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  1. [Solved] [CSGO] TE_SetupBeamRingPoint
  2. SM_Hosties [V2] - Last Request (Compile)
  3. [Solved] [CSGO] Slap back.
  4. [Solved] [CS GO] Switch players and team score every 3 round
  5. [CSGO] Problem with custom players model
  6. [TF2] Shoot player into the air?
  7. [Solved] KeyValues - How to enter the keys to the menu?
  8. hm, problem with sound?
  9. Aim Deagle CS:S Server
  10. [Solved] [CS:GO]How to make chicken follow player
  11. How to hook engine message
  12. [CS:GO] Key presses, setting / detecting
  13. [CSGO] Emit headshot sound
  14. [CS GO] Don't plant during pause
  15. [Solved] [CS:GO] Breakable prop
  16. Need help with vec calculations
  17. Creating callbacks in Sourcepawn
  18. [Solved] [CSGO] Give weapon with skin
  19. Menu to Enable or Disable
  20. My plugin compiles, but nothing appears!
  21. Help with KeyValues (I'm n00b)
  22. Regex Questions
  23. [Solved] Check the number of his murders and how many killed him.
  24. [CSGO] Hook map end vote result
  25. CS:GO Hurt Player by Hook player_blind
  26. [TF2] %Lifesteal problems
  27. [L4D2] Tank HP for Versus
  28. [Solved] [CS GO] KeyValues - how to add skins to menu ???
  29. Spawn prop infront of player + screenshots + example code (help!)
  30. Rewrite any fire sound of AWP or AK47
  31. [Solved] [CS GO] download_list.ini dont work for model!!
  32. Silent footsteps -> update CS:GO
  33. [CSGO] Modify killfeed team of attacker / victim
  34. [Solved] [CS GO] EmitSoundToAll dont work
  35. CS:GO Player Used Healthshot
  36. How to Enable/Disable a Plugin by g_hEnable 0/1
  37. [Solved] CS:GO: if (buttons & IN_RELOAD) what is the Code for +lookatweapon
  38. [Solved] Get group name and store as a string
  39. AddonBits
  40. Passing a bool through paramter
  41. Silent footsteps after last update.
  42. [ CS:GO ] How to block vehicle movement after dead
  43. [CSGO] Modify weapon accurate range
  44. [Solved] CS:GO MOTD don't working [HELP]
  45. [L4D2] Pipe bomb affect bot's behavior [BUG]
  46. [CS:GO] Hook game in background
  47. [CS:GO] TE_SetupBeamPoints don't render in grond/walls
  48. How to prevent IgniteEntity duplicate?
  49. [Solved] [CSGO] Weird printtochat bug of color
  50. [CS:GO] Ban By VAC
  51. [CSGO]Plugin Knife Speed
  52. [Solved] SetVariantString deprecated?
  53. Executing Commands Through Across Servers
  54. Validations in SDKHOOKS
  55. Get command admin flags
  56. [CS:GO] Respawn Players Menu
  57. [Solved] help with vectors
  58. [Solved] CS:GO Help with ConVar sm_awpdeagle 1/0
  59. Temporary Entities not visible based on placement
  60. [Solved] Menu.Selection Property
  61. [Solved] new-style declarations are required [CS:GO - HELP] ???
  62. Dead only talk for limited time
  63. (L4D2) Witch Attack Random
  64. multidimensional char error
  65. Read 2 strings from a plain text files
  66. [TF2] Projectile stuffs
  67. [CS:GO] Noclip without godmode
  68. string replace
  69. [L4D2] Always kill the partner for the next map
  70. [CSGO] Prop angels rotation
  71. Help converting to new-style declarations
  72. Can't compile regex expression.
  73. [Solved] OnMapEnd() with "sm plugins unload"
  74. Automatic Vip Flags
  75. [TF2/ANY?] Problem with animations
  76. [Solved] Cvar to enable/disable Hook round_start PrintToChatAll
  77. [Solved] Pass ConVar value to other plugins
  78. Problem with HexTags
  79. Problems with creating a prop_physics
  80. [Solved] [CS GO] Problem with HUD Message !
