File Running Impossible ?
  58. Incorrect MySQL data assignment (probably)
  59. native
  60. 'Invalid hook callback specified' but works anyway?
  61. [TF2] beam problems
  62. plugin stop random
  63. m_iClip1 resets after reload? Single shot plugin
  64. Crashes
  65. How to limit only 1 timer work for every player?
  66. [L4D2] Fixing body_yaw when incapped? / Set pose parameters?
  67. [CURE] Need help with plugin for forcewin
  68. file probably missing from disk/repository
  69. [TF2] Need help making Merasmus the Wizard stable
  70. [Solved] setup file plugins reads after two maps
  71. Variables can be declared in multiple ways, but what's the difference?
  72. [tf2] wait until all vgui panels closed?
  73. Group Tag Credits
  74. [Solved] How to make blur effect
  75. Instruction contained invalid parameter
  76. Change VIP plugin for all players
  77. [Solved] [L4D1/2] How to create and modify this panel?
  78. Revive plugin compile errors
  79. Forbidate pressing IN_ATTACK and INT_ATTACK2
  80. Laser curvature?
  81. Something special for ONE weapon
  82. [TF2] Make a melee weapon shoot a ball on alt-fire
  83. Skins-Menu errors
  84. visual studio code
  85. Hello I need help on TF2 Health
  86. [TF2 MvM] Sentry Tanks
  87. Storing UserIds in an Array
  88. [Panels] New line not getting processed
  89. chat to spectator only
  90. vs code include problem
  91. emiting sounds doesn't work
  92. [Solved] Get Char from ConVar
  93. [Solved] Can't seem to understand CS_OnBuyCommand
  94. [CSGO] Have a users player model copy the movements/animations of a prop_dynamic?
  95. Sublime Text 3 for sourcepawn (2019-Jan-25)
  96. [Solved] Is there a better way to give multiple grenades?
  97. [CSS] Player invisible if behind walls, (Anti-Wallhack)
  98. [Scripting] Can player see player?
  99. How can i make a enable/disable toggle cvar?
  100. [Solved] [TF2] How can I increase Spell damage?
  101. Determining hour of the day and day of the week
  102. [FoF] Fistful of Frags Money
  103. [Solved] [CSGO] Menu Help
  104. How to 'hook' when player uses heavy attack with knife
  105. Print online players to a web page
  106. Fake entity Classname
  107. [L4D2]Why this cause tank instant spawn when rount start?
  108. ClientCommand(client, "play
  109. [CS:GO] Reading a PAK'd /scripts/ file
  110. [CSGO] Sbpp_main advanced reason
  111. [SQL] Problem
  112. simulating projectile ricochet
  113. Help guys plz! To make the icon visible through the walls
  114. [L4D2] SQL_fetch how use.. what is fieldindex??
  115. [CSGO] TeleportEntity to change eye angle automatically resets.
  116. How to stop NPC spawns in an Garry's mod addon?.
  117. [L4D2] DBResultSet.FetchInt Problem..
  118. L4D2 DB Problem..
  119. [Solved] [CSGO] Can't compile with colors include
  120. [CSGO] Reset max health
  121. [CSGO] Render (screenshot) weapon model in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  122. Help me with enum
  123. [CSGO] Trying to make play command
  124. why dummy data created?
  125. [TF2] Short Circuit
  126. [Solved] loops through weapons
  127. Keyvalue tree versus File.ReadLine
  128. [CS:GO] Damage being done to weapon_shield
  129. Sentry gun edit - CreateEntityByName("dronegun");
  130. Let server run this cheat command
  131. [Solved] Read KeyValues File
  132. [Solved] [DOD:s]How do I know a player's class in DOD:s ?
  133. [L4D2] modify sound?
  134. Why are not the sound played?
  135. Error 023 when setting a two dimensional array
  136. Recommendations where to start learning SP??
  137. [NMRiH/Any] DHooks with detours not superseding function
  138. How would I go about giving all players on a server infinite ammo?
  139. [L4D2] Precache model after round start?
  140. [CS:GO] undefined symbol error
  141. Vip connect plugin
  142. how can you scan a variable and then apply it?
  143. Help
  144. [Solved] Vector distance and TE_SetupBeamRingPoint
  145. Event
  146. l4d2 srcds maxclients can't fix
  147. Getting weapon entity index by classname
  148. [HELP] ERROR: function prototypes do not match
  149. How to get all the player a weapon?
  150. [ H3LP ] Camera Player Model / Weapons
  151. How to set up weapons ammo CSGO?
  152. client index invalid
  153. How to change string into int?
  154. [L4D2] How get CI kill ?
