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Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: United States
Old 04-25-2024 , 11:33   [L4D2] Campaign Versus/Respawn Timer
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Requires Left4dhooks

Hi. I've been working on a fork of a TF2 plugin for L4D2 since a couple of days ago and thought i would share this with this community.

What is this?

This plugin is a fork of a TF2 plugin that has been converted for use in L4D2 campaign mode.
It will allow players in the infected team to respawn, have human-controlled tanks, and allow changing teams.

Is there any commands?

Yeah! There are some commands in here. Here are the list of all of them

sm_infected - Joins the infected team. They will spawn in a total of 22 seconds.
sm_survivor - If there is any bots left in the survivor team, It will take control of a survivor bot and will join the Survivors team.
What about CVars?

sm_campaignversus_version - Do not even think about touching this.
sm_campaignversus_enable - Enables or disables this plugin. Doesn't affect the commands at this time. Default value is 1.
sm_campaignversus_bots - Allow bots to respawn. This is non-functional. Default value is 0.
sm_campaignversus_time - Time that is required to respawn. Default value is 16.
sm_campaignversus_hint_text - Enable/disable displaying the time (with hint text) until the player will respawn.
sm_campaignversus_center_text - Enable/disable displaying the time (with center text) until the player will respawn. Default value is 0.
sm_campaignversus_admin_flags - Restrict the respawn timer to only affect players with certain admin flag(s). If using multiple flags (you can use up to 5), seperate each with a comma (,) and make sure to end with a comma. Leave this blank to disable.
sm_campaignversus_end_round - Enable/disable respawning after a round ends. Default value is 0.
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