  81. [Solved] Check if Vector is valid
  82. [HL2DM] SDKHooks OnGetGameDescription
  83. [Solved] Clear client nades
  84. [L4D2] Remove attack the survivors message.
  85. Ban System like default CS:GO MM
  86. [Solved] [TF2] Optional Instant Respawn Help
  87. Problem with my VIPMENU CODE
  88. [L4D2] How to make bots attack each other
  89. [CS:GO] 10 items in a menu
  90. [NMRIH] Admin/VIP tag on nickname
  91. SQL_TQuery Function Prototypes do not match
  92. [CS:GO] I have a problem with plugin.
  93. error 100: when using TR_TraceRayFilterEx
  94. [Solved] [Need help for the Glow]
  95. [CS:GO] EffectDispatch HELP
  96. CSGO -panorama cant show web in game?
  97. [L4D2] See if a player has a certain folder/file?
  98. Detect if a plugin is running or not!
  99. [Solved] [TF2] Problem with info_particle_system
  100. What is BeamSpline?
  101. [Solved] Help with OnTakeDamage
  102. Help, KeysValues get key name
  103. [CSGO] How to hook player reports (cheat reports)
  104. Database failure
  105. [Solved] Help with getting some position
  106. find all client +use, +reload, +attack2... List
  107. [Solved] [tf2] long jump command
  108. [Solved] [CS:GO] Player authorization
  109. [TF2] Problem with pushback, damage & damagetype
  110. How to coding SQL
  111. Help with precaching particles
  112. [CSGO] Stop a ball
  113. Setting the !activator of a game_text entity?
  114. A way to get client's name by steam id64
  115. [CS:GO] Detect jump action when player is dead
  116. [CS:GO] Check if today is monday?
  117. Players indexes after map change
  118. [Solved] [CS:GO] give player X health every X seconds
  119. Create leaderboard with clientprefs
  120. How to use SQLite
  121. m_hMyWeapons in CS:GO
  122. [Solved] Noclip when player touch door
  123. How to Get value from Database
  124. DispatchParticleEffect
  125. [TF2] Grenade Direct Impact's damagebit
  126. Sorting players in order of value?
  127. SQL create column if not exists
  128. Weapon HUD
  129. [CS:GO] Question about Panorama UI
  130. SQL insert into if not exists
  131. [CS:GO] Block jump sound
  132. select T and CT
  133. Help with soundlib.ext.dll
  134. Problem with prop_ragdoll
  135. [Solved] Database messing with me again.
  136. [Solved] CS:GO Hook and GivePlayerItem
  137. Cvars in an array with loop
  138. KeyValues.ImportFromFile failing
  139. [Solved] Creating multiple HUDs
  140. Visual help with SQLite
  141. [Solved] [CS:GO] Why RegConsoleCmd Activated Twice?
  142. [L4D2] How to detect first chapter?
  143. Custom Admin Menu Help Target Groups Only
  144. [CS:GO] sv_nowinpanel
  145. [CS:GO] Defuser
  146. [L4D2] TE_SetupBeamPoints
  147. [Solved] [L4D2] Tank dying only one animation bug maybe
  148. How to check if a player (CT/T) is on head (CT/T)?
  149. [Solved] MySql Plugin Error
  150. [Solved] [CSGO] Random point instead of round draw
  151. Compiling error.
  152. SQLite add strings?
  153. [Solved] How i can trace everyone around me?
  154. SQLite set multiple values
  155. Need a formula (Origin To Angles)
  156. [Solved] disable blood splatter on walls
  157. [Solved] my hook wont work
  158. DR script causes server to crash on slay
  159. disable default game sounds
  160. Get a list of the games weapons.
  161. [Solved] Player Index from Dhooks Detour
  162. I have a few questions
  163. MySQL connection only uses part of the connection user
  164. What is a problem?
  165. OpenFile
  166. CreateMenuEx is not working?
  167. How teleport the player more safer?
  168. [Solved] AddMenuItem, it once to add multiple items.
