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  1. [TF2] How to remove the ammo gain from picking ammo packs?
  2. Check player connection status
  3. Character limit inside a command
  4. OnPlayerDeath crashes the server
  5. [Cs Go] smoke efect
  6. [CS:GO]TraceRayFilterEx MASK does not work correctly
  7. Could not find required plugin "SourceBans".
  8. [CSGO] Set default clip size?
  9. [TF2] How to fix lag?
  10. [Solved] [ASK] OnConVarChange, can i do this?
  11. Hooks two events
  12. [TF2] How to get g_pGameRules pointer?
  13. [CSS] Prop_Static change fademindist
  14. [csgo] Push player towards where the player is moving
  15. [Help] Porting amx plugin to sm and TraceHull
  16. [Solved] Translation problem (\x07 and \x08)
  17. Who knows Emit sound parametrs for HS
  18. [CSGO] Push fix after the recent update
  19. [CS:S] CS_TerminateRound crash
  20. Problem with menu
  21. Possible to tell if player is aiming/looking up?
  22. Disable std hit sounds
  23. How to get a list of all players in spectator
  24. [csgo]Gag problem
  25. Some question about Admin Flags
  26. How to distinguish between completely or incompletely blind?
  27. [TF2] Question about vaccinator's resist types.
  28. How to prevent triggering after map change.
  29. [TF2] Is Weapon Strange
  30. get player distance from skybox or get skybox height?
  31. [TF2] How to force entity output?
  32. Little problem with timers.
  33. [CS:S] EquipPlayerWeapon reset reserved ammo?
  34. How can I activate an event when a player Releases a Key?
  35. How Can I Define This To Menu Handler.
  36. How to get damage done by an attacker and...
  37. [CSGO] Player models not attaching the hitboxes properly
  38. Zone Problem
  39. [Solved] Chicken "pop"
  40. Making a Virtual Machine with SourcePawn
  41. [Solved] [TF2] Getting around MAXLENGTH_NAME?
  42. Compile Error on SP
  43. Plugin with .sp includes
  44. Preventing a player from moving in a certain direction
  45. [Solved] Help with KeyValues
  46. [Solved] [ASK] Ent Reference
  47. [CS:GO] Change lighting style?
  48. [CSGO] Make a circle of players around a target
  49. [ info_particle_system ] Problem with targetname
  50. [TF2] Block ammo pickup
  51. [Solved] DataPack issue - Local variable shadows a variable at a preceding level? Impossible.
  52. Close menu after player death
  53. [HELP]If map on server = {map_name}, call function
  54. Giving usp-s instead of hpk2000...
  55. Cant get motd to work in menu
  56. vMaxs vMins
  57. [SOLVED] Detecting a perfectly timed bunnyhop
  58. It Give 2 Times ..(
  59. Best way to load dependencies ?
  60. Other way to display WWW site during game.
  61. Is this a correct use?
  62. [TF2] Invisible player
  63. Plugin that ends the round when last player dies?
  64. [Solved] SquareRoot errors , how to fix?
  65. Custom Sounds are Not PreCached properly for Clients?
  66. [HELP]How i can do something with entity by their targetname ?
  67. [CS:GO] Duplication Database - [PAID]
  68. issue with referencing an image in a plugin
  69. Add timer
  70. Command Arg without quotes
  71. [Help] ObserverMode on deathrun class
  72. Doing function if connected player have required SteamID
  73. Targeting players with RegConsoleCmd vs. RegAdminCmd
  74. How is this a tag mismatch?
  75. [HELP][CSGO] Entity "env_beam" not working
  76. [TF2] Setting the active team_control_point_round
  77. Can you write arrays in datapacks?
  78. Adding a threaded custom database connect method
  79. [CS:GO] AddToStringTable - After Client Connect
  80. What does Native is not bound mean?
  81. [TF2]Give weapon
  82. Blocking "join_team auto" command argument
  83. [CS:GO] "Referenceable" decals
  84. Displaying the '%' symbol
  85. Wierd Server crash with enum arrays
  86. [L4D/L4D2] Adding complicated stuff to brutal hunter pounce.
  87. CSGO how to make weapon glow?
  88. Move Entity forward in line without OnGameFrame or timers?
  89. [Solved] How expensive are Call_StartFunction() and StartForward() each?
  90. Only 1 zeus per round?
  91. [TF2] Short circuit secondary fire feature to primary fire
  92. [TF2] Ratio problem, blue team is moved to red team
  93. [Solved] Emitting and stopping sounds.
  94. Stop client side gun sounds?
  95. Game crash without errors
  96. Syncing two arrays with one array being sorted.
  97. [CS:GO] Money save to DB is not working always
  98. Changing prediction of animation and sounds after forcing weapon switch
  99. [CSGO] Is there a way to use "Shake" messages and change client angles on observers?
