Thread: AMX Warn 1.71
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Old 09-18-2004 , 01:10   AMX Warn 1.71
Reply With Quote #1

Warn players when they are doing something wrong.

#define SQLON (default 0; 0|1) - Set whether or not to use SQL (default is use file)

amx_warn <username>
amx_unwarn <username>
warn <username>

The warns have five levels of warning. Warning punishments can be set by cvar. Warnings are punctuated with a screen flash which can be turned on or off or changed colors.

amx_unwarn brings the user's warning level back to 0.

warn is can by used by players and is somewhat like vote kick, but any player can use it. If successful the player's warn level is increased.


amx_savewarns (default 1; 1|0) - Set whether or not to save warnings.

Turn on/off and change the color of the flash when a player is simple warned. 0 = off, 1 = red, 2 = white, 3 = random color.
amx_warn_flash(default 1)

These control the punishment for each level. 0 = message, 1 = slap, 2 = slay, 3 = kick, 4 = temp ban, 5 = perma ban.
amx_warn_lvl1(default 0)
amx_warn_lvl2(default 1)
amx_warn_lvl3(default 2)
amx_warn_lvl4(default 3)
amx_warn_lvl5(default 4)

These control the slap damage for each level(if slap is the punishment set for that level):
amx_slap_lvl1dmg(all default to 5)

These control the amount of time(in minutes) for the temp ban on each level(if temp ban is set as the punishment for that level):
amx_tempban_lvl1time(all default to 5)

These control player warnings:
amx_playerwarn_allow(default 1)
amx_playerwarn_ratio(float,default 0.5)
Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (amx_warn.sma - 6922 views - 18.7 KB)
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