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Help with hero's

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Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Denmark
Old 12-20-2011 , 07:03   Help with hero's
Reply With Quote #1

Hello. I'm Mike and im new at this forum (although i have been following it for quite a few years now).

I just got my very first dedicated server up and running, (with SH mod 1.2 & AMX mod X 1.8.1). I added "standard" heros and "custom" heros and they work just great..Well, most of them..
I got 58 heros but when i set myself to max level (level 25) there is only 40 heros for me to choose..
I SHOULD mean that ive putted all the SMA, AMXX, Sound & MDL files in all the right places and i configed the "shconfig.cfg" & "plugins-shero.ini" in the right way, but what do i know right?.

//********************** SUPERHERO CORE CVARS **********************

//Enables/disables the mod.
//    0 - Disabled
//    1 - Enabled
sv_superheros 1

//Admin flag to determine who can access the important server commands
//Note: With AMXX 1.80 or above this can be modified in cmdaccess.ini
sh_adminaccess m

//Debug Message Level.
//ONLY enable this if you are trying to fix something, it prints A LOT of messages.
//    0 - Disabled
//    1 - Server Print
//    2 - Server Log
//    3 or above - More Messages, Server Log (higher the number the more messages)
sh_debug_messages 0

//Number of heroes allowed with bind characters - after that you must pick non-bind heroes only. (max 9 default)
sh_maxbinds 4

//Max number of powers players can pick from, this is also limited by the number of levels you have.
sh_maxpowers 25

//What level to start newcomers at.
sh_minlevel 3

//Save XP or restart it from 0 each map.
//    0 - Reset XP each map (Short Term)
//    1 - Save XP (Long Term)
sh_savexp 1

//Key used to save players XP data by.
//    0 - Force save by name/nick
//    1 - Auto-detect, save by SteamID or IP if LAN (default)
//    2 - Force save by IP
sh_saveby 1

//How many days a user's XP is saved after the user's last connection.
//Recommended max setting of 30 for VAULT style saving. Max value is 365.
sh_xpsavedays 200

//Minimum number of players required to gain any kind of non-frag XP (ie. objective/mercy XP).
sh_minplayersxp 2

//Default server wide reload mode.
//Used only if the hero is set to use the server's reload mode setting.
//    0 - do nothing, normal cs ammo and reloading functionality
//    1 - continuous shooting, no reload
//    2 - fill the backpack (must reload)
//    3 - drop the gun and get a new one with full clip (not recommended)
sh_reloadmode 1

//Block VIP flags
//    a - block use of +powers (good to stop from nocliping to rescue zone)
//    b - block giving of weapons by heroes
//    c - block max health set by heroes
//    d - block max armor set by heroes
//    e - block max speed set by heroes
//    f - block min gravity set by heroes
//    g - block all extradamage set by heroes (includes powers like lasers)
//    h - custom block setting (some heroes might use this)
sh_blockvip "abcdef"

//Enable this to save XP at end of every round.
//May cause a very small amount of lag at round end with MySQL saving.
//    0 - Disabled
//    1 - Enabled
sh_endroundsave 1

//This cvar sets the value of XP given/taken from players for Hostage / Bomb / VIP events.
//Hostage rescues get sh_objectivexp divided by number of hostages on map, per hostage.
sh_objectivexp 10

//Give new players an average level of XP based on people already playing. (Setting is ignored with Saved XP)
//    0 - Disabled
//    1 - Enabled
sh_autobalance 0

//Load XP right when a player joins (may cause lag with large user database)
//    0 - Disabled
//    1 - Enabled
sh_loadimmediate 0

//MercyXP mode, gives players XP if they did not gain any during a round.
//    0 - MercyXP system Disabled.
//    1 - Give any player a set amount of XP which is set with sh_mercyxp.
//    2 - Give only players up to a certain level MercyXP, max level is set with sh_mercyxp.
//        XP given will be the inverse of the amount they would get for killing
//        someone at their level, then this is divided by 2 to keep it low.
//        So as a players level increases they will get less MercyXP with mode 2.
sh_mercyxpmode 1

