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  1. [TF2]Removing Particle Effect on Resupply
  2. [CS:GO] Trying to play sound to all on countdown?
  3. Keyvalues bug?
  4. Removing/Reducing sentry bullets knockback
  5. [CSGO] Shooting without shooting for Bhop
  6. Turn on/off friendlyfire not working
  7. HELP| Database.
  8. freeze forever and > 200% cpu load
  9. CSGO can't print < in prinhinttext
  10. CreateAdmin doesn't create new admin.
  11. [HELP PLZ] Check if connecting client's steamid is in database
  12. Revolver damage
  13. [CS:GO]How to disable damage for zeus?
  14. Footprints in CS:GO?
  15. Change sourcebot to join team and hit?
  16. Getting Option Selected from Menu in Original Function
  17. Timers: Pass client, or UserID?
  18. Cannot read from file: "morecolors"
  19. Some questions from someone still living in the amxx-world
  20. Colors bot admin
  21. How to make a private forward that accepts multiple functags?
  22. Menu: How to remember the previous choice?
  23. [REQ] Angle between two view angles -> PIC
  24. [CSS/CSGO]Bhop timer
  25. [CS:GO] Question SetClientListening() and SetListenOverride()
  26. KeyValues.KeyValues how to use ?
  27. IgniteEntity
  28. Methodmaps on global variables
  29. Create walls.
  30. [CSS] Hook grenade explosion
  31. How to remove (not set) an entity's property?
  32. Help with my return to sender plugin! Indexing arrays, variables.
  33. Unable to read data received from socket?
  34. bad name filter
  35. [Help] Distance Fade
  36. Precache errors for files normally precached?
  37. DisplayVideo?
  38. Changing the velocity of a client.
  39. Get and match the Extension of Files via Strings
  40. Respawn after spectate during round?
  41. Precaching Sounds dont Work?
  42. PrecacheModel command - how does it work?
  43. Simply getting name of props destroyer
  44. [CS:GO] Weird Knife Issue
  45. [CSS] Help with Capture the flag plugin
  46. Precache
  47. OnPluginStart FormatTime Starting Help
  48. Make a plugin run only if server IP =
  49. Make Planted C4 Top Side Face The Player
  50. Help with finding how many players are on a team?
  51. Couple of innocent questions
  52. Giving back default knife
  53. [TF2] Run command only on the first round
  54. [SOLVED] String array & translation
  55. [CS:GO] Weird behavior of SetClientName
  56. m_isDualWielding OR m_hasDualWeapons?
  57. Zombie Madness
  58. [CS:S] get entity networkable name
  59. Output Message With Spaces As One Argument
  60. delete kv = closehandle??
  61. Warning 213: tag dismatch
  62. Chat Colours
  63. Changing classname bug
  64. [PAWN][Sourcemod 1.8.0] goto
  65. Refresh menu / Get menu page?
  66. [Resolved] Tag Mismatch with Enum (TF2)
  67. [Resolved] Max Health - Decreases
  68. Updated tf2.randomizer.txt data
  69. Plugin Crashes TF2
  70. GetEntPropVector
  71. Is this the right useage of natives?
  72. L4D2 - How to detect if a player is getting burned by molotovs, gascans, etc.
  73. HookEvent performance impact
  74. Able to send commands to client?
  75. 2 lines in center text?
  76. [SOLVED][CS:GO] How to get ID of spectated player ?
  77. Mute Alive Players
  78. Server Crash "tv_stoprecord"
  79. CS:GO - Scroll Through HintText?
  80. [CS:GO] Duplication Database
  81. Event WeaponSwitch in L4D2?
  82. [CS:GO] Store client clantag on connect, How to?
  83. How can i fix it ?
  84. Help, "interface"
  85. Weapon Skins (AK Skin for CT)
  86. Problem with speed
  87. [CS:GO] Making func_breakable temporary invisible & non-collidable
  88. Help with this area in my plugin, arrays to filter out blues!
  89. Any reason why my command isn't working?
  90. [L4D2]M60 Reload Animation Help
  91. Get a line from a .ini file, and compare
  92. Problem with TF2 translation strings!
  93. MakeCompatEntRef error?
  94. [CS:GO] Get weapon model end position
  95. CS:S simply reducing diameter of beacon
  96. [HELP] Question
  97. Need help please...
  98. Skin goes away after death/roundstart
  99. [SOLVED] [CS:GO] Dissalow weapon pickup
  100. combine PrintToChat()'s
  101. change of function of smoke grenade
  102. Assigning a client index to a button
  103. Updating to new syntax.
  104. Delete pls
  105. Changing hitgroup...
  106. I need some one to edit plugin please
  107. Hook roundtime and do something at a specefic time?
  108. MDL for GUNXPMOD edit to SMA FIle HOW?
  109. How to play sound?
  110. Problem with CountDown
  111. Monitor server performance
  112. Attempting to make a plugin(give certain weapon to random player in terrorist team)
  113. [CSGO] MPBhops fixer
  114. Learn to code
  115. ServerCommandEx not work #ServerCommandEx #NotWork #Help
  116. Move_Rope help
  117. Problem with zeus and knife
  118. Force round end (CSGO)
  119. Share array between plugins
  120. vector math @@
  121. Looking for a Teacher :>
  122. Entity Velocity
  123. Timers Bug
  124. using HookEntityOutput("trigger_hurt","OnStartTouch ",OnStartTouch)
  125. Scripting a VIP-Plugin for CS:GO, help appreciated!
  126. Solved[Coding problem]
  127. get_pcvar_string = ?
