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Hoto Cocoa
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Old 09-20-2022 , 08:00   VSH2-ConfigEvent. Execute function based on event in VSH2.
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Execute function based on event in VSH2. Inspired by redsunservers/VSH-Rewrite. Also some codes are from VSH-Rewrite.

Install the dependencies first.
Then compile vsh2-configsys.sp with the compiler.
./spcomp vsh2-configsys.sp

Check cfg_impl/modules to see existing modules and usage.
There's also a wiki page shows how to configure the modules.

Check test/vsh2.cfgevent for examples. The config file should be in sourcemod/configs/saxton_hale.

"globals" means function will be executed as the event is called.

"weapons" means function will be executed as the event is called and player's active weapon's index match the one in the weapons section.

<passive> true in the weapon index section means it will bypass the player's active weapon check. As long as player has the weapon in their slot, the function will be executed.

External modules
Without having to modify this plugin's source, now you can easily implement them externally.

public Action ConfigEvent_ExternalPrint(EventMap args, ConfigEventType_t type)
    int text_size = args.GetSize("text");
    if (!text_size)
        return Plugin_Continue;
    char[] text = new char[text_size];
    args.Get("text", text, text_size);
    PrintToServer("External plugin: \n\n\n%s\n\n\n", text);

    return Plugin_Continue;
Each function must have this type of signature in order to be compatible and visible to ConfigEvent's system.
    "module"        "external_plugin_test.smx"
    "procedure"	    "ConfigEvent_ExternalPrint"
    "text"          "Hello plugin"
To export and use the plugin, add "module" key with the plugin's filename as its value inside the callback config.


Last edited by Hoto Cocoa; 10-10-2022 at 04:08. Reason: update wiki page link.
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