//If sh_mercyxpmode = 1: How much Mercy XP to give players
//If sh_mercyxpmode = 2: Max level to give MercyXP to players
sh_mercyxp 40

//Command Projector, displays help info to players in a HUD messages non-stop.
//    0 - Disabled
//    1 - Only show to DEAD players
//    2 - Show to ALL players
sh_cmdprojector 1

//How many highest level heroes can a person pick.
//If this is set to 2 and a client is at level 9,
//they can only pick 2 level 9 heroes max, 3 level 8 heroes max, ect.
//There is a bunch of complicated math that goes into this system and it limits more than
//just the highest level available to that person, try it and see what I mean.
//Set to 0 to disable this limiting of choices
sh_lvllimit 3

//SuperHero Menu mode
//    0 - Old style menu, hides disabled heroes from showing on the menu
//    1 - New style menu, shows disabled heroes grayed out
sh_menumode 1

//Headshot Multiplyer - if you kill someone with a headshot the XP given
//will be multiplied by the value.  Setting this to "1.0" will effectively
//disable it because x * 1.0 = x. Any value less than 1.0 is ignored.
sh_hsmult 2.0

//Can clients drop heroes while alive?
//This is OFF by default because many people expliot the server by picking a hero
//like batman, get the weapons, then drop him.  This will prevent that kind of activity.
sh_alivedrop 0

//Set whether Free For All mode is enabled for team killing. (Only works when friendly fire is on)
//    0 - Lose money, frags, and XP on TK (default)
//    1 - Gain money, frags, and XP on TK
sh_ffa 0

// *** MySQL Settings, Only needed if using the mysql saving method ***
// Uncomment the cvar lines to enable these settings

//sh_mysql_host "localhost"
//sh_mysql_user "SuperHeroModUser"
//sh_mysql_pass ""
//sh_mysql_db "sherodb"
//sh_mysql_persistent 0

// *************** END SUPERHERO CORE CVARS ***************

// ***************** START HERO SPECIFIC CVARS ****************

anubis_level 3
anibus_showdamage 1        //(0|1) - hide|show bullet damage..
anibus_showchat 1        //(0|1) - hide|show ghostchat messages..

//Black Panther
blackpanther_level 3

cyclops_level 3
cyclops_laser_ammo 20        //total # of shots given each round
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1    //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20        //Cooldown timer between shots
cyclops_multishot 0.20        //Delay for multishots on holding key down

daredevil_level 12
daredevil_radius 600        //Radius of the rings
daredevil_bright 192        //How bright to make the rings

dracula_level 14
dracula_pctperlev 0.03        //What percent of damage to give back per level of player

gmaster_level 21
gmaster_cooldown 600        //# of seconds for Grandmaster cooldown

goblin_level 7
goblin_grenademult 1.5        //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount
goblin_grenadetimer 10        //How many second delay for new grenade

//Iron Man
ironman_level 3
ironman_timer 0.1        //How often (seconds) to run the loop
ironman_thrust 125        //The upward boost every loop
ironman_maxspeed 400        //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
ironman_xymult 1.05        //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
ironman_fuelcost 1        //How much armor does it cost per firing
ironman_armor 100        //How much armor does ironman start with?

kamikaze_level 3
kamikaze_radius 300        //Radius of people affected by blast
kamikaze_fuse 15        //# of seconds before kamikaze blows Up
kamikaze_maxdamage 125        //Maximum damage to deal to a player

morpheus_level 17
morpheus_gravity 0.35        //Gravity Morpheus has
morpheus_mp5mult 1.75        //Damage multiplyer for his MP5

mystique_level 10
mystique_cooldown 0        //Cooldown time between morphs
mystique_maxtime 0        //Max time you can be morphed
mystique_toggle 1        //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down

spiderman_level 8
spiderman_moveacc 140        //How quickly he can move while on the hook
spiderman_reelspeed 400        //How fast hook line reels in
spiderman_hookstyle 2        //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1        //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines
spiderman_maxhooks 60        //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)

