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[L4D2] Points System v1.6.9 Beta R1

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Join Date: Mar 2018
Old 03-20-2018 , 14:43   Re: [L4D2] Points System v1.6.9 Beta R1
Reply With Quote #421


How can I prevent the default tank from appearing ... when they have already bought one?

Excuse me, it's google translate :v


Last edited by GuStAvOS; 03-20-2018 at 14:43.
GuStAvOS is offline
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Old 03-20-2018 , 23:36   Re: [L4D2] Points System v1.6.9 Beta R1
Reply With Quote #422

Originally Posted by GuStAvOS View Post

You can edit the block

and disabling the director tank spawn.
if(tanksspawned == 1)
then check if
if(tanksspawned == 0)
and allowing back the director tank spawn.
If you want the plugin already edited instead you have you ask for someone who can do that for you.
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Old 10-18-2018 , 13:22   Re: [L4D2] Points System v1.6.9 Beta R1
Reply With Quote #423

Originally Posted by McFlurry View Post
First of all you might be asking why I did this. I did this because the other version had lots of bugs and hasn't been updated, even though he promised updating it this summer(the summer of '10 is over 'I am a dissapoint...' ) http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=110229

Servers with this plugin. http://www.game-monitor.com/search.p...&type=variable

Public Cvar: l4d2_points_sys_version

New stuff and fixes:
-Melee Weapons!
-Smoker Cloud Damage Support
-Bile The World point harvesting prevention
-Prevents harvesting points by healing your team mates by making sure you didn't heal them while they were green health
-Points for defibbing your team mates
-Points for killing tank solo
-Allows carrying over of points on any mode you want
-Smaller plugin
-A few less Cvars
-Uncommon Horde!
-At The bottom of the plugin I included a history .zip that includes all versions except the current one.

Target Groups
@survivors Targets for entire survivor team. all of this plugin's commands filter bots.
@infected Targets for entire infected team. this plugin filters bots for its commands.
Points System public commands
!repeatbuy buys the last thing that the confirm menu was displayed for.
!listmodules lists all modules currently loaded into points system.
!listmelee lists all valid melee weapons.

Admin(slay flag) commands for Points System only.
!heal (if you only use !heal it will heal you if you use !heal <target> it will heal that person or target group)
!setpoints <target> [points]     This sets a client's points to whatever you want
!givepoints <target> [points]    This gives client's the amount of points you want
!usepoints Enabler Module: Current version 1.1 Min Version: 1.6.6
What it does:
Enables players to use !usepoints over !buy
Registers sm_usepoints as a command.

Documentation for the natives included with Points System. Look at current modules to see how to implement them.
PHP Code:
#include <ps_natives> 
at the beginning of any module for Points System.

PHP Code:
#if defined _ps_included_
#define _ps_included_

 * Gets the version of PS
 * @return                current version of ps system in form of a float
native Float:PS_GetVersion();

 * Sets a client's points
 * @param client            client index
 * @param newval            new value of a client's points
 * @return                none
native PS_SetPoints(clientnewval);

 * Sets a client's item string
 * @param client            client index
 * @param newstring            new value of a client's item string
 * @return                none
native PS_SetItem(client, const String:newstring[]);

 * Sets a client's item cost
 * @param client            client index
 * @param newval            new value of a client's points
 * @return                none
native PS_SetCost(clientnewval);

 * Sets a client's bought string
 * @param client            client index
 * @param newstring            new value of a client's bought string
 * @return                none
native PS_SetBought(client, const String:newstring[]);

 * Sets a client's bought cost
 * @param client            client index
 * @param newval            new value of a client's points
 * @return                none
native PS_SetBoughtCost(clientnewval);

 * Sets up an uncommon mob
 * @param newval        amount of uncommon to spawn
 * @return                none
native PS_SetupUMob(newval);

 * Gets a client's bought cost
 * @param client            client index
 * @return                boughtcost
native PS_GetBoughtCost(client);

 * Gets a client's points
 * @param client            client index
 * @return                points
native PS_GetPoints(client);

 * Gets a client's current item cost
 * @param client            client index
 * @return                cost
native PS_GetCost(client);

 * Gets a client's current item
 * @param client            client index
 * @param dest                destination for the item string to go
 * @return                cost
native PS_GetItem(clientString:dest[], maxlength);

 * Gets a client's current bought item
 * @param client        client index
 * @param dest            destination for the bought string to go
 * @return                cost
native PS_GetBought(clientString:dest[], maxlength);