  155. cl_cmdrate returning default value (10) when sv_mincmdrate is used
  156. I cant get the string from the keyvalues
  157. teleport
  158. [HELP] help with int, for loop...
  159. Plugin does not call OnPluginStart when changing map
  160. Error with a join sound.
  161. [CS:GO] velocity display vScript - optimize strafe-shooting training
  162. [SM Plugin] DoD:S Fastswitch blocker gefunden HELP!!!!
  163. trigger Javascript function through SourceMod?
  164. [KeyValues] All Messages sent in same moment
  165. new-style decl...
  166. Removing clientside mutes against admins
  167. [Solved] [CS:GO] How to get a player name from the spectator mode?
  168. map time limit
  169. detect late loads?
  170. [Solved] Check if burst fire is enabled on gun?
  171. [Solved] Out-of-bound array index
  172. SOLVED
  173. (L4D2) help with new complement style
  174. Can someone help me with this error?
  175. player_spawn - fails to keep setting after respawn.
  176. need help
  177. Callbacks not executed
  178. Change KeyValues of an already spawned entity
  179. Help with zephyrus store include's new syntax
  180. Change C4 model on player's back.
  181. [Solved] [CS:GO] trying to give health per kill
  182. l4d2 infectedbot plugin spawn
  183. (L4D2) server cookie?
  184. Passing string to CreateTimer Function
  185. Deathnotice custom icon
  186. Zephyrus's store refresh client inventory
  187. mvm upgrade restriction
  188. [L4D] Get overflowed tank hp
  189. [L4D]easyDamageManager
  190. [Solved] Negative min bound height
  191. CS:GO Delete admin nick
  192. [Solved] Player data in not inserting into DB Corectly
  193. Interception of console commands in the chat game.
  194. [Solved] Problem with CreateTimer: function prototyps do not match
  195. L4d2 vscript question
  196. Simulate thunders & lightning
  197. [HELP][L4D] Any way to Hook and block "sound/music/" ?
  198. Join message problem
  199. [Solved] [TF2] Create Invisible Weapons
  200. Change roundtime plugin
  202. Overrides don't seem to work, any help?
  203. [L4D1] Is it possible to disable addons vpk for client side?
  204. [CSGO] Setting player money doesn't work for me
  205. [TF2] Setting players frictions
  206. [CSGO] Block Commands
  207. new syntax consts
  208. ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE not worked in CS:GO (Menu)
  209. [DoD:s] Replace the sight of the player using sourcemod ?
  210. Add shop credits
  211. How to get Aim position?
  212. [Solved] Player attack only in air
  213. [L4D2] Players kill count with EMS hud
  214. [Solved] CSGO Paintball problem
  215. settransmit parented info_particle_system
  216. [Solved] NoClip problem
  217. Modular plugin
  218. [TF2] VO Precaching
  219. Panorma menu csgo
  220. Multiple BeamRingPoints
  221. [L4D] Buggers in saferoom
  222. [Solved] Button entity OnDamaged
  223. [HELP] Set Player's Name Color
  224. [Solved] [TF2] Client is not in game bug
  225. (L4D2)How do I change the size and color of the particle?
  226. limit teams
  227. [TF2] Multiplying Percents (Decimals) & EmitSound
  228. Creating an Entity which is Parented to a player and triggers "trigger_multiple"
  229. TF2 plugins ported for DOD:s Help !!!
  230. zephyrus store native giveclientitem
  231. [L4D1]Is it possible to check if client has certain file or not?
  232. Overlapping hud
  233. disable join team and disconnect message in chat
  234. [Solved] [L4D] Create Brush Entity
  235. [Solved] GetConVar... every time its executed vs storing the Value
  236. SetupBeamLaser to all clients
  237. [TF2] Green healing indicator, Ammo pack entity, Extinguish
  238. Cs:s rank mysql jailbreak
  239. [Solved] [L4D/2] Can Pickup Method "+use"
  240. [SQL] Error
  241. [CS:GO] TE_SetupDust
  242. Hook buymenu out of buyzone
  243. [csgo] csweaponid for new weapons
  244. (L4D1) Tickrate enabler binary
  245. Problem MySQL T_LoadData
  246. [Solved] [CS:GO] thirdperson camera bug when bonemerging prop_dynamic with player
  247. Invisible knife in TT
  248. Danger Zone weapons events
  249. [Solved] [CSGO] Fetch client's weapons, grenades, etc...
  250. [Question] Entity Index