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Join Date: Dec 2007
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Old 12-23-2007 , 15:22   Re: Community Reserved Slots
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No, H-Reserve works like the normal SourceMod Reserve Slots but with more control.

Those plugins will hold X slots open where X is the number of reserved slots you have. If you have two 'admin' slots, the server could either broadcast that it has 22 instead of 24 slots, or just show 22/24 and kick anyone else who attempts to use those slots.

This plugin, its like having X being dynamic, if no community members are using the server, the number of public slots available is the size of the server minus one. And any number of community members can use the server up to the size of the server minus one.

Basically I ran across people complaining to me for the server that I run (, that they couldn't get into the server because it was full, so an admin or myself would have to boot someone. At times also we'd accidentally boot someone from the community.

I tried both SM's built in reserved slots and h-reserved slots, and neither fit the kind of functionality I was looking for.
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