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  1. weapon restrict
  2. Quick question about plugin version
  3. [CS:GO] Getting amount of keys in a section
  4. When player kill with headshot - return plugin handled, How to add to this code?
  5. Get enemy positions in csgo
  6. Menu not doing anything on selection?
  7. Why i get these errors? Changed few things in plugin (Code attached)
  8. Pulling my hair out boys
  9. GetMaxHumanPlayers() return 1
  10. MYSQL-Scripting: Can I convert dbi data to kvs and vice versa?
  11. [CS:GO] Multidimensional arrays storing vectors
  12. Player Status
  13. Hibernation block sockets ?
  14. Hook crash and send reconnection request
  15. Block #Player_Cash_Award_ExplainSuicide_
  16. [CS:GO] game_weapon_manager in some maps is messing up with ammo
  17. Can Someone Translate This To Sourcemod
  18. Help with translating to SM from AMX
  19. tEasyFTP not working, please help.
  20. [Solved] What is more efficient?
  21. How do I add an alias such as .ready for !ready
  22. Sort_Floats - Sorting Algorithm
  23. [TF2] Client sv_cheats for timescale
  24. Toggle flashlight in TF2
  25. [CS:GO] Help with Tag System
  26. Any flags for being in backstab position or doing a backstab (not the SDKHook damage)
  27. [L4D2] Is there possible to make bot bhop?
  28. [CS:GO]Get Player Pos
  29. Any way for planting C4 without user?
  30. Get client from VGUI Menu action?
  31. [Solved] [TF2] A better way to kill players
  32. Can You Teach Me? How I Do a CS:GO Plugin
  33. Start printchat with color
  34. +throw command
  35. player_footstep not disabled in Pre mode, why?
  36. [CS:GO]Why entity is moving?
  37. [CS:GO] VIP menu spawn problem
  38. pressure force between entityes
  39. color failure
  40. Admin Flags
  41. Get/set entity owner
  42. [compiling] HELP
  43. [Solved] [l4d2] help search plugin
  44. Custom Gamemode HELP!!!!!
  45. [CSGO] Problem removing Usp-S on round start
  46. What's wrong here?
  47. Bit-fields
  48. OnClientPostAdminCheck
  49. How to use the killstreak announcements for anyone?
  50. [CS:GO]Speed make effect on jump
  51. Setting up auras on people?
  52. [HELP] HidenSeek PLUGIN!
  53. [l4d2] health team
  54. count votes of certain flags more than ones
  55. [HELP] Round sound plugin not work
  56. Help me.
  57. [CSGO] SDKHooks_TakeDamage need solve, thx
  58. Convar Issue ?
  59. [CS:GO]HudMessage
  60. [TF2] kill player after change class
  61. Offset for ProcessSuicideAsKillReward
  62. [CSS] Does not work multijump
  63. [HELP] Trying to make the 10 seconds hns with sound
  64. [TF2] Can't kick bots!
  65. How parse keyvalues??
  66. [CS:GO] PreHook Console Command
  67. [CSGO] SetEventString not working correctly
  68. [SM] Exception reported: Tried to override return value without return value being se
  69. Download id dead player ?
  70. [REQ] Dynamic Motd for CS:GO
  71. [TF2] kill player when loadout
  72. Compilation fails - array index out of bounds
  73. Simple plugin need help,
  74. [Help] Setting Engineer Limit
  75. No guns model
  76. Bind
  77. Is r_drawothermodels an existing ConVar?
  78. Need help with hooking Say.
  79. TIMERS errors :/
  80. [Solved] KeyValues :: DeleteThis() - when is it 0?
  81. String not saving after GetTrieString? Empty out of nowhere?
  82. [cs:go]Best entity for fireball?
  83. [CSGO] How to block game messages?
  84. [CS:GO] Problem NoBlock Aura
  85. [QUESTIONS] I'm trying to learn more from sm please...
  86. [SOLVED] Push ArrayList in ArrayList
  87. function prototypes do not match
  88. [CS:GO] Antireconnect Help
  89. [Solved] SQL_EscapeString's output
  90. [HELP] Sound is not playing
  91. Problem with starting Bartime
  92. Float formatting.
  93. [TF2] Edit a plugin that blocks people that spectate blue team
  94. Loot Spawn with skins?
  95. How to add a language file
  96. [HELP] [Sound] S_StartSound(): Failed
  97. FQDN to IP Address
  98. Redirect shoot to head
  99. [TF2] 1v1 System help [Sql / SteamID / Timers ]
  100. CS_SetClanTag? Help.... :/
  101. Need help with decompiling!
  102. [Solved] GetUserFlagBits seems to be broken
  103. [Questions] cs 1.6 functions to sourcemod functions
  104. So i tried this... (CS_SetClientClanTag
  105. Detect grenade explosion (TF2)
  106. How do I queue actions when no game frames are being generated?
  107. Invisible weapon
  108. What should i know for make a plugin ?
  109. Need help with my plugin
  110. How to give a player a rocket launcher?
  111. [TF2] How to silence foot sounds?
  112. OnSayText2
  113. Store_GiveCreditsToUsers with ckSurf
  114. Connect to DB with kv
  115. IsServerGeneratingFrames?
  116. [CS:GO] Move an entity based on clients view angles
  117. CSGO - Check for equipped primary/secondary weapon
  118. CMDLCache:: Out of memory error while setting model?
  119. Perk improvement in cod mod
  120. [CS:GO] Moving prop_dynamic with client-side prediction.
  121. GetClientFrags Errors
  122. does not add hp for killing
  123. need help
  124. get_players in SourceMod
  125. Retrieving information from steam stats
  126. Tag/"type" checking elements in an ArrayList?
  127. Need help with some simple timer stuff
  128. [CSGO] get player pistol?