alien_level 3
alien_health 125    //Default 125
alien_armor 125        //Default 125
alien_knifemult 0.5    //Damage multiplyer for his Knife
alien_vision 160    //How far vision is zoomed out (must be 100 or higer because normal vision is 90)
alien_tint 50        //How dark the green screen tint is (255-no sight, 0-perfect sight)
alien_alpha 50        //Alpha level when invisible (0-invisible, 255-full visibility)
alien_knifemode 0    //1-knife only can't change weapons, 0-Alien Vision on only when knifing (def 0)

azrael_level 1
azrael_bullets 10000
azrael_getm4a1 1
azrael_gravity 0.40
azrael_armor 1000
azrael_health 1000
azrael_speed 1000

bass_level 19
bass_health 200            //Default 200
bass_armor 200                //Default 200
bass_speed 200                //Default 200
bass_gravity 0.40            //Default 0.40
bass_laser_ammo -1        //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 1000)
bass_laser_burndecals 1        //Show the burn decals on the walls
bass_cooldown 0.0            //Cooldown timer between laser use
bass_multishot 0.1            //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.1)

batgirl_level 12
batgirl_moveacc 700        //How quickly she can move while on the zipline
batgirl_reelspeed 1000        //How fast hook line reels in
batgirl_hookstyle 3        //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real    (batgirl)
batgirl_hooksky 0        //0=no sky hooking 1=sky hooking allowed
batgirl_teamcolored 2        //1=teamcolored zip lines 0=white zip lines
batgirl_maxhooks -1        //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)

bazooka_level 11
bazooka_buy 1            //Set to 1 to require missiles to be purchased

beast_level 8
beast_gravity 0.40            //Gravity
beast_health 185            //Starting Health
beast_armor 200            //Starting Armor
beast_speed 350        //Running Speed

//Bunny Hop
Bunny_level 3

//Cola Lover
cola_level 21
cola_health 700        //Starting Health (default is 700)
cola_speed 500        //Running Speed (default is 500)

//Darth Maul
darth_level 16
darth_healpoints 10        // the #of HP healed per second
darth_knifespeed 350        // speed of Darth Maul in knife mode
darth_knifemult 2.70        // multiplier for knife damage...

domino_level 3
domino_maxmult 2.0        //Max possible damage multiplier, range 1.01 to 2.0 (Default 2.0)

//Dr. Doom
drdoom_level 3
drdoom_armor 200            //Default 200
drdoom_speed 200            //Default 200
drdoom_laser_ammo 30        //total # of shots given each round, -1 is unlimited (Default 30)
drdoom_laser_burndecals 1    //Show the burn decals on the walls
drdoom_cooldown 0.0            //Cooldown timer between laser use
drdoom_multishot 0.15        //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.25)
drdoom_switchtoknife 1        //Switch to knife when firing laser, 0-no 1-yes (changing requires map change)

//Dr. Strange
drstrange_level 3
drstrange_armor 200                //Default 200
drstrange_gravity 0.40            //Default 0.40
drstrange_pctperlev 0.02            //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness
drstrange_godsecs 1                //# of seconds of god mode
drstrange_respawnpct 50            //Percent chance 0-100 of respawning on each death (default 50)
drstrange_respawncooldown 0.0        //Ammount of time before next available respawn
drstrange_bolt_ammo 30            //Total # of shots each round, -1 is unlimited (default 30)
drstrange_bolt_burndecals 1        //Show the burn decals on the walls
drstrange_multishot    0.15            //Delay for multishots on holding key down, set to -1 for only 1 shot per keydown (Default 0.20)
drstrange_cooldown 0.0            //Cooldown timer between bolt power use

fartman_level 3
fartman_gasdmg 10        //Amount of damage caused (Default 10)
fartman_gasradius 200        //Damage radius from smoke grenade to player, 200-250 is the normal smoke radius (Default 200)
fartman_gasfreq 2.0        //Every # of seconds gas damage is caused again (Default 2.0)
fartman_grenadetimer 20.0    //# of seconds until new smoke grenade is given (Default 10.0)

gambit_level 14
gambit_grenademult 40.9        //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount (def 60.9)
gambit_grenadetimer 30.0        //How many seconds delay for new grenade after nade is thrown (def 30.0)
gambit_cooldown 60.0        //How many seconds until extra grenade damage can be used again (def 120.0)