  128. [TF2] Need help with "status" command!
  129. Is point in box
  130. [CS:GO] Entity touch freezes the server
  131. People Can't Join Teams on CSGO?
  132. Implement a menu in this a script, help needed :)
  133. Detecting key "use" with no repeat
  134. [CS:GO] How to get same SetEntProp for client in next round?
  135. OnTakeDamage problem with container
  136. Compiles but something don't work, need help :)
  137. [CSGO] Determine whether it's nade hit damange or explosion damage
  138. TF2Items vs TF2Attributes
  139. Help With Keyvalues
  140. [CSGO] Noblock and nade collisions
  141. Steam API Question
  142. [CSGO]rxg_mine plugin needs small fixes[Solved!]
  143. [CS:GO] Map doesn't change (maxrounds)
  144. The compiler does not recognize the plugin cvar
  145. OnNamedItemDestroyed?
  146. New forward proposal for kicks?
  147. Problem with repeat while changing map
  148. Raytrace ignoring filters
  149. Help me to differentiate these
  150. How to execute VScript by plugin
  151. Prevent Damage for X seconds before weapon_x can deal damage again
  152. Small pllugin for executing command on client, need help (code attached)
  153. Looping items produces weird results
  154. Silent Jump in CS:GO
  155. [CS:GO] Dropping Corpses
  156. [TF2] return function; (new syntax)
  157. [CS:GO] Figure out template or entity spawner
  158. Timer function prototypes do not match
  159. Query re: m_hActiveWeapon = -1?
  160. [CSGO] HTTP request that supports JS
  161. [Solved] [CS:GO] FK Report
  162. CSGO GivePlayerItem Not Working...
  163. Multiple Menus
  164. Blocking Smoke Detonate CS:GO
  165. My Plugin Problem???
  166. Get Client ID From Client Name
  167. Key Values File Not Created!
  168. Getting Obsolete Entities' Properties
  169. Arms race Score Algorithm
  170. Menu back button
  171. Questions in chat problem
  172. how can i send a command to other server?
  173. Is it possible to display this text (See the picture)
  174. How they make attached particles?
  175. How to remove the "headshot" icon?
  176. Fake fire effect on an entity
  177. SetEntProp Not Working, Or Maybe Im Dumb... ;)
  178. I need the Bhop plugin used in CkSurf.
  179. Client speed in units.
  180. Looping through an array to reassign
  181. Store keyvalue data in array
  182. [HELP] Bot use flashlight
  183. I'm looking some commands
  184. How to parent an entity to a bone?
  185. Talk Between Plugins
  186. SetTransmit L4D2 Help
  187. TF2 Attributes
  188. [CSS] Checking content included in map
  189. [TF2] How to hook hitting a building?
  190. [Solved][TF2] Getting the owner of "tf_dropped_weapon"
  191. Attacker
  192. [CS:GO] Hooking auto-team join (solved)
  193. [CSS] Whats wrong in this little STOP SOUND Script?
  194. [L4D2 REQUEST] Replace Tier 2 weapons.
  195. Adt Arrays
  196. [CS:S] func_rotating help
  197. Help - Open Url
  198. Help - Spam Chat Bug
  199. Help - Start Round Music
  200. Winning team at round end
  201. Help - Add Menu To Report
  202. [HELP] You know this code?
  203. ConVar's .BoolValue expected value
  204. Compiling Error... Help ><
  205. CSS Block flash for team but allow flash for self
  206. Need assistance with private API key script (And Parsing?)
  207. [TF2] Changing owner of stickies.
  208. Giving award for all players in team problem
  209. Help with setting up a plugin
  210. Need help with looping a function
  211. [CSGO] StartMessageAll causing multiple chat messages
  212. [CS:S] Create Smoke Ball
  213. [CS:S] Making damage around explosion
  214. SQLite
  215. [CSS] Knockback
  216. [TF2]Differentiate between A/D and 5CP
  217. Customize *DEAD* *SPEC* (TEAM)
  218. [SOLVED] What is wrong here ? (Simple welcome plugin!)
  219. [CSGO] Create bulletproof wall(prop) with Sourcemod
  220. Setting AuthId on connection.
  221. Changing Models in First Person
  222. [Solved] New syntax question
  223. [CS:GO] Player loop is not giving weapons to some people
  224. Obfuscation fun
  225. How to get a wearable and put it on a player?
  226. [CS:GO][PAYING] How to enable third person mode on a GOTV spectator in warmup
  227. Compile.exe Is Not Working!
  228. How to find out the MIDDLE of a map?
  229. Sending events to specific players
  230. [TF2] Switch % of RED to BLU
  231. "player_stealsandvich" - possible to determine what kind of sandvich was stolen?
  232. [CS:GO] MOTD Showing
  233. File Reading
  234. [SOLVED][CSS] Set rcon password on client ?
  235. SetEntPropFloat prop values
  236. C4 Explosion on command?
  237. prop/entity - how to know which one is not human?
  238. [Solved] error 009: invalid array size
  239. [C++/Pawn]
  240. [SOLVED] Simple Warning before mapvote!
  241. [TF2] Possible to change medkit/ammo models?
  242. How do you get client logical team in left 4 dead 2 versus gamemode for example SDKCa
  243. Creating Entities
  244. [CS:GO] PrintHintText Char Limit
  245. Anyway to make prop_dynamic_glow not glow through walls?
  246. [TF2] End round after 10 minutes
  247. integer to a float convertion
  248. Removing all weapons.
  249. TF2_SetPlayerClass crashing the server
  250. Help with a mathematical variable.