  129. OnRoundEnd?
  130. [TF2] Search player with determinied class doesn't work..?
  131. [Solved] Trying to fix a non-functional entity in TF2, not sure where to start.
  132. [CS:GO] Custom bots plugin / default bots reconfigure
  133. HELP in my plugin
  134. Getting control points in order on a 5CP map
  135. Can i use different language?
  136. KeyValues, how I can get current KeyValue key name?
  137. Control characters
  138. item_coop_coin
  139. How to check if i took damage and how to apply damage resistance (from all sources)?
  140. Use enums as array indexes (tag mismatch error)
  141. Client crash (kicked)
  142. [CS:GO] CS_DropWeapon
  143. [SOLVED]Help with 2D arrays with nex syntax
  144. Plugin Communication Question
  145. I have the little problem with votemap in workshop
  146. [SOLVED][AlienSwarm]Problem while trying to create entity
  147. Disabling plugin not as fatal error
  148. The problem with sending messages
  149. Chat socket_tcp
  150. csgo weapon_healthshoot hook
  151. Help needed to convert an old plugin to 1.8 compatible.
  152. View messages in hud
  153. Problem with !=
  154. [FIXED]Place Weapon On Map Issue
  155. [HELP] CS:GO scripting
  156. [Solved] Creating and moving chickens
  157. PreCacheSound & EmitAmbientSound
  158. kv.ImportFromFile Strange Behaviour
  159. Menu editing (adding an item or removing an item)
  160. Keep one specific line in the chat ?
  161. CSGO health remaining effect
  162. Second option not showing up
  163. hook prop damage and get hitbox
  164. [TF2] Full Reset Map in Multi-stage map
  165. [CS:GO] Detect Weapon Pickup?
  166. (solved) Rotating a brush?
  167. [CSS] Ornament collision mayhem
  168. [TF2] List of players steamid and their score
  169. The problem with compilation - argument type mismatch
  170. [TF2] Detecting stickybomb bounce
  171. Hook command with spaces?
  172. [CS:GO] Possible to change weapon recoil?
  173. [cs go] simple drop prop command
  174. [TF2] I need help with client-side mods.
  175. [CS:GO] Entity create event
  176. [Solved] OnTouch / Solid Entities
  177. [Solved] Tag Mismatch
  178. Help Scripting Please!!
  179. SetEntityRenderColor on store
  180. [Solved] SDKUnhook
  181. Hook Shortstop "shove"
  182. [Socket] Sending data?
  183. Convert a sql DateTime object to a timestamp
  184. [help] find and edit equipment files
  185. [CSGO] Disabling smokegrenade explode
  186. [TF2] Detecting spy decloak.
  187. [TF2] Healing per second
  188. SourcePawn Transitional Syntax
  189. [CSGO] Chat colors fix for PrintChatToAll?
  190. Help Please put on admin chat write grey
  191. [CS:GO] Need help with timers
  192. [TF2] Need help with my plugin, thanks in advance!
  193. [HELP] Menu manager
  194. [TF2] Get origin from carried building
  195. [CS:GO]help for pickup
  196. [TF2] Conga music replacement [Solved!]
  197. [TF2] Change current cloak meter value by percentage
  198. Solved.
  199. [TF2] attaching object to the horsemann's head
  200. Problem with native from zp
  201. [CS:GO] Problem with assists manipulation
  202. Address_MinimumValid?
  203. [TF2] Only Allowing Mini Sentries
  204. [CS:GO] Teammenu hook (M press)
  205. [CSGO] Hook buy menu open / close?
  206. [TF2] How to make TF2_OnConditionRemoved work with other publics?
  207. What difference?
  208. No information on the hud and menus
  209. How to set ClanTag (CS GO)
  210. [L4D2] True time stopping ability
  211. Efficient caching method
  212. IN_JUMP and PreThink
  213. [Solved] [HELP] How can i request this?
  214. Timer Callback Error
  215. Am I being stupid? (Getting lowest value)
  216. Change weapon sound volume
  217. RegAdminCmd() => Error 100: function prototypes do not match
  218. [TF2] reset capture point
  219. Print the "%" symbol
  220. [TF2] Menu that changes MenuItem text and reads a config file
  221. Errors (Store plugin).
  222. [solved] Optional requirements in transitional syntax
  223. Manipulating Player's Voice
  224. CS:GO mp_ct_default / mp_t_default not working
  225. Life trail in: not moving
  226. Function Prototypes do not Match
  227. [CSGO] Playing and stopping sounds
  228. Edit falldamage
  229. [TF2] Dropped Ammo touch
  230. warning 217: loose indentation
  231. Hook the player entering the game
  232. [TF2] Change medic's speed if healing a scout
  233. [TF2] [HELP NEEDED] Attaching cone to player's head
  234. Need help: Query Client CVar against a Wildcard
  235. [TF2] Replacing RPS responses [Snip]
  236. Where is the error? Exception reported: Client index 0 is invalid
  237. [Solved] Storing an "inventory" in SQL, confused as to how to "link" something.
  238. Weapon_healthshot
  239. custom chat colors + scp problem(nick repeat)
  240. [Cs Go] code problem
  241. Get Damage Taken [CSGO]
  242. [CSGO] Custom model bomb
  243. How to get position vector (edge of the world) from where a player is standing
  244. [cs:go] simple points system
  245. Creating and assigning data to custom handles
  246. [TF2] Attribute "SET BONUS: special dsp" crashing clients
  247. [Solved] Max length of certain authids?
  248. DNS Lookup
  249. I Need Help....
  250. First Plugin - Need Advice