  169. Is Teleport speed can be changed?
  170. Need Help Sourcemod Scripting Error ;_;
  171. Detect function call?
  172. Help fixing Quake Sounds v3
  173. [CS:GO] ShowVGUIPanel Panorama
  174. Get client's weapons.
  175. Custom Minigun Property
  176. [Solved] Help with Global things
  177. [Solved] Function return string
  178. Sockets
  179. [CS:GO] Set movement speed
  180. What's wrong with the code?
  181. [Solved] [CS:GO] Help with keyvalue-based ctban plugin
  182. Stocks vs Natives and Events vs Forwards
  183. Stack went below stack boundary
  184. Disable arblast push
  185. [CSGO] Equip nothing
  186. [Solved] Creating a big horizontal circle
  187. Inflict damage to teammates without turning on global friendly fire
  188. [Solved] [CS:GO] OnTakeDamage headshot damage
  189. TR_TraceRayFilter Help
  190. [Solved] Translations - text with "%"
  191. Game Player Equip Start Round dont lose weapons
  192. [Solved] [CS:GO] Reselecting grenades after throwing one
  193. [Solved] calling stock "ByteCountToCells" that has no generated code
  194. I how client killed players add to menu?
  195. Invalid handle error even with checking if it is not null
  196. [Solved] [CS:GO] how i can check if bullet was through the wall
  197. [CSGO] Find velocity of weapon
  198. [TF2] Resetting scores.
  199. [CS:GO] How to detect player got understabbed
  200. [Paid Project] Hiring Engineer for Esports (SourcePawn and C#)
  201. [INS] - Give Weapons
  202. detect the side somebody is playing on
  203. Undefined Symbol
  204. How to determine the light and dark areas of the map?
  205. script help fix [franug_weapons.sp]
  206. Getting Current time?
  207. [CS:GO] Spawning at camera location
  208. [CS:GO] surpressing event "player_team" will lead to not closing the teamselect page
  209. Modify plugins
  210. [SM] Exception reported: Client index 0 is invalid
  211. [CSGO] Set volume of microphone
  212. [CS:GO] How to disable jump sound for a player?
  213. [Solved] Handle error 4
  214. [Solved] Argument type mismatch (argument 5)
  215. StringToFloat gives 0.3499999
  216. [CSGO] Playvol not working
  217. Using methodmaps for creating 2D ArrayList
  218. Remove HUD element
  219. Need help creating a plugin
  220. [CS:GO] Prestrafe and SpeedCap Plugin StandAlone Request
  221. Remove Ascii color chars from chat message
  222. Simple Reserved Slots
  223. [Solved] TranslationPhraseExists not work
  224. VFormat for natives
  225. [L4D2] my github repo
  226. error name>Exception reported: Instruction contained invalid parameter
  227. TF2 PaintBall plugin
  228. Change position of VPhysics object
  229. [Solved] Find Physical Offsets
  230. [Solved] [CS:S]I want to resolve the repeated error in my cmd. Include Attachment
  231. [Solved] [CS:S]Hello, I am asking you that the error for OnPlayerRunCmd has not been resolved.
  232. Get the "killers" client
  233. Check if player is looking at FSOLID_NOT_SOLID entity?
  234. [Solved] [TF2] Cannot mute minigun sounds...
  235. [Solved] How to change player model on team select?
  236. Help needed with a plugin [CS:GO]
  237. Forwards vs Stocks?
  238. [INSSTD] - Set Mags for Weapon
  239. Blocking ALL sound from a player
  240. [csgo] what is command New ProgressBar ?
  241. Can't Find signatures
  242. How To Fake touch entities?
  243. Check if someone is member of a steam group?
  244. Question about new syntax
  245. Make weapons not dropable
  246. [Solved] If there are ct in game, apply commands
  247. [HELP] Make clients use opposite keys -OnPlayerRunCmd-
  248. Hide voice chat
  249. [Solved] Getting a percentage of an integer using Sourcepawn
  250. [Solved] Skip an instruction?