* Registers a module for points system
* @param modulename    String that contains the module to be registered's name
* @return            false if successful true if already registered, true should never happen.
native bool:PS_RegisterModule(const String:modulename[]);

* Unregisters a module for points system
* @param modulename    String that contains the module to be unregistered's name
* @return            none
native PS_UnregisterModule(const String:modulename[]);

* Called when Points System is loaded
* @return            none
forward OnPSLoaded();

* Called when Points System is unloaded
* @return            none
forward OnPSUnloaded();

name "ps_natives",
file "l4d2_points_system.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required 1,
required 0,
PHP Code:
// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.5.0-dev)
// ConVars for plugin "l4d2_points_system 1.6.8.smx"

// How many points the adrenaline costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_adrenaline "10"

// How many points the ak47 costs
// -
// Default: "12"
l4d2_points_ak "12"

// How many points the autoshotgun costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_autoshotgun "10"

// How many points the awp costs
// -
// Default: "15"
l4d2_points_awp "15"

// How many points the baseball bat costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_bat "4"

// How many points the bile jar costs
// -
// Default: "8"
l4d2_points_bile "8"

// How many points does biling a tank earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_bile_tank "2"

// How many points does booming a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_boom "1"

// How many points does a boomer cost
// -
// Default: "5"
l4d2_points_boomer "5"

// Enable health catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_health "1"

// Enable melee catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_melee "1"

// Enable misc catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_misc "1"

// Enable rifles catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_rifles "1"

// Enable shotguns catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_shotguns "1"

// Enable smg catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_smg "1"

// Enable snipers catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_snipers "1"

// Enable throwables catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_throwables "1"

// Enable upgrades catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_upgrades "1"

// Enable weapons catergory
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_cat_weapons "1"

// How many points the chainsaw costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_chainsaw "10"

// How many points does charging a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_charge "2"

// How many points does a charger cost
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_charger "6"

// How many points the chrome shotgun costs
// -
// Default: "7"
l4d2_points_chrome "7"

// How many points does killing a certain amount of infected earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_cikill_value "2"

// How many kills you need to earn a killing spree bounty
// -
// Default: "25"
l4d2_points_cikills "25"

// How many points cola bottles costs
// -
// Default: "8"
l4d2_points_cola "8"

// How many points the cricket bat costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_cricketbat "4"

// How many points the crowbar costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_crowbar "4"

// How many points does doing damage earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_damage "2"

// How many points the defib costs
// -
// Default: "20"
l4d2_points_defib "20"

// How many points does defibbing a team mate earn
// -
// Default: "5"
l4d2_points_defib_action "5"

// Enable Point System?
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_enable "1"

// How many points the explosive ammo costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_explosive_ammo "10"

// How many points the explosive ammo pack costs
// -
// Default: "15"
l4d2_points_explosive_ammo_pack "15"

// How many points the fireaxe costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_fireaxe "4"

// How many points the fireworks crate costs
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_fireworks "2"

// How many points the gas can costs
// -
// Default: "5"
l4d2_points_gascan "5"

// How many points the gnome costs
// -
// Default: "8"
l4d2_points_gnome "8"

// How many points the golf club costs
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_golfclub "6"

// How many points the grenade launcher costs
// -
// Default: "15"
l4d2_points_grenade "15"

// How many points the guitar costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_guitar "4"

// How many kills you need to earn a killing spree bounty
// -
// Default: "20"
l4d2_points_headshots "20"

// How many points does killing a certain amount of infected with headshots earn
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_headshots_value "4"

// How many points does healing a team mate earn
// -
// Default: "5"
l4d2_points_heal "5"

// How many points does healing a team mate who did not need healing earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_heal_warning "1"

// How many points does a horde cost
// -
// Default: "15"
l4d2_points_horde "15"

// How many points does a hunter cost
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_hunter "4"

// How many points the hunting rifle costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_hunting_rifle "10"

// How many points does impacting a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_impact "1"

// How many points does incapping a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "3"
l4d2_points_incap "3"

// How many points the incendiary ammo costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_incendiary_ammo "10"

// How many points the incendiary ammo pack costs
// -
// Default: "15"
l4d2_points_incendiary_ammo_pack "15"

// How many points does healing yourself as an infected cost
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_infected_heal "6"

// How many points does a jockey cost
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_jockey "6"

// How many points the katana costs
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_katana "6"

// How many points does killing a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "5"
l4d2_points_kill "5"

// How many points the health kit costs
// -
// Default: "20"
l4d2_points_kit "20"

// How many points the knife costs
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_knife "6"

