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[TF2] Zombie Fortress (current version: 2.1.1)

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The Drunken Brawler
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Old 09-20-2008 , 20:07   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
Reply With Quote #21

can you put the map on fps banana the bandwidth is exceeded for your site
The Drunken Brawler is offline
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Old 09-20-2008 , 20:52   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
Reply With Quote #22

I did not create the map, but I will ask the creator to put it up.

I have updated the links to more reliable, albeit free hosting.
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Old 09-20-2008 , 20:58   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
Reply With Quote #23

Originally Posted by Sirot View Post
I am still waiting on getting more gameplay feedback before I start doing tweaks and changes.

Out of curosity, how often do zombies win compared to the survivors? I heard a report that zombies dominated, but I want to hear more.

All suggestions are welcome. I don't expect this plugin to be very static as having good balance (while it being fun) is really hard to accomplish.
I played for about a hour and thirty minutes, the survivers won TWICE.

Doing something to the engineer would be helpful
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Old 09-20-2008 , 21:02   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
Reply With Quote #24

Got this up on my server seems to crash about once an hour? I dont know why it does, also Zombies rule on this every round, maybe fix the crash every hour and it would be be good and maybe some more maps, but over all people who played this today really like it.
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The Drunken Brawler
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Old 09-20-2008 , 23:46   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
Reply With Quote #25

Ok I ran this on My server. It eventually crashed. I dont know if it is a problem with the map itself or the md switching off Zombie mode to go to another map.

Map wise: Pro's I like the map and its details. The train is fun and can be ridden

This map was way to huge for a 24 man server.
The Tunnel the train goes into causes players to get stuck instead of die
The train has no sound to it and people get run over (Very Funny btw) cause they dont hear it.

The Mod:
Pro's Very Popular had a ton of fun with it

The zombies dont seem to have enough health.
The melee weapons are locked on the heavy if they already have the KGB enabled for their character so you get civilian mode.
Players can always choose to start out as red if they change teams shortly after the round ends
Also there were many request for Zombie like skins and a more eerie feeling to the game. Zombie sounds etc

Final Thought, I like this mod a lot. Im sure it took you guys a ton of time to make it. I look forward to updates and will add the mod to mah rotation.
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Old 09-21-2008 , 00:41   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
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Thanks for all the feedback : D

Also, to anyone who hosted. Did anyone else experience crashing? I need to know if its common or just a isolated case.
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Old 09-21-2008 , 01:04   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
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no crashing for me, works pretty good. my 2 cents:

The mode did NOT disable on map change as advertised.
Can we make it so theres only 1 zombie to start with, i think if there is this option it would make it better for the people who dont like the fact that the zombies win all the time.
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Old 09-21-2008 , 03:07   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
Reply With Quote #28

We played this with a decent group of people. These are mine and some of their comments:

1. I'd suggest fewer zombies to start. We had a round start 4-7, which guarantees the zombies will win. Reducing that to 2 or 3 zombies to start would be much better. Perhaps 25% zombies at start?

2. We had a couple people that got randomly assigned as zombies 4-5 times in a row. Not much fun for them. Perhaps record which players were zombies in previous rounds and use all of the other players before reusing people.

3. The map/mod are not spooky at all. Everyone was actually joking about it. I'm going to try applying custom zombie models on our server using Stripper, but I'm guessing this won't work. To make the map spookier, add thick fog, lights, and a night skybox. A dim env_light should help light the areas that the other lights don't fully light up. It'd make it far more interesting.

4. Is it possible to override the damage done to players when they die so they ALWAYS explode? Exploding is much more zombie-ish than just ragdolling.

5. The map isn't very TF2-like and isn't all that good. It has a very CS:S feel to it, which is most likely due to textures, lighting, and architecture. It also needs better information about where the CP's end. This can be done by marking the building's edges with CP signs and making blatant color/texture changes in the buildings. The zombie spawn is underwhelming and weird. The map is too large for 24 players. I'd rather see a smaller map with smaller control points (actual CP's in the buildings instead of the whole building being a CP).

6. Zombies get screwed against decent players. I know the stats show that the survivors rarely win, but that doesn't mean that it's at all fun for the zombies. Here's per-class analysis:

6a. Scouts - Too weak to be useful against smart enemies. 2 pyro survivors can hold off an indefinite number of scouts. I'd suggest increasing the scout's health by 50%.

6b. Heavies - Pretty good, but a bit slow for such a large map. If the map is made smaller it's a moot issue, but if it remains as large they should be made minimally faster (still the slowest class, though).

6c. Medics - Really not all that useful, especially since it's hard for them to build ubers/kritz in time. I'd recommend keeping overhealing as it is now, but having the kritzkrieg charge in 1/2 the time and last for only 5 seconds for balance.

6d. Soldiers - A bit OP considering on parts of the map they can see enemies coming from a long distance away and have additional speed/ammo. If the map is made foggy and darker, I think it'd solve the issue.

6f. Demomen - Very hard to play in the mod unless your team finds an area with metal they can work to defend. This is more a map design issue than anything.

6g. Snipers - Very powerful, but still requires skill. Fine as they are.

6h. Pyros - WAY too powerful. Reduce their ammo to 100 max to give the zombies a chance against groups of them.

6i. Spies - Not too bad, but a slight buff might help. Since they can only disguise as heavy and scout to be effective, can you have their disguised scout speed match an actual scout? Would also help them escape bad situations better.

6j. Engineer - Pretty good right now. Why are they prevented from destroying their sentries, though?

7. The mod doesn't unload on a map change. We had to manually turn it off. Not good.

I think you've got a good start on this, but I think it won't catch on until it's made spookier (that falls on the mapper mostly) and some of the balance issues are fixed.
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Old 09-21-2008 , 04:05   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
Reply With Quote #29

I believe the main problem is continuous die-respawn-die-respawn for zombies. It realy pissing off, and game gets really fast boring, and no one want to play as zombie, cos there is not tactic play for them. Each zombie have to die, if they kill someone - it's luck, not skill, luck.
If I was you, I would leave players(survivors) weapon/sentry as it is but only will add more ammo, 10x time more.
And will add 5x more HP to the zombies 10 hp/sec regen and 100 melee damage. and maybe 2x more HP for scouts cos of their speed.
In this cas game would be fun and crazy, just as many people wants.

Last edited by gamma; 09-21-2008 at 04:08.
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Old 09-21-2008 , 04:18   Re: [TF2] Zombie Fortress
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Just some perspective on the constant death of zombies. This game mode is not regular TF2, it should be expected that zombies will die a lot, thats how zombie survival has always been played. Dont forget this is not a new idea, its just been ported to TF2.

Personally id just like to see the game mode end properly on map change, this way it could be added to the normal rotation to give players something new every once in a while.
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