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  1. SQlite help
  2. Thinking Problem(Trie)[L4D(2)]
  3. [HELP] CS:S ED_Alloc no free edicts
  4. Log sending to UDP
  5. [L4D2] Smoker's tongue
  6. [TF2] Scoreboard Streak Entity
  7. Point help!
  8. Is This right?
  9. [TF2] Events on player capture point
  10. [ANY] adminmenu_grouping
  11. [TF2] How to make a spawned projectile deal damage
  12. short circuit random success
  13. [TF2] Restrict aim rotation speed/Force mouse sensitivity
  14. Problem when reading player_hurt attacker
  15. [TF2] Get clip size ?
  16. Looking for code [Visual effect?]
  17. error 033: array must be indexed
  18. L4D2 Common Infected / Horde Counting
  19. [L4D(2)]Gamedata/Signature - Function Use
  20. if menu action is MenuAction_End client value is 0 ....
  21. I wonder this code
  22. [CSS] Modifying m_flCycle on predicted_viewmodel
  23. [CS:GO] Force player to spectate entity
  24. CSGO Custom viewmodels
  25. Get last player id
  26. can anyone write a limit time to changelevel's plugins?
  27. [ANY] Hide SRCDS warning / changes ?
  28. [TF2] Teleporter netprop
  29. Array VS Trie
  30. [TF2] Change tf_zombie animation sequence & make their models solid
  31. MvM sapper/consumable used netprop?
  32. How to Add Additional Silent Chat Triggers
  33. [SOLVED] output Float
  34. [Solved] Less strict "GetClientAimTarget"?
  35. Textbox Menus?
  36. count death or kills tf2
  37. i want open next menu !!
  38. Is it bad Precache things often and/or later ?
  39. Hooking Say Chat
  40. IsChatTrigger and OnClientSayCommand
  41. [TF2] Get Dispenser metal
  42. Getting Text from Google Doc
  43. Customisating CustomChatColors
  44. Colored Chat In Menu Panels
  45. TF2 Minibombs Advanced
  46. [TF2] func_precipitation spawned with sm?
  47. Variable in string?
  48. Using GetCmdArg in new ""
  49. [HELP] Making unbreakable windows and double doors opens bad side.
  50. How to remove infodecal?
  51. CSS name hide help
  52. Why do i get an error on line 1
  53. SetEntityGravity Default Grav
  54. Compilation error
  55. Playing a sound
  56. Kill Parents best methood?
  57. [L4D2] PreThink Crash
  58. [TF2] Block PlayerGodRayEffect?
  59. How do I check if a map is running?
  60. Send Entity to Ground
  61. [TF2] Remove func_detail / disable collisions of it without modifying map
  62. WCS race modification
  63. [SOLVED] How can i set skin4 or 3 for this model?
  64. Get Child index from parent
  65. game data file help
  66. Can I actually implement sql query in PlayerSpawn event?
  67. [Solved-Tf2] How would I get what class a player is?
  68. [help] force console command?
  69. [Help] TF2Items/Attributes change stats on weapon
  70. [TF2] Help! Strange server.
  71. [TF2] Entity -1 is invalid?
  72. 2 Basic Donator Interface questions.
  73. [Solved]Tf2 How to tell what slot a weapon belong in.
  74. [SM plugin] error 100: function prototypes do not match
  75. Player health after damage
  76. [TF2] array must be indexed
  77. [help] Get info about all players
  78. Check if a menu is open for a client?
  79. Menu choice
  80. Current weapon modification
  81. What is your workflow when developing plugins?
  82. Need help for some plugins and other
  83. Writing/reading files
  84. [TF2] Make the dead body flying !
  85. Force menu select
  86. CS:GO Langing
  87. 2 questions (optimization)
  88. [TF2] Remove wearables
  89. [TF2] Getting weapon slot
  90. [HELP] Issue
  91. [Help] Teamchat problem
  92. [TF2] Re-naming trigger_multiples
  93. how to make so it Work?
  94. [TF2] Pets
  95. Code optimization and crash debugging help needed.
  96. Checking outputs for entities?
  97. "Linked list"
  98. Menu error
  99. [TF2] Shitty Set Animation/Gesture
  100. HookConVarChange
  101. CreateTimer Help
  102. Special Chars from database (MYSQL)
  103. How would I modify a trigger_hurt...
  104. Explosion at cursor
  105. Get entities by aim
  106. How to get current sv_pure value
  107. Codding defferences between CSS and CSGO.
  108. Largest Number
  109. [TF2] Shop
  110. [TF2] Ricochet/Tron
  111. [TF2] Random Ideia i Got
  112. Detecting when someone crashes
  113. WriteFileLine question
  114. Creating too many flags?
  115. Sql Sourcepawn?
  116. [L4D2]Delete weapon spawns
  117. How does adminhelp.sp registers !help chat trigger
  118. Make connect with loader
  119. RegAdminCmd prototype doesn't match
  120. [TF2][MvM] Bots won't attack FortWars props
  121. Compiler not compiling
  122. [TF2] Block Weapon Shoot on specific event (Then at specific event unfreeze)
  123. Your Eternal Reward "silent kill"
  124. KeyValues problem
  125. Issue with strings
  126. Print list of keyvalues
  127. [CS:GO] Where are these camera settings being taken from?
