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Join Date: Jul 2009
Old 07-01-2009 , 04:55   Re: REGEX Word Filter
Reply With Quote #27


First thanks for this script, but I've got a question;
Does it work with sourcebans? I changed the config that if someone says a disease, he gets a permanent ban, but this doesn't work.

This is the RCON action in the config:
"action" "sm_ban #%u 0 Swearing with diseases"

Thank you for helping.

Here is my config:

"Less bad"
"chatpattern" "fuck 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "fock 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "fack 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "cunt 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "slet 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "hoer 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "flikker 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "gay 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "homo 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "motherfucker 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "bastard 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "cock 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "cocksucker 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "wanker 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "slut 'CASELESS'"
"replace" "I'm such a noob, because I typ bad words!"
"Disease filter"
"chatpattern" "cancer 'EXTENDED'"
"chatpattern" "kanker 'EXTENDED'"
"chatpattern" "kenker 'EXTENDED'"
"chatpattern" "tyfus 'EXTENDED'"
"chatpattern" "tering 'EXTENDED'"
"chatpattern" "aids 'EXTENDED'"
"action" "sm_ban #%u 0 Swearing with diseases"
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