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Old 04-18-2007 , 16:12   Re: xREDIRECT - server redirect menu

Originally Posted by Mikolas View Post
Hi, Thanks for the plugin, it works fine between my two servers. However, I have a question concerning whether or not the mod announcements can be displayed in the chat rather then in the huds. I find it to be much more visible then the light blue messages on the top or middle when alive/dead. Particularly when I'm playing, I and many other agree, we never notice any of the MOTDs or HUD messages. So is there a way this particular mod can use the chat to announce the /server mod, or do you know of any other mods that has this particular ability. Thanks again.
the chat has a limited number of lines that are displayed. if you add too many lines (think of people with 8 servers) the first ones can't be seen. nevertheless the chat area has the same problem the hud has: people tend to not pay attention to it very often throughout the game. some people look more at the chat area, some more at the hud messages. if someone is particularly interested in seeing the server information right now he can still use /server and if an admin wants to display the annoucements right now there is redirect_announce_now.
in the end using the chat area is much the same with the disadvantage that you can display fewer lines per announcement and they might be gone fast when people chat or other plugins write there too.
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