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Old 08-24-2008 , 23:26   Re: Zombie Plague Mod 4.04

Originally Posted by o2gulo
No, What I Mean Is I Dont want UNLMITED Reload but many reloads like 30/200 , 12/200 , 50/350 etc...
Changing ammo for weapons isn't really supported by the mod, but you can try going into the .sma and editing this: (haven't tested myself though)
// Max BP ammo for weapons new const MAXAMMO[] = { -1, 52, -1, 90, -1, 32, 1, 100, 90, -1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120,             30, 120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, -1, 35, 90, 90, -1, 100 }
The order is the same as seen here.

Originally Posted by Swuifti
How can i change hp of zombies and speed of zombies look my cvars:
The default zombie classes stats can be found in zp_zclasses40.sma. It wasn't possible to make cvars out of them since all classes need to be registered right when the plugin loads...

Originally Posted by DKs
Is there a possibility to make the plugin Zombie Plague 4.04 sounds ambience support for the environment Nemesis MOD and of sound environment for Survivor MOD ?
Yeah, I'll add the feature to set different sounds for each game mode.

Originally Posted by predator latvia
How I can disable admin model? I want use zombie class models.
Um.. I'll also add a cvar on the next version for that.

Originally Posted by pharse
As I have no access to the hard coded human gravity value, I just did a workaround by saving the gravity value before using the parachute and restoring it in the end. If the player is zombied while using the parachute your plugin sets the right zombie gravity and my plugin is more or less canceled. I thought it was alright that way. Please elaborate what nuisance you mean.
Yeah, that way should work fine (ZP uses pev_gravity too). But for some reason after I parachuted my gravity changed to 1.0 even when I didn't get infected on my way down (and I had no additional 3rd party plugins running).

Originally Posted by The_Thing
Well Mercylez can You help me, well I tryed to create when zombie infect human his screen will shake a little bit but I failed to do that because not working, here is what I did... Please correct me and tell whats wrong...
This should work:
const UNIT_SECOND = (1<<12) new g_msgScreenShake public plugin_init() {     g_msgScreenShake = get_user_msgid("ScreenShake") } public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector) {     // Shake the infected user's screen     message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgScreenShake, _, id)     write_short(100) // amplitude     write_short(UNIT_SECOND*2) // duration     write_short(50) // frequency     message_end() }
I'm not familiar with the message, but try playing around with the arguments if the effect is not what you want.
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