general_level 3
general_dmg 5            //Amount of damage added to attacks by teammates
general_cooldown 0.0    //Cooldown between added damage to attacks
general_benefit 1        //General's get extra attack damage from other General's on their team (0=no 1=yes)

gohan_level 14
gohan_health 250        //default 150
gohan_gravity 0.40        //default 0.40 = low gravity
gohan_speed 400        //How fast he is with all weapons
gohan_healpoints 10        //The # of HP healed per second
gohan_healmax 400        //Max # HP gohan can heal to

goku_level 18
goku_aps 5            //The amount of AP gained per second (Default 5)
goku_apl 250            //AP amount multiplied by ssjlevel = AP required for each ssjlevel and cost of ssjlevel power use (Default 250)
goku_hpl 30            //HP amount multiplied by ssjlevel, ex. 30*ssj2 = +60HP (Default 30)
goku_hpmax 500            //Max HP that can be gained (Default 500)
goku_speedbase 300        //Initial Speed boost for ssjlevel 1, only sets if you are slower (Default 300)
goku_speedadd 25        //Speed added to goku_speedbase every next ssjlevel (Default 25)
goku_damage1 70        //Max Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 70)
goku_damage2 100        //Max Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 100)
goku_damage3 175        //Max Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 175)
goku_damage4 300        //Max Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 300)
goku_radius1 100        //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 1 power (Default 100)
goku_radius2 300        //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 2 power (Default 300)
goku_radius3 700        //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 3 power (Default 700)
goku_radius4 1500        //Max Radius of Damage for ssjlevel 4 power (Default 1500)
goku_blast_decals 1        //Show the burn decals on the walls (0-no 1-yes)

//Invisible Man
invisman_level 4
invisman_alpha 50        //Alpha level when invisible. 0 = invisible, 255 = full visibility.
invisman_delay 5        //Time a player must be still to become invisible
invisman_checkmove 1     //Should movement be checked, or only shooting? 0 = only check shooting

megaman_level 15               // - Level to make Megaman Available - //Default-   10 //
megaman_laser_ammo 150          // - Ammo that the Photon Cannon has - //Default-  150 //
megaman_laser_burndecals 1    // - The ammount of PhotonGun Decals - //Default-    1 //
megaman_cooldown 0.0            // - The Cooldown time of the Photon - //Default- 0.02 //
megaman_gravity 650             // - The JumpingPower Megaman's suit - //Default-  650 //
megaman_armor 200               // - The Megasuit's Power of defense - //Default-  600 //
megaman_health 200              // - The Power Megaman has to resist - //Default-  300 //
megaman_speed 200               // - The Speed/Agility of a Megasuit - //Default-  700 //

noob_level 25
noob_arrows 3
noob_getdeagle 1

//Poison Ivy
poisonivy_level 3
poisonivy_damage 3        //Damage per second from infection
poisonivy_cooldown 0.0    //Seconds before you can infect another player
poisonivy_xpbased 0        //Do they cause more damage each xp level, 0=no 1=yes (def=0)
poisonivy_dpl 1        //Amount of additonal damage per level
poisonivy_maxdpl 0        //Maximum possible damage amount if xpbased (0=no max set)
poisonivy_self 1        //Can users with Poison Ivy be infected, 0=no 1=yes

//Punisher V2
punisherv2_level 9
punisherv2_ammotoadd 2
punisherv2_ammotime 2.0

riddick_level 10
riddick_healpoints 5            //The # of HP healed per second
riddick_knifespeed 340            //Speed of riddick in knife mode
riddick_knifemult 1.8            //Multiplier for knife damage

slayer_level 24     - level at which he's available
slayer_cooldown 40 - cooldown between god removals
slayer_chance 0.1 - chance of assassination

snake_level 3
snake_health 125        //Default 125
snake_armor 125        //Default 125
snake_uspmult 2.0        //Multiplier for usp damage
snake_healpoints 75        //Amount of health given by health ration
snake_cooldown 20        //Cooldown between uses of health ration

sonic_level 5
sonic_gravity 0.40    //default 0.40 = lower gravity
sonic_armor 170    //default 170
sonic_health 160    //default 170
sonic_speed 450    //how fast he runs