// How many points the laser sight costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_laser "10"

// How many points does reviving a hanging team mate earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_ledge "1"

// How many points the m16 costs
// -
// Default: "12"
l4d2_points_m16 "12"

// How many points the m60 costs
// -
// Default: "50"
l4d2_points_m60 "50"

// How many points the machete costs
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_machete "6"

// How many points the magnum costs
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_magnum "6"

// How many points the military sniper costs
// -
// Default: "14"
l4d2_points_military_sniper "14"

// How many points does a mob cost
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_mob "10"

// Which game modes to use Point System
// -
// Default: "coop,realism,versus,teamversus"
l4d2_points_modes "coop,realism,versus,teamversus"

// How many points the molotov costs
// -
// Default: "8"
l4d2_points_molotov "8"

// How many points the mp5 costs
// -
// Default: "7"
l4d2_points_mp5 "7"

// Show messages when points are earned?
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_notify "1"

// How many points the oxgen tank costs
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_oxygen "2"

// How many points the frying pan costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_pan "4"

// How many points the pills costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_pills "10"

// How many points the pipe bomb costs
// -
// Default: "8"
l4d2_points_pipe "8"

// How many points the pistol costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_pistol "4"

// How many points does pouncing a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_pounce "1"

// How many points the propane tank costs
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_propane "2"

// How many points does protecting a team mate earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_protect "1"

// How many points the pump shotgun costs
// -
// Default: "7"
l4d2_points_pump "7"

// How many points an ammo refill costs
// -
// Default: "8"
l4d2_points_refill "8"

// Which game modes to reset point count on round end and round start
// -
// Default: "versus,teamversus"
l4d2_points_reset_mapchange "versus,teamversus"

// How many points does reviving a team mate earn
// -
// Default: "3"
l4d2_points_revive "3"

// How many points does riding a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_ride "2"

// How many points the scar costs
// -
// Default: "12"
l4d2_points_scar "12"

// How many points the scout sniper costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_scout "10"

// How many points the sg552 costs
// -
// Default: "12"
l4d2_points_sg "12"

// How many points the shield costs
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_shield "6"

// How many points does killing a special infected earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_sikill "1"

// How many points the smg costs
// -
// Default: "7"
l4d2_points_smg "7"

// How many points does smoking a survivor earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_smoke "2"

// How many points does a smoker cost
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_smoker "4"

// How many points the spas shotgun costs
// -
// Default: "10"
l4d2_points_spas "10"

// How many times to attempt respawning when buying an special infected
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_spawn_tries "2"

// How many points does a spitter cost
// -
// Default: "6"
l4d2_points_spitter "6"

// How many points the silenced smg costs
// -
// Default: "7"
l4d2_points_ssmg "7"

// Points to start each round/map with.
// -
// Default: "0"
l4d2_points_start "0"

// How many points does suicide cost
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_suicide "4"

// How many points a complete heal costs
// -
// Default: "25"
l4d2_points_survivor_heal "25"

// How many points does a tank cost
// -
// Default: "30"
l4d2_points_tank "30"

// How much l4d2_points_infected_heal should be multiplied for tank players
// -
// Default: "3"
l4d2_points_tank_heal_mult "3"

// How many tanks to be allowed spawned per team
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_tank_limit "2"

// How many points does burning a tank earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_tankburn "2"

// How many points does killing a tank earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_tankkill "2"

// How many points does killing a tank single-handedly earn
// -
// Default: "8"
l4d2_points_tanksolo "8"

// How many points the tonfa costs
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_tonfa "4"

// How many points does an uncommon mob cost
// -
// Default: "12"
l4d2_points_umob "12"

// How many points does a witch cost
// -
// Default: "20"
l4d2_points_witch "20"

// How many witchs' to be allwed spawned per team
// -
// Default: "3"
l4d2_points_witch_limit "3"

// How many points does burning a witch earn
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d2_points_witchburn "1"

// How many points does crowning a witch earn
// -
// Default: "2"
l4d2_points_witchcrown "2"

// How many points does killing a witch earn
// -
// Default: "4"
l4d2_points_witchkill "4" 
The hurt points are a bit messed up for spitter and smoker, they currently will only get the Multiple Damage points instead of their respective spit and smoker cloud points.

