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Join Date: Dec 2019
Old 12-12-2019 , 10:02   Re: Napalm Nades 1.3
Reply With Quote #99

Where i must paste this ?
napalm_on <0/1> - Enable/Disable Napalm Nades
napalm_affect <1/2/3> - Which nades should be napalms (1-HE // 2-FB // 3-SG)
napalm_team <0/1/2> - Determines which team can buy/use napalm nades (0-both teams // 1-Terrorists only // 2-CTs only)
napalm_override <0/1> - If enabled, grenades will automatically become napalms without players having to buy them
napalm_price <1000> - Money needed to buy a napalm (when override is off)
napalm_buyzone <0/1> - If enabled, players need to be in a buyzone to purchase a napalm (when override is off)
napalm_carrylimit <1> - How many napalms can be carried at once
napalm_radius <240> - Napalm explosion radius
napalm_hitself <0/1> - If enabled, napalms will also affect their owner
napalm_ff <0/1> - If enabled, napalms will also affect teammates
napalm_spread <0/1> - If enabled, players will be able to catch fire from others when they touch
napalm_keepexplosion <0/1> - Wether to keep the default CS explosion
napalm_duration <5> - How long the burning lasts in seconds
napalm_damage <2> - How much damage the burning does (every 0.2 secs)
napalm_cankill <0/1> - If set, burning will be able to kill the victim
napalm_slowdown <0.5> - Burning slow down, set between: 0.1 (slower) and 0.9 (faster). Use 0 to disable.
napalm_screamrate <20> - How often players will scream when on fire (lower values = more screams). Use 0 to disable.
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