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SourceMod Plugin Approver
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Old 02-12-2010 , 22:21   [CSS&TF2] Red Rover 1.1.1
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Red Rover

Current Stable Version: 1.1.1

Instead of dying, players are "crossed over" to the opposing team. The goal is to get all players on one team.

Missing Features
Here is a list of issues to be solved:
  • Difficult to tell what team you are on if you are crossed over several times in a short period of time. The red and blue screen fades blend together creating a mix between the two. Need better/additional ways to make your current team more clear.
  • Objectives. Instead of team objectives, each player will be given a specific objective. The only objective I can think of as of now is "Finish the round as a T/CT." I need more! And also awards for completing your objective. This will give the game more purpose.
  • I'll add to this list as I remember/think of other things. I know there are many more features that are needed.

  • rr - Looks very similar to the 'sm' command except this deals with this plugin and it's modules specifically. Can only be used through rcon.
  • rr_reload_translations -Reloads all translations files from sourcemod/translations/redrover/


// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.3.8)
// ConVars for plugin "redrover.smx"

// How long the team-colored fade when your team is switched will last.  Treat it as miliseconds.
// -// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.3.8)
// ConVars for plugin "redrover.smx"

// How long the team-colored fade when your team is switched will last.  Treat it as miliseconds.
// -
// Default: "300"
rr_fade_duration "300"

// How long the team-colored fade when your team is switched will last.  Treat it as miliseconds.
// -
// Default: "500"
rr_fade_time "500"

// Respawns the player when crossing over.
// -
// Default: "0"
rr_respawn "0"

// Teleports player back to where they were killed, after being respawned.
// -
// Default: "0"
rr_respawn_tele "0"

// Spawns players that are joining a new team immediately.
// -
// Default: "1"
rr_spawn_on_join "1"

// The time between choosing a team and spawning into the game.  Gives the player time to choose a class. [Dependency: rr_spawn_on_join]
// -
// Default: "5"
rr_spawn_on_join_grace "5"

// Removes all objectives from the map.
// -
// Default: "1"
rr_strip_objectives "1"

// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.3.9-dev)
// ConVars for plugin "redrover.smx"

// Enable FF at the end of the round.  Will be reset back to its previous value when the next round starts.
// -
// Default: "1"
rr_endround_ff "1"

// How long the team-colored fade when your team is switched will last.  Treat it as miliseconds.
// -
// Default: "300"
rr_fade_duration "300"

// How long the team-colored fade when your team is switched will last.  Treat it as miliseconds.
// -
// Default: "500"
rr_fade_time "500"

// Instant respawn when crossed over to a new team, otherwise the game will respawn them like normal.
// -
// Default: "0"
rr_respawn "0"

// Teleports player back to where they were killed, after being respawned.
// -
// Default: "0"
rr_respawn_tele "0"

// *Doesn't do anything right now* Removes all objectives from the map.
// -
// Default: "0"
rr_strip_objectives "0"
  • Bots become very confused when you start switching up their team mid-round. To fix this enable the respawn cvars in plugin.redrover.cfg.

  • ciso313 - For the inspiration to finally get this project off the ground.

Google Project





Release Notes
// --------------------------------
// Red Rover v1.1.1 by Greyscale
// Release Notes
// --------------------------------

// --------------------------------

February 17th 2010 (v1.1.0)

- Changed defaults of the fade durations to be quicker.
- Added support for TF2.
  Notes: Gamedata file is not required for TF2, but CS:S requires one.
         Respawn is required in TF2 (so the cvar to control it in CS:S won't exist in TF2)
- Added a cvar to spawn players into the game when joining a team, in CS:S there is a cvar to set how long to wait after choosing team,
  in TF2 the player will spawn upon choosing a class.
- Updated the project base (includes multi-game support, better event control, other minor improvements)
- Removed option to do bot only respawning/teleportation.

// --------------------------------

February 18th 2010 (v1.1.0 patch 1)

- Fixed TF2 gameplay.
- Fixed several exploits in TF2 to respawn quicker.
- Added rr_respawn cvar to control insta-respawn in TF2.
- Players can not longer switch teams on their own in either game.

// --------------------------------

July 13th 2011 (v1.1.1)

- Fixed some stuff that broke in CS:S.
- Fixed pl_ maps not ending properly in TF2.
- Various other fixes, no additions.

// --------------------------------

Last edited by Greyscale; 07-13-2011 at 23:47. Reason: Update to 1.1.1
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