Note: If there are new cvars in any version delete your .cfg when updating.
-1.0 "Venus Soccoro" - Initial Release
-1.1 "Picard Mesa" - Fixed Tank and Witch not resetting for each team.
-1.1.1 "Picard Mesa" - Fixed Melee menu on Hard Rain
-1.1.2 "Kira La Silla" - Fixed points not carrying over and not resetting on finale win.
New Cvar's l4d2_points_headshots l4d2_points_headshots_value
-1.2 "Occult Soccoro" - Added admin commands !setpoints !givepoints !heal
-1.2.1 "Occult Soccoro" - Added l4d2_points_start
-1.2.5 "Cygnus Peak" - Added Uncommon Mob and fixed -1 not disabling items. 
Now tells player item is disabled when trying to buy it
-1.2.6 "Plateau" - Added !repeatbuy
-1.2.9 "Paene" - Multiple fixes for !repeatbuy, new cvar l4d2_points_defib_action (to fix problem http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=1261100&postcount=39).
And l4d2_points_ledge, and l4d2_points_bile_tank
Also !buy as a shorter option to !buystuff(both buy and buystuff work),
and added missing bot checks. 
Fixed it so winning a finale resets points.
-1.3.0 "Pastry" - Fixes clients able to bile tank multiple times for points
all clients now earn points for killing the tank.
-1.3.1 "Pastry" - Fixed survivors not getting points for killing the tank.
-1.3.2 "Pastry" - Reverted back to giving only the killer of the tank points. :oops:
-1.3.3 "Pastry" - Fixed survivors not getting points for killing tank for real this time.
-1.3.5 "Fortis" - Added some client checks for tank death.
Added ammo and full heal, which have cvars: 
l4d2_points_survivor_heal and l4d2_points_refill
-1.3.6 "Klon" - Less damage required for smoker cloud damage points.
Uncommons spawned with uncommon mob purchasable will now use z_common_limit.
more client checks for certain events.
Precache issue with M60 is hopefully fixed.
-1.3.7 "Klon" - Fixed possible issue with points not resetting when a client disconnects.
Misc code cleanup
-1.3.8 "Lactose" - Fixed client points resetting regardless of settings.
-1.3.9 "Lactose" - Fixed clients earning points for killing the tank when points system was disabled.
Plugin title in myinfo changed to L4D2 only as L4D was never supported.
-1.4.0 "Initia Nova" - Fixed plugin not respecting tank and witch limits(problem was not reported until I looked over it)
-1.5.0 "Libero" - Print to chat error after tank death finally fixed.
A bit of code cleanup
And now it finally removes the pill buffer of a player healed by the sm_heal command :mrgreen:
-1.5.1 "Libero" - Fixed infected being able to earn points by hurting each other. :oops:
-1.5.2 "Libero" - *Sigh* fixed plugin giving points for killing tanks even when disabled.
-1.5.3 "Libero" - Added request to add cvar to multiply cost of infected healing if player is a tank(l4d2_points_tank_heal_mult)
-1.5.4 By Caps Lock Fuck Yeah
Added l4d2_points protect to define how many points a survivor earns for protecting a team mate.
-1.5.5 "Tradictio" - Modified how protect points are earned, you must now earn a few protects before you are given the points
(l4d2_points_protect default changed to 2)
Fixed client checks for buy commands to prevent errors.
Also fixed a small typo with earning points while spitter.
Remember to delete the .cfg file before updating
-1.5.6 "Tradictio" - Fixed unable to buy silenced smg.
Added melee lists for The Sacrifice and No Mercy so only melee weapons that are available are buyable.
-1.5.7 "Tradictio" - Fixed refilling m60/grenade launcher ammo.
Pill/Adrenaline buffer removed when using full heal to prevent health values greater than 100.
-1.5.8 "Tradictio" - Fixed issue with invalid ent index when refilling ammo.
-1.5.9 "Ol' Bessy" - Fixed exploit that removed cheat flags of all commands that are related to points system that could be done when using sm_repeatbuy.
All commands in Points System now have sm_ in front of them.
Fixed players not being able to earn points for burning the tank.
Misc code fixes.
Changed points earned by protecting survivors to 1. UPDATE YOUR CFG FILE.
15 new natives to support modules for this plugin have been added!
-1.6.0 "Ol' Bessy" - Fixed refilling m60 ammo, suicide, and uncommon mob with repeat buy.
-1.6.1 "Ol' Bessy" - Fixed CSS weapons causing no damage, when first spawned.
-1.6.2 "Verlossing" - Added new CVAR l4d2_points_notify Weapons will no longer show up on the menu if their cost is -1 Fixed some code.
Added 2 new forwards though currently untested/broken.
Changed PS_RegisterModule(); to return a bool.
-1.6.3 "Verlossing" - 
Fixed a few notifications that would still show and add points to a player even if points were disabled on that current game mode. 
Fixed witch not spawning when bought.
-1.6.6 "Loquere" -
You must have SourceMod 1.4.0+ to use this plugin now.
Fixed OnPSLoaded();
Fixed OnPSUnloaded();
Remove late load bool from OnPSLoaded();
Added maxlength param for PS_GetItem() and PS_GetBought()
Points System can now automatically pick up all valid melee weapons, no more hard coded melee list menus. In accordance with this sm_listmelee command has been implemented.
Added command filter targets.
Added 2 translation files, feel free to show me your translations.
l4d2_points_heal_warning added. No more hard coded warning for healing a friend when they don't need it.
l4d2_points_knife Added this for servers which have knife enabled.
Special infected now count for headshot bonus.
Fixed dumb mistake with checking if a player is alive.
Fixed plugin setting an item as bought even if the player didn't have funds to purchase an item.
Discontinued BESS module until I rewrite it. The current available version will not work properly with this version.
1.6.7 "Loquere" -
Fixed conflicting translations
1.6.8 "Loquere" -
Added support for hunting_knife and riotshield for servers that use custom melee scripts.
Riotshield uses l4d2_points_shield
Switched over to adt_arrays for module storing
The custom targets included with this plugin now have translations
Changed the forwards to be ET_Ignore hooks
Fixed broken events for Hunter, Charger, and Jockey(the "attacker" event key changed to "userid")
Optimized a bunch of events.
You must now earn 6 protects before you are given protect points.
Improved how commands reply to actions
Changed how uncommon mobs spawn
When you buy a special infected you should now be given it, instead of it being randomly given to anybody.
This needs Testing.
1.6.8 "Loquere" R2 -
Fixed some command reply text
Changed how infected spawning works, hopefully fixes a few things.
1.6.8 "Loquere" R3 -
Fixed riotshield using incorrect cvar.
Fixed Fixed explosive ammo pack not having correct translation.
1.6.9 "Dimette" -
Turned the modules side of the plugin into an adt array.
Changed a few things about when plugin is failed to load.
Basic Spit Detection incorporated (breaks the already broken smoker cloud detection :bacon!:)
Module History
-1.0 Release
-1.1 Fixed uncommon mob and refilling m60 ammo
-1.2 Unreleased
-1.3 Changed to comply with 1.6.2
-2.0 WIP, Not Released.
!usepoints Module:
-1.0 Release
-1.1 Changed to comply with 1.6.6
-Caps Lock Fuck Yeah
- Found out how to award points for protecting team mates
- Wrote 1.5.4
- Showed some code for detecting spit.