steel_level 15
steel_hpsetsuit 40        //Health # to set suit on (def 40)
steel_aps 5            //Amount of Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 3)
steel_maxaps 100        //Max Armor regenerated per second when suit is on (def 100)

stick_level 9
stick_speed 450        //How fast Stick runs (def 560)
stick_radius 1024        //Radius of the rings (def 1024)
stick_bright 192        //How bright to make the rings (def 192)
stick_teamcolored 0        //0=default color 1=team colored rings
stick_enemyonly 0        //0=rings on all players 1=rings on enemy only

//The Tick
thetick_level 12

thor_level 17
thor_pctofdmg 80        //Percent of Damage Taken that is dealt back at your attacker (def 75%)
thor_cooldown 30        //Amount of time before next available use (def 45)

thief_level 3
thief_cashperlev 400    //How much money he steals per hit per his level (Default 100)

//Uber Gunner
UberGunner_level 19
UberGunner_teamglow 0        //Glow Team Color when player skin in use (0=no 1=yes)
UberGunner_m4a1mult 3.0        //Damage multiplyer for his M4A1
UberGunner_health 100        //Default 100 (no extra health)
UberGunner_armor 200        //Default 100
UberGunner_gravity 1.5        //Default 1.0 = no extra gravity (0.50 is 50% normal gravity, ect.)
UberGunner_speed 460        //-1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons (for faster then normal speed set to 321 or higher)

//US Marine
usmarine_level 11
usmarine_m4a1mult 2.0        //Multiplier for m4a1 damage
usmarine_gravity 0.40        //Gravity US Marine has

//Vash the Stampede
vash_level 17
vash_deaglemult 2.5        //Damage multiplyer for his Deagle
vash_gravity 1.0        //Default 1.0 = normal gravity (0.50 is 50% of normal gravity, ect.)

//War Machine
warmachine_level 13
warmachine_dmgmult 1.5        //Damage multiplier for every weapon
warmachine_timer 0.1        //How often (seconds) to run the loop
warmachine_thrust 110        //The upward boost every loop
warmachine_maxspeed 400        //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
warmachine_xymult 1.15        //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
warmachine_armorfuel 1        //Uses armor as fuel
warmachine_fuelcost 2        //How much armor does it cost per firing
warmachine_armor 150        //How much armor does war machine start with/regen to

yoda_level 20
yoda_cooldown 10    //Time in seconds until yoda can push again
yoda_radius 400    //How close does enemy have to be in order to push them (def=400)
yoda_power 600        //Force of the push, velocity multiplier (def=600)
yoda_damage 10     //Amount of damage a push does to an enemy (def=10)
yoda_selfdmg 10        //Amount of damage using push does to self (def=0)

//Captain America
captaina_level 13
captaina_pctperlev 0.02        //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness (Default 0.02)
captaina_godsecs 1.0        //# of seconds of god mode

daredevil_level 12
daredevil_radius 600        //Radius of the rings
daredevil_bright 192        //How bright to make the rings

dracula_level 14
dracula_pctperlev 0.03    //What percent of damage to give back per level of player

//Hob Goblin
goblin_level 7
goblin_grenademult 1.5        //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount
goblin_grenadetimer 10        //How many second delay for new grenade

//Luke Skywalker
luke_level 24

magneto_level 16
magneto_cooldown 9                    //Time delay bewtween automatic uses
magneto_steal 15                    //How much bullets to steal from players

mystique_level 10
mystique_cooldown 0                //Cooldown time between morphs
mystique_maxtime 0                //Max time you can be morphed
mystique_toggle 1                //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down

osama_level 4
osama_ak47mult 1.5    //Damage multiplyer for his AK47
osama_speed -1        //Default -1 = no extra speed, this cvar is for all weapons (for faster then normal speed set to 321 or higher)

polaris_level 5

polaris_boost 400

superman_level 3
superman_health 150        //Starting health
superman_armor 150        //STarting armor
superman_gravity 0.35        //Gravity

tyrael_level 25
tyrael_chance 0.15  - chance to Banish an opponent
tyrael_banishtime 3 - amount of time the banishment lasts
tyrael_cooldown 6   - how long till he can banish someone again

wolv_level 6
wolv_healpoints 3            //The # of HP healed per second
wolv_knifespeed 290            //Speed of wolveine when holding knife
wolv_knifemult 1.35            //Multiplier for knife damage

xavier_level 6
xavier_traillength 25            //Length of trail behind players
xavier_showteam 0            //Show trails on your team
xavier_showenemy 1            //Show trails on enemies
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0            //How often do the trails refresh

