Thread: Halo Mod v3.4
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Old 01-25-2009 , 02:34   Re: Halo Mod v3.4
Reply With Quote #406

Haha yea v4 is under work...but it will be a long while before it is this version is being completely optimized from start to finish...

Last I checked...the core code was being worked on and was no where complete and is over 200+ lines big...

I have also been giving a crap load of suggestions well I own Halo Combat Evolved for both my PC and my 360...and I own Halo 2...along with Halo I know crap ton about them....

A few of my suggestions are to alter how you game types are made and are able to be played on doing this you have to come up with a way for maplist to read what type of gametype to play...on map change...

For example on the PC version of Halo Combat Evolved if you want to play on Wizard but with TDM you put in your mapcycle/list file "Wizard" "TDM" then if you want on map change to play on Wizard again but with FFA you put in your mapcycle/list "Wizard" "FFA"...

And a way to get all this to work is make the core code for each game type its own .sma and .amxx then have it load from a .cfg and have it so when you put the gametype in the mapcycle...itll look for the .cfg with that game type as its name...then in the .cfg have cvars to set what the gametype is it is going to run...then have it so you can set what type of weapons you get when playing that mode...

This will help to make your own type of gametypes...

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