For the base plugin that includes the menu based Points system, download points_system.zip below. Our modules are always prefixed with "ps_" by default modules that are currently supported are packaged with the zip file

*Modules require that the base l4d2_points_system is installed.

Extract l4d2_points_system.zip and place the files/folders that come out in
<game directory>\addons\sourcemod\
Next compile the plugins by dragging the .sp files to compile.exe within
<game directory>\addons\sourcemod\scripting
Then go to sourcemod\scripting\compiled\ and move the new .smx files to sourcemod\plugins\

Note:As of 1.3.9 the history zip attached at the bottom has been removed, use the Google code page from now on.

Redownload 1.6.6 please.

Google Code Page ~Discontinued as of 1.6.6, I will now be using BitBucket to make it easier to keep track of changes.

BitBucket Repository ~ Up to date
Can you add an API which allows modules to add custom menu into the buy menu?
I have implemented the API in the attached file.
There are two new forwards:
void OnBuyMenuBuilding(int client, Handle menu)
void OnBuyMenuSelect(int client, Handle menu, int menuPos)
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_points_system.sp - 898 views - 117.6 KB)
File Type: inc ps_natives.inc (3.9 KB, 340 views)
rikka0w0 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2020
Old 05-11-2020 , 04:12   Re: [L4D2] Points System v1.6.9 Beta R1
Reply With Quote #424

no work !setpoints and !givepoints i use it in !givepoints webmaster 99 and nothing no work please can someone fix it...! thank you for this plugin is so nice...!
santdrback is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2019
Old 09-26-2020 , 02:31   Re: [L4D2] Points System v1.6.9 Beta R1
Reply With Quote #425

there could be an update of this plugin.
rtokuda is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2020
Old 01-28-2022 , 17:16   Re: [L4D2] Points System v1.6.9 Beta R1
Reply With Quote #426

Does anyone know any compatible with L4D1?
KadabraZz is offline

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