  128. are there any function like amxx get_user_wstats?
  129. Client index 0 is invalid?
  130. Arrays starting to confuse me
  131. Forward for Multiple Plugins
  132. custom compiler .bat work but glitch?
  133. How to force full entity data update?
  134. How to get an entity's owner?
  135. Map Cycle Errors
  136. How to pass client in HookEvent
  137. Check if a cap is locked/unlocked
  138. [TF2] Spawn Rockets
  139. [L4D2]Weapon Accuracy
  140. is client alive?
  141. GHW Pet New Models
  142. Free armor
  143. [TF2] why dis dont work ?
  144. Surveys, detecting keypress?
  145. Help with detecting map.
  146. Create timer with 'random' duration?
  147. [TF2attributes] Grab attributs of a player ?
  148. Ground != Walls && Ground != Roof issue
  149. semtex in store
  150. Can someone fix this plugin for me?
  151. MvM / Spawned Sentry + Sentry Busters
  152. Spawn info decal ent
  153. [TF2] How to detect specific things
  154. How to record steamid and player name at the same time?
  155. [CSGO] Which team won round?
  156. Speed Hostage
  157. [TF2] Forcing doors open/removing them entirely?
  158. [CSGO]I want to know all reason why team won
  159. Random Disguise randomly doesn't disguise.
  160. Any way to detect an rcon command?
  161. Create "Dueling Box"
  162. item_game.txt won't consist in server?
  163. SortStrings, case insensitive?
  164. [TF2] player_death: Checking if the victim *was* on fire
  165. [TF2] Manage bot target
  166. How to get new random client if the chosen client does not meet the conditions?
  167. Menu Help!
  168. Script auto reload
  169. Get ConVar description - SOLVED
  170. Can someone make this use MoreColors.inc?
  171. [CSS] block first round
  172. [TF2] Checking through arrays
  173. Blocking reload event
  174. GetEntProp errors :(
  175. Plugin Multicopy Tool
  176. HNS plugin question
  177. GivePlayerItem
  178. Blocking the annoying Name change announce
  179. [Help] Won't swap players - CSGO
  180. Record function (Client side)
  181. [TF2] Special sentry buster round, need help with small plugin
  182. Trails Help
  183. help keyvalues
  184. [CSTRIKE] bug report
  185. Stopping a physprop from rolling
  186. [CS] Rank | little change
  187. [TF2] Plugin that sends command when player spawns
  188. Need help fixing One In The Chamber plugin
  189. How can I view players own model?
  190. [TF2] First person weapons alpha ?
  191. Airblast prevention
  192. |TF2| Custom Weapons Stats Help
  193. Help fixing a teleport feature for this plugin? Total noob here
  194. Rocket Bounce Sphere Surface
  195. Admin List conundrum
  196. Stupid mistake or sourcemod is trolling me?
  197. [TF2] Looking for a scripter to script a few things for me.
  198. [CSGO]How to prevent player choose another team?
  199. [CSGO] Bot prefix
  200. [TF2] Adding conditions...
  201. CS:GO Plugin crashes, debug suggestions?
  202. ZP new zombi only for admins?
  203. define zone
  204. [HELP] m_vecAngVelocity & prop_physics not work
  205. Console Print
  206. [CSGO] HookUserMessage
  207. Checking float value
  208. Native "CloseHandle" reported
  209. Show Custom MOTD
  210. Compile SP --> SMX with MAC OSX
  211. Arena check
  212. [CS:GO]How to get player's using weapon entity index?
  213. thc rpg
  214. How would I update a players items and weapons without touching a resupply?
  215. Block Damage
  216. [L4D/L4D2] Tricking the System...
  217. Menu with ServerCommand
  218. Display Menu without select option
  219. how slowly tilt the screen
  220. [CS:GO] Setting damage on player hit?
  221. Undefined Symbol
  222. LogmessageEx not found?
  223. war3ft related question
  224. [SOLVED] Using ClientCommand and Echo
  225. Vote: Adding a client in voter pool
  226. Check if plugin exists
  227. Steam avatar
  228. [CS:GO] Delay round end when last player dies?
  229. [TF2 Items Info] Get Item Model Per Class ?
  230. [CS:GO]How to use the F1,F2 votemenu?
  231. SQL question
  232. Help edit plugin
  233. Help with admin menu
  234. [Solved] How to stabilize angles ??
  235. Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
  236. [Dota 2] Disable 'runes' and 'neutral creeps'
  237. [L4D2] c11m3_garage voice spam from survivor bots
  238. [TF2]Select Random Players
  239. Options Hideme Plugin
  240. [CS:GO] Issues with "mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1"
  241. [Cs:go] Block Changeteam
  242. vote
  243. [TF2] How to make projectiles (made from scratch) do damage?
  244. [CS:GO] Spawn a weapon with a specific skin
  245. read/write dynamic array in binary
  246. Save information and retrieve it.
  247. detect player slap
  248. Restore var value after all players logged out
  249. What happens to timers on plugin reload
  250. fix bug