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  1. Getting Gibs/models to spawn
  2. Upgrading
  3. Creating a Generic Ent/Sprite
  4. Blocking "name" command
  5. TF2 setting Cloak Meter value
  6. TF2 subtracting from respawn time
  7. TF2 Events
  8. Need Help with 3D Model
  9. Chattrigger
  10. Changing Weapon Model
  11. Anyone:
  12. Removing a player's dead body..?
  13. Mins Maxs Crashing server...
  14. Model is to Prop_Physics, as Sprite is to ...? (CreateEntityByName Help)
  15. Efficient dynamic list processing
  16. m_hOwner & m_hOwnerEntity
  17. [help] how to change bot/ player state ?
  18. Can someone explain to me how Velocity Vectors work?
  19. SQLite problem
  20. TF2: Force movement?
  21. SE_SetupBeamFollow help..
  22. Global array set to a variable size
  23. Broken SM include file for hud...?
  24. double post, mod delete please
  25. How does AddGameLogHook work?
  26. teleport zone/teleporter
  27. [TF2] Predict Critical Shots
  28. remove fall damage completely?
  29. [HL2:DM] Restricting Weapons on Spawn/Dropping Weapons
  30. Why isnt this working
  31. Changing rate of fire (TF2)
  32. Help with ip address translation (aka ip2long/long2ip)
  33. Local variable saving
  34. sound looping help
  35. Problems with BreakString()
  36. [FIX] Nexmap Problem
  37. Plugin Debugging
  38. No Deathcam
  39. Prevent Shooting (+attack)
  40. CSS: Unlimited ammo and no reload
  41. Remove Reload / Change Max Ammo (TF2)
  42. Natives pull from where...?
  43. KeyValues problem
  44. Blocked Client Commands?
  45. Creating DM Gametype in TF2?
  46. redefining a client command..?
  47. RegConsoleCammand and +- Help!
  48. New Plugin
  49. Spawning guns
  50. NEEDED: Decent, Thorough explaination of returns?
  51. EmitSound simple questions...Quick answers?
  52. Questions:IgniteEntity
  53. How to block FCVAR_NOTIFY?
  54. Creating Sniper Rifle Beam
  55. Variable sharing
  56. static, decl, new when to use each?
  57. QUESTION:Calling a onGameFrame
  58. Squery !
  59. Checking if an entity exists?
  60. Question on operators & |
  61. Need some help!
  62. Deleting & Overwriting lines in a file
  63. Help to convert
  64. Plugin/Map Entity Interaction?
  65. TF2: Remove metal gibs
  66. TF2: weapon_name.ctx file editors
  67. Godmoding an entity?
  68. need SQL/DB help
  69. No fetched rows?
  70. Scripting Help
  71. CreateEntityByName help
  72. Port not work?
  73. Passing Handle through (FakeNatives?)
  74. Multiple Questions (SQL_FetchString() BUGGED?)
  75. Changing Players Score in TF2
  76. How to Check if the player is dead?
  77. SetViewModel
  78. Plugin Help !!!
  79. Need some more help!
  80. Smoke Silhouettes
  81. Help with srcTV demos
  82. tag mismatch warning
  83. Scaling Bones on Ragdolls
  84. Several SM Plugins Not Loading
  85. Using PrintToChatAll to insert string defined by convar
  86. Questions: IsClientInGame()
  87. Ragdoll Alpha
  88. Which is less processor intensive?
  89. Warnings I Cant Find
  90. Sound issue. TF2
  91. QUESTION: CloseHandle() and KillTimer()
  92. Extra Nades Problem
  93. Remove Clan Tag on Connect
  94. FormatTime - invalid time format or buffer to small
  95. Recursive Folder Read
  96. Get User / Entity Model
  97. Cant compiled file, when i using Korean Language in script
  98. mp_gamemode
  99. EventHook Warning: tag mismatch
  100. Weapon Models
  101. Detecting Damage type by Bits?
  102. Throw Time
  103. forcing a client action
  104. On Round Start
  105. How to find the value of mp_startmoney?
  106. Screen Shake
  107. [SOLVED] Stock problem
  108. [SOLVED] 0/World Spawn
  109. Hooking entity output "OnPlayerUse" problem?
  110. How to create a "trigger" entity in running time?
  111. Origin Problems
  112. Fatal Error
  113. Plugin running, but not doing its job...
  114. CS:S Use custom models.
  115. SetClientListening help
  116. [TF2] Multiple buildable
  117. TF2 Change respawn time when players connect.
  118. Changing the player's camera?
  119. Dissolve
  120. Help Setting A Weapons Zoom FOV
  121. TF2 Uber Charge Level
  122. Need Help with TF2 Support
  123. TF2 API?
  124. Help a noobie out (TF2)
  125. Debugging from a memory location
  126. Question: m_bPlayerDominatingMe in TF2...
  127. How i use Colors?
  128. How i get Event Vars
  129. testing collision with other models?
  130. game_start event
  131. Plugin interface
  132. weapon chance error help me
  133. SetModel dont work under TF2
  134. Code that crashes hl2dm; anyone see why?
  135. OK stupid question: TraceRay and masking
  136. GetClientAbsOrigin simple question too
  137. Knife Invisibility
  138. Clearing Arrays
  139. Modifying the Sniper Rifle
  140. Allowing for 9 or more sticky bombs per player
  141. How to know if the player is spectating
  142. TF2 detecting use of teleporter/dispenser
  143. ShowMOTDPanel
  144. HELP ME PLZ!!!
  145. Displaying a simple sprite/texture (.vmt/.vtf)
  146. Need help (Warning Loose indentation)
  147. spawned entities not responding to being shot
  148. help me decode this error?
  149. question about timers
  150. How to stop the round time?
  151. TF2 please help with gibbs
  152. Stuck :/ Need Solution & Explanation
  153. [TF2] Tell which weapon is equipped.. how?
  154. CSS Bots
  155. Need Help with Model [TF2]
  156. Kick off server with reason.
  157. Execute command on perm-banned players
  158. execute a cvar every ## seconds?
  159. CreateTimer vs GetGameTime
  160. Env_spritetrail
  161. REQUEST: Greande Effect
  162. create respawnable weapon entitiies ?
  163. How to use UTF-8 or specify codepage (-c<name> option of spcomp.exe)?
  164. Plugin Events
  165. Where is the code for name change limitation?
  166. First Plugin - unsure of what exactly is wrong
  167. how to count players on a team
  168. Get the Time Left of Createtimer
  169. No errors in Plugin, but quit working?
  170. First plugin by a coding noob
  171. Making an entity
  172. GetMaxEtities and GetEntityCount = crash...HELP!
  173. Question: GetClientAbsOrigin
  174. team balancing query
  175. Setting a players hurt - SetEventInt ??
  176. Is There A Function for entity is client?
  177. Check if the player has an opponent?
  178. [TF2] Stripping certain weapons after spawn
  179. Shamusi Music Plugin
  180. Team Balancer script review?
  181. Blocking Commands?
  182. Infinite Ammo for Bots / Prevent reloading
  183. Removing alle Weapons on the floor
  184. Taking screenshot
  185. Serverside Weapon Model Replacement?!?!
  186. TF2 - in CTF how do I determine which item_teamflag is which?
  187. Changing TF2 Gibbs
  188. Event "player_say" can't be handled
  189. Quick Server Info Questions
  190. Question: Translations in RegAdminCmd
  191. About Hooker.. Need Help
  192. Status bar code
  193. tf2 midair mod
  194. MySql connection
  195. Changing burn damage
  196. Creating an invisible entity
  197. How do the following differ?
  198. Crashing the server?
  199. Hooking Game Messages?
  200. getting sv_cheat value
  201. Set Entity on Fire [SoundLoop]
  202. Removing entity?
  203. Question: Server Variables
  204. Need Script!
  205. HookEvent and SetConVar errors
  206. Question on reading data from files...
  207. Read/create ban entries
  208. Recognizing the exploding barrel
  209. Models crashing server.
  210. Achievement Trophy
  211. Using offsets
  212. Sorted maplist
  213. Unable to compile nextmap.smx
  214. [SOLVED]GivePlayerItem
  215. Need to play custom sound at the end of a round in TF2.
  216. "userid" vs "player"
  217. Player handle
  218. SetClientListening help!
  219. Global array problem
  220. Accessing vote counts during a vote.
  221. Function Prototypes Do Not Match
  222. Voice muting?
  223. Reload plugins with no mapchange/restart?
  224. Need Help with script
  225. a lil. help is needed ;)
  226. coding "cone view"
  227. Entity edict = index?
  228. player_blind - Swapping flash colours
  229. CS Units and get_distance
  230. Closing the MOTD like in AMX?
  231. how spawning object (sentry, dispencer etc)
  232. Removing Weapon Entities
  233. Retrieve an edict from a classname
  234. Infect players in ZPS
  235. TF2 Achievement List
  236. entity model check?
  237. green message in DODS
  238. How to add details to the hud
  239. get a entity info from bsp
  240. Finding message arguments like in AMXX
  241. @@@ blah (coding)
  242. player_team event being fired infinitely
  243. player_team event being fired infinitely
  244. First Plugin, Have questions!
  245. Block text in FF
  246. Variable/Optional arguments in functions
  247. sleep()
  248. Score Card
  249. change weapon fire rate, not in offset
  250. How I write a function wich returns a String?