  100. [CSGO] Select Database Value then Change this Value - Help
  101. [Solved] [CSGO] Way to remove default spawns
  102. entProps and m_iRoundState
  103. [Solved] [CSGO] Making viewmodel invisible
  104. [Solved] Forward call order
  105. [CSGO] Changing the model of player grenade while they are holding
  106. CS:GO Gloves
  107. can't defuse c4 that was created
  108. [CSGO] many scripts into one script
  109. Day Of Infamy - GetEngineVersion|MOTD Handling
  110. [REQ] Menu System
  111. [CS:GO] Not Showing MOTD
  112. [CS:GO] Basic Question About New Syntax -> Old Syntax
  113. Do SDKHook_ShouldCollide work properly?
  114. Passing an array of cells as an argument
  115. How we can remove shadows from map, or change light angle
  116. [TF2]Checking player class
  117. Toss player in the direction in he looks at. (TeleportEntity - angles(?) problem)
  118. [Solved] Get player respawn
  119. timer on client after player_spawn
  120. Find a way to hook entity outputs
  121. Collision and solidity flags.
  122. [Solved] Question regarding SetClientListeningFlags
  123. Weird prop_physics crashes
  124. [SQLITE]Can't create a querry :\
  125. [Solved] [CS:GO] Admin Free Look
  126. Timer doesn't works good
  127. Final touch for a plugin needed so badly by the public
  128. code crashes my server
  129. PrintValveTranslationToAll with custom text
  130. String array
  131. Disable Player Walk
  132. KeyValues > Cant escape quote
  133. [Help] syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
  134. New scripter, having some problems (client index invalid)
  135. Write plugin in Java/C#
  136. change space to %20 in url format
  137. Error when forcing grenade detonation...
  138. [CS:GO] How to make a dropped kit (item_defuser) glow
  139. Any ways to mainuplate the death cam?
  140. [CSGO] props_physics_override doesn't get affected by the gravity
  141. [L4D2] Problems with the menu display
  142. StringToFloat not working as expected
  143. Steam2 Id
  144. [Insurgency Standalone] Offsets for scoreboard
  145. [CSGO] Making the map darker.
  146. SQL connection time
  147. Memory leaks
  148. [Solved] How to turn off moving keys?
  149. Bombsite value on plant
  150. [Solved] Custom Knives
  151. Canceling a menu on round end/start
  152. HELP! I deleted a plugin I was working on for weeks.
  153. [L4D2] Possible to make Zoey non-crash in Windows using code patcher?
  154. [Solved] Shake Screen
  155. help with Access Command
  156. [REQ] Chickens...
  157. [Solved] [TF2] M.V.M. Detect if mission changed
  158. Timer_UpdateHudHint Problem
  159. [Solved] A good way to store information
  160. Compile errors
  161. [REQ] Catch Chat Message
  162. Get Random Player
  163. [CSGO] Get Random Player
  164. Can't compile timer
  165. can't animate model..
  166. New-style declarations
  167. SendConVarValue can't change r_*** commands
  168. Chaning arm model after spawn
  169. Chat colors as arguments for CS:GO
  170. [INS] Guns2 menu not appearing
  171. [Solved] Script issues when people join at the same time
  172. [REQ] Catch Chat Message
  173. Hook client change team
  174. [CS:GO] Unprecache a resource is possible?
  175. prop_soccer_ball vs rockets
  176. SQL (dbi) - Errors
  177. [Solved] CPrintToChat functions failing completely?
  178. Crashes
  179. [Solved] No recoil
  180. Help with attaching attribute to hat
  181. Hiding weapons
  182. Problem with "AutoExecConfig"
  183. [Solved] WarmUpCells.sp does not compile.
  184. [Solved] The player stands on the site
  185. error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
  186. Rocket sound
  187. problem with sql
  188. [Solved] Methodmap woes
  189. Custom Votes
  190. Stamm plugin, need to change columns in MySQL table
  191. [$] [CS:GO] Need coder - add me on Steam
  192. [CSGO] Database Problem
  193. fixing cl_updaterate
  194. Finding all clients with a partial name match using ProcessTargetString
  195. Help with Plugin (compile)
  196. [TF2] Changing c_ viewmodel hands
  197. [Solved] Reducing server lag when writing very large files
  198. Plugin to open a window to the player
  199. [Solved] Hmm.. bitwise? storing multiple numbers in an int
  200. Force a child entity to transmit
  201. If bullet hits bodypart X, do X damage
  202. [Solved] CS:GO Blood
  203. Setting a player's score.
  204. [INS] Resupply time manipulation
  205. LookupAttachment singnature
  206. [REQ] Resize chicken
  207. Do vote like rtv
  208. Menu ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE Flag is ignored?
  209. set clan tag help
  210. [CSGO] Filtering target
  211. is async necessary in natives?
  212. [CS:GO] Spawning a working grenade (smoke/he/molotov/inc)
  213. Make chat sound command when using PrintToChat
  214. CSGO how to make this glove?
  215. CS:GO Glock Right-Click Hook?
  216. [Solved] Hook player message and print it to admins.
  217. [Solved] [TF2] Achievement Categories
  218. < or <= ?
  219. time on buffer
  220. Repeatable Timers - Are they stopped when changing maps etc?
  221. Launching and controlling player entity
  222. [Solved] Copying 2D arrays by natives
  223. [Solved] Keyvalues from file
  224. Get Alive Players Count
  225. [CSGO] HUD editing
  226. Hook all events
  227. Event dont work correclty
  228. How to Fix PermaMute?
  229. [Solved] Restart Round Advanced - Question
  230. [Help] Round Time
  231. AntiRush CSGO problem
  232. Tf2 switching unusual effects
  233. [Solved] How would I get a players position
  234. Get words from message
  235. [Solved] Removing an existing command
  236. Force game end and show scoreboards
  237. Threaded Query
  238. [CSGO] Disable plugin when 15 seconds left of a round.
  239. [Solved] strip weapons
  240. Rotating an Array?
  241. [Solved] Fake Dead Client
  242. [TF2] Hiding the little GUI thing that appears when you mouseover a teammate
  243. [CSGO] players falling through objects
  244. (Key Values) Getting the name of the next section
  245. [DeathRun] Queue to TT
  246. [CSGO] Using Particle for a trail
  247. Sound stopped when new starts
  248. Generic Method To Get Team Indexes
  249. Gameserver into webserver ?
  250. L4D2 remove player blocklist feature