//Leave this at the very bottom, lets you know the config file fully loaded
echo "[SH] Successfully Loaded Superhero Config File"
//To save XP to a nVault file (default)

//To save XP to the VAULT file (uncomment this and comment out the other plugin) 
//To save XP to a mysql database (uncomment this and comment out the other plugin) 
//Add Heroes Here
Apparently the plugins are running because i can see them under the "amxmodmenu > Page2/2 > nr.6 > page5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 & 14"

Heres a list of the missing hero's:
If you need more information let me know..

Regards Mike.
WiLD10k is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Denmark
Old 12-20-2011 , 13:03   Re: Help with hero's
Reply With Quote #2

No one can help? :/
WiLD10k is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Denmark
Old 12-20-2011 , 13:34   Re: Help with hero's
Reply With Quote #3

Hello Mike,

Could you please provide the output from these server console commands:

amxx version
amxx plugins
meta list
meta version
No idea what to write here...
Jelle is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Denmark
Old 12-20-2011 , 14:00   Re: Help with hero's
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by Jelle View Post
Hello Mike,

Could you please provide the output from these server console commands:

amxx version
amxx plugins
meta list
meta version

amxx version:
AMX Mod X (http://www.amxmodx.org)
    David "BAILOPAN" Anderson, Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
    Felix "SniperBeamer" Geyer, Jonny "Got His Gun" Bergstrom
    Lukasz "SidLuke" Wlasinski, Christian "Basic-Master" Hammacher
    Borja "faluco" Ferrer, Scott "Damaged Soul" Ehlert
Compiled: Aug 16 2008, 21:04:37
Core mode: JIT+ASM32
amxx plugins:
Currently loaded plugins:
       name                    version     author            file             status   
 [  1] Admin Base      AMXX Dev Team     admin.amxx       running  
 [  2] Admin Commands  AMXX Dev Team     admincmd.amxx    running  
 [  3] Admin Help      AMXX Dev Team     adminhelp.amxx   running  
 [  4] Slots Reservation  AMXX Dev Team     adminslots.amxx  running  
 [  5] Multi-Lingual System  AMXX Dev Team     multilingual.am  running  
 [  6] Menus Front-End  AMXX Dev Team     menufront.amxx   running  
 [  7] Commands Menu   AMXX Dev Team     cmdmenu.amxx     running  
 [  8] Players Menu    AMXX Dev Team     plmenu.amxx      running  
 [  9] Maps Menu       AMXX Dev Team     mapsmenu.amxx    running  
 [ 10] Admin Chat      AMXX Dev Team     adminchat.amxx   running  
 [ 11] Anti Flood      AMXX Dev Team     antiflood.amxx   running  
 [ 12] Scrolling Message  AMXX Dev Team     scrollmsg.amxx   running  
 [ 13] Info. Messages  AMXX Dev Team     imessage.amxx    running  
 [ 14] Admin Votes     AMXX Dev Team     adminvote.amxx   running  
 [ 15] NextMap         AMXX Dev Team     nextmap.amxx     running  
 [ 16] Nextmap Chooser  AMXX Dev Team     mapchooser.amxx  running  
 [ 17] TimeLeft        AMXX Dev Team     timeleft.amxx    running  
 [ 18] Pause Plugins   AMXX Dev Team     pausecfg.amxx    running  
 [ 19] Stats Configuration  AMXX Dev Team     statscfg.amxx    running  
 [ 20] StatsX          AMXX Dev Team     statsx.amxx      running  
 [ 21] CS Misc. Stats  AMXX Dev Team     miscstats.amxx   running  
 [ 22] CS Stats Logging  AMXX Dev Team     stats_logging.a  running  
 [ 23] SuperHero Core    JTP10181/{HOJ}Ba  superheromodnva  running  
 [ 24] SUPERHERO Alien         1.5         Freecode/AssKicR  sh_alien.amxx    running  
 [ 25] SUPERHERO Anubis    AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_anubis.amxx   running  
 [ 26] SUPERHERO Agent Zero    1.2         Freecode          sh_agentzero.am  running  
 [ 27] SUPERHERO Azrael        2.1         Azrael1           sh_azraelv2.amx  running  
 [ 28] SUPERHERO Bass          1.3         Op                sh_bass.amxx     running  
 [ 29] SUPERHERO Luke Skywalk  1.00        AssKicR           sh_luke.amxx     running  
 [ 30] SUPERHERO Batgirl       1.2         sharky/JTP10181   sh_batgirl.amxx  running  
 [ 31] SUPERHERO Bazooka       4.0         JTP10181 / AssKi  sh_bazooka.amxx  running  
 [ 32] SUPERHERO Beast         1.0         Vectren           sh_beast.amxx    running  
 [ 33] SUPERHERO Black Panthe    AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_blackpanther  running  
 [ 34] unknown                 unknown     unknown           sh_bunnyhop.amx  bad load 
 [ 35] SUPERHERO Captain Amer  1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_captaina.amx  running  
 [ 36] SUPERHERO Cola Lover    1.3         Dr Dream          sh_colalover.am  running  
 [ 37] SUPERHERO Cyclops       1.18        AssKicR/Batman/J  sh_cyclops.amxx  running  
 [ 38] SUPERHERO Daredevil     1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_daredevil.am  running  
 [ 39] SUPERHERO Darth Maul    1.2         Chivas2973        sh_darthmaul.am  running  
 [ 40] SUPERHERO Domino        1.3         vittu             sh_domino.amxx   running  
 [ 41] SUPERHERO Dracula       1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_dracula.amxx  running  
 [ 42] SUPERHERO Dr. Doom      1.2         Necroscope        sh_drdoom.amxx   running  
 [ 43] SUPERHERO Dr. Strange   1.2         Mr. Sparkle       sh_drstrange.am  running  
 [ 44] SUPERHERO Fartman       1.5         RichoDemus / Ass  sh_fartman.amxx  running  
 [ 45] SUPERHERO Gambit        1.3         Vectren / vittu   sh_gambit.amxx   running  
 [ 46] SUPERHERO General       1.1         [Pentium4].killa  sh_general.amxx  running  
 [ 47] SUPERHERO Gohan         1.2         sharky            sh_gohan.amxx    running  
 [ 48] SUPERHERO Goku          1.5         |RIC|_ALBANIAN /  sh_goku.amxx     running  
 [ 49] SUPERHERO Grandmaster    {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_grandmaster.  running  
 [ 50] SUPERHERO Hobgoblin     1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_hobgoblin.am  running  
 [ 51] SUPERHERO The Invisibl  1.1         AssKicR           sh_invisman.amx  running  
 [ 52] SUPERHERO Ironman       1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_ironman.amxx  running  
 [ 53] SUPERHERO Kamikaze      1.18        AssKicR/JTP10181  sh_kamikaze.amx  running  
 [ 54] SUPERHERO Magneto 2009  2.0         1sh0t2killz       sh_magneto_2009  running  
 [ 55] SUPERHERO Megaman       1.14.4      NOOBology Madski  sh_megaman.amxx  running  
 [ 56] SUPERHERO Morpheus      1.3         RadidEskimo & Fr  sh_morpheus.amx  running  
 [ 57] SUPERHERO Mystique      1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_mystique.amx  running  
 [ 58] SUPERHERO Noob          1.3         AssKicR           sh_noob.amxx     running  
 [ 59] SUPERHERO Osama         1.1         Mehmet            sh_osama.amxx    running  
 [ 60] SUPERHERO Poison Ivy    1.5         AssKicR / vittu   sh_poisonivy.am  running  
 [ 61] SUPERHERO Polaris       1.11        K-OS              sh_polaris.amxx  running  
 [ 62] SUPERHERO PunisherV2    1.1         Jelle             sh_punisherv2.a  running  
 [ 63] SUPERHERO Riddick       1.0         JTP10181          sh_riddick.amxx  running  
 [ 64] SUPERHERO Slayer        1.0         Mydas             sh_slayer.amxx   running  
 [ 65] SUPERHERO Snake         1.2         Taker             sh_snake.amxx    running  
 [ 66] SUPERHERO Sonic         1.2         D-unit            sh_sonic.amxx    running  
 [ 67] SUPERHERO Steel         1.0         HeKTiK ChAoS      sh_steel.amxx    running  
 [ 68] SUPERHERO Stick         1.4         a|eX / vittu      sh_stick.amxx    running  
 [ 69] SUPERHERO Spider-Man    1.18        {HOJ} Batman/JTP  sh_spiderman.am  running  
 [ 70] SUPERHERO Superman      1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_superman.amx  running  
 [ 71] SUPERHERO Wolverine     1.18        {HOJ}Batman/JTP1  sh_wolverine.am  running  
 [ 72] SUPERHERO Xavier        1.18        {HOJ} Batman      sh_xavier.amxx   running  
 [ 73] SUPERHERO The Tick      1.3         vittu             sh_thetick.amxx  running  
 [ 74] SUPERHERO Thief         1.2         AssKicR           sh_thief.amxx    running  
 [ 75] SUPERHERO Thor          1.1         TreDizzle         sh_thor.amxx     running  
 [ 76] SUPERHERO Tyrael        1.0         Mydas             sh_tyrael.amxx   running  
 [ 77] SUPERHERO Uber Gunner   1.1         Kebmaster         sh_ubergunner.a  running  
 [ 78] SUPERHERO US MARINE     1.1         M0L               sh_usmarine.amx  running  
 [ 79] SUPERHERO Vash the Sta  1.4         sharky / vittu    sh_vash.amxx     running  
 [ 80] SUPERHERO War Machine   1.1         Dragoon           sh_warmachine.a  running  
 [ 81] SUPERHERO Yoda          1.3         AssKicR / Freeco  sh_yoda.amxx     running  
( 34) Load fails: Plugin file open error (plugin "sh_bunnyhop.amxx")
81 plugins, 80 running
Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 23:41:56 Aug 15 2011 (5408)
meta list:
Currently loaded plugins:
      description      stat pend  file              vers      src  load  unlod
 [ 1] AMX Mod X        RUN   -    amxmodx_mm.dll    v1.8.1.3  ini  Start ANY  
 [ 2] Fun              RUN   -    fun_amxx.dll      v1.8.1.3  pl1  ANY   ANY  
 [ 3] CStrike          RUN   -    cstrike_amxx.dll  v1.8.1.3  pl1  ANY   ANY  
 [ 4] CSX              RUN   -    csx_amxx.dll      v1.8.1.3  pl1  ANY   ANY  
 [ 5] FakeMeta         RUN   -    fakemeta_amxx.dl  v1.8.1.3  pl1  ANY   ANY  
 [ 6] Ham Sandwich     RUN   -    hamsandwich_amxx  v1.8.1.3  pl1  ANY   ANY  
 [ 7] Engine           RUN   -    engine_amxx.dll   v1.8.1.3  pl1  ANY   ANY  
7 plugins, 7 running
meta version:
Metamod v1.19  2006-04-17 (5:13)
by Will Day <[email protected]>
compiled: Apr 17 2006, 19:11:42 +0200 (optimized)
That should be it i think
WiLD10k is offline
SuperHero Moderator
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: L.A. County, CA
Old 12-21-2011 , 20:39   Re: Help with hero's
Reply With Quote #5

Your mixing versions, don't use 1.18 default heroes 1.2...

Re-compile others and sh_bunnyhop.amxx doesnt exist in the plugins folder.

Last edited by vittu; 12-21-2011 at 20:39.
vittu is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Denmark
Old 12-26-2011 , 17:37   Re: Help with hero's
Reply With Quote #6

Problem fixed, thanks so much!
WiLD10k is offline

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