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Join Date: Aug 2006
Old 09-03-2006 , 21:58   Re: Hero: Sephiroth 2006
Reply With Quote #9

maxshots is working as far as I know, I change it and the effects take place...were you having a problem?

my cvar is sephiroth_maxshots 12 and I get a lot of shots.

You can test to see if the cvar is working, by how much each level 3 missile is deducting. For instance, Goku would have the kamehameha cost 2400 armor. instead, Sephiroth devides that 2400 by the maxshot cvar, in my case 12. This makes my level 3 kame cost 200 armor instead. If you changed your maxshot cvar to 6 your kame would cost 400. Note, there are three levels to Sephiroth, not like Goku who has four. The armor tiers are: 800/1600/2400 instead of 600/1200/1800/2400.

I have made level 1 and 2 kame's divide their ap cost by 4, to limit spam if you keep mashing and are lower than level 3. The idea is to stay above 1600 armor and keep shooting level 3 kame's like I did in my picture.

I found from testing what was causing most of the crashes is intermittent use of level 1, 2, and 3 kame's. If you just use level 3's, you are only calling one sprite/model routine. If you are spamming all 3 level kame's you call the sprite/model routine for all 3 kame's. Everyone on your server must also cache this shit, and this is just far to much information going at once so it just crashes the server.

I almost went as far as to remove the shooting capabilities from level 1 and 2 period, this would eliminate the need to precache 4 or 6 more sprites/models and improve performance even more. It would also cut the script size in half.

Last edited by heliumdream; 09-03-